среда, 30 мая 2018 г.


Details about KAFFEE TO GO 1Tassen COFFEE Kaffeemaschine Thermo-Becher Kaffeeautomat rot NEU

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Domo kleine Kaffeeemaschine mit Edelstahl Thermobecher, rot, 400 ml Coffee TO GO


Melitta Single5 Filter-Kaffeemaschine Thermokanne Becher Tropfstopp 0,6L Schwarz

Domo kleine Kaffeemaschine Edelstahl Thermobecher, orange, 400 ml, Coffee TO GO


Waeco Pad-Kaffeemaschine 1 Tasse 24V/230V 51899

Chewable Coffee .

Chewable Coffee .

GO CUBES combine the kick of coffee with the relaxation of green tea. Instead of putting your coffee in a cup, you can put it in your pocket, for performance on the go.

Each GO CUBE packs half a cup of coffee (50 mg Caffeine), along with nootropics designed to reduce jitteriness, improve focus, and support optimal cognitive performance.

Smarter than your average on-the-go energy.

Made for Studying

50mg of Caffeine

GO CUBES are essential for the focus and attention you need for that late night grind. It's like that rescue cup of coffee. but without the jitters.

Made for Partying

100mg L-Theanine

Portability and convenience is key in today's world. With GO CUBES, your pick-me-up is just a cube away. Stay on-the-go with energy that can keep up.

Chew the revolution in energy.

4 Hours of focus & energy in each delicious cube.

Your new favorite travel buddy.

GO CUBES are designed to fit in pockets, pass through airport security, and be eaten in space. Experience the world with each yummy caffeinated bite.

Your new favorite gym partner.

We're at the forefront of the emerging field of biohacking. You can trust that our products are at the cutting edge of what’s possible.







Welcome to the future of coffee

Made with real delicious coffee.

Vegan, Gluten-Free, Zero Gelatin

GO CUBES are vegan and gluten-free. GO CUBES do not contain gelatin - they’re made with pectin, which comes from plants. No soy, no peanuts, no tree nuts, no egg, no dairy, no fish or shellfish.

Three delicious flavors

Nootropic Ingredients

Improves sustained attention, alertness, and working memory 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7

Most widely used psychoactive substance in the world, extremely well-studied 8

An amino acid found in tea 9

Shown to reduce stress and anxiety 10 , 11 , 12 , 13

Shown to reverse the blood pressure and cerebral vascular restriction caused by Caffeine intake 14 , 15

Caffeine & L-Theanine Synergies

Caffeine + L-Theanine have synergistic effects on cognition – meaning that together they produce cognitive benefits not seen when either is used alone

Caffeine + L-Theanine improve performance on word recognition tests, rapid visual information processing, attention, and mood

The specific ratio of 1:2 of caffeine to L-Theanine in GO CUBES matches the dosage widely shown in clinical trials to produce optimal performance gains 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21

Vitamin B6

Strongly associated with significant improvements in long-term memory in older adults 22 , 23

Associated with improvements of short-term memory in younger adults 24

Vitamin B12

In the form of methylcobalamin, a more bioavailable form than cheaper B12 sources like cyanocobalamin

Essential for generating new red blood cells, maintaining neurologic function, and DNA synthesis 25


One serving is two GO CUBES, which is about the same Caffeine content as 1 cup of coffee (100 mg). Gauge your GO CUBES intake off of how much coffee you typically drink.

A serving of two GO CUBES is effective for 4-6 hours.

Scientific Citations


Call us at 1 (855) 486-6748 (Mon-Fri, 10 AM - 5 PM PST).

HVMN, 505 Montgomery St, Suite 1025, San Francisco, CA 94111 .

Mehrweg oder Einweg: Verwirrung total beim Pfand

Früher mal war das Pfand ein eindeutiges Merkmal für Mehrweg-Verpackungen, ebenso konnte man nur Mehrweg-Fla­schen in Kästen kaufen. Heute ist beides auch für Einweg-Verpackun­gen möglich.

Mineralwasser und Erfrischungsgetränke werden zunehmend in Ein­weg-Kunststoff-Fla­schen verkauft. Der Anteil an Mehrweg-Flaschen bei Mineralwasser hat sich in den vergangen 20 Jahren mehr als halbiert, von ehemals 93 Prozent (1991) auf 40 Prozent (2013).

Ob Glasflasche, Getränkekarton, Aludose oder Plastikbehälter – mit oder ohne Pfand: Nach wie vor herrscht Verwirrung total. Wir sagen, woran die verschiedenen Verpackungen zu erkennen sind, informieren über die Rechte der Kunden bei der Rückgabe und geben Antworten auf Fragen zum Einweg-Pfand.

Kennzeichen für Mehr­weg

Mehrweg-Flaschen erkennen Sie ent­weder an den folgenden Zeichen:

und/oder an den Aufschriften: Leihfla­sche, Pfandflasche, Mehrweg, Mehr­weg-Flasche. Mehrweg-Flaschen gibt es aus Glas und dem Kunststoff PET (Polyethylenterephthalat). Leider gibt es immer noch keine gesetzlich vorgeschriebene eindeutige Kennzeichnung für Mehrweg-Getränkeverpackungen, die Verbraucher/innen die Erkennung leichter macht.

Mehrweg kostet immer Pfand

Für Mehrweg-Flaschen muss man im­mer Pfand bezahlen – egal, welches Getränk darin abgefüllt ist. Wenn man die leere Flasche wieder im Ge­schäft abgibt, be­kommt man das Pfandgeld zurück. Die leeren Flaschen werden zu­rück zum Ab­füller gebracht. Dort wer­den die Flaschen gespült und können dann wieder mit ei­nem Getränk befüllt wer­den.

Höhe des Mehrwegpfands

Das Pfand für Mehrweg-Flaschen – egal ob aus Glas oder PET – beträgt meist 15 Cent. Bei Bier-Mehrweg-Fla­schen nur 8 Cent. Für Spezialflaschen – zum Bei­spiel Bügel­flaschen – kann auch mehr Pfand genommen werden.

Probleme bei der Pfanderstattung

Die Verpackungsverordnung regelt, für welche Einweg-Getränkeverpackungen ein Pfand zu erheben ist und wie die Rück­nahme zu erfolgen hat. Für Mehr­weg-Ge­tränkeverpackungen gelten diese Vor­schrif­ten nicht.

Kassenbon als Beweismittel

Die Pfandhöhe und die Erstattungsmoda­litä­ten für Mehrweg-Flaschen sind zivil­rechtliche Vereinbarungen. Grundsätzlich besagt ein solcher Vertrag, dass ein Händler, bei dem ein Pfand z. B. für eine Flasche hinterlegt wurde, bei der Rück­gabe dieser Flasche das Pfand erstatten muss. In Zweifelsfällen steht Verbrauchern der Kassenbon als Beweismittel zur Ver­fügung, wenn der Händler das Pfand nicht herausgeben will.

Flaschenform kann entscheiden

Es entspricht jedoch lang­jähriger Praxis der meisten Geschäfte, das Pfand auch für Flaschen der von ihnen angebotenen Marken und Formen zu erstat­ten, wenn sie nicht dort gekauft wur­den.

Eine Pflicht, das Pfand zu erstatten, be­steht jedenfalls nicht, wenn Mehrweg-Flaschen zu­rückgegeben werden, die das Geschäft gar nicht im Angebot hat.

Wird die Rück­nahme über ein Bonsys­tem organisiert, so müssen nach Auffassung der Verbraucherzentrale NRW die Bons über den Ausstellungs­tag hinaus gültig sein.

Sollte Ihnen eine Flasche zer­bre­chen, ist dies für den Händler kein Grund, die An­nahme eines Kastens mit der Erklärung zu ver­weigern, er nehme nur kom­plette Käs­ten zurück. Der Abzug des Pfandes für die zerbrochene Fla­sche ist gerechtfertigt, mehr jedoch nicht. Verkauft ein Händler nur Einzelflaschen z. B. am Kiosk, braucht er auch nur solche zurückzunehmen.

Mehrweg-Kästen garantieren nicht Mehrweg-Flaschen

Viele Verbraucher/innen verbinden Getränkekästen mit Mehrweg. Allerdings gibt es seit einigen Jahren ein spezielles System, das Einweg-Flaschen (z. B. für Mineralwasser) im Mehrwegkästen vertreibt. Prüfen Sie deshalb beim Kauf von Kästen z. B. Mineral­wasser, welche Kennzeichen auf den Flaschen sind oder fragen Sie nach der Pfandhöhe für die Flaschen. Nur so können Sie sicher sein, ob Sie Einweg- oder Mehrweg-Flaschen kau­fen.

Einweg-Flaschen in Mehrweg-Kästen tragen oftmals das Symbol PET-Cycle. Das Zeichen steht für Einweg und Recycling der Flaschen, nicht für Mehrweg und Wiederbefüllung.

Mehrweg-Flaschen leben länger

Mehrweg-Glasflaschen werden rund 50-Mal wieder befüllt und können somit bis zu sieben Jahre im Umlauf sein. Die Kunst­stoff-Flaschen schaffen mindestens 15 Umläufe. Auch wenn die Einweg-Verpackungen zurückgeben und recycelt werden, es bleibt dabei: Für jedes Getränk muss eine neue Verpackung produziert werden, die oft nach wenigen Zügen ausgetrunken ist und damit Abfall wird.

Mehrweg-Flaschen: Ein Plus für die Umwelt

Mit Mehrweg-Flaschen, die in der Re­gion abgefüllt wurden, sind Sie aus Umweltsicht immer auf der sicheren Seite. Egal ob Kunststoff- oder Glasfla­sche, gegenüber Einwegdosen und -flaschen haben diese Verpackungen deutliche Vorteile. Sie verbrauchen auf ihrem Lebensweg weni­ger Rohstoffe und Energie und tragen weniger zum Treibhauseffekt bei. Je kürzer die Transportentfernung ist, desto besser ist die Bilanz für die Mehrwegfla­sche.

Einweg-Getränkeverpackungen mit Pfand: Daran sind sie zu erkennen

Einweg-Flaschen oder -Dosen, für die Pfand erhoben wird, müssen von den Herstellern deutlich lesbar und an gut sichtbaren Stellen als pfandpflichtig ge­kennzeichnet sein. Folgende Hinweise sind auf Einwegpfand-Verpackungen zu finden: Ein­wegpfand 0,25 €, Pfandfla­sche, PET-CYCLE oder das Zeichen der Deutschen Pfandsystem GmbH (DPG). Die meisten Abfüller kennzeichnen Einweg-Verpackungen mit dem DPG-Zeichen und einem EAN-Code (Strichcode).

Umweltflops: Einweg-Flaschen und Dosen

Einweg-Glasflaschen und Einwegdosen sind die ökologischen Schlusslichter. Von allen Getränkeverpackungen be­lasten sie das Klima am meisten, verbrauchen mehr Energie und verur­sachen mehr Abfall. Die Einwegverpa­ckungen haben dazu beige­tragen, dass die Mehrweganteile bei den Getränke­verpackungen – insbesondere für Erfri­schungsgetränke und Mineralwasser - stark gesunken sind.

Die ohne Pfand

Pfandfrei bleiben alle Einweg-Geträn­ke­verpackungen, in die Säfte, Milch oder Wein abgefüllt werden.

Pfandfrei sind auch immer Getränkekar­tons, weil sie als öko­logisch vorteilhaft ange­se­hen werden, wie auch die Mehr­weg-Verpackungen. Alle nicht bepfande­ten Ver­packungen gehören in die gelbe Tonne bzw. den gel­ben Sack oder in den Glas­container.

Kaffee BAR BAR BAR’en Slot

Bonus Round

If you’ve stumbled upon the Kaffee BAR BAR BAR’en slot machine, wondering what it’s all about – well, were about to fill you in. Kaffee BAR BAR BAR’en is a slot machine based in a small coffee shop – you know, the independent coffee shops, not big franchised venues such as Costa Coffee or Starbucks.

Unlike real coffee shops, you don’t have to part with a fortune to get your fix, because you can spin these reels from as little as 0.50 a go. You are invited into this family run coffee shop any time of the day or night, as there is no opening or closing hours here.

Kaffee BAR BAR BAR’en


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Caffeine to the Rescue

Whether you enjoy espresso or full fat cappuccino, you could be onto a winner by playing this traditional 3 reel, 5 payline slot machine from Play ‘n Go. In all honesty, we haven’t come across a slot game with such as theme before. The reels of the game are very simple and offer a handful of symbols, so it’s not going to take you too long to pick this game up.

Play ‘n Go are no strangers to slot machine as they boast a catalogue of hundreds of slot games with various themes and designs, they offer something for every type of slots player, from traditional slot machine such as this to progressive jackpot like the Hunt For Gold slot machine.

White with Two Sugars

We love our coffee milky and sweet and that’s what you get with the design and theme of this slot game – it’s sweet and light, allowing for a pleasant gaming experience.

With just 3 reels and 5 paylines, there are limited winning combinations on offer, but you can hit some great winning amounts through the following symbols – tea cups full of golden coins, tea pots, Mr and Mrs Kaffee (the coffee shop owners), single red bar, double blue bar and triple white bar.

We love the design of the game, it resembles a relaxed atmosphere in some old aunties house, with a purring cat sat to the top of the reels and Mr and Mrs Kaffee on hand to serve you everything you’ve come for.

The décor could do with an update, we’re not fans of the stripy blue wallpaper and blue carpet, but we are no interior designers and you may like it.

Use the control panel to adjust your bets, view the paytable, use the autoplay feature and view your current balance and stake. Check out the spin button, it looks just like an espresso waiting to be stirred.

Stirring up a Win

A 5,000x multiplier will be awarded when you spin in three of a kind of the tea cups full of golden coins symbols on payline five. Without doubt, the highest multipliers will come from the tea cups:

  • 2,500x multiplier awarded to three of a kind on payline 1
  • 3,000x multiplier awarded to three of a kind on payline 2
  • 3,500x multiplier awarded to three of a kind on payline 3
  • 4,000x multiplier awarded to three of a kind on payline 4.

Receive between 2x and 50x you stake with the other symbols featured within this slot machine.

Basic Order

The Kaffee BAR BAR BAR’en slot machine is a bit like a black coffee with no sugars – basic. There’s no features to speak of, just wilds and scatters. The tea cup bursting with golden coins is the wild and replaces all other symbols (bar scatter) to help create winning combinations. The wild also offers the highest payouts available.

Keep your eyes peeled for the tea pot as this is your scatter symbol. You only need two in view to receive a multiplier prize.

Sweet Sensation?

Traditional slot machines come with limited features – some are really dire to play, whilst others offer something a bit different. The Kaffee BAR BAR BAR’en slot machine is in the ‘different’ category in our opinion.

While the design and theme is pleasant enough, the lack of features can put you off playing – but it shouldn’t. There are some big wins to be had, despite there being only wilds and scatters on the reels. Just because there are a handful of symbols on the reels, doesn’t mean you can’t win. We found this medium variance slot machine from Play ‘n Go to offer generous prizes and almost every spin triggered a win when we played.

Kaffee to go : auch zum Mitnehmen!

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Kaffee to go

A coffee and cake-loving Canadian expat in Germany

For our fall trip to Copenhagen, we knew that we wanted to go on a food tour – after all, it’s our very favourite way to explore a new city! I knew very little about Danish food prior to the trip, but had read that Copenhagen was well known for its food scene, street food, and café culture. That pretty much checks all the boxes for me!

In my search for an in-depth and informative food tour, I came across Foods of Copenhagen, the brainchild of owner and tour host Cindie. Foods of Copenhagen provides small boutique tours and is committed to personal attention, expertise, professionalism, and sustainability. They partner with small, local businesses in Copenhagen for their tours and support local merchants, shops, farmers, and food producers whenever they can. The tour itinerary promised us some of the best food and drink in the city and we were not disappointed!

We met our friendly Foods of Copenhagen guide Anne-Marie at our meeting point near the city centre. S and I were joined on our tour by guests from Northern Ireland, England, and even a local from Copenhagen who just wanted to explore the city’s culinary scene. After a warm introduction by Anne-Marie, we set off for our first taste of the tour. Along the way, we passed the Gammeltorv (Old Market), the oldest square in Copenhagen, and the beautiful Caritasspringvandet (Caritas Fountain). Anne-Marie told us that they put golden apples inside the well on the Queen’s birthday and they ‘jump’ inside the fountain. Would love to see that!

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Nov 6, 2017 at 2:54am PST

Our first stop was a traditional Danish restaurant located just off the square. Greeted by cheery Danish flags, we were invited inside for a taste of one of Denmark’s most famous dishes: smørrebrød (an open face sandwich).

On classic white and blue Royal Copenhagen plates, we tucked into herring and Frikadeller (Danish meatball) smørrebrød. Anne-Marie taught us how to build our own smørrebrød by spreading a thin layer of lard on a piece of rye bread before layering on the toppings. As a perfect complement to the smørrebrød, we sipped snaps, a strong alcohol often paired with smørrebrød to cut the fattiness, especially when eating herring. Delicious!

Onward to the oldest bakery in the city dating back to 1652. S and I had to smile when we realized this would be a stop on our tour because that very morning, we had walked by the very same bakery and drooled over the items on display in the window.

This is the place where we tried the Danish food most familiar to visitors – the beloved breakfast pastry, the Danish. But is it really Danish? In fact, Anne-Marie told us the sweet custard-filled pastry hails from Vienna and the Danes adopted it and made it their own. In fact, it doesn’t even go by the name ‘Danish’ in Denmark – it’s called wienerbrød (aka Vienna bread)! Whoever invented it, I tip my hat to you – the wienerbrød (also known as spandauer) we tried was so good, we went back the next day for two more.

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Hello friends! Sorry for my blog absence again – I have been a little preoccupied these days with work so the blog took a bit of a back seat. I have a few fun posts in store for you, though, inspired by my recent trip to Copenhagen!

During the fall holidays, S and I made a 4-day trip to Copenhagen, Denmark. Neither he nor I had ever been there before and we had always wanted to go. When we found affordable flights to Copenhagen during the first week of November, we finally decided to make it happen. Now, early November may not seem like a great time to visit a chilly Scandinavian country, but we enjoyed ourselves immensely. The city wasn’t too crowded with tourists and we packed scarves, hats, and gloves to stay warm. We prepared for some hygge and that’s what we got.

Also! I got a new camera. I’d been eyeing a few models since February and finally took the plunge in honour of this trip. I’m still learning all the features, but hopefully the quality of the photos will be a bit better.

I’ve put together a summary of the top sights we visited in the city that I can recommend to you.

Sightseeing in Copenhagen

Nyhavn is a colourful 17th-century waterfront canal that was originally a prosperous commercial port. Today it is a top sightseeing attraction and entertainment district. Distinguished by the colourful buildings, bobbing boats, and pricey restaurants, Nyhavn is a must visit spot in Copenhagen, if only for the quintessential snapshot of the city.

Rosenborg Castle

Rosenborg Castle is a Danish renaissance castle built by Christian IV in the early 17th century. Originally a summer palace, today the museum inside houses art collections, Denmark’s Crown Jewels, and Royal Regalia. Tip: The museum has limited opening hours in the winter (10am-2pm), so plan ahead. You can also stroll through the beautiful gardens for free, which is what we did. Apparently the castle garden is gorgeous in the summertime.

Tivoli Gardens

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Nov 1, 2017 at 12:05pm PDT

Tivoli Gardens is an amusement park and garden in central Copenhagen. The second oldest amusement park in the world, Tivoli is a great place to spend an afternoon reliving your childhood. The park was all done up for Halloween with pumpkins and decorations everywhere. Truly enchanting! Tip: The ticket price is cheaper if you go from Monday-Thursday. You can buy entrance tickets online in advance to avoid waiting in line to get in. Note: The gardens are currently closed until November 18, 2017 while they prepare the Christmas decor inside.

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Nov 11, 2017 at 1:12am PST

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Nov 5, 2017 at 2:32am PST

Strøget is a pedestrian-only, car-free shopping area in the centre of Copenhagen. As one of Europe’s longest pedestrian streets, it’s a great place for a bit of shopping, people watching, and leisurely strolling. Pop into a cafe to warm up or simply enjoy the buzz of the city all around you.

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During our visit to Canada this summer, S and I made a side-trip (can you really call a 5+ hr flight a ‘side’ trip?) to Maui, Hawaii. We had dreamed of going there together but the journey straight there from Germany is, shall we say, extremely far. We thought that while we were in the North American ‘neighbourhood’, it would be a good time to visit an otherwise very difficult-to-reach destination.

We asked other people which Hawaiian island to visit. Some suggested Kauai for the lush scenery, others the Big Island for its volcanic activity. In the end, we picked Maui, the tourist favourite, for its spectacular beaches, food, landscape, and activities.

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Sep 3, 2017 at 12:32pm PDT

Maui was absolutely the right choice for us – it was one of our favourite holidays to date. Unlike many of our city trips where we sightsee nonstop from AM to PM, we took it easy this trip and spent our days doing exactly what we felt like, when we felt like it.

Unlike my other travel blog posts where I break down a specific destination into several posts (say restaurants, museums, and sights), I decided to write about our time on Maui and my recommendations of what to see and do and eat in one post.

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Sep 10, 2017 at 5:56am PDT

I spent a lot of time researching where to stay on Maui and what kind of accommodation to pick. Hawaii is very expensive, so many online forums suggested choosing a time share or apartment-style accommodation with a kitchen so you can cook some meals to save money rather than eating out all the time. We nearly went this route until we found an excellent deal to stay at the Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa, a 4-star resort in Kaanapali. Though the rooms didn’t have a kitchenette, they did have a mini fridge, a coffee machine, and a kettle so we could still have breakfast and snacks in our room.

We absolutely loved the resort. Positioned at the Black Rock, one of the best snorkeling spots on Maui, it was as picturesque as could be. We loved stepping outside our room onto the golden Kaanapali Beach and going for a swim or a snorkel whenever we liked. S saw numerous sea turtles (I only saw 1 ) and there were more tropical fish than we could count. Tip: If you like to snorkel, bring your own snorkel gear with you to the island so you don’t have to rent on site.

The Whalers Village shopping centre is only a 10 minute walk away. It’s a good place to grab a quick, affordable bite, or pick up a few souvenirs. They also offer free hula shows, as well as hula, lei making, and ukelele lessons during the week.

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Aug 22, 2017 at 11:22pm PDT


As I mentioned earlier, we didn’t want to jam-pack our schedule, so we just planned three special activities while on Maui. We chose to do a Road to Hana tour, attend a luau, and take surf lessons.

Road to Hana

Many people suggested driving the 100+ km Road to Hana ourselves, but with 620 curves and 59 one way bridges, we thought it best to leave it up to the experts so we could enjoy the scenery. After reading a lot of reviews, we decided to go on tour with Valley Isle Excursions. Our driver, Lynn, has been a tour guide for 30 years and knows the island and the Road to Hana like the back of her hand. Over the course of the 10+ hour tour, we drove through tropical rainforest, drove by the Keanae Peninsula, spotted lush waterfalls, walked across the black sand beach at Waianapanapa State Park, visited the Pools at Oheo Gulch, and drove through the Kipahulu section of Haleakala National Park. We made several stops throughout the day, even at a roadside stand serving warm, fresh out of the oven banana bread. It was a long but well-spent day and we really felt like we got a chance to see some of the most beautiful spots on the island.

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Aug 26, 2017 at 5:30pm PDT

Old Lahaina Luau

S’s dream was to attend a luau on Maui. There are so many to choose from, but all reviews pointed toward the Old Lahaina Luau, the most traditional Hawaiian luau on Maui. For me, it was the absolute highlight of our trip. We were greeted with fresh flowers leis and mai tais upon arrival against the backdrop of the sun setting on the Pacific. Prior to dinner, we could walk through the grounds and learn about Hawaiian history and culture, as well as watch the kalua pig get unearthed from the Imu, the traditional Hawaiian underground oven. The dinner was a plentiful buffet of classic luau fare, such as the Imu-roasted pork, poi (steamed and mashed taro), ahi poke (raw marinated yellow fin tuna), taro leaf stew, and much more. The entire show and dinner was so well-coordinated and the hula dancers were spectacular. At the end of the night, we were all gifted with a small banana bread to enjoy for breakfast the next day. 100% recommended!

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During my recent trip to Vancouver, British Columbia, I stopped by Granville Island, one of my favourite places in the city. This small peninsula is situated across False Creek from downtown Vancouver, right under the south end of the Granville Street Bridge. Originally used for fishing then industrial manufacturing, Granville Island is now known for its tourism, entertainment, and shopping.

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Sep 20, 2017 at 4:00am PDT

One of the most popular attractions on the island is the Granville Island Public Market. Loved by locals and tourists alike, the indoor Public Market features an amazing assortment of fruits, vegetables, flowers, foods, gifts, and handcrafted products.

My favourite stands at the market are the colourful produce stands with towering displays of cherries, berries, and other seasonal fruits. I can never resist a peek at the Stuart’s Bakery display cases – tiny cakes and cookies all stacked up, studded with nuts or sprinkled with coconut, topped with a tempered shard of chocolate.

The pyramid of rainbow macarons always tempts and delights as well.

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Hi everyone! Sorry for my absence from the blog in August – I was visiting family in British Columbia, Canada and was just having too much fun to sit down and type! As usual, the trip home was packed with visits, delicious food, and memorable side trips to beautiful destinations.

One special day trip we did was to Whistler, BC, home (along with Vancouver) of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. We visited my friend Kristal and her brother for the day and had a blast strolling through the village, hiking, and working up an appetite (it’s that mountain air, I tell ya). Whistler is a popular wintertime destination for ski and snowboard enthusiasts, but there’s plenty to do there in the summertime as well. During our visit, we encountered hikers, golfers, mountain bikers competing in the Crankworx Whistler Mountain Bike Festival, and tourists just soaking in the cool resort vibe. Here are some of my personal favourite Whistler activities:

1. Get a scoop (or two) of Cows ice cream

A post shared by LUNA&CAKE 🇰🇷🇨🇦 (@lunancake_flowercake) on Sep 4, 2017 at 10:55pm PDT

Cows Creamery is a Canadian specialty ice cream shop with origins on Prince Edward Island (PEI). There are now 11 Cows shops across Canada, with 2 shops (1 big and 1 small) in Whistler Village. Cows ice cream is all hand-made using the highest quality ingredients. Their fantastic flavours paired with clever names (Wowie Cowie, Caramel Moocchiato, Fluff ‘N Udder, and Royal Cownadian Mint, to name a few) and cute merchandising make this ice cream shop a must-visit when in Whistler. I can personally recommend Gooey Mooey, a burnt sugar vanilla ice cream with English toffee marble, caramel cups, and chocolate flakes. (Thanks to Instagrammer @lunancake_flowercake for permission to use the tempting Cows ice cream photo above).

2. Go for a hike around Lost Lake

Lost Lake is a small lake a short distance from Whistler Village. Its surrounding trails are popular for hiking and biking, and its beach area is perfect for lazy picnics and sunbathing. The 5km loop trail is open from March to October and takes approximately 1.5 hours to walk/hike depending on your pace.

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Aug 16, 2017 at 11:26pm PDT

3. Grab a treat at Purebread

Bakery lovers should make time to visit Purebread, a family bakery in Whistler Village. The display case of baked goods could tempt anyone; choose from sweet loaves, indulgent bars, giant cookies, savoury pastries, flaky croissants, and much more. It was hard to pick just one treat, but the slice of raspberry riot loaf we selected was amazing.

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Hello everyone! I’m excited to announce that over the past few months, I have been creating customized travel itineraries with Travel Honey, a website that collects detailed travel itineraries from savvy travellers. I’ve written in depth itineraries covering some of my recent travels in Europe, including Paris, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, and Barcelona. My first itinerary to launch is my 4-day whirlwind trip to Rome and Pompeii including my top sightseeing tips, restaurant recommendations, tour suggestions, and my favourite gelato spots. If you’re planning your own trip to Rome and Pompeii, I hope you’ll find my itinerary helpful!

P.S. Looking for travel tips in other European destinations? Check out my travel tips for Amsterdam, Dublin, and Berlin.

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Summertime is peak wine time here in Würzburg and another popular wine festival is currently underway. From July 14 -July 23, 2017, the Hofgarten Wine Festival (aka Hofgarten Weinfest) is taking place in the baroque court gardens of the Residence Palace (aka Residenz). Run by the city’s own Staatlicher Hofkeller, this bustling wine festival is a beloved and well-attended annual event.

To celebrate S’s dad’s birthday, we attended the Hofgarten Wine Festival on its opening day last week. Fortunately his parents reserved an outdoor table months in advance so we had a place to sit. Every table was full when we arrived shortly after 6pm. The mood was jolly and boisterous, fueled by the local musicians playing traditional Bavarian folk music. Upon request, the band came over to our table to serenade S’s dad with a birthday song and a song of his choosing. I’ve never been this close to a German band and it was a hoot! They definitely pumped up the jovial atmosphere of the festival.

Of course what is a festival without wine? Servers carrying crates of wine bottles regularly stop by your table to offer you their Franconian wines while Dirndl-clad servers tempt you with their baskets of enormous pretzels. You can order heartier fare at the nearby food stands; check out festival favourites such as the Fränki (a chili meatloaf sandwich with cabbage slaw and onion dip served in a rye bread roll), traditional Flammkuchen (a thin, crispy flatbread with onions and bacon), or Franconian grilled bratwurst in a rye bread roll.

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There’s so much to see and do in Germany in the summertime – wine festivals, wine hikes, food markets, city beaches, and of course folk festivals. The Kiliani-Volksfest is back in town in Würzburg and I got a chance to visit yesterday for the first time this season.

The Würzburger Kiliani-Volksfest is a local summertime favourite. Known locally as the Mess, the festival runs every year between early to mid-July at the Talavera parking lot in Zellerau, a district of Würzburg. The famous folk festival attracts up to 1 million visitors per year. In addition to the fairgrounds at the Talavera, there is also a Kilianimesse, a festival market that takes place during the same time period at the city’s central Marktplatz. This is the place to find kitchenware, clothing, spices, and other treats.

After watching the opening night fireworks from the vineyards last Friday, I got the chance to visit the festival in person yesterday with S and my friend Rick who was visiting from Canada. Unlike last year when I attended the festival at dusk, this year we visited in full daylight which is a different experience all together. The same rides, games, and food stands were here this year as well; in fact, most stands were in the exact same spot in the parking lot (a common theme I’ve noticed for annual festivals).

We walked around the fairgrounds and admired the rides, saw visitors wearing Dirndl and Lederhosen, spotted the Würzburger Hofbräu beer tent, and checked out food stalls selling chocolate-dipped fruit on a stick, crêpes, cotton candy, steaks, fries, candied nuts, and of course, bratwurst. For the first time ever at a festival, I spotted chocolate-covered cherries so I had to pounce on those. They contain the pits inside, so if you find some for yourself, watch out!

As much as I wanted to eat a Lángos at the same stand I spotted last year, w e had just eaten a big lunch beforehand at a beer garden in town, so I opted out. Next year, though, definitely!

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A couple of weeks ago, S and I headed to the beautiful Canary Island of Lanzarote for a 6-day sun getaway. We had considered visiting Greece or Mallorca again as we had a blast on those beach trips, but in the end decided to try somewhere new. We had heard wonderful things about Spain’s Canary Islands and after a lot of research, we decided to give Lanzarote a go.

We stayed at TUI Sensimar Natura Palace, a 4-star adults-only hotel in Playa Blanca, the southernmost town on the island. The trip was truly hassle free since it included Deutsche Bahn train tickets to and from the Stuttgart airport, a return transfer shuttle from the Lanzarote airport to our hotel, and half board dining (buffet breakfast and dinner) every day.

In our research before the trip, we had read that some of the rooms at Natura Palace had been refurbished, so upon check in, we asked if one of those rooms was available. Lucky for us, one of them was, which we were offered. Much to our surprise, it turned out to also be an amazing ocean view room and we could even see the neighbouring island of Feurteventura from our balcony! Talk about an upgrade!

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Jun 30, 2017 at 1:22pm PDT

We couldn’t have been happier with our choice of hotel – the grounds were lush and green with beautiful landscaping, the pool was refreshing, there were plenty of sunbeds (though it was tricky to find some with shade due to those eager early birds putting out their towels on chairs under umbrellas at 7am!), the buffet food was fresh and plentiful, and the staff were friendly and helpful. We also enjoyed using their facilities like the spa and gym, and regularly attended the fitness classes (like yoga and pilates) and activities (quiz roulette) throughout the week.

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Jun 28, 2017 at 5:59am PDT

Even though we would have been happy to hang out at the hotel all week, we thought it would be a shame to miss seeing a bit more of the island. There is a promenade that wraps around the coast, so you can exit the hotel and head right to see the lighthouse or head left to go into town to visit the local beach (Playa Flamingo) and check out some bars and restaurants. We went for a leisurely walk one afternoon toward town and rewarded ourselves with a cocktail on Playa Flamingo.

One day we took the public bus to Marina Rubicón to visit their market which takes place every Wednesday and Saturday. Here you can pick up local products (such as Lanzarote aloe vera gel or spicy rojo mojo sauce), souvenirs, crafts, clothes, and more, or just browse around as we did. The marina is a gorgeous azure blue and surrounding the market, there are several high-end stores where you can shop to your heart’s content.

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Jul 6, 2017 at 2:01am PDT

The only minor disappointment from our trip was the fact that we had signed up for a sailing trip to La Graciosa, a small island just north of Lanzarote, but it was cancelled the day beforehand due to strong winds in the forecast. In the end, it was for the best, as the weather did turn out to be extremely windy and too dangerous for sailing after all. In any case, we now have an excuse to go back to Lanzarote (as if we needed one in the first place)!

Have you ever been to the Canary Islands before? Which other island can you recommend to visit?

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Wine season is in full swing here in Franconia with wine-related festivals and events popping up almost weekly. In addition to the Würzburger Weindorf ( Würzburg W ine Village) that we attended a few weeks ago, we also recently went on a walking wine tour in Eibelstadt, a town not far from Würzburg.

Not familiar with wine hikes (aka Weinbergswanderungen or Weinwanderungen)? From spring to early fall, regional wineries host special walking routes set through vineyards where guests can visit several stands set up along the way and sample different wines from the host wineries. I first learned about wine hikes when living near Stuttgart and have attended four of them in Untertürkheim, Uhlbach, Bühlertal, and Esslingen.

The Weinbergswanderung in Eibelstadt was my first wine hike in Bavaria; in fact, the Franconian region of Bavaria is the only wine region in the state. The Eibelstadt wine hike is held annually on Whit Sunday (Pfingstsonntag), not Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag) as is unfortunately stated on the Weinwanderung website. Fortunately, we found the correct date for the wine hike online in advance and planned to go with S’s parents and sister. The weather was perfect that day – sunny with a few clouds, perfect for a vineyard stroll.

We got a late start and only arrived at the Eibelstadt Rathaus (town hall) around 2pm. The welcome stand set up there was already being dismantled (having been set up to start at 10am) but we were reassured that the other stands would be up and running. We made our way to the second stand by heading up the hill into the vineyards.

A post shared by Kaffee und Kuchen (@kaffeeundkuchenblog) on Jun 8, 2017 at 1:08pm PDT

Upon arriving, we decided to buy a bottle of wine to share between the five of us; as we learned on the wine hike in Esslingen last year, this is usually more cost effective than buying 5 or 6 individual glasses of wine. We tried a Scheurebe from Weingut Leo Sauer, a velvety and fruity white wine which we enjoyed at one of the beer benches and tables set up next to the stand. When purchasing your wine, you pay a 3 Euro Pfand (deposit) on your wine glass which you can keep throughout the walk. (If you want a clean glass at every stand, you can simply return your used glass, get your deposit back, and then purchase a new glass at the following stand). There were also snacks and meals like pretzels, steaks, and cake at each of the stands for hungry hikers.

Mehrweg oder Einweg: Verwirrung total beim Pfand

Früher mal war das Pfand ein eindeutiges Merkmal für Mehrweg-Verpackungen, ebenso konnte man nur Mehrweg-Fla­schen in Kästen kaufen. Heute ist beides auch für Einweg-Verpackun­gen möglich.

Mineralwasser und Erfrischungsgetränke werden zunehmend in Ein­weg-Kunststoff-Fla­schen verkauft. Der Anteil an Mehrweg-Flaschen bei Mineralwasser hat sich in den vergangen 20 Jahren mehr als halbiert, von ehemals 93 Prozent (1991) auf 40 Prozent (2013).

Ob Glasflasche, Getränkekarton, Aludose oder Plastikbehälter – mit oder ohne Pfand: Nach wie vor herrscht Verwirrung total. Wir sagen, woran die verschiedenen Verpackungen zu erkennen sind, informieren über die Rechte der Kunden bei der Rückgabe und geben Antworten auf Fragen zum Einweg-Pfand.

Kennzeichen für Mehr­weg

Mehrweg-Flaschen erkennen Sie ent­weder an den folgenden Zeichen:

und/oder an den Aufschriften: Leihfla­sche, Pfandflasche, Mehrweg, Mehr­weg-Flasche. Mehrweg-Flaschen gibt es aus Glas und dem Kunststoff PET (Polyethylenterephthalat). Leider gibt es immer noch keine gesetzlich vorgeschriebene eindeutige Kennzeichnung für Mehrweg-Getränkeverpackungen, die Verbraucher/innen die Erkennung leichter macht.

Mehrweg kostet immer Pfand

Für Mehrweg-Flaschen muss man im­mer Pfand bezahlen – egal, welches Getränk darin abgefüllt ist. Wenn man die leere Flasche wieder im Ge­schäft abgibt, be­kommt man das Pfandgeld zurück. Die leeren Flaschen werden zu­rück zum Ab­füller gebracht. Dort wer­den die Flaschen gespült und können dann wieder mit ei­nem Getränk befüllt wer­den.

Höhe des Mehrwegpfands

Das Pfand für Mehrweg-Flaschen – egal ob aus Glas oder PET – beträgt meist 15 Cent. Bei Bier-Mehrweg-Fla­schen nur 8 Cent. Für Spezialflaschen – zum Bei­spiel Bügel­flaschen – kann auch mehr Pfand genommen werden.

Probleme bei der Pfanderstattung

Die Verpackungsverordnung regelt, für welche Einweg-Getränkeverpackungen ein Pfand zu erheben ist und wie die Rück­nahme zu erfolgen hat. Für Mehr­weg-Ge­tränkeverpackungen gelten diese Vor­schrif­ten nicht.

Kassenbon als Beweismittel

Die Pfandhöhe und die Erstattungsmoda­litä­ten für Mehrweg-Flaschen sind zivil­rechtliche Vereinbarungen. Grundsätzlich besagt ein solcher Vertrag, dass ein Händler, bei dem ein Pfand z. B. für eine Flasche hinterlegt wurde, bei der Rück­gabe dieser Flasche das Pfand erstatten muss. In Zweifelsfällen steht Verbrauchern der Kassenbon als Beweismittel zur Ver­fügung, wenn der Händler das Pfand nicht herausgeben will.

Flaschenform kann entscheiden

Es entspricht jedoch lang­jähriger Praxis der meisten Geschäfte, das Pfand auch für Flaschen der von ihnen angebotenen Marken und Formen zu erstat­ten, wenn sie nicht dort gekauft wur­den.

Eine Pflicht, das Pfand zu erstatten, be­steht jedenfalls nicht, wenn Mehrweg-Flaschen zu­rückgegeben werden, die das Geschäft gar nicht im Angebot hat.

Wird die Rück­nahme über ein Bonsys­tem organisiert, so müssen nach Auffassung der Verbraucherzentrale NRW die Bons über den Ausstellungs­tag hinaus gültig sein.

Sollte Ihnen eine Flasche zer­bre­chen, ist dies für den Händler kein Grund, die An­nahme eines Kastens mit der Erklärung zu ver­weigern, er nehme nur kom­plette Käs­ten zurück. Der Abzug des Pfandes für die zerbrochene Fla­sche ist gerechtfertigt, mehr jedoch nicht. Verkauft ein Händler nur Einzelflaschen z. B. am Kiosk, braucht er auch nur solche zurückzunehmen.

Mehrweg-Kästen garantieren nicht Mehrweg-Flaschen

Viele Verbraucher/innen verbinden Getränkekästen mit Mehrweg. Allerdings gibt es seit einigen Jahren ein spezielles System, das Einweg-Flaschen (z. B. für Mineralwasser) im Mehrwegkästen vertreibt. Prüfen Sie deshalb beim Kauf von Kästen z. B. Mineral­wasser, welche Kennzeichen auf den Flaschen sind oder fragen Sie nach der Pfandhöhe für die Flaschen. Nur so können Sie sicher sein, ob Sie Einweg- oder Mehrweg-Flaschen kau­fen.

Einweg-Flaschen in Mehrweg-Kästen tragen oftmals das Symbol PET-Cycle. Das Zeichen steht für Einweg und Recycling der Flaschen, nicht für Mehrweg und Wiederbefüllung.

Mehrweg-Flaschen leben länger

Mehrweg-Glasflaschen werden rund 50-Mal wieder befüllt und können somit bis zu sieben Jahre im Umlauf sein. Die Kunst­stoff-Flaschen schaffen mindestens 15 Umläufe. Auch wenn die Einweg-Verpackungen zurückgeben und recycelt werden, es bleibt dabei: Für jedes Getränk muss eine neue Verpackung produziert werden, die oft nach wenigen Zügen ausgetrunken ist und damit Abfall wird.

Mehrweg-Flaschen: Ein Plus für die Umwelt

Mit Mehrweg-Flaschen, die in der Re­gion abgefüllt wurden, sind Sie aus Umweltsicht immer auf der sicheren Seite. Egal ob Kunststoff- oder Glasfla­sche, gegenüber Einwegdosen und -flaschen haben diese Verpackungen deutliche Vorteile. Sie verbrauchen auf ihrem Lebensweg weni­ger Rohstoffe und Energie und tragen weniger zum Treibhauseffekt bei. Je kürzer die Transportentfernung ist, desto besser ist die Bilanz für die Mehrwegfla­sche.

Einweg-Getränkeverpackungen mit Pfand: Daran sind sie zu erkennen

Einweg-Flaschen oder -Dosen, für die Pfand erhoben wird, müssen von den Herstellern deutlich lesbar und an gut sichtbaren Stellen als pfandpflichtig ge­kennzeichnet sein. Folgende Hinweise sind auf Einwegpfand-Verpackungen zu finden: Ein­wegpfand 0,25 €, Pfandfla­sche, PET-CYCLE oder das Zeichen der Deutschen Pfandsystem GmbH (DPG). Die meisten Abfüller kennzeichnen Einweg-Verpackungen mit dem DPG-Zeichen und einem EAN-Code (Strichcode).

Umweltflops: Einweg-Flaschen und Dosen

Einweg-Glasflaschen und Einwegdosen sind die ökologischen Schlusslichter. Von allen Getränkeverpackungen be­lasten sie das Klima am meisten, verbrauchen mehr Energie und verur­sachen mehr Abfall. Die Einwegverpa­ckungen haben dazu beige­tragen, dass die Mehrweganteile bei den Getränke­verpackungen – insbesondere für Erfri­schungsgetränke und Mineralwasser - stark gesunken sind.

Die ohne Pfand

Pfandfrei bleiben alle Einweg-Geträn­ke­verpackungen, in die Säfte, Milch oder Wein abgefüllt werden.

Pfandfrei sind auch immer Getränkekar­tons, weil sie als öko­logisch vorteilhaft ange­se­hen werden, wie auch die Mehr­weg-Verpackungen. Alle nicht bepfande­ten Ver­packungen gehören in die gelbe Tonne bzw. den gel­ben Sack oder in den Glas­container.

Quotes (138)

Judge Randolph: [ to Kaffee from the judge's bench ] Consider yourself in contempt!

Kaffee: Colonel Jessup, did you order the Code Red?

Judge Randolph: You don't have to answer that question!

Col. Jessup: Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know; that Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, *saves lives*. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said "thank you" and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a *damn* what you think you are entitled to!

Kaffee: Did you order the code red?

Kaffee: [ interupts him ] *Did you order the Code Red?*

Lt. Weinberg: [ sarcastically to Joanne with Danny present, in an empty courtroom after the trial has been adjourned for the day ] "I strenuously object?" Is that how it works? Hm? "Objection." "Overruled." "Oh, no, no, no. No, I STRENUOUSLY object." "Oh. Well, if you strenuously object then I should take some time to reconsider."

Col. Jessup: [ after Danny casually and dispectfully requests Santigo's transfer order during lunch in Cuba ] You see Danny, I can deal with the bullets, and the bombs, and the blood. I don't want money, and I don't want medals. What I do want is for you to stand there in that faggoty white uniform and with your Harvard mouth extend me some fucking courtesy. You gotta ask me nicely.

Downey: [ after the verdict was read ] I don't understand. Colonel Jessup said he ordered the Code Red.

Downey: [ nervously ] Colonel Jessup said he ordered the Code Red! What did we do wrong?

Downey: [ anxiously ] What did we do wrong? We did nothing wrong!

Dawson: Yeah we did. We were supposed to fight for people who couldn't fight for themselves. We were supposed to fight for Willy.

Lt. Weinberg: [ refering to Dawson and Downey after court has adjourned for the day ] Why do you like them so much?

Galloway: Because they stand on a wall and say, "Nothing's going to hurt you tonight, not on my watch."

Capt. West: [ in West's office ] Commander Galloway, why don't you get yourself a cup of coffee.

Capt. West: [ iritated because she didn't understand his intention ] Commander, I'd like you to leave the room so we can talk about you behind your back.

Kaffee: [ sarcastically to Joanne in his apartment ] Oh, hah, I'm sorry, I keep forgetting. You were sick the day they taught law at law school.

Col. Jessup: [ to Galloway during lunch in Cuba with Kaffee, Weinberg, Kendrick, and Msrkinson present ] I run my unit how I run my unit. You want to investigate me, roll the dice and take your chances. I eat breakfast 300 yards from 4000 Cubans who are trained to kill me, so don't think for one second that you can come down here, flash a badge, and make me nervous.

Galloway: [ refering to Jessup ] You put him on the stand and you get it from him!

Kaffee: [ sarcastically, refering to Jessup in his apartment ] Oh, we get it from him! Yes! No problem! We get it from him.

[ turns to Sam as if he were Jessup on the stand ]

Kaffee: Colonel Jessup, isn't it true that you ordered the Code Red on Santiago?

Kaffee: [ interrupts with game-show buzzer sound ] eeehhhhh! I'm sorry, your time's run out! What do we have for the losers, judge? Well, for our defendants, it's a life time at exotic Fort Leavenworth! And, for defense counsel Kaffee, that's right, it's a court martial! Yes, Johnny! After falsely accusing a highly decorated Marine officer of conspiracy and perjury, Lieutenant Kaffee will have a long and prosperous career teaching. typewriter maintenance at the Rocco Globbo School for Women! Thank you for playing "Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!"

Kaffee: [ Stops Dawson as he is leaving the courtroom ] Harold.

Kaffee: You don't need to wear a patch on your arm to have honor.

Dawson: There's an officer on deck.

Capt. Ross: Corporal Barnes, I hold here the Marine Outline for Recruit Training. You're familiar with this book?

Capt. Ross: [ hands him the book ] Good. Would you turn to the chapter that deals with code reds, please?

Capt. Ross: Just flip to the page of the book that discusses code reds.

Cpl. Barnes: Well, well, you see, sir code red is a term that we use. I mean, just down at Gitmo. I don't know if it's actually.

Capt. Ross: Ah, we're in luck then. Standard Operating Procedures, Rifle Security Company, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Now, I assume we'll find the term code red and its definition in that book. Am I correct?

Capt. Ross: No? Corporal Barnes, I'm a Marine. Is there no book, no manual or pamphlet, no set of orders or regulations that lets me know that, as a Marine, one of my duties is to perform code reds?

[ as Ross walks back to his table Kaffee takes the book out of his hand ]

Kaffee: Corporal, would you turn to the page in this book that says where the mess hall is, please?

Cpl. Barnes: Well, Lt. Kaffee, that's not in the book, sir.

Kaffee: You mean to say in all your time at Gitmo, you've never had a meal?

Kaffee: I don't understand. How did you know where the mess hall was if it's not in this book?

Cpl. Barnes: Well, I guess I just followed the crowd at chow time, sir.

Capt. Ross: [ in a bar, after Danny just walked up to Jack's table ] Hey, Danny! Great job today. The redirect on Barnes.

Kaffee: Motel room in North East with six federal marshalls outside his door. Take a sip of your drink.

Kaffee: The transfer order that Markinson signed is a phony. Jessup's statement that the 6am flight was the first available is a lie. We're checking the tower chief's log.

Kaffee: In the mean time I thought we'd put the Apostle John Kendrick on the stand and see if we can't have a little fun.

Capt. Ross: Alright. I have an obligation to tell you that if you accuse Kendrick or Jessup of any crime without proper evidence then you're going to be subject to a court martial for professional misconduct and that is something that's going to be stapled to every job application that you ever fill out. Markinson's not going to hold up, Danny, he's a crazy man! Now, I'm not telling you this to intimidate you I'm being your lawyer here.

Kaffee: Oh, thanks, Jack. And I want to tell you that I think the whole fucking bunch of you are certifiably insane! This code of honor of yours makes me want to beat the shit out of something!

Capt. Ross: Don't you dare lump me in with Jessup and Kendrick just because we wear the same uniform. I'm your friend and I'm telling you, I don't think your clients belong in jail but I don't get to make that decision! I represent the government of the United States without passion or prejudice and my client has a case! There you go. Now I want you to acknowledge that the Judge Advocate has made you aware of the possible consequences of accusing a Marine officer of a felony without proper evidence.

Capt. Ross: You got bullied into that courtroom, Danny, by everyone. By Dawson. By Galloway. Shit, I practically dared you. You got bullied into that courtroom by the memory of a dead lawyer.

Kaffee: [ shouting as Jack leaves ] You're a lousy fucking softball player, Jack!

Capt. Ross: Your boys are going down, Danny. I can't stop it anymore.

Kaffee: [ at Luther's magazine stand ] How's it going, Luther?

Luther: Another day, another dollar, captain.

Kaffee: You gotta play them as they lay.

Luther: What goes around comes around.

Luther: At least I got my health.

Kaffee: [ hands him money before leaving ] Well, then you got everything. See you tomorrow, Luther.

Kaffee: [ to his teamates in the outfield ] Alright, let's go, let's get two.

Kaffee: Nothing to be sorry about, Sherby, you just look the ball into your glove. Shootin' two!

Kaffee: Sherby, you gotta trust me, you keep your eyes open and your chances of catching ball increase by a factor of 10.

Lieutenant Dave Spradling: [ talking through the batting cage fence ] Kaffee.

Kaffee: Dave, you seem distraught.

Lieutenant Dave Spradling: We were supposed to meet in your office fifteen minutes ago to talk about the McDermont case. You're stalling on this thing. We get this done right now, or I mean it, Kaffee, I'm going to hang your boy from a fuckin' yardarm!

Kaffee: Yardarm? Sherby, does the Navy still hang people from Yardarms?

Kaffee: Dave, Sherby doesn't think the Navy hang people from yardarms anymore.

Lieutenant Dave Spradling: I'm going to charge him with possession and being under the influence while on duty. You plead guilty, I recommend thirty days in the brig with loss of rank and pay.

Kaffee: It was oregano, Dave. It was ten dollars' worth of oregano.

Lieutenant Dave Spradling: Yeah, but your client thought it was marijuana.

Kaffee: My client's a moron. That's not against the law.

Lieutenant Dave Spradling: Kaffee, I have people to answer to, just like you do. I'm going to charge him.

Kaffee: With what? Possession of a condiment?

Kaffee: Dave, I tried to help you out of this, but if you ask for jail time, I'm going to file a motion to dismiss.

Kaffee: I will get it. And if the MTD is denied, I'll file a motion in limine seeking to obtain an evidentary ruling in advance, and after that I'm going to file against pretrial confinement, and you're going to spend the next three months going blind on paperwork because a Signalman Second Class bought and smoked a dime bag of oregano.

Kaffee: C misdemeanor, fifteen days restricted duty.

Col. Jessup: [ in Jessup's office with Markinson, Kendrick, Weinberg and Galloway present ] How the hell is your dad, Danny?

Kaffee: He passed away seven years ago, sir.

Col. Jessup: Don't I feel like the fucking asshole?

Lt. Weinberg: [ in Danny's apartment, refering to their new strategy ] Alright, what do you suggest we do?

Galloway: I say we hit Jessup with the phony transfer order.

Lt. Weinberg: A transfer order without a witness.

Kaffee: And in the hands of a lesser attorney that'd be a problem.

Lt. Weinberg: Look at this, last night he's swimming in Jack Daniels and now he can leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Kaffee: I'm getting my second wind. Sit down, both of you.

[ Sees that they are already sitting ]

Kaffee: Good. Jessup told Kendrick to order the code red, Kendrick did and our clients followed the order. The cover-up isn't our case - to win Jessup needs to tell the court members that he ordered the code red.

Lt. Weinberg: And now you think you can get him to just say it?

Kaffee: I think he wants to say it. I think he's pissed off that he's gotta hide from this. I think he wants to say that he made a command decision and that's the end of it.

[ Starts imitating Jessup ]

Kaffee: He eats breakfast 300 yards away from 4000 Cubans that are trained to kill him. And nobody's going to tell him how to run his unit least of all the Harvard mouth in his faggoty white uniform. I need to shake him, put him on the defensive and lead him right where he's dying to go.

Lt. Weinberg: And how are you going to that?

Kaffee: I have no idea. I need my bat.

Kaffee: I need my bat. I think better with my bat. Where's my bat?

Kaffee: You put it in the closet?

Kaffee: Don't ever put that bat in the closet.

Kaffee: [ jokingly, in his apartment ] What a relief. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to use the liar-liar-pants-on-fire defense.

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: [ voice over, as we see Markinson putting on his full class A dress uniform. It is his suicide note ] Dear Mr. and Mrs. Santiago, I was William's executive officer. I knew your son vaguely, which is to say I knew his name. In a matter of time, the trial of the two men charged with your son's death will be concluded, and seven men and two women whom you've never met will try to offer you an explanation as to why William is dead. For my part, I've done as much as I can to bring the truth to light. And the truth is this: Your son is dead for only one reason. I wasn't strong enough to stop it. Always, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Andrew Markinson, United States Marine Corps.

[ puts pistol in his mouth, we hear a gunshot as the scene changes back to the courtroom ]

Lt. Weinberg: Cmdr. Galloway, Lt. Kaffee is considered to be the best litigator in our office. He successfully plea bargained 44 cases in 9 months.

Kaffee: One more and I get a set of steak knives.

Col. Jessup: [ Judge dismisses the jury after Jessep's revelation on the stand about the Code Red ] What is this? What's going on? I did my job, I'd do it again!

[ stands up defiantly ]

Col. Jessup: I'm gonna get on a plane and go on back to my base.

Judge Randolph: You're not going anywhere, Colonel. MP's. guard the Colonel!

Capt. Ross: Colonel Jessup, you have the right to remain silent. Any statement you make.

Col. Jessup: I'm being charged with a crime? Is that what this is? I'm being charged with a crime? This is funny. That's what this is. This is.

[ turning to Kaffee and lunging at him ]

Col. Jessup: . I'm gonna rip the eyes out of your head and piss into your dead skull! You fucked with the wrong Marine!

Capt. Ross: Colonel Jessup! Do you understand these rights as I have just read them to you?

Col. Jessup: [ contemptuously ] You fuckin' people. you have no idea how to defend a nation. All you did was weaken a country today, Kaffee. That's all you did. You put people's lives in danger. Sweet dreams, son.

Kaffee: Don't call me son. I'm a lawyer, and an officer in the United States Navy, and you're under arrest you son of a bitch.

[ glares at Jessup ]

Kaffee: [ after court has adjourned for the day with Sam and Joanne present ] Why does a Lieutenant Junior Grade with nine months' experience and a track record for plea bargaining get assigned to a murder case? Would it be so it never sees the inside of a courtroom?

Kaffee: [ to the court after asking what Jessup packed for a one day trip to Washington D,C ] Is the colonel's underwear a matter of national security?

Kaffee: [ sarcastically to Joanne with Sam present in his apartment ] Maybe, if we work at it, we can get Dawson charged with the Kennedy assassination.

Kaffee: Lieutenant Kendrick, in your opinion was Private Santiago a good Marine?

Lt. Kendrick: I would say he was about average.

Kaffee: Lieutenant, you signed three Proficiency and Conduct reports on Santiago, and in all three reports, you indicate a rating of below average.

Lt. Kendrick: [ looking through the reports he signed ] Yes, Private Santiago was below average. I did not see the need to trample on a man's grave.

Kaffee: Well, we appreciate that, but you are under oath now, and I think as unpleasant as it may be, we'd all just as soon hear the truth.

Kaffee: Lieutenant, these are the last three Pro-Con reports you signed for Lance Corporal Dawson. Dawson received two marks of exceptional, but on this most recent report dated June 9th of this year, he received a rating of below average. It's this last report I'd like to discuss for a moment.

Kaffee: Lance Corporal Dawson's ranking after the school of infantry was perfect. Records indicate that more than half that class has since been promoted to full Corporal while Dawson has remained a Lance Corporal. Was Dawson's promotion held up because of this last report?

Kaffee: Do you recall why Dawson was given such a poor grade on this last report?

Lt. Kendrick: I'm sure I don't. I have many men in my charge, Lieutenant. I write many reports.

Kaffee: Lieutenant, do you recall an incident involving a PFC Curtis Bell who had been found stealing liquor from the Officer's Club?

Kaffee: Did you report Private Bell to the proper authorities?

Lt. Kendrick: I have two books at my bedside, Lieutenant: the Marine Corps Code of Conduct and the King James Bible. The only proper authorities I am aware of are my commanding officer, Colonel Nathan R. Jessup, and the Lord, our God.

Kaffee: At your request, Lieutenant, I can have the record reflect your lack of acknowledgment of this court as a proper authority.

Judge Randolph: Sustained. Watch yourself, Counselor.

Kaffee: Did you report Private Bell to your superiors?

Lt. Kendrick: I remember thinking very highly of Private Bell, of not wanted to see his record tarnished by a formal charge.

Kaffee: You preferred that it be handled within the unit.

Kaffee: Lieutenant, do you know what a Code Red is?

Kaffee: [ Kaffee has just asked why Santiago hadn't packed despite being due to be transferred in a few hours after the time of his death. Jessup smirks ] Is this funny, sir?

Kaffee: Do you have an answer to the question, Colonel?

Col. Jessup: Absolutely. My answer is I don't have the first damn clue. Maybe he was an early riser and liked to pack in the morning. And maybe he didn't have any friends. I'm an educated man, but I'm afraid I can't speak intelligently about the travel habits of William Santiago. What I do know is that he was set to leave the base at 0600. Now, are these the questions I was really called here to answer? Phone calls and foot lockers? Please tell me that you have something more, Lieutenant. These two Marines are on trial for their lives. Please tell me their lawyer hasn't pinned their hopes to a phone bill.

[ Kaffee hesitates, dumbfounded ]

Col. Jessup: Do you have any more questions for me, Counselor?

Judge Randolph: Lieutenant, do you have anything further for this witness?

Col. Jessup: [ standing to leave ] Thanks, Danny. I love Washington.

Kaffee: Excuse me. I didn't dismiss you.

Kaffee: I'm not through with my examination. Sit down.

Col. Jessup: I would appreciate it if you would address me as "Colonel" or "Sir." I believe I've earned it.

Judge Randolph: Defense counsel will address the witness as "Colonel" or "Sir."

Col. Jessup: I don't know what the hell kind of unit you're running here.

Col. Jessup: And the witness will address this court as "Judge" or "Your Honor." I'm quite certain I've earned it. Take your seat, Colonel.

Kaffee: Lt. Kendrick, was Lance Corporal Dawson given a below average rating on this last report because you learned he had been sneaking food to Private Bell?

Lt. Kendrick: Lance Corporal Dawson was given a below average rating because he had committed a crime.

Kaffee: A crime? What crime did he commit? Lieutenant Kendrick, Dawson brought a hungry guy some food. What crime did he commit?

Kaffee: And because he did, because he exercised his own set of values, because he made a decision about the welfare of a Marine that was in conflict with an order of yours, he was punished. Is that right?

Lt. Kendrick: Lance Corporal Dawson disobeyed an order!

Kaffee: Yeah, but it wasn't a real order, was it? After all, it's peace time. He wasn't being asked to secure a hill or advance on a beachhead. I mean, surely a Marine of Dawson's intelligence can be trusted to determine on his own which are the really important orders and which orders might, say, be morally questionable? Lieutenant Kendrick, can he? Can Dawson determine on his own which orders he's going to follow?

Kaffee: A lesson he learned after the Curtis Bell incident, am I right?

Kaffee: You know so, don't you, Lieutenant?

Kaffee: Lieutenant Kendrick, one final question. If you had ordered Dawson to give Santiago a code red.

Lt. Kendrick: I specifically ordered those men not to touch Santiago!

Kaffee: Is it reasonable to think he would've disobeyed you again?

Kaffee: You don't have to. I'm through.

Capt. Ross: Lieutenant Kendrick, did you order Lance Corporal Dawson and Private Downey to give Willie Santiago a code red?

[ Kendrick initially refuses to answer, sensing he's been caught lying ]

Galloway: [ to Danny as walks out his office building ] Hi there.

Kaffee: Having any luck in getting me replaced?

Galloway: Is there anyone in this command that you don't eat or drink or play softball with?

Galloway: Listen, I came to make peace. We got off on the wrong foot. What do you say? Friends?

Galloway: By the way, I brought Downey some comic books he was asking for. The kid, Kaffee, I swear, he doesn't know where he is. He doesn't even know why he's been arrested.

Kaffee: If you speak to a client of mine again without my permission, I'll have you disbarred. Friends?

Galloway: Downey's closest living relative, Ginny Miller, his aunt on his mother's side.

Kaffee: You got authorization from Aunt Ginny?

Galloway: I gave her a call like you asked. Very nice woman we spoke for about an hour.

Kaffee: [ before getting into his car ] You got authorization from Aunt Ginny.

Galloway: Perfectly within my province.

Kaffee: Does Aunt Ginny have a barn? We can hold the trial there. I can sew the costumes. Maybe his Uncle Goober can be the judge.

Galloway: I'm going to Cuba with you tomorrow.

Kaffee: [ before driving off ] And the hits just keep on coming.

Kaffee: [ mildly intoxicated in his apartment ] Anyway, since we seem to be out of witnesses, I thought I'd drink a little.

Kaffee: [ jokingly ] Maybe you should drink a little.

Kaffee: [ in Santiago's room ] Lt. Kendrick. can I call you John?

Kaffee: Have I done something to offend you?

Lt. Kendrick: No, I like all you Navy boys. Every time we've gotta go someplace to fight, you fellas always give us a ride.

Col. Jessup: [ during lunch in Cuba with Markinson, Kaffee, Galloway, Weinberg, Kendrick present ] Take caution in your tone, Commander. I'm a fair guy, but this fucking heat is making me absolutely crazy.

Dawson: [ to Danny in the interrogation room with Joanne and Downey present ] We joined the Marines because we wanted to live our lives by a certain code, and we found it in the Corps. Now you're asking us to sign a piece of paper that says we have no honor. You're asking us to say we're not Marines. If a court decides that what we did was wrong, then I'll accept whatever punishment they give. But I believe I was right sir, I believe I did my job, and I will not dishonor myself, my unit, or the Corps so I can go home in six months. Sir.

Lt. Kendrick: [ after asked by Galloway if he thinks Santiago deserved to die ] Private Santiago is dead, and that is a tragedy. But he is dead because he had no code. He is dead because he had no honor, and God was watching.

Col. Jessup: Have you ever spent time in an infantry unit, son?

Col. Jessup: Ever served in a forward area?

Col. Jessup: Ever put your life in another man's hands, ask him to put his life in yours?

Col. Jessup: We follow orders, son. We follow orders or people die. It's that simple. Are we clear?

Col. Jessup: [ slower and louder ] Are we clear?

Galloway: [ after sensing his contempt for Dawson and Downey after court has adjourned for the day ] Why do you hate them so much?

Lt. Weinberg: They beat up on a weakling; that's all they did. The rest is just smokefilled coffee-house crap. They tortured and tormented a weaker kid. They didn't like him. So, they killed him. And why? Because he couldn't run very fast.

Galloway: [ showing up at his apartment unannounced ] I'm sorry to bother you, I should have called first.

Kaffee: No, no, I was just watching a ball game. Come on in.

Galloway: I was wondering if. how'd you would feel about my taking you to dinner tonight.

Kaffee: Are you asking me out on a date?

Kaffee: It sounded like you were asking me out on a date.

Kaffee: I've been asked out on dates before, and that's what it sounded like.

Galloway: Do you like seafood? I know a good seafood place.

Col. Jessup: [ refering to Santiago ] I felt his life might be in danger.

Col. Jessup: [ sarcastically ] Is there another kind?

Kaffee: [ after going over their case for the night in his apartment ] And don't wear that perfume in court, it wrecks my concentration.

Lt. Weinberg: [ while walking his daughter ] You've heard her. The girl sat here, pointed and said, "Pa." She did. She said, "Pa."

Kaffee: She was pointing at a mailbox, Sam.

Lt. Weinberg: That's right. She was pointing as if to say, "Pa, look, a mailbox."

Kaffee: [ in an empty hallway after work hours ] You and Dawson, you both live in the same dreamworld. It doesn't matter what I believe. It only matters what I can prove! So please, don't tell me what I know, or don't know; I know the LAW.

Galloway: [ in an empty hallway after work hours ] You know nothing about the law. You're a used-car salesman, Daniel. You're an ambulance chaser with a rank. You're nothing. Live with that.

Col. Jessep: [ sarcastically to Danny after he asked him what he packed and who he called before his trip to Washington D.C ] What do you wanna discuss now? My favorite color?

Kaffee: [ first meeting each other before the trial starts ] You're Aunt Ginny?

Kaffee: I'm sorry, I was expecting someone older.

Kaffee: [ in a seafood restaurant ] Why are you always giving me your resume?

Galloway: [ pauses ] Because I want you to think that I'm a good lawyer.

Galloway: no you don't, I think you're an exceptional lawyer, I see the court members and they respond to to you.

Kaffee: [ seeing Markinson in the back seat of his car ] Jesus Christ!

Kaffee: You scared the shit out of me.

Kaffee: Are you aware that you're under subpoena?

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Yes. I'm also aware that the lives of two Marines are in your hands. If there were something I could do about that, I would. But since I can't, all I can do is help you, Lieutenant.

Kaffee: Did Kendrick give the order?

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: He was never going to be transferred off that base.

[ Kaffee turns the corner and stops the car ]

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Jessep was going to keep him on the base. He said he wanted him trained.

Kaffee: [ turns around in his seat to face him ] We've got the transfer order its got your signature.

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I know. I signed that the morning you arrived in Cuba, five days after Santiago died.

Kaffee: I'm going to get you a deal some kind of immunity with the prosecutor, and in about four days, you're going to appear as a witness for the defense and you're going to tell the court exactly what you just told me. Right now, I'm going to get you into a motel room and we're going to start from the beginning.

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I don't want a deal and I don't want immunity. I want you to know that I am proud neither of what I have done nor what I am doing.

[ In the film edited for TV on NBC dubbed in the Modified Version. Judge Randolph dismisses the jury after Jessup's revelation on the stand about the Code Red ]

Col. Jessup: What the hell is this? Colonel, what's going on? I did my job. I'd do it again. I'm gonna get on a plane and go on back to my base.

Judge Randolph: You're not going anywhere, Colonel. MP's, guard the Colonel.

[ MP's take to the post. And Col. Jessup find out what's going on ]

Capt. Ross: Colonel Jessup, you have the right to remain silent; Any statement you make may be used against you in a trial by court-martial or in other judicial or administrative proceedings. You have the right to consult with a lawyer prior any further questions. This lawyer may be a civilian lawyer retained by you at your own expense.

Col. Jessup: I'm being charged with a crime? Is that what this is? I'm being charged with a crime? This is funny. That's what this is.

[ Turning to Kaffee and lunging at him. But the MP's restrain Colonel Jessup ]

Col. Jessup: . I'm gonna rip the eyes out of your head and puke into your dead skull, you messed with the wrong marine!

Capt. Ross: Colonel Jessup, do you understand these rights as I have just read them to you?

Capt. Ross: You friggin' people. You have no idea how to defend the nation. All you did was weaken a country today, Kaffee. That's all you did. You put people's lives in danger. Sweet dreams, son,

Kaffee: Don't call me son. I'm a lawyer, and an officer in the United States Navy, and you're under arrest, you son of a bitch.

[ Glares at Jessup ]

[ Colonel Jessup calms down, taking a deep breath to cool off, bend down and grab his hat on the floor, and MP's taken Colonel Jessup away into custody ]

Kaffee: [ getting Jack's attention while his playing basketball ] Jack? Jack! They were given an order.

Capt. Ross: [ to his friends ] I'll be right back. I'll be right back.

Galloway: How long have you known about the order?

Capt. Ross: [ walking away from the basketball court ] I didn't. Who's this?

Kaffee: She's Joe Galloway. She's Downey's attorney. She's very pleased to meet you.

Capt. Ross: [ talking privately ] What exactly are you accusing me of, Commander?

Galloway: How long have you known about the order?

Kaffee: Jack didn't know about the order because if Jack did and he didn't tell us Jack knows he'd be violating about 14 articles of the Code of Ethics. As it is, Jack's got enough to worry about because, God forbid, our clients should decide to plead not guilty and testify for the record that they were given an order.

Capt. Ross: Kendrick specifically told those men not to touch Santiago.

Kaffee: That's right and then he went into Dawson and Downey's room and specifically ordered them to give Santiago a code red.

Capt. Ross: That's not what Kendrick says.

Capt. Ross: And I have 23 Marines who aren't accused of murder and a Lieutenant with 4 letters of commendation.

Kaffee: Why did Markinson go UA?

Kaffee: You think I can't subpoena Markinson?

Capt. Ross: You can try but you won't find him. You know what Markinson did for the first 17 of his 26 years in the Corps? Counter intelligence. Markinson's gone, there is no Markinson. Look, Danny, Jessup's star is on the rise. Division will give me a lot of room on this one to spare Jessup and the Corps any embarrassment.

Capt. Ross: I'll knock it all down to involuntary manslaughter, two years they'll be home in six months.

Galloway: No deal, we're going to court.

Capt. Ross: Because you'll lose and Danny knows it. And Danny also knows that if it does go to court then that means I'm going to have to go all the way. His clients are going to get charged with the whole truckload. Murder. Conspiracy. Conduct Unbecoming. And even though he's got me by the balls out here Danny knows that in a court room he loses this case. You see, Danny's an awfully talented lawyer and he's not about to let his clients go to jail for life when he knows that they could be home in six months. That's the end of this negotiation. I'll see you tomorrow morning at the arraignment.

Capt. Ross: Why did you go into Santiago's room?

Capt. Ross: The witness has been read his rights, Commander.

Capt. Ross: Why did you go into Santiago's room?

Capt. Ross: Did Lance Corporal Dawson tell you to give Santiago a Code Red?

Dawson: Private, answer the captain's question!

Downey: Yes, Captain, I was given an order by my squad leader, Lance Corporal Harold W. Dawson, United States Marine Corps, and I followed it.

Kaffee: [ in Barnes' Humvee ] Whoa. Hold it. We gotta take a boat?

Barnes: Yes, sir. To get to the other side of the bay.

Kaffee: Nobody said anything about a boat.

Kaffee: No, no problem. I'm just not that crazy about boats, that's all.

Galloway: Jesus Christ, Kaffee, you're in the Navy for crying out loud.

Kaffee: Nobody likes her very much.

Galloway: [ in her office, refering to Danny ] Tell your friend not to get cute down there, the Marines at Gitmo are fanatical.

Lt. Weinberg: [ before leaving her office ] Fanatical about what?

Barnes: [ in Barnes'humvee ] I've got some camouflage jackets in the Jeep, sirs, I suggest you both put them on.

Barnes: Yes sir, we'll be riding pretty close to the fence line. The Cubans see an officer wearing white, they think it might be someone they'd wanna take a shot at.

Kaffee: [ sarcastically ] Good call, Sam.

Galloway: [ talking through the batting cage fence ] I don't think you're fit to handle the defense.

Kaffee: You don't even *know* me. Ordinarily it takes someone *hours* to discover I'm not fit to handle a defense.

Dawson: [ talking privately in an interogation room ] Do you think we were right?

Dawson: [ pounds his fist on the table ] DO YOU THINK WE WERE RIGHT?

Dawson: You're such a coward, I can't believe they let you wear a uniform.

Kaffee: So this is what a courtroom looks like.

Kaffee: [ in an interogation room ] Did you assault Santiago with the intent of killing him?

Kaffee: To train him to do what?

Dawson: To train him to think of the unit before himself. To respect the code.

Dawson: [ speaking slower ] Unit. Corps. God. Country. Sir.

Kaffee: The government of the United States wants to charge you two with murder. And you want me to go to the prosecutor with unit, corps, God, country?

Kaffee: [ while packing up their belongings ] We'll be back. You guys need anything? Books, papers, cigarettes, ham sandwich?

Kaffee: Harold, I think there's a concept that you'd better start warming up to.

Kaffee: I'm the only friend you've got.

[ last lines, after court has adjourned for the day ]

Capt. Ross: I'll see you around campus. I gotta go arrest Kendrick.

Kaffee: [ in an interogation room ] This your signature?

Kaffee: You don't have to call me "sir."

Kaffee: You certainly don't need to do it twice in one sentence.

Kaffee: [ when Galloway insists on investigation instead of an instant uninformed plea-bargain while in her office ] Commander, do you have some sort of jurisdiction here that I should know about?

Galloway: My job is to make sure that you do your job. I'm Special Counsel for Internal Affairs, so jurisdiction's pretty much in your face.

Col. Jessup: [ in Jessup's office after Kendrick was asked to leave ] Matthew, sit down, please.

[ Lt. Col. Markinson sits ]

Col. Jessup: What do you think of Kendrick?

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Nathan, I don't think that my opinion of Kendrick has any.

Col. Jessup: I think he's kind of a weasel, myself. But he's an awfully good officer, and in the end we see eye to eye on the best way to run a Marine Corps unit. We're in the business of saving lives, Matthew. That's a responsibility we have to take pretty seriously. And I believe that taking a Marine who's not quite up to the job and shipping him off to another assignment, puts lives in danger.

[ Markinson begins to stand ]

Col. Jessup: We go back a while. We went to the Academy together, we were commissioned together, we did our tours in Vietnam together. But I've been promoted up through the chain of command with greater speed and success than you have. Now if that's a source of tension or embarrassment for you, well, I don't give a shit. We're in the business of saving lives, Lieutenant Colonel Markinson. Don't ever question my orders in front of another officer.

Capt. Ross: [ confirming Danny's bluff to Jessup after court has adjourned for the day ] Airmen Cecil O'Malley and Anthony Rodriguez, what exactly were these guys going to testify to?

Kaffee: Unless I'm mistaken, they were both going to testify under oath that they had absolutely no recollection of anything.

Capt. Ross: [ sarcastically ] Strong witnesses.

Kaffee: [ jokingly ] And handsome too, didn't you think?

Kaffee: [ in an empty courtroom after the trial has been adjourned for the day ] We'll work out of my apartment 7 o'clock, Joe before you come over tonight pick up a carton of legal pads half a dozen boxes red and black pens half a dozen boxes, Sam get a couple desk lamps, I need you to start on preliminary medical profile, and Joe we need all the proficiency and conduct reports on Dawson, Downey and Santiago.

Kaffee: [ feeling guilty after having lost his temper ] Is your father proud of you?

Kaffee: I'll bet he is, I'll bet he bores the shit out of the neighbors and relatives, "Sam's made Law Review, his working on a big case right now, his arguing, his making an argument

Lt. Weinberg: I ever tell you I wrote a paper about your father in college?

Lt. Weinberg: One of the best trial lawyers ever

Lt. Weinberg: If I were Dawson and Downey and if I had to choose between you or your father to represent me in this case I'd choose you any day of the week and twice on Sunday, you should've seen yourself thunder away at Kendrick

Kaffee: Would you put Jessup on the stand?

Kaffee: You think my father would?

Lt. Weinberg: With the evidence we got, not in a million years, see here's the thing and there's no way of getting around this, neither Lionel Kaffee nor Sam Weinberg in lead counsel for the defense on the matter of the U.S. versus Dawson and Downey would you put Colonel Nathan Jessup on the stand, so there's only one question, " what would you do?"

Kaffee: [ Defense opening statement ] There was no poison on the rag and there was no intent to kill, and any attempt to prove otherwise is futile because it just isn't true. When Dawson and Downey entered Santiago's room that night, it wasn't because of vengeance or hatred; it wasn't to kill or harm. And it wasn't because they were looking for "kicks" on a Friday night. It was what they were ordered to do. Let me say that again, *it was what they were ordered to do*. Out in the real world, it means nothing, and in the Washington navy yard it doesn't mean a whole lot more, but if you're a marine assigned rifle company Windward Guantánamo Bay Cuba, if you're given an order you follow it or you pack your bags. Make no mistake about it, Harold W. Dawson and Private Louden Downey are sitting before you today because they did their job.

Col. Jessup: [ during lunch in Cuba with Markinson, Kaffee, Galloway, Weinberg, Kendrick present ] There is nothing on this earth sexier, believe me, gentlemen, than a woman you have to salute in the morning. Promote 'em all, I say, 'cause this is true: if you haven't gotten a blowjob from a superior officer, well, you're just letting the best in life pass you by.

Kaffee: [ just seconds before the trial starts ] Last chance. I'll flip you for it.

Galloway: [ refering to Markinson, while holding a phone ] Where is he?

Kaffee: [ in his apartment ] Downtown Lodge on North East.

Kaffee: That's probably a good idea. Anyway he also says that.

Galloway: [ over the phone ] My clearance code is 411527273. Thank you.

Kaffee: Clearance code? I don't have a clearance code. Do you have a clearance code?

Kaffee: Anyway, he also says that Jessup's lying about the transportation off the base. Jessup said the 6 was the first flight out Santiago couuld have left on. Markinson says there was a plane that left seven hours earlier.

Kaffee: That was impressive. Did you get what I said about the flight?

Galloway: Yes. Sam, when a flight takes off there's got to be some kind of record kept, right?

Lt. Weinberg: Yeah, you need the tower chief's log from Gitmo.

Kaffee: Joe, let's not go crazy about this. We don't know who Markinson is we don't know what the log book's going to say. You just concentrate on Downey. I'm going to talk to Ross and tell him where we are.

Kaffee: Private, I want you to tell us one last time. Why did you go to Private Santiago's room on the night of September 6th?

Downey: A code red was ordered by my platoon commander, Lieutenant Jonathan James Kendrick.

Capt. Ross: Private, the week of 2 September. the switch log has you down at Post 39 until 1600. Is that correct?

Downey: I'm sure it is, sir. They keep that log pretty good.

Capt. Ross: How far is it from Post 39 to the Windward Barracks?

Downey: Well, it's a ways, sir. It's a hike.

Downey: About ten, fifteen minutes, sir.

Downey: Yes, sir. That day, sir. Friday. The pick up private - Tthat's like what we call the guy who drops us off at our post and picks us up. also 'cause he can get girls in New York City. The pickup private got a flat, sir, right at 39. He pulled up and, bam, blowout with no spare. So we had to double-time it back to the barracks.

Capt. Ross: And if it's about ten or fifteen minutes by Jeep, I'm guessing. it must be a good hour by foot, am I right?

Downey: Pickup and me did it in forty-five flat, sir.

Capt. Ross: Not bad. Now, you've said that your assault on Private Santiago was the result of an order that Lieutenant Kendrick gave you in your barracks room at. 1620, am I right?

Capt. Ross: But you just said that you didn't make it back to the Windward barracks until 1645.

Capt. Ross: Well, if you didn't make it back to the barracks room until 1645, how could you be in your room at 1620?

Downey: [ nervously ] Well, you see, sir, there was a blow out.

Capt. Ross: Private, did you ever actually hear Lieutenant Kendrick order a code red?

Downey: [ nervously ] Well, Hal said that.

Capt. Ross: Private, did you ever actually hear Lieutenant Kendrick order a code red?

Galloway: [ stands up from the defense table ] Please the court, I'd like to request a recess in order to confer with my client.

Judge Randolph: [ Judge Randolph reading the verdict ] Lance Corporal Dawson, Private First Class Downey.

[ Two defendants rises ]

Judge Randolph: On the charge of murder, the members find the accused not guilty. On the charge of conspiracy to commit murder, the members find the accused not guilty. On the charge of conduct unbecoming a United States Marine, the members find the accused guilty as charged. The accused are hereby sentenced to time already served, and you are ordered to be dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corps. This court martial is adjourned.

[ Bangs the gavel ]

[ the courtroom clears; Downey is baffled and afraid, and speaks to Dawson ]

Kaffee: [ to Joanne after she makes a reference to his father's expectations ] Oh, spare me the psychobabble father bullshit.

Galloway: But my feeling is that if this case is handled in the same fast-food, slick-ass ' Persian Bazaar manner with which you seem to handle everything else, something's gonna get missed. And I wouldn't be doing my job if I allowed Dawson and Downey to spend any more time in prison than absolutely necessary, because their attorney had pre-determined the path of least resistance.

Kaffee: Wow. I'm sexually aroused, Commander.

Kaffee: Jack Ross came to see me today. He offered me the twelve years.

Kaffee: Yeah, and I'll take it. I guess, you know, I'll take it.

Kaffee: It took about forty-five seconds. He barely put up a fight.

Lt. Weinberg: Danny, take the twelve years. It's a gift.

Kaffee: You don't believe their story, do you? You think they ought to go to jail for the rest of their lives.

Lt. Weinberg: I believe every word of their story and I think they ought to go to jail for the rest of their lives.

Kaffee: [ walking to his car ] See you tomorrow.

Lt. Weinberg: Don't forget to wear the whites. Very hot down there.

Lt. Weinberg: Nobody likes the whites, but we're going to Cuba. You got Dramamine?

Kaffee: Dramamine keeps you cool?

Lt. Weinberg: No, Dramamine keeps you from throwing up. You get sick when you fly.

Kaffee: I get sick when I fly because I'm afraid of crashing into a large mountain. I don't think Dramamine'll help.

Lt. Weinberg: I got some oregano I hear that works pretty good.

Kaffee: You know, Ross said the strangest thing to me right before I left. He said that the platoon commander, Lieutenant Jonathan Kendrick, had a meeting with the men and specifically told them not to touch Santiago.

Kaffee: I never mentioned Kendrick. I don't even know who he is. Nah, what the hell. I'll see you tomorrow.

Kaffee: [ ariving in the conference room after the meeting has already started ] Excuse me, sorry I'm late.

Capt. Whitaker: That's alright, Danny, I know you don't have a good excuse, so I won't force you to come up with a bad one.

Kaffee: [ gratefully, nods ] Thank you, sir.

Capt. Whitaker: The first one's for you. Seems you're moving up in the world, you've been requested by Division.

Capt. Whitaker: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. A Marine corporal named Dawson illegally fires a round of his weapon over the fence line and into Cuban territory.

Lt. Weinberg: A big wall separating the good guys from the bad guys.

Kaffee: [ sarcastically ] Teacher's pet.

Capt. Whitaker: PFC William Santiago threatens to rat on Dawson to the Naval Investigative Service. Dawson, and another member of his squad PFC Louden Downey, go into Santiago's barracks room, tie him up, stuff a rag down his throat. An hour later Santiago's dead. The attending physician says the rag was treated with some kind of toxin.

Capt. Whitaker: Not much. They're being flown up here tomorrow. Then Wednesday at 0600 you're catching a transport down to Cuba for the day to find out what you can. In the meantime, go see Lieutenant Commander Joanne Galloway of internal affairs. Any questions?

Kaffee: That flight to Cuba, was that 0600 in the morning? Sir?

Capt. Whitaker: It seems important to Division that this one be handled by the book so I'm assigning co-counsel. Any volunteers?

Lt. Weinberg: Sir, I've got a stack of papers on my desk about a mile high.

Lt. Weinberg: Doing what? Kaffee will have this done in about four days.

Capt. Whitaker: Doing various administrative things. Backup. Whatever.

Lt. Weinberg: In other words I have no responsibilities whatsoever.

Galloway: Are you planning on doing any investigating, or are you just gonna take the guided tour?

Kaffee: Whatever happened to saluting an officer when he leaves the room?

[ Dawson stands up and shoves his hands in his pockets ]

Col. Jessup: [ to Lt. Kendrick ] John, you're in charge. Santiago doesn't make 4646 on his next Proficiency and Conduct Report, and I'm going to blame you. And then, I'm going to kill you.

Col. Jessup: [ punchline for a joke to Kaffee, Markin, Kendrick, Galloway and Weinberg ] Walk softly and carry an armored tank division, I always say.

Capt. Ross: Your honor, it's become obvious that Lt. Kaffee's intention this afternoon are to smear a high ranking Marine officer in the desperate hope that the mere appearance of impropriety will win him points with the court members. Now, it is my recommendation, sir, that Lt. Kaffee be reprimanded for his conduct and that this witness be excused with the court's deepest apologies.

Judge Randolph: [ from the judge's bench ] Your objection is noted.

Galloway: [ in her office ] Lieutenant, how long have you been in the Navy?

Kaffee: Going on nine months now.

Galloway: And how long have you been out of law school?

Kaffee: Have I done something wrong?

Galloway: No, it's just that when I petitioned division to have counsel assigned, I was hoping that I'd be taken seriously.

Kaffee: [ sarcastically ] No offense taken, in case you were wondering.

[ upon first meeting in her office ]

Galloway: You're the attorney division assigned?

Kaffee: I'm lead counsel, and this is Sam Weinberg.

Lt. Weinberg: I have no responsibilities here whatsoever.

Kaffee: [ in the interrogation room ] cutie-pie shit will not win you a place in my heart, Corporal, I get paid no matter how much time you spend in jail.

Dawson: [ contemptuously ] Yes sir, I know you do, sir.

Col. Jessup: [ in Jessup's office ] Hmmmm. transfer Santiago. Yes, I'm sure you're right. I'm sure that's the thing to do. Wait, I've got a better idea. Let's transfer the whole squad off the base. Let's. On second thought, Windward! Let's transfer the whole Windward Division off the base. John, go on out there and get those boys down off the fence, they're packing their bags. Tom!

Col. Jessup: Get me the President on the phone. We're surrendering our position in Cuba!

Col. Jessup: Wait a minute, Tom, don't get the President just yet. Maybe we should consider this for a second. Dismissed, Tom. Maybe, and I'm just spit balling here, maybe, we have a responsibility as officers to traing Santiago. Maybe we as officers have a responsibility to this country to see to that the men and women charged with its security are trained professionals. Yes, I'm certain that I read that somewhere once. And now I'm thinking,Col. Markinson, that your suggestion of transferring Santiago, while expeditious and certainly painless, might not be, in a matter of speaking, the American way. Santiago stays where he is. We're gonna train the lad!

Galloway: [ crisply, after Kaffee's risen prematurely to leave her office ] You're dismissed.

Kaffee: [ pause ] I always forget that part.

Kaffee: [ sarcastically, dismissely to Galloway ] Oh, now I see what you're saying. It had to be Professor Plum in the library with the candlestick.

Kaffee: Colonel, Lt. Kendrick ordered the Code Red because *that's* what you told Lt. Kendrick to do!

Kaffee: And when it went bad, you cut these guys *loose!*

Kaffee: You doctored the log book.

Kaffee: Lieutenant, do you know what a code red is?

Kaffee: Have you ever ordered a code red?

Kaffee: Lieutenant, did you order Dawson and two other men to make sure that Private Bell receive no food or drink except water for a period of seven days?

Lt. Kendrick: That is a distortion of the truth, Lieutenant. Private Bell was placed on barracks restriction. He was given water and vitamin supplements, and I can assure you that at no time was his health in danger.

Kaffee: [ sarcastic ] I'm sure it was lovely for Private Bell. But you did order the barracks restriction, didn't you? You did order the denial of food.

Kaffee: Wouldn't this form of discipline be considered a code red?

Kaffee: If I called the other 478 Marines from Guantanamo Bay to testify, would they consider it a code red?

Capt. Ross: If it please the court, the witness can't possibly testify as to what 478 other men would say. Now, we object to this entire line of questioning as argumentative and irrelevant badgering of the witness.

Judge Randolph: The government's objection is sustained, Lieutenant Kaffee, and I would remind you that you are now questioning a Marine officer with an impeccable service record.

Kaffee: [ while looking through his refrigerator ] Were you able to speak to your friend at the NIS?

Lt. Weinberg: Yeah, she said that if Markinson doesn't want to be found, we're not gonna find him. She said I could be Markinson and you wouldn't know it.

Kaffee: I'm not Markinson. that's two down. What?

Lt. Weinberg: I'm just wondering, now that Joanne's in on this, you know, I was just wondering if you still needed me.

Kaffee: They were following orders, Sam.

Kaffee: You think Dawson and Downey knew it was an illegal order?

Lt. Weinberg: It doesn't matter what they knew. Any decent human being would have refused.

Kaffee: They're not permitted to question orders.

Lt. Weinberg: Then what's the secret? Huh, what are the magic words? I give orders every day nobody follows them.

Kaffee: Sam, we have softball games and marching bands. They work at a place where you have to wear camouflage or they might get shot! I need you. You're better at research than I am and you know how to prepare a witness.

Galloway: [ Galloway arrives ] I have medical reports and Chinese food. I say we eat first.

[ pause, Weinberg is pondering, remains silent ]

Kaffee: [ pointing to their chalkboard with his baseball bat ] Alright, here's our defense. Intent, no one can prove there was poison on the rag. Code reds, they're common and accepted in Guantanimo Bay. The order, A, Kendrick gave it, B they had no choice but to follow it. That's it.

Kaffee: We're a little weak on motive they had one.

Galloway: Just because a person's got a motive doesn't mean they're guilty.

Kaffee: Relax, we'll deal with the fence line shooting when it comes up. For now, let's start with intent. I don't know what made Santiago die, I don't want to know. I just want to show that it could have been something other than poison. Joe, talk to doctors find out everything there is to know about lactic acidosis. Sam, find out who else was in the emergency room that night.

Galloway: [ in her office ] Lieutenant, this letter makes it look like your client had a motive to kill Santiago.

Kaffee: Gotcha, and Santiago is, who?

Kaffee: [ sarcastically, to Sam ] Write that down.

Kaffee: [ settling a fight between Sam and Joanne after court has adjourned for the day ] Alright take the night off, we've been working twenty hours a day for three and half weeks straight just take the night off, Sam go see your wife and your daughter, Joe go whatever it is you do when you're not in court

Col. Jessup: [ to Danny as he, Sam, and Jo enters Jessup's office for the for the first time ] Nathan Jessup, come on in

Kaffee: [ as they shake hands, introduces Sam, and Jo ] thank you sir, I'm Daniel Kaffee. I'm the attorney for Dawson and Downey.

Kaffee: [ gestures to Jo ] This Lieutenant Commander JoAnne Galloway.

Col. Jessup: [ as they shake hands ] pleasure meeting you Commander.

Kaffee: [ to Jessup, gestures to Sam ] Lieutenant Sam Weinberg, he'll be assisting

Col. Jessup: [ gestures to Markinson and Kendrick ] this is my XO Colonel Markinson and platoon leader Lieutenant Kendrick, I've asked them to join us, sit down, please

Kaffee: [ as they shake hands ] Colonel Markinson

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I had the pleasure of meeting your father once. I was a teenager, he spoke at my high school

Col. Jessup: [ to Kendrick ] well what'd you know? This man's dad once made a lot of enemies in your neck of the woods. Jefferson versus Madison County School District. Folks down there said a little black girl couldn't go to an all white school. Lionel Kaffee said "well, we'll just see about that."

Capt. Ross: [ upon entering Danny's office ] Dan Kaffee.

Capt. Ross: Let's hope for Dawson and Downey's sake that you practice law better than you play softball.

Kaffee: Unfortunately for Dawson and Downey, I don't do anything better than I play softball. I'm out of here, Janelle!

Kaffee: See you when I get back from Cuba.

Janelle : [ playfully, sarcastically ] Say hi to Castro for me.

Kaffee: Will do. What are we looking at?

Capt. Ross: They plead guilty, we drop the conspiracy and the conduct unbecoming. Twenty years, they're home in half that time.

Kaffee: They called the ambulance, Jack.

Capt. Ross: Look, I don't care if they called the Avon lady. They killed a Marine.

Kaffee: Rag was tested for poison. The autopsy, the lab reports, all say the same thing, maybe, maybe not.

Capt. Ross: The Chief of Internal Medicine for the Guantanamo Bay Naval Hospital says he's sure.

Kaffee: What do you know about code reds?

Capt. Ross: Look, I'm going to give you the twelve years. Before you get yourself into any trouble tomorrow, I think you should know that the platoon commander, Lieutenant Jonathan Kendrick, held a meeting with the men and specifically told them not to touch Santiago.

Kaffee: We still playing hoops tomorrow night?

Kaffee: I'll talk to you when I get back.

Drill Master : Forward, march!

Pfc. William T. Santiago: P.S. In exchange for my transfer off the base, I am willing to provide you with information about.

Col. Jessup: [ reading Pfc. Santiago's letter to the NIS ] information about an illegal fence-line shooting that took place the night of August 2nd.

Col. Jessup: [ while in his office, to Kendrick and Markinson ] Who the fuck is Pfc. William T. Santiago?

Kaffee: [ to Jo and sam as they prepare for their first meeting ] The only thing I have to eat is Yoohoo and Cocoa Puffs, so if you want anything else bring it with you. Okay?

Kaffee: Colonel, the 6 a.m. was first flight off the base?

Kaffee: There wasn't a flight that left seven hours earlier and landed at Andrews Air Force Base at 2 a.m.?

Judge Randolph: Lieutenant, I think we've covered this, haven't we?

Kaffee: [ hands him the log books ] Your Honor, these are the tower chief's logs for both Guantanamo Bay and Andrews Air Force Base. The Guantanamo log lists no flight leaving at 11 pm and the Andrews log lists no flight arriving at 2 am. I'd like to submit these as defense exhibits Alpha and Bravo.

Judge Randolph: I don't understand. You're submitting evidence of a flight that never existed.

Dawson: [ in an interogation room ] Permission to sp.

Kaffee: [ cutting him off, loudly annoyed ] SPEAK! Jesus!

Galloway: [ before leaving his apartment ] Hey, Kaffee.

Kaffee: I know what you're going to say - You don't have to. We've had our differences. I said some things I didn't mean; you said some things you didn't mean, but you're happy I stuck with the case. And if you've gained a certain respect for me over the last three weeks. well, of course, I'm happy about that. But we don't have to make a whole big deal outta that - you like me? I won't make you say it.

Galloway: I was just going to tell you to wear matching socks tomorrow.

Kaffee: Commander, from what I understand, if this thing goes to court, they won't need a lawyer, they'll need a priest.

Galloway: [ in her office ] No, they'll need a lawyer.

Kaffee: [ in Sam's office after work hours ] I don't believe it, Dawson's is going to jail despite me. Fine, if he wants to jump off a cliff, I'm not going to hold his hand the way down. I want to get him a new lawyer and how do I do it?

Lt. Weinberg: Just make a motion tomorrow morning at the arraignment the judge will ask if you want to enter a plea and you tell him you want new counsel assigned.

Galloway: [ as Danny leaves Sam's office ] One thing though: When you ask the judge for new counsel, be sure to ask "nicely"

Kaffee: [ in the hallway ] What do you want from me?

Galloway: Why are so afraid to be a lawyer? Were daddy's expectations really that high?

Kaffee: Dawson and Downey will have their day in court, they'll just have it with another lawyer

Galloway: Another lawyer won't be good enough, they need you, you know how to win. You know they have a case and you know how to win. If you walk away from this now, you've sealed their fate.

Kaffee: Their fate was sealed the minute Santiago died.

Galloway: [ in West's office ] I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice.

Capt. West: I understand we had some trouble over the weekend down in Cuba?

Galloway: [ as she hands him their files ] Yes sir. This past Friday two marines, a Lance Corporal Harold Dawson and Private Louden Downey entered the barracks room of a Pfc. William Santiago and assaulted him. Santiago died approximately an hour later. The NIS agent who took Dawson and Downey's statements maintained they were trying to prevent Santiago from naming Dawson in a fence line shooting incident. They're scheduled to have a hearing down in Cuba this afternoon at sixteen hundred. Dawson and Downey are both "recruiting poster" marines. Santiago was known to be a screw up. I was thinking it sounded a lot like a code red.

Pfc. William T. Santiago: [ Santiago's letter ] Dear sir, my name is Pfc. William T. Santiago. I am a Marine stationed at marine barracks rifle security company Windward, second platoon Bravo. I am writing to you to inform you of my problems with my unit here in Cuba and to ask you for your help. I've fallen out of runs before for several reasons, such as feeling dizzy or nauseated but, on May eighteenth, I fell back about twenty to thirty yards going down a rocky and unstable hill. My sergeant grabbed me and pushed me down the hill. Then I lost consciousness and last thing I remember was hitting the deck. I was brought to the hospital where I was told I had heat exhaustion. I ask you to help me, please sir, I just need to be transferred out of RFC. Sincerely, RFC William T. Santiago U.S Marine Corps

Lt. Kendrick: Private Santiago was a member of second platoon bravo

Col. Jessup: Apparently his not very happy down here because his written letters to everyone but Santa Clause is asking for a transfer and now his telling tales about a fence line shooting Matthew?

Col. Jessup: [ in his office ] You're appalled, this kid broke the chain of command and ratted on a member of his unit. To say nothing of the fact that he is a US marine, that would appear that he can't run from here to there without collapsing from heat exhaustion. What the fuck is going on in Bravo Company?

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I think it's better to hold this discussion in private

Lt. Kendrick: [ to Jessup ] that won't be necessary I can handle the situation

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: The same way you handled the Curtis Bell incident? Don't interrupt me lieutenant, I'm still your superior officer

Col. Jessup: [ to Markinson ] And I am yours, I want to know what we're going to do about this

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: I think Santiago should be transferred off the base immediately

Col. Jessup: Maybe I'm just spitballing here, maybe we have a responsibility as officers to train Santiago, maybe we as officers have a responsibility to this county to see that the men and women charged with its security are trained professionals. I'm certain I've read that somewhere once, and now I'm thinking your suggestion of "transferring Santiago" while expeditious and painless might not be in the manner of speaking, the "American way". Santiago stays where he is, we're going to train the lad

Galloway: [ to Danny after memorizing his personnel file ] You're wrong. I do know you. Daniel Alister Kafffee, born June 8, 1964 at Boston Mercy hospital. Your father is Lionel Kaffee, former Navy Judge Advocate and Attorney General of the United States, died 1985. You went to Harvard Law school then you joined the Navy, probably because that's what your father wanted you to do, and now you're just treading water for three years. You've got to serve in the JAG Corps, just kind of laying low until you can go out and get a real job. If that's the situation, that's fine. I won't tell anyone.

Kaffee: [ Sarcastically to Harold as he enters the interogation room ] looks like someone hasn't been playing and working well with others.

Dawson: A code red is a disciplinary engagement

Dawson: A marine falls out of line then it's up to his unit to get him back on track.

Kaffee: What's a "garden variety" code red?

Kaffee: You say "sir" and I turn around to look for my father, People call me "Danny", people called my father Daniel Kaffee, "garden variety", "basic", what's a basic code red?

Dawson: A marine refuses to obey the orders he's given on a regular basis.

Galloway: [ Going over their defense strategy, in his apartment ] What about motive?

Kaffee: We're a little weak on motive, they had one.

Galloway: Just because someone has a motive, it doesn't mean their guilty.

Kaffee: Relax, we'll deal with the fence line shooting when it comes up for now we'll start with intent, I don't know what made Santiago die. I don't want to know I just want to be able to show it could've been something other than poison, Joe talk to doctors, find out everything there is on Lactic Acidosis.

Galloway: [ while in a seafood restaurant ] I think you're an exceptional lawyer I watch the court members they respond to you they like you I see you convincing them and I think Dawson and Downey will end up owing their lives to you

Kaffee: I think you should prepare for the fact that we're going to lose. Ross's opening statement was all true let's pretend for a minute that it actually mattered to the court that these guys were given an order. I can't prove it ever happened we'll keep doing what we're doing and we'll put on a show but at the end of the day all we have is the testimonies of two people accused of murder

Kaffee: We're going to lose, and we're going to lose huge

Capt. Ross: [ the prosecution's opening statement ] the facts of the case are these: on midnight of September sixth the accused entered the barracks room of their platoon mate PFC. William Santiago, they woke him up tied his arms and legs with tape and forced a rag into his throat, a few minutes later a chemical reaction called Lactic Acidosis caused his lungs to begin bleeding, he drowned in his own blood and was pronounced dead at thirty seven minutes pass midnight. These are the facts of the case and they are undisputed. The story I've just told you is the exact same story you're going to hear from lance corporal Dawson and it's going to be the exact same story you're going to hear from private Downey, furthermore the government will demonstrate the accused soaked the rag in poison and entered Santiago's room with the intent to kill, their attorney lieutenant Kaffee is going to pull off a little "magic act" he's going to try a little misdirection he's going to astonish you with stories and rituals and dazzle you with official sounding terms like "code red", he might even cut in a few officers for you. He'll have no evidence mind you none but its going to be entertaining. And when we get the end, all the "magic" in the world will not have divert your attention to the fact that Willie Santiago is dead and Dawson and Downey killed him. These are the facts of the case and they are undisputed.

Kaffee: [ to Sam and JoAnne ] They drew the court members this afternoon. Seven men, two women, five Navy, four Marines. All officers with line experience. Neither of the women have children. So that's a bad break. There 's nothing we can do. My father always said a jury trial is not just about the law. It's about "assigning blame". Santiago's dead, and he shouldn't be. These nine people are going to insist that someone be "blamed" for that. Ross is handing them our clients. We're gonna hand them Kendrick. This is about a sales pitch. It's not going to won by the law, It's gonna be won by the lawyers. So remember, poker faces. Don't flinch in front of the court members. Something doesn't go our way, don't hang your head, don't shift in your seat, don't scribble furiously. Whatever happens, you have to look like it's exactly what you knew would happen. If you pass me documents, Do it swiftly and don't look over anxious.

Kaffee: [ to Dawson and Downey in the interrogation room referring to the government's offer of a plea bargain deal in exchange for a lesser sentence with Joanne present ] here's the story: the government's offering involuntary manslaughter, you'll get two years, home in six months

Kaffee: [ after Dawson and Downey remain silent for several minutes, sarcastically ] wow Kaffee you're the greatest lawyer in the world, how can we ever thank you, fellas did you hear what I just said? You're going home in six months.

Dawson: I'm afraid we can't do that sir

Kaffee: what are you talking about?

Dawson: we did our job and if that has consequences then I'll accept them, but I won't say that I'm guilty sir.

Kaffee: Commander, you testified that it takes lactic acidosis twenty to thirty minutes before it becomes lethal.

Kaffee: Let me ask you, is it possible for a person to have an affliction, some sort of condition which might, in the case of this person, actually speed up the process dramatically?

Kaffee: Commander, is it possible?

Kaffee: What might some of those conditions be?

Dr. Stone: If a person had a coronary disorder or a cerebral disorder, the process would be more rapid.

Kaffee: Commander, if I had a coronary condition and a perfectly clean rag was placed in my mouth, and the rag was accidentally pushed too far down, is it possible that my cells would continue burning sugar after the rag was taken out?

Dr. Stone: It would have to be a very serious condition.

Kaffee: Is it possible to have a serious coronary condition, where the initial warning signals were so mild as to escape a physician during a routine medical exam?

Dr. Stone: Possibly. There would still be symptoms, though.

Dr. Stone: There are hundreds of symptoms of a.

Kaffee: [ Galloway hands Kaffee a medical report for evidence; Kaffee presents it to Stone ] Doctor, is this your signature?

Kaffee: This is an order for Private Santiago to be put on restricted duty. Would you read your handwritten remarks at the bottom of the page, please, sir?

Dr. Stone: "Initial testing negative. Patient complains of chest pains, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Restricted from running distances over five miles for one week."

Kaffee: Commander, isn't it possible that Santiago had a serious coronary condition, and it was that condition, and not some mysterious poison, that caused the accelerated chemical reaction?

Kaffee: [ to Dawson in the interrogation after he declined the government's plea bargain deal in exchange for a lighter sentence ] you don't like me very much, do you?

Kaffee: [ Dawson after he was silent for a few minutes and gave him a sharp angry look ] forget I asked, it doesn't matter

Kaffee: you know Downey worships you, he's going to do whatever you do, are you really let this happen to him because of a code?

Lt. Weinberg: [ to Dawson in the interrogation room with Danny and Downey present ] on the night of August 2nd, did you fire a shot across the fence line into Cuba?

Lt. Weinberg: [ to Danny ] for every American century post there's a Cuban counterpart, they're called "mirrors. "Lance Corporal is claiming his mirror was about to fire at him

Kaffee: Santiago's letter to the NIS said you fired illegally, he's saying that guy, the "mirror," he never made a move.

Galloway: [ referring to her accidentally using the phrase "strenuously object" out of context in court ] I got it on the record

Lt. Weinberg: And you the court members thinking we're afraid of the doctor, you object once so they can hear us say his not a criminologist, you keep after the way you did suddenly our great cross looks like a bunch of fancy lawyer tricks, there's a difference between paper law and trial law, Christ, you even had the judge say Stone was an expert

Kaffee: [ to Sam ] she made a mistake let's not relive it

Lt. Weinberg: I'm going to call my wife, I'll see you tonight.

Kaffee: [ in an interrogation room with Sam and Downey present ] if Santiago didn't anything on you, why did you give him a code red?

Dawson: because he broke the chain of command sir

Kaffee: he went outside of his unit sir, if he had a problem, he should've spoken to me sir.

Galloway: [ to Kaffee as she leaves after his drunken rant ] I'm sorry I cost you your steak knives.

Kaffee: [ entering his apartment from the back door, drenched from the rain ] Downey wasn't even in his room, wasn't even there, that was an important piece of information we should've known about don't you think?

Galloway: It was a set back and I'm sorry but we fix it and move on to Markinson.

Kaffee: [ sitting on the couch ] Markinson's dead, really got ahead of those federal Marshalls, boy it's not like he hung himself with his shoelaces or slashed his wrists with a concealed butter knife this guy got into full dress uniform, stood in the middle of that room, drew nickel plated pistol from his holster and fired a bullet into his mouth.

Galloway: We go to Randolph in the morning and make a motion for a continuance for twenty four hours.

Kaffee: Why would we possibly want to do that?

Galloway: To subpoena colonel Jessup.

Kaffee: No, I won't listen and I won't hear you out your passion is compelling it's also useless. Louden Downey needed a trial lawyer today.

Galloway: You chicken shit, you're going to use what happened today as an excuse to give up.

Galloway: Why did you ask Jessup for the transfer order?

Galloway: In Cuba, why did you ask Jessup for the transfer order?

Kaffee: What does it matter? I wanted the damn transfer order

Galloway: Bullshit, you could've got the transfer order by calling any one of the dozen departments at the Pentagon you, didn't want the transfer order, you wanted to see his reaction when you asked for the transfer order, you had an instinct and it was confirmed by Markinson so damn it lets put Jessup on the stand and end this thing.

Galloway: [ in her office, after sensing he prefers his clients to accept a plea bargain instead of going to trial ] Have you ever been in a courtroom?

Kaffee: I once had my driver's license suspended.

Lt. Weinberg: [ implying to him that he should answer her questions respectfully ] Danny.

Galloway: [ in the interrogation room, after Dawson criticizes Danny and enraging him causing him to respond with a profanity ] Alright, at ease, let's sort this thing out. There was a platoon meeting on September sixteen at four in the afternoon, Lieutenant Kendrick said he gave strict instructions that nothing was to happen to Santiago, no is this true?

Dawson: [ Dawson and Downey remain silent ]

Galloway: I want you to speak freely

Dawson: Ma'am that's correct, then he dismissed the platoon then we all went to our rooms.

Dawson: Lieutenant Kendrick came to our room Ma'am

Dawson: About five after the meeting broke sir, about 1620.

Dawson: Lieutenant Kendrick ordered us to give Santiago a code red.

Kaffee: [ to Dawson in the interrogation room, referring to Joanne, after he refused the government's plea deal ] Did she put you up to this?

Kaffee: [ interrupts him ] Oh well, zip a dee doo dah you and your code, plea not guilty, you will be in jail for the rest of your life.

Kaffee: [ after Dawson remains silent for a few minutes, pleading with him ] I'm telling you you'll be home in six months, do it, six months, it's nothing, it's a hockey season.

Kaffee: [ to the court while Jessup is on the witness stand, eventually reading a list of Santiago's belongings ] After Dawson and Downey's arrest on the night of the sixth, Santiago's barracks room was sealed off and its contents inventoried: four pairs, camouflaged pants, three long sleeve kaki shirts, three pairs of boots, four pairs green socks, three OD green t-shirts.

Capt. Ross: Please the court, is there a question anywhere in our future?

Capt. Ross: were you present at a meeting held on the afternoon of September sixth with the members of the second platoon?

Capt. Ross: would you tell the court the substance of that meeting?

Cpl. Carl Hammaker: Lieutenant Kendrick told us we had a informer in our group, that Private Santiago had gone outside the chain of command and reported to the NIS a member of our platoon

Capt. Ross: you can tell the truth Corporal, it's alright, did that make you mad?

Cpl. Carl Hammaker: Private Santiago betrayed a code we believe in very deeply sir

Capt. Ross: were the other members of the squad angry?

Kaffee: please the court, is the government counsel honestly asking this witness to testify to as to how my clients felt on September sixth?

Capt. Ross: Corporal, did Lieutenant Kendrick leave a standing order at that meeting?

Cpl. Carl Hammaker: well it was clear that he didn't want us taking matters in our own hands

Cpl. Carl Hammaker: Sir, he said Santiago wasn't to be touched.

Kaffee: were you in Dawson and Downey's room five minutes after this meeting?

Kaffee: thanks, I have no more questions.

Kaffee: name some reasons why a Marine would relieve a code red?

Cpl. Barnes: [ while on the witness stand ] being late for platoon or company meetings, keeping his barracks in disorder, falling back on a run.

Kaffee: have you ever received a code red?

Cpl. Barnes: yes sir, we were doing seven man assault drills and my weapon slipped. It was just so it was over a hundred degrees and my palms were sweaty and I forgot to use the resin like we were taught

Cpl. Barnes: that night the guys in my squad threw a blanket over me, took turns punching me in the arm for five minutes, then they poured glue in my hands and it worked too because I ain't dropped my weapon since

Kaffee: was Private Santiago late for platoon meetings?

Kaffee: were his barracks ever in disorder?

Kaffee: did he ever fall back on a run?

Kaffee: did "ever" prior to the night of September sixth ever receive a code red?

Kaffee: you got a code red because your palms are sweaty

Kaffee: why didn't Santiago, this burden to his unit, ever get one?

Kaffee: [ looking at the jury ] Dawson wouldn't allow it

Cpl. Barnes: the guys talked tough about Santiago but they wouldn't go near him, they were too afraid of Dawson sir

Capt. Ross: object, the witness is speculating

Kaffee: I'll rephrase, Jeffery did you ever want to give Santiago a code red?

Barnes: [ when asked on the witness stand why he didn't give Private Santiago a code red ] because Dawson would kick my butt sir

Kaffee: [ to Dawson after waving his hand in front of Downey's face and not responding in an interrogation with Sam present ] does he ever talk?

Dawson: sir PFC Downey will answer direct questions you ask him

Kaffee: swell, private Downey, the rag you stuffed in Santiago's mouth, was there poison on it?

Kaffee: silver polish, Turpentine Anti-Freeze?

Downey: no sir, we were just going to shave his head sir

Downey: we saw blood dripping down his mouth, and we pulled the tape off, and there was blood down his face sir. That's when Lance Corporal Dawson called the ambulance

Kaffee: [ to Dawson ] did anyone see you call the ambulance?

Kaffee: were you there when the ambulance arrived?

Dawson: yes sir, that's when we were taken under arrest.

Kaffee: [ after settling a fight between Sam and Joanne, while leaving the courtroom for the day ] what day is it tomorrow?

Capt. Ross: [ while cross examining Dr. Stone in court ] Dr. Stone you've held the license to practice medicine for seventeen years, your board certified in internal medicine, you are Chief of Internal Medicine at a hospital which serves five thousand, four hundred and twenty six people. In your professional medical opinion, was Willie Santiago poisoned?

Kaffee: [ to Sam as he enters Danny's apartment ] what's the word?

Lt. Weinberg: [ before Danny grabs the log book and looks in it ] I got the tower chief's log from that night, Jessup's telling the truth. 6am flight was the first one out

Kaffee: [ hurryingly ] let me see this

Agent #1: working late tonight lieutenant?

Kaffee: [ before entering Markinson's motel room ] oh yeah

Kaffee: [ angrily to Markinson as he enters his motel room, before slamming the log book onto the table ] there was no flight out at eleven o'clock, what the fuck are you trying to pull?

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: [ as he sits down to look inside the log book ] first flight stateside left Guantanamo Bay at twenty three hundred, it arrived at Andrews Air Force base in Maryland a few minutes past two

Kaffee: then why isn't it listed in the tower's chief log?

Kaffee: what're telling me? He fixed the log book?

Kaffee: maybe he can make it that one didn't take off but I can sure as hell prove one landed. I'm going to get the log book from Andrews

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: you're not going to find anything in the Andrews log book either

Kaffee: he can make an entire flight disappear?

Lt. Col. Matthew Andrew Markinson: Nathan Jessup was about to be appointed Director of Operations for the National Security Council. You don't get to that position without knowing how to "sidestep a few landmines"

Kaffee: his not going to be able to "sidestep" you

Kaffee: [ pointing the log book at Markinson, before leaving his motel room ] Thursday morning ten o'clock

Galloway: [ while in Danny's apartment ] There's got to someone who can testify to the flight: a ground crew member, someone?

Lt. Weinberg: this isn't the TWA. There wasn't a regular flight schedule, do you have any idea how many planes take off and land every day? A kid from the ground crew isn't going to remember if a flight that landed four weeks ago.

Galloway: [ interrupts him ] well, how do you know though? if you don't check.

Kaffee: [ interrupts Joanne ] forget the flight

Kaffee: [ to Sam and Joanne ] forget the flight. We'll put Markinson on the stand and we'll deal with Jessup's refusal to transfer Santiago and he'll testify to the forged transfer order and that'll be enough: that and Downey's testimony really ought to be enough

Lieutenant Dave Spradling: [ realizing Danny's terms of a plea bargain is more logical because it decreases both of their workloads ] I don't know why I'm agreeing to this

Kaffee: because you have wisdom beyond your years

Col. Jessup: [ in his office, meeting for the first time ] what could we do for you Danny?

Kaffee: [ while looking in his briefcase ] not much sir, this is really more of a formality than anything else. The JAG Corps insists we interview all the relevant witnesses

Galloway: [ hands Danny a pen ] The JAG Corps can be demanding that way

Col. Jessup: [ motions to Kendrick ] John will take you out to show you what you want to see. After that we can all hook up for lunch, how does that sound?

Kaffee: [ to Kendrick ] I understand you had a meeting with your men that afternoon.

Lt. Kendrick: [ while driving Danny, Sam and Joanne to Santiago's living quarters ] yes, I did

Kaffee: what'd you guys talk about?

Lt. Kendrick: I told the men that we had an informer among us and despite any desire they might had to seek retribution, Private Santiago wasn't to be harmed in any way.

Kaffee: what time was that meeting?

Lt. Weinberg: [ to Danny before showing him four fingers ] it's four o'clock

Capt. Ross: [ to the Judge ] Docket number 411275 VR-5. The United States versus Harold W. Dawson and Private First Class Louden Downey. The accused are charged with murder, conspiracy to commit murder and conduct of a United States Marine

Judge Randolph: does the defense wish to enter a plea?

Kaffee: [ while standing up ] yeah, they're not guilty

Judge Randolph: enter a plea of not guilty for the accused, we will adjourn until ten hundred, three weeks from today, at which this general court martial will reconvene

Mr. Dawson: [ first meeting each other in court ] Lieutenant Kaffee, you are going to save our son, aren't you?

Kaffee: [ to both of Dawson's parents ] I'll do my best.

Bailiff: [ to the court ] all those having business with this general court martial, stand forward and you shall be heard. Colonel Julius Alexander Randolph is presiding.

Capt. Ross: [ repeated line, swearing in the witness ] Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you'll give this general court martial will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?

Capt. Ross: And now we'll never know, will we Mr., Maguire?

Capt. Ross: Mr. Maguire can you raise your right hand please? Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you'll give this general court martial will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?

Capt. Ross: would you state your full name and occupation for the record?

Robert C. McGuire: [ on the witness stand ] Robert C. Maguire special agent, Naval Investigative Service

Capt. Ross: thank you, Mr. Maguire did your office receive a letter from a PFC William Santiago on three September on this year?

Robert C. McGuire: that a member of Private Santiago's unit had illegally fired his weapon over the fence line

Capt. Ross: was that Marine identified in the letter?

Robert C. McGuire: no, I notified the barracks CO Colonel Jessup that I would be coming down to investigate

Robert C. McGuire: the shift only reported one Marine returned his weapon with a round of ammunition missing

Kaffee: Mr. Maguire did you question Lance Corporal Dawson about the fence line shooting?

Robert C. McGuire: yes, he "claims" to have been engaged by some manner by the enemy

Kaffee: but you don't believe him?

Kaffee: [ interrupts him ] Lance Corporal Dawson's been charged with a number of crimes, why wasn't he charged with firing at the enemy without cause?

Robert C. McGuire: there wasn't enough evidence to support such a charge.

Capt. Ross: Mr. Maguire, I don't understand what you mean when you say, "there wasn't enough evidence to support such a charge," you had William Santiago's letter

Robert C. McGuire: Santiago was the only eyewitness. I never had the chance to interview him so I don't know what he saw

Capt. Ross: Mr. Maguire can you raise your right hand please? Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you'll give this general court martial will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?

Capt. Ross: have a seat please sir, would you state your full name and occupation for the record?

Robert C. McGuire: Robert C. Maguire special agent, Naval Investigative Service

Capt. Ross: thank you, Mr. Maguire did your office receive a letter from a PFC William Santiago on three September on this year?

Robert C. McGuire: that a member of Private Santiago's unit had illegally fired his weapon over the fence line

Capt. Ross: was that Marine identified in the letter?

Robert C. McGuire: no, I notified the barracks CO Colonel Jessup that I would be coming down to investigate

Robert C. McGuire: the shift only reported one Marine returned his weapon with a round of ammunition missing

Kaffee: Mr. Maguire did you question Lance Corporal Dawson about the fence line shooting?

Robert C. McGuire: yes, he "claims" to have been engaged in some manner by the enemy

Kaffee: but you don't believe him?

Kaffee: [ interrupts him ] Lance Corporal Dawson's been charged with a number of crimes, why wasn't he charged with firing at the enemy without cause?

Robert C. McGuire: there wasn't enough evidence to support such a charge.

Capt. Ross: Mr. Maguire, I don't understand what you mean when you say, "there wasn't enough evidence to support such a charge," you had William Santiago's letter.

Robert C. McGuire: Santiago was the only eyewitness. I never had the chance to interview him so I don't know what he saw.

Galloway: [ talking privately before Jessup takes the stand ] How you feeling?

Kaffee: I feel Jessup is going to have his hands full today

Galloway: Listen, when you're up there today if you feel like it's not going to happen if you feel like his not going to say it don't go for it you could get in trouble I'm special counsel for internal affairs and I'm telling you, you can get in a lot of trouble

Kaffee: You're not suggesting I back off from the material witness?

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