Kaffee würzburg
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Fairness für Produzenten und Konsumenten
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Wolfgang & Andrea Werner
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Kaffee würzburg
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Jeder Mensch sollte sich eine schöne Auszeit im Café nehmen und damit am allgemeinen Würzburger Stadtgewusel teilhaben können.
Mit nur einem kleinen Beitrag kann jeder Gast etwas Nettes für den Menschen nach ihm bewirken, das zu 100 % bei diesem ankommt. Es geht nicht nur um die Tasse Kaffee, sondern auch um ein Stückchen Lebensqualität und Solidarität.
Café Kiess Würzburg
Herzlich Willkommen im Café Kiess in Würzburg!
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Stilvolles Ambiente auf original Thonet-Stühlen im traditionellen Café Kiess in Würzburg.
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Dank unserem freundlichen Service-Personal und geselliger Atmosphäre erleben Sie ein Hauch Würzburger Geschichte im Café Kiess in Würzburg.
Wir bieten eine Großzahl an Kaffe- und Erfrischungsgetränken um Ihnen das Entspannen so angenehm wie möglich zu machen.
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Alle 20 Ergebnisse anzeigen
Arabica Entkoffeiniert Bio
Art: sortenreiner Arabica, entkoffeiniert
Geschmack: sehr mild, gutes Aroma, sehr gut bekömmlich
Maragogype Bio
Region: Finca Sta. Catarina, Mexiko
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, mild, kaum Säure, gutes Aroma, sehr gut bekömmlich
Mexiko »La Selva« Bio
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, sehr mild, kaum Säure, gutes Aroma, sehr gut bekömmlich
Guatemala »Antigua«
Region: Antigua, Finca Rosel
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, mild, fein-aromatisch, angenehme Würze, sehr gut bekömmlich
Nicaragua »Matagalpa« Bio
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, fruchtig, feine Würze, gutes Aroma, mittelkräftig
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, mittelkräftig, ausgewogen im Geschmack, ausgereifter Körper, erlesene Säure
Honduras Bio
Region: Copán, Kooperative Capucas
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, mittelkräftig, feine, frische Aromen, fein-süßlicher Duft
Café Decenio
Qualität: Mischung aus 100 % Arabica
Geschmack: feinfruchtig, weicher Charakter, ausdrucksvoll im Geschmack
Auszeichnung: Goldmedaille 2014 (Deutsche Röstergilde e.V.)
Indien »Pearl Mountain«
Region: Western Ghats, Ratnagiri International
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, ausdrucksvoll, aromareich, angenehm weicher Charakter, ein Weltklassiker
Auszeichnung: Silbermedaille 2011 (Deutsche Röstergilde e.V.)
Indian »Monsooned Malabar«
Region: Mysore/Coorg, Aspinwall
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, kaum Säure, kraftvoller, vollmundiger Körper, harmonisch weich
Wildkaffee Kafa Forest Äthiopien
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, feine Säure, blumig, fruchtig, sehr bekömmlich
Kolumbien »Supremo«
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, angenehme Säure, weich, nussig, kräftig
Äthiopien »Sidamo« Bio
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, Spitzengewächs, Perlcharakter, feine Fruchtsäure, hervorragende Würze
Auszeichnung: Goldmedaille 2012 (Deutsche Röstergilde e.V.)
Rwanda »Nasho«
Region: Ostafrika, Nahso Lake
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, weiche, fruchtige Würze, vollmundiger und kräftiger Körper
Uganda Bio
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, feine Säure, volle deutliche Würze, großes Aroma
Indonesien »Sumatra« Bio
Region: Sumatra Mandheling
Geschmack: sortenreiner Arabica, schwere Fülle, vollaromatisch, langer Abgang
Auszeichnung: Silbermedaille 2010 (Deutsche Röstergilde e.V.)
Wiener Melange Bio
Mischung: sortenreiner Arabicas, Mexiko „La Selva“ und „Espresso Bio“
Geschmack: säurearm, mild-aromatisch, fein herbe Note, ausgewogen im Geschmack
Coffee Vanilla (aromatisiert)
Qualität: Mexiko »La Selva«, sortenreiner Arabica
Geschmack: angenehm würzig, mild, mit natürlichem Vanillearoma aromatisiert
Hinweis: Als Bohnen für Vollautomaten nicht geeignet!
Hawaii Kona »Greenwell«
Qualität: Extra Fancy Greenwell, Spitzengewächs
Geschmack: ausdrucksvolles Aroma, samtig, langanhaltender Abgang
Jamaica »Blue Mountain«
Geschmack: der Rolls Royce unter den Kaffees, ausballancierte Frucht, weich, rund, intensiv, elegante Note
Die Versandkosten innerhalb Deutschlands betragen bis zu einem Bestellwert von 99,99 € pauschal 4,90 € pro Lieferung, unabhängig vom Versandgewicht.
Ab einem Bestellwert von 100,00 € ist der Versand innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei.
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Melden Sie sich bitte telefonisch zu einem unserer Kaffee-Seminare an. Termine und Informationen zu unseren Kaffee-Seminaren finden Sie unter der Rubrik "Die Manufaktur"/"Kaffee-Seminare".
Kiliani-Volksfest in Würzburg 2017
There’s so much to see and do in Germany in the summertime – wine festivals, wine hikes, food markets, city beaches, and of course folk festivals. The Kiliani-Volksfest is back in town in Würzburg and I got a chance to visit yesterday for the first time this season.
The Würzburger Kiliani-Volksfest is a local summertime favourite. Known locally as the Mess, the festival runs every year between early to mid-July at the Talavera parking lot in Zellerau, a district of Würzburg. The famous folk festival attracts up to 1 million visitors per year. In addition to the fairgrounds at the Talavera, there is also a Kilianimesse, a festival market that takes place during the same time period at the city’s central Marktplatz. This is the place to find kitchenware, clothing, spices, and other treats.
After watching the opening night fireworks from the vineyards last Friday, I got the chance to visit the festival in person yesterday with S and my friend Rick who was visiting from Canada. Unlike last year when I attended the festival at dusk, this year we visited in full daylight which is a different experience all together. The same rides, games, and food stands were here this year as well; in fact, most stands were in the exact same spot in the parking lot (a common theme I’ve noticed for annual festivals).
We walked around the fairgrounds and admired the rides, saw visitors wearing Dirndl and Lederhosen, spotted the Würzburger Hofbräu beer tent, and checked out food stalls selling chocolate-dipped fruit on a stick, crêpes, cotton candy, steaks, fries, candied nuts, and of course, bratwurst. For the first time ever at a festival, I spotted chocolate-covered cherries so I had to pounce on those. They contain the pits inside, so if you find some for yourself, watch out!
As much as I wanted to eat a Lángos at the same stand I spotted last year, w e had just eaten a big lunch beforehand at a beer garden in town, so I opted out. Next year, though, definitely!
The Kiliani also has special discount days throughout its run, such as Family Day on Wednesdays (50% off rides and discounts at certain stands), or Best Friends Day or Ladies’ Night on Mondays with similar discounts.
The Kiliani-Volksfest runs this year from July 7-23. Will you be attending?
Have you ever been to the Kiliani-Volksfest? What’s your favourite attraction?
P.S. Looking for more fairs in Germany? The autumn Cannstatter Wasen and the spring Stuttgarter Frühlingsfest.
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I was there in 1980. It took my friends a week to talk me into riding the roller coaster and another week to get me off of it.
Kaffee würzburg
A coffee and cake-loving Canadian expat in Germany
For our fall trip to Copenhagen, we knew that we wanted to go on a food tour – after all, it’s our very favourite way to explore a new city! I knew very little about Danish food prior to the trip, but had read that Copenhagen was well known for its food scene, street food, and café culture. That pretty much checks all the boxes for me!
In my search for an in-depth and informative food tour, I came across Foods of Copenhagen, the brainchild of owner and tour host Cindie. Foods of Copenhagen provides small boutique tours and is committed to personal attention, expertise, professionalism, and sustainability. They partner with small, local businesses in Copenhagen for their tours and support local merchants, shops, farmers, and food producers whenever they can. The tour itinerary promised us some of the best food and drink in the city and we were not disappointed!
We met our friendly Foods of Copenhagen guide Anne-Marie at our meeting point near the city centre. S and I were joined on our tour by guests from Northern Ireland, England, and even a local from Copenhagen who just wanted to explore the city’s culinary scene. After a warm introduction by Anne-Marie, we set off for our first taste of the tour. Along the way, we passed the Gammeltorv (Old Market), the oldest square in Copenhagen, and the beautiful Caritasspringvandet (Caritas Fountain). Anne-Marie told us that they put golden apples inside the well on the Queen’s birthday and they ‘jump’ inside the fountain. Would love to see that!
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Nov 6, 2017 at 2:54am PST
Our first stop was a traditional Danish restaurant located just off the square. Greeted by cheery Danish flags, we were invited inside for a taste of one of Denmark’s most famous dishes: smørrebrød (an open face sandwich).
On classic white and blue Royal Copenhagen plates, we tucked into herring and Frikadeller (Danish meatball) smørrebrød. Anne-Marie taught us how to build our own smørrebrød by spreading a thin layer of lard on a piece of rye bread before layering on the toppings. As a perfect complement to the smørrebrød, we sipped snaps, a strong alcohol often paired with smørrebrød to cut the fattiness, especially when eating herring. Delicious!
Onward to the oldest bakery in the city dating back to 1652. S and I had to smile when we realized this would be a stop on our tour because that very morning, we had walked by the very same bakery and drooled over the items on display in the window.
This is the place where we tried the Danish food most familiar to visitors – the beloved breakfast pastry, the Danish. But is it really Danish? In fact, Anne-Marie told us the sweet custard-filled pastry hails from Vienna and the Danes adopted it and made it their own. In fact, it doesn’t even go by the name ‘Danish’ in Denmark – it’s called wienerbrød (aka Vienna bread)! Whoever invented it, I tip my hat to you – the wienerbrød (also known as spandauer) we tried was so good, we went back the next day for two more.
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Hello friends! Sorry for my blog absence again – I have been a little preoccupied these days with work so the blog took a bit of a back seat. I have a few fun posts in store for you, though, inspired by my recent trip to Copenhagen!
During the fall holidays, S and I made a 4-day trip to Copenhagen, Denmark. Neither he nor I had ever been there before and we had always wanted to go. When we found affordable flights to Copenhagen during the first week of November, we finally decided to make it happen. Now, early November may not seem like a great time to visit a chilly Scandinavian country, but we enjoyed ourselves immensely. The city wasn’t too crowded with tourists and we packed scarves, hats, and gloves to stay warm. We prepared for some hygge and that’s what we got.
Also! I got a new camera. I’d been eyeing a few models since February and finally took the plunge in honour of this trip. I’m still learning all the features, but hopefully the quality of the photos will be a bit better.
I’ve put together a summary of the top sights we visited in the city that I can recommend to you.
Sightseeing in Copenhagen
Nyhavn is a colourful 17th-century waterfront canal that was originally a prosperous commercial port. Today it is a top sightseeing attraction and entertainment district. Distinguished by the colourful buildings, bobbing boats, and pricey restaurants, Nyhavn is a must visit spot in Copenhagen, if only for the quintessential snapshot of the city.
Rosenborg Castle
Rosenborg Castle is a Danish renaissance castle built by Christian IV in the early 17th century. Originally a summer palace, today the museum inside houses art collections, Denmark’s Crown Jewels, and Royal Regalia. Tip: The museum has limited opening hours in the winter (10am-2pm), so plan ahead. You can also stroll through the beautiful gardens for free, which is what we did. Apparently the castle garden is gorgeous in the summertime.
Tivoli Gardens
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Nov 1, 2017 at 12:05pm PDT
Tivoli Gardens is an amusement park and garden in central Copenhagen. The second oldest amusement park in the world, Tivoli is a great place to spend an afternoon reliving your childhood. The park was all done up for Halloween with pumpkins and decorations everywhere. Truly enchanting! Tip: The ticket price is cheaper if you go from Monday-Thursday. You can buy entrance tickets online in advance to avoid waiting in line to get in. Note: The gardens are currently closed until November 18, 2017 while they prepare the Christmas decor inside.
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Nov 11, 2017 at 1:12am PST
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Nov 5, 2017 at 2:32am PST
Strøget is a pedestrian-only, car-free shopping area in the centre of Copenhagen. As one of Europe’s longest pedestrian streets, it’s a great place for a bit of shopping, people watching, and leisurely strolling. Pop into a cafe to warm up or simply enjoy the buzz of the city all around you.
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During our visit to Canada this summer, S and I made a side-trip (can you really call a 5+ hr flight a ‘side’ trip?) to Maui, Hawaii. We had dreamed of going there together but the journey straight there from Germany is, shall we say, extremely far. We thought that while we were in the North American ‘neighbourhood’, it would be a good time to visit an otherwise very difficult-to-reach destination.
We asked other people which Hawaiian island to visit. Some suggested Kauai for the lush scenery, others the Big Island for its volcanic activity. In the end, we picked Maui, the tourist favourite, for its spectacular beaches, food, landscape, and activities.
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Sep 3, 2017 at 12:32pm PDT
Maui was absolutely the right choice for us – it was one of our favourite holidays to date. Unlike many of our city trips where we sightsee nonstop from AM to PM, we took it easy this trip and spent our days doing exactly what we felt like, when we felt like it.
Unlike my other travel blog posts where I break down a specific destination into several posts (say restaurants, museums, and sights), I decided to write about our time on Maui and my recommendations of what to see and do and eat in one post.
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Sep 10, 2017 at 5:56am PDT
I spent a lot of time researching where to stay on Maui and what kind of accommodation to pick. Hawaii is very expensive, so many online forums suggested choosing a time share or apartment-style accommodation with a kitchen so you can cook some meals to save money rather than eating out all the time. We nearly went this route until we found an excellent deal to stay at the Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa, a 4-star resort in Kaanapali. Though the rooms didn’t have a kitchenette, they did have a mini fridge, a coffee machine, and a kettle so we could still have breakfast and snacks in our room.
We absolutely loved the resort. Positioned at the Black Rock, one of the best snorkeling spots on Maui, it was as picturesque as could be. We loved stepping outside our room onto the golden Kaanapali Beach and going for a swim or a snorkel whenever we liked. S saw numerous sea turtles (I only saw 1 ) and there were more tropical fish than we could count. Tip: If you like to snorkel, bring your own snorkel gear with you to the island so you don’t have to rent on site.
The Whalers Village shopping centre is only a 10 minute walk away. It’s a good place to grab a quick, affordable bite, or pick up a few souvenirs. They also offer free hula shows, as well as hula, lei making, and ukelele lessons during the week.
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Aug 22, 2017 at 11:22pm PDT
As I mentioned earlier, we didn’t want to jam-pack our schedule, so we just planned three special activities while on Maui. We chose to do a Road to Hana tour, attend a luau, and take surf lessons.
Road to Hana
Many people suggested driving the 100+ km Road to Hana ourselves, but with 620 curves and 59 one way bridges, we thought it best to leave it up to the experts so we could enjoy the scenery. After reading a lot of reviews, we decided to go on tour with Valley Isle Excursions. Our driver, Lynn, has been a tour guide for 30 years and knows the island and the Road to Hana like the back of her hand. Over the course of the 10+ hour tour, we drove through tropical rainforest, drove by the Keanae Peninsula, spotted lush waterfalls, walked across the black sand beach at Waianapanapa State Park, visited the Pools at Oheo Gulch, and drove through the Kipahulu section of Haleakala National Park. We made several stops throughout the day, even at a roadside stand serving warm, fresh out of the oven banana bread. It was a long but well-spent day and we really felt like we got a chance to see some of the most beautiful spots on the island.
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Aug 26, 2017 at 5:30pm PDT
Old Lahaina Luau
S’s dream was to attend a luau on Maui. There are so many to choose from, but all reviews pointed toward the Old Lahaina Luau, the most traditional Hawaiian luau on Maui. For me, it was the absolute highlight of our trip. We were greeted with fresh flowers leis and mai tais upon arrival against the backdrop of the sun setting on the Pacific. Prior to dinner, we could walk through the grounds and learn about Hawaiian history and culture, as well as watch the kalua pig get unearthed from the Imu, the traditional Hawaiian underground oven. The dinner was a plentiful buffet of classic luau fare, such as the Imu-roasted pork, poi (steamed and mashed taro), ahi poke (raw marinated yellow fin tuna), taro leaf stew, and much more. The entire show and dinner was so well-coordinated and the hula dancers were spectacular. At the end of the night, we were all gifted with a small banana bread to enjoy for breakfast the next day. 100% recommended!
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During my recent trip to Vancouver, British Columbia, I stopped by Granville Island, one of my favourite places in the city. This small peninsula is situated across False Creek from downtown Vancouver, right under the south end of the Granville Street Bridge. Originally used for fishing then industrial manufacturing, Granville Island is now known for its tourism, entertainment, and shopping.
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Sep 20, 2017 at 4:00am PDT
One of the most popular attractions on the island is the Granville Island Public Market. Loved by locals and tourists alike, the indoor Public Market features an amazing assortment of fruits, vegetables, flowers, foods, gifts, and handcrafted products.
My favourite stands at the market are the colourful produce stands with towering displays of cherries, berries, and other seasonal fruits. I can never resist a peek at the Stuart’s Bakery display cases – tiny cakes and cookies all stacked up, studded with nuts or sprinkled with coconut, topped with a tempered shard of chocolate.
The pyramid of rainbow macarons always tempts and delights as well.
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Hi everyone! Sorry for my absence from the blog in August – I was visiting family in British Columbia, Canada and was just having too much fun to sit down and type! As usual, the trip home was packed with visits, delicious food, and memorable side trips to beautiful destinations.
One special day trip we did was to Whistler, BC, home (along with Vancouver) of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. We visited my friend Kristal and her brother for the day and had a blast strolling through the village, hiking, and working up an appetite (it’s that mountain air, I tell ya). Whistler is a popular wintertime destination for ski and snowboard enthusiasts, but there’s plenty to do there in the summertime as well. During our visit, we encountered hikers, golfers, mountain bikers competing in the Crankworx Whistler Mountain Bike Festival, and tourists just soaking in the cool resort vibe. Here are some of my personal favourite Whistler activities:
1. Get a scoop (or two) of Cows ice cream
A post shared by LUNA&CAKE 🇰🇷🇨🇦 (@lunancake_flowercake) on Sep 4, 2017 at 10:55pm PDT
Cows Creamery is a Canadian specialty ice cream shop with origins on Prince Edward Island (PEI). There are now 11 Cows shops across Canada, with 2 shops (1 big and 1 small) in Whistler Village. Cows ice cream is all hand-made using the highest quality ingredients. Their fantastic flavours paired with clever names (Wowie Cowie, Caramel Moocchiato, Fluff ‘N Udder, and Royal Cownadian Mint, to name a few) and cute merchandising make this ice cream shop a must-visit when in Whistler. I can personally recommend Gooey Mooey, a burnt sugar vanilla ice cream with English toffee marble, caramel cups, and chocolate flakes. (Thanks to Instagrammer @lunancake_flowercake for permission to use the tempting Cows ice cream photo above).
2. Go for a hike around Lost Lake
Lost Lake is a small lake a short distance from Whistler Village. Its surrounding trails are popular for hiking and biking, and its beach area is perfect for lazy picnics and sunbathing. The 5km loop trail is open from March to October and takes approximately 1.5 hours to walk/hike depending on your pace.
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Aug 16, 2017 at 11:26pm PDT
3. Grab a treat at Purebread
Bakery lovers should make time to visit Purebread, a family bakery in Whistler Village. The display case of baked goods could tempt anyone; choose from sweet loaves, indulgent bars, giant cookies, savoury pastries, flaky croissants, and much more. It was hard to pick just one treat, but the slice of raspberry riot loaf we selected was amazing.
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Hello everyone! I’m excited to announce that over the past few months, I have been creating customized travel itineraries with Travel Honey, a website that collects detailed travel itineraries from savvy travellers. I’ve written in depth itineraries covering some of my recent travels in Europe, including Paris, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, and Barcelona. My first itinerary to launch is my 4-day whirlwind trip to Rome and Pompeii including my top sightseeing tips, restaurant recommendations, tour suggestions, and my favourite gelato spots. If you’re planning your own trip to Rome and Pompeii, I hope you’ll find my itinerary helpful!
P.S. Looking for travel tips in other European destinations? Check out my travel tips for Amsterdam, Dublin, and Berlin.
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Summertime is peak wine time here in Würzburg and another popular wine festival is currently underway. From July 14 -July 23, 2017, the Hofgarten Wine Festival (aka Hofgarten Weinfest) is taking place in the baroque court gardens of the Residence Palace (aka Residenz). Run by the city’s own Staatlicher Hofkeller, this bustling wine festival is a beloved and well-attended annual event.
To celebrate S’s dad’s birthday, we attended the Hofgarten Wine Festival on its opening day last week. Fortunately his parents reserved an outdoor table months in advance so we had a place to sit. Every table was full when we arrived shortly after 6pm. The mood was jolly and boisterous, fueled by the local musicians playing traditional Bavarian folk music. Upon request, the band came over to our table to serenade S’s dad with a birthday song and a song of his choosing. I’ve never been this close to a German band and it was a hoot! They definitely pumped up the jovial atmosphere of the festival.
Of course what is a festival without wine? Servers carrying crates of wine bottles regularly stop by your table to offer you their Franconian wines while Dirndl-clad servers tempt you with their baskets of enormous pretzels. You can order heartier fare at the nearby food stands; check out festival favourites such as the Fränki (a chili meatloaf sandwich with cabbage slaw and onion dip served in a rye bread roll), traditional Flammkuchen (a thin, crispy flatbread with onions and bacon), or Franconian grilled bratwurst in a rye bread roll.
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There’s so much to see and do in Germany in the summertime – wine festivals, wine hikes, food markets, city beaches, and of course folk festivals. The Kiliani-Volksfest is back in town in Würzburg and I got a chance to visit yesterday for the first time this season.
The Würzburger Kiliani-Volksfest is a local summertime favourite. Known locally as the Mess, the festival runs every year between early to mid-July at the Talavera parking lot in Zellerau, a district of Würzburg. The famous folk festival attracts up to 1 million visitors per year. In addition to the fairgrounds at the Talavera, there is also a Kilianimesse, a festival market that takes place during the same time period at the city’s central Marktplatz. This is the place to find kitchenware, clothing, spices, and other treats.
After watching the opening night fireworks from the vineyards last Friday, I got the chance to visit the festival in person yesterday with S and my friend Rick who was visiting from Canada. Unlike last year when I attended the festival at dusk, this year we visited in full daylight which is a different experience all together. The same rides, games, and food stands were here this year as well; in fact, most stands were in the exact same spot in the parking lot (a common theme I’ve noticed for annual festivals).
We walked around the fairgrounds and admired the rides, saw visitors wearing Dirndl and Lederhosen, spotted the Würzburger Hofbräu beer tent, and checked out food stalls selling chocolate-dipped fruit on a stick, crêpes, cotton candy, steaks, fries, candied nuts, and of course, bratwurst. For the first time ever at a festival, I spotted chocolate-covered cherries so I had to pounce on those. They contain the pits inside, so if you find some for yourself, watch out!
As much as I wanted to eat a Lángos at the same stand I spotted last year, w e had just eaten a big lunch beforehand at a beer garden in town, so I opted out. Next year, though, definitely!
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A couple of weeks ago, S and I headed to the beautiful Canary Island of Lanzarote for a 6-day sun getaway. We had considered visiting Greece or Mallorca again as we had a blast on those beach trips, but in the end decided to try somewhere new. We had heard wonderful things about Spain’s Canary Islands and after a lot of research, we decided to give Lanzarote a go.
We stayed at TUI Sensimar Natura Palace, a 4-star adults-only hotel in Playa Blanca, the southernmost town on the island. The trip was truly hassle free since it included Deutsche Bahn train tickets to and from the Stuttgart airport, a return transfer shuttle from the Lanzarote airport to our hotel, and half board dining (buffet breakfast and dinner) every day.
In our research before the trip, we had read that some of the rooms at Natura Palace had been refurbished, so upon check in, we asked if one of those rooms was available. Lucky for us, one of them was, which we were offered. Much to our surprise, it turned out to also be an amazing ocean view room and we could even see the neighbouring island of Feurteventura from our balcony! Talk about an upgrade!
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Jun 30, 2017 at 1:22pm PDT
We couldn’t have been happier with our choice of hotel – the grounds were lush and green with beautiful landscaping, the pool was refreshing, there were plenty of sunbeds (though it was tricky to find some with shade due to those eager early birds putting out their towels on chairs under umbrellas at 7am!), the buffet food was fresh and plentiful, and the staff were friendly and helpful. We also enjoyed using their facilities like the spa and gym, and regularly attended the fitness classes (like yoga and pilates) and activities (quiz roulette) throughout the week.
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Jun 28, 2017 at 5:59am PDT
Even though we would have been happy to hang out at the hotel all week, we thought it would be a shame to miss seeing a bit more of the island. There is a promenade that wraps around the coast, so you can exit the hotel and head right to see the lighthouse or head left to go into town to visit the local beach (Playa Flamingo) and check out some bars and restaurants. We went for a leisurely walk one afternoon toward town and rewarded ourselves with a cocktail on Playa Flamingo.
One day we took the public bus to Marina Rubicón to visit their market which takes place every Wednesday and Saturday. Here you can pick up local products (such as Lanzarote aloe vera gel or spicy rojo mojo sauce), souvenirs, crafts, clothes, and more, or just browse around as we did. The marina is a gorgeous azure blue and surrounding the market, there are several high-end stores where you can shop to your heart’s content.
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Jul 6, 2017 at 2:01am PDT
The only minor disappointment from our trip was the fact that we had signed up for a sailing trip to La Graciosa, a small island just north of Lanzarote, but it was cancelled the day beforehand due to strong winds in the forecast. In the end, it was for the best, as the weather did turn out to be extremely windy and too dangerous for sailing after all. In any case, we now have an excuse to go back to Lanzarote (as if we needed one in the first place)!
Have you ever been to the Canary Islands before? Which other island can you recommend to visit?
Like this:
Wine season is in full swing here in Franconia with wine-related festivals and events popping up almost weekly. In addition to the Würzburger Weindorf ( Würzburg W ine Village) that we attended a few weeks ago, we also recently went on a walking wine tour in Eibelstadt, a town not far from Würzburg.
Not familiar with wine hikes (aka Weinbergswanderungen or Weinwanderungen)? From spring to early fall, regional wineries host special walking routes set through vineyards where guests can visit several stands set up along the way and sample different wines from the host wineries. I first learned about wine hikes when living near Stuttgart and have attended four of them in Untertürkheim, Uhlbach, Bühlertal, and Esslingen.
The Weinbergswanderung in Eibelstadt was my first wine hike in Bavaria; in fact, the Franconian region of Bavaria is the only wine region in the state. The Eibelstadt wine hike is held annually on Whit Sunday (Pfingstsonntag), not Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag) as is unfortunately stated on the Weinwanderung website. Fortunately, we found the correct date for the wine hike online in advance and planned to go with S’s parents and sister. The weather was perfect that day – sunny with a few clouds, perfect for a vineyard stroll.
We got a late start and only arrived at the Eibelstadt Rathaus (town hall) around 2pm. The welcome stand set up there was already being dismantled (having been set up to start at 10am) but we were reassured that the other stands would be up and running. We made our way to the second stand by heading up the hill into the vineyards.
A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Jun 8, 2017 at 1:08pm PDT
Upon arriving, we decided to buy a bottle of wine to share between the five of us; as we learned on the wine hike in Esslingen last year, this is usually more cost effective than buying 5 or 6 individual glasses of wine. We tried a Scheurebe from Weingut Leo Sauer, a velvety and fruity white wine which we enjoyed at one of the beer benches and tables set up next to the stand. When purchasing your wine, you pay a 3 Euro Pfand (deposit) on your wine glass which you can keep throughout the walk. (If you want a clean glass at every stand, you can simply return your used glass, get your deposit back, and then purchase a new glass at the following stand). There were also snacks and meals like pretzels, steaks, and cake at each of the stands for hungry hikers.
Kaffee würzburg
Cafe Mozart - Restaurant - Bar
FrГјhstГјck - Mittagstisch - Kaffe & Kuchen - Restaurant - Bar - Place to be
Herzlich Willkommen im Cafe Mozart MГјnchen, dem Szenelokal mit dem einzigartigen, unverwechselbaren Flair seit Гјber 20 Jahren.
Cafe Mozart, ein Ort zum Wohlfühlen und Genießen – Treffpunkt für jung und alt, Szenegänger, Frühaufsteher, Nachtschwärmer, Geschäftsleute, Studenten, Familien.
Bei uns können Sie sich zum Frühstücken, zum gemütlichen Brunch, zum Businesslunch oder auch einfach zum lecker Essen mit Freunden treffen.
Ob Vor- oder Nachmittag, am Abend oder zu später Stunde, unsere Gäste lieben den unseren unvergesslichen und einzigartigen Charme.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch,
Ihr CafГ© Mozart Team.
Täglich von 10:00 bis 01:00 Uhr
Freitag & Samstag bis 03:00 Uhr
Besonders gefragt sind unsere täglich frisch gelieferten Kuchen und Torten vom Meisterbetrieb. Für jeden ist etwas dabei, von der Sahnetorte bis zum Früchtekuchen.
Genießen Sie mit einer schönen heißen Tasse Kaffee unsere Kuchen Spezialitäten.
Täglich eine neue Mittagskarte mit verschiedenen Mittagsgerichten oder Menus.
Für mehr Abwechslung, schnell zubereitet, damit Sie Ihre Mittagspause genießen können.
Mittagskarte als PDF
Zusätzlich zu unserer Speisekarte bieten wir für noch mehr Abwechslung noch eine separate Tageskarte an. Von Suppen, Salaten, über vegetarische Gerichte bis Fleisch & Fisch.
Tageskarte als PDF
Vom ausgesuchten Frühstück (von 10 - 16 Uhr) bis zum Riesenschnitzel habe wir für jeden etwas in unserer Speisekarte. Selbstverständlich auch vegetarische Gerichte.
NEWS 2016 – Vorerst bietet die Kaffeeschule keine weiteren Kurse an.
DIE KAFFEESCHULE bietet unterschiedliche Kurse an, aus denen Du je nach persönlichen Interessen und Vorkenntnissen frei wählen kannst. Schau Dich auf unseren Seiten um und entdecke den Kurs, der zu Dir passt, der Dich begeistert und voran bringt. Ausführliche Informationen zu allen Seminaren unserer Schule findest Du in der jeweiligen detaillierten Seminarbeschreibung.
Barista Schnupperkurs
Der Barista Schnupperkurs ist ein Workshop mit einer Dauer von 3h, bei denen wir Dir die Welt eines Baristas näher bringen. Hier geht es nicht nur um die Anwendung einer Maschine, sondern viel mehr aus das Ganze drum herum. Welche Vorkehrungen getroffen werden müsen, damit ein Espresso nicht unter- oder überextrahiert ist. Worauf Du beim Mahlen achten musst und natürlich kommt das Thema Kaffeebohnen, Sorten etc. nicht zu kurz. DIE KAFFEESCHULE bringt Dir die Zubereitung mit einer Siebträgermaschine näher, in der Theorie als auch ind er Praxis.
Barista Kurs
Dieser Barista Kurs ist ein Tagesworkshop für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene. In verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden vermittelt DIE KAFFEESCHULE Dir in den Barista Kursen theoretisches und praktisches Barista-Fachwissen. Lehrreich und unterhaltsam zugleich, denn mit Spaß an der Sache lernt es sich einfach besser.
Latte Art Kurs
Die Latte Art Kurse sind Tagesworkshops, bei denen es rund um den perfekten Milchschaum zur Sache geht. DIE KAFFEESCHULE bringt Dir die Zubereitung von Kaffeegetränken mit Latte Art-Design in Theorie und Praxis bei. Erlerne in unserer Schule die hohe Kunst der Dekoration von Latte Macchiato, Cappuccino & Espresso Creme.
Kaffee Kurs
DIE KAFFEESCHULE bringt Dir in den Kaffee Kursen viele faszinierende Aspekte des Kaffees näher. In dem Tagesworkshop geht es um Kaffeearten und Kaffeevarietäten, Anbau, Ernte, Aufbereitung, Verarbeitung und Veredelung durch Rösten in Theorie und Praxis. Lass Dich ein auf eine spannende Expedition in die abenteuerliche Welt des Kaffees.
Rösten & Cupping
In dem Tagesworkshop vermittelt unser Profi-Röster theoretisches und praktisches Wissen rund um Rohkaffee, Rösttechniken und Röstprofile. Dich erwartet ein Kurs für alle Sinne, denn Rösten ist ein absolut sinnliches Erlebnis. Lass Dich von der Leidenschaft und Begeisterung unseres Rösters mitreißen und tauche ein in vollmundige Duft- und Aromawelten beim Cupping. Du übst das gezielte Verkosten von geröstetem Kaffee. Dabei werden all Deine Sinne angesprochen und widerfahren vielleicht etwas ganz Neues und Unerwartetes.
Welt des Kaffees
DIE KAFFEESCHULE lädt Dich ein auf eine Reise um die Welt zu den faszinierendsten Kaffees. In diesem 3h Workshop geht es um Kaffeearten und Kaffeevarietäten, Anbau, Ernte, Aufbereitung, Verarbeitung und Veredelung durch Rösten in Theorie und Praxis. Lass Dich ein auf eine spannende Expedition in die abenteuerliche Welt des Kaffees.
Kaffee würzburg
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Ein Maestro des perfekten Geschmacks. Der spielerisch individuellste und höchste Genussansprüche erfüllt. An jedem Ort, zu jeder Zeit.
Die WMF 1100 S ist die Profi-Kaffeemaschine speziell fürs Büro und eine garantiert sichere Investition in großen Geschmack, Langlebigkeit und Qualität.
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Kaffeebusiness trifft Big Data.
Prozessoptimierung und Effizienzsteigerung durch unsere Digital Solutions 2017.
Die WMF espresso. Performance you can handle.
Die WMF 5000 S erhält den Leserpreis der Fachzeitschrift "Catering inside".
Zum dritten Mal in Folge erhalten WMF Kaffeemaschinen die Ehrung als "Best Marke" der AHGZ
Jury des German Design Award zeichnet Halbautomat der Marke WMF in der Kategorie “Excellent Product Design Kitchen” aus.
Café Mozart Würzburg
Dir fehlt noch eine Kleinigkeit für einen Adventskalender ? Du hast noch kein Weihnachtsgesch enk?
--> Ein Gutschein für ein Kaffee oder ein Frühstück bietet sich dafür perfekt an!
Einfach vorbeikommen, aussuchen, ausstellen lassen und dem anderen eine Freude machen!
Café Mozart Würzburg
Nach der Wahl ist vor der Wahl:
Unser leckeres Tagesangebot zum Wahlsonntag!
Café Mozart Würzburg
Du hast Spaß am Kochen und am Kreieren neuer Gerichte, stehst gern am Herd und brutzelst feine Dinge?
Wir suchen ab sofort für unser Team eine freundliche, zuverlässige und stressresistent e Küchenkraft in Vollzeit und Festanstellung!
Bewerbt euch persönlich im Cafe oder per Mail an: cafe.mozart.wue rzburg@gmail.co m
Wir freuen uns auf dich! Das Mozart Würzburg
Café Mozart Würzburg
Wir bekommen Nachwuchs!
Café Mozart Schweinfurt
был(-а) великолепно.
Das lange Warten hat nun endlich ein Ende!
Wir eröffnen am Dienstag, den 01.08.17 und freuen uns über jeden Gast der bei uns vorbeischaut!
Café Mozart Würzburg
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Kaiserschmarrn mit Puderzucker und Vanilleeis für 3,50€
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