Kaffee haag
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Cafe Hag Instant Decaf Coffee 200g (7oz)
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Kaffee Hag albums
Kaffee Hag : Deutsche Ortswappen
- Issued by : Kaffee Hag, Bremen, Germany
- Date of issue : 1913-1939
- Number of stamps/cards : >3500 in two series
- Image variants : Over 150 variations in image, text or both
- Author : Otto Hupp
For information on the company, see the overview of Coffee Hag albums.
The history of the German issues of the Kaffee Hag albums is complicated, due to two wars and the changes in the political situation in Germany.
Between 1913 and 1939 two series of albums have been issued.
The first series was started in 1913 and not finished due the First World War. In 1927 a second series was started, which was also not finished, due to the Second World War.
Although both series supposedly would contain around 3000 stamps, only 703 and around 2820 were actually published (not counting the numerous reprints and variations).
Old series 1913-1918
The first series was issued between 1913 and 1916 as Die Deutsche Ortswappen, but this name does not appear on the albums itself. The albums were issued as albums, not as loose pages as in the second series. Each album dealt with one or more Prussian provinces or other States. The albums were reprinted several times, there were 6 albums and 12 different editions:
The following albums were printed:
Issued 1913, reprinted and revised in 1913, 1914 and 1916, and printed in 10, 18, 11 and 4 thousand copies respectively.
Contains numbers 1-69 with coats of arms of Ostpreussen (now mainly Poland and Russia).
The first edition contains three additional texts; one preface by the Brücke association, one about the Brücke and Kaffee Hag and one with 5 press references to the arms. The Brücke was an organisation that, among other things, promoted the use of advertising and the owner of the Kaffee Hag Company (Roselius) was one of the first to issue stamps in the uniform size system promoted by Die Brücke.
The second edition only contains a text about advertising as a means to spread culture as well as 4 press references.
The third and fourth editions contain three texts by Prof. Hupp on heraldry, general remarks and the history of the arms of Ostpreussen. The sequence of the images in these last editions has also changed; in the first two editions the towns in Regierungsbezirk (district) Allenstein were placed among the two other districts, in the third edition the district was placed after the other two districts.
Issued 1913, reprinted 1915, with 10.000 copies in each edition
Contains numbers 70-126 and 282 after number 82.
The first edition has three texts; one on the stamps of Kaffee Hag, and two about different aspects of coffee.
The second edition has the additional stamp and two texts from Prof. Hupp, on the sources of the arms and on the history of the arms of Westpreussen.
Issued 1914 and reprinted in 1915, with 20 and 5 thousand copies each
Contains numbers 127-281, the second issue also the additional numbers 477-479. Number 477 is placed between 158-159, 478 between 160-161, and 479 between 136-137. Number 281 is placed at the end of the series in the first edition, and between 164-165 in the second edition. Due to these additions, the sequence of the arms per page changed considerably. The second edition also has additional geographical information on the first page of the arms.
Both issues contain two texts on the history of the arms.
4: Ober- und Niederbayern
Issued in 1914 and reprinted in 1916 in 20.000 and 4.000 copies
Contains numbers 320-476
Both issues are identical and contain 3 texts frorm Prof. Hupp on the history of the arms.
Issued in 1915 in 20.000 copies
Contains numbers 283-319 and 480-518
Also contains two additional texts, one on the heraldic language, and the other on the history of the arms. Although there is officially only one edition, there are differences in the back page, indicating at least two different prints of this edition.
Issued in 1915 in 20.000 copies
Contains numbers 519-663
Has one additional text on the history of the arms.
Album number 7, Schlesien, was planned, but never issued. Planned were 188 stamps, of which only 40 (664-703) have been published.
According to the texts on the back of the stamps a total of 3000 arms were planned.
It is not known how many stamps were actually issued, but a number of 68 million has been mentioned.
The stamps are marked with the initials of the author, OH, for Prof. Otto Hupp. The initials are printed in black, with the exception of numbers 192-223 that show either initials in blue, or no initials at all.
On the backside of the stamps the name and description of the arms, as well as the number of inhabitants was given. The latter was taken from the census of 1910. All stamps also have a small advertising for Kaffee Hag. In many cases, when the description of the arms was short, additional (advertising) texts were published.
There are 6 variations of the arms known (Liebenwalde, Strasburg, Hengersberg, Wollin, Jaratschewo, Jarotschin), as well as several small changes on the decorations, the letters and the texts on the back.
All books were published by B. Heller in München.
The books were not for sale in the bookshops, but had to be ordered at Kaffee Hag in Bremen in exchange for a number of stamps. Stamps were packed in the pre-packed coffee sold all over the country.
The stamps were issued in sheets of 32 (8x4) stamps, see image below.
New Series (1927/8-1939)
The new (second) series was published as Deutsche Ortswappen (Neue Reihe) between 1927 and 1938. There are several differences as compared with the old series issued between 1913-1918.
The albums were issued as loose sheets, which could be bound in either 10 small albums, or in four large albums. Each page contained 9 arms. The content of the 10 albums was described, still people often filled the albums at random or by State, which means that each album may contain different pages.
The four large albums were not numbered and could be used at will.
The arms were published by province/State, but the images of the different provinces were not issued at the same time, some parts were issued years after the first half of the series.
Like in the old series the back of the arms contained the description and some advertising. The stamps were issued in sheets of 18.
There are many variations in the new series known. As the images and the sheets often needed to be reprinted, small corrections were made and mistakes were corrected. There are at least 75 different images known, which are not listed in the Additions and Corrections section. Besides this, there are hundreds of texts variations known (both in albums and on the stamps), such as changes in the number of inhabitants, changed descriptions of the arms, changed status (town, city, village) and many more.
An example of a variation is Neumünster
The arms of the following States and provinces were issued :
- Anhalt (free-state) : 22 arms with space for additions.
- Baden (free-state) : 135 arms
- Bayern :
- District Mittelfranken : 84 arms
- District Niederbayern : 78 arms
- District Oberbayern : 81 arms
- District Oberfranken : 89 arms
- District Oberpfalz : 93 arms
- District Rheinpfalz : 54 arms
- District Schwaben : 76 arms
- District Unterfranken : 72 arms
- Braunschweig (free-state) : 16 arms
- Bremen : 3 arms, published on the pages after Hannover – Stade and numbers 1-3 in that series; same 3 arms, published as numbers 1-3 in the Hanse pages
- Hamburg : 4 arms, published and numbered after Lippe/Schaumburg-Lippe; 4 arms (1 different) published as numbers 4-8 in the Hanse pages
- Hessen :
- District Oberhessen : 36 arms (plus one addition, published after Rheinhessen)
- District Rheinhessen : 21 arms (plus one addition)
- District Starkenburg : 43 arms (plus one addition, published after Rheinhessen)
- Lippe : 11 arms, published as part of Lippe/Schaumburg-Lippe
- Lübeck : 2 arms, published and numbered after Braunschweig; The same 2 arms published as numbers 8 and 9 in the Hanse pages
- Mecklenburg-Schwerin : 44 arms
- Mecklenburg-Strelitz : 9 arms
- Oldenburg : 18 arms
- Preussen (kingdom)
- Berlin : 36 arms
- Province Brandenburg
- district Frankfurt an der Oder : 68 arms
- district Potsdam : 79 arms
- Province Grenzmark Posen-Westpreussen : 26 arms
- Province Hannover
- district Aurich : 8 arms
- district Hannover : 36 arms
- district Hildesheim : 36 arms
- district Lüneburg : 24 arms
- district Osnabrück : 16 arms
- district Stade : 15 arms
- Province Hessen-Nassau
- district Kassel (partly published as Cassel) : 78 arms
- district Wiesbaden : 53 arms
- Province Hohenzollernsche Lande (also published as Rheinprovinz, district Sigmaringen) : 9 arms
- Province Niederschlesien
- district Breslau : 60 arms (also partly published as Province Schlesien)
- district Liegnitz : 63 arms (plus one addition after Obeschlesien-Oppeln)
- Province Oberschlesien
- district Oppeln : 44 arms (of which one as addition)
- Province Ostpreussen
- Province Pommern
- Province Rheinprovinz
- district Aachen : 18 arms
- district Düsseldorf : 72 arms
- district Koblenz : 44 arms (of which one as addition)
- district Köln : 18 arms
- district Trier : 24 arms (of which one as addition)
- Province Sachsen
- district Erfurt : 30 arms
- district Magdeburg : 54 arms
- district Merseburg : 77 (plus one published as correction at the end)
- Province Schleswig-Holstein : 51 arms (of which four as additions)
- Province Westfalen
- district Arnsberg : 64 arms (of which one as addition after Westfalen – Münster)
- district Minden : 44 arms
- district Münster : 43 arms (of which one as addition)
- Saargebiet : 9 arms
- Sachsen (free-state)
- district Bautzen : 18 arms
- district Chemnitz : 31 arms
- district Dresden : 36 arms (published as Kreishauptmannschaft Dresden and Kreis Dresden)
- district Leipzig : 36 arms
- district Zwickau : 31 arms (of which two as additions)
- Schaumburg-Lippe : 3 arms, published as part of Lippe/Schaumburg-Lippe
- Thüringen : 101 arms
- Württemberg
- district Donaukreis : 36 arms
- district Jagtkreis : 35 arms (of which 3 as additions)
- district Neckarkreis : 40 arms
- district Schwarzwaldkreis : 39 (of which 3 additions after the Neckarkreis)
- Additions and Corrections : 44 arms, numbered in sequence of their province/district
Images issued
For an overview of all images (over 5000) issued see here.
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- This page was last modified on 24 June 2017, at 05:52.
- This page has been accessed 22,679 times.
- . © since 1996, Heraldry of the World, Ralf Hartemink
(Herbarz Świata, विश्व की हेरलड्री, Huy hiệu của thế giới, أعلام النبلاء من العالم, বিশ্ব এর ঘোষকতা, Хералдиката на света, 世界的纹章, Heraldik af verden, Heraldik der Welt, Héraldique du monde, Εραλδική του κόσμου, Skjaldarmerki heimsins, Araldica del mondo, 世界の紋章, 세상의 문장, Heraldika pasaulē, Pasaulio heraldika, Heraldikk av verden, ایین و تشریفات نشانهای از جهان, Heráldica do mundo, Геральдика мира, Heraldika sveta, Heráldica del mundo, ప్రపంచ యొక్క వంశావళి,ตราประจำตระกูลของโลก, Dünyanın merheri, Heraldik av världen)
Kaffee Hag Wappen der Schweiz
- Issued by : Kaffee Hag, Feldmeilen bei Zürich
- Date of issue : 1911 - 1965
- Number of stamps/cards : 2053
- Image variants : Thousands, due to multiple reprints and different heraldic artists, +/- 5000 different images exist
For information on the company, see the overview of Coffee Hag albums.
Albums issued
The Swiss Coffee Hag series are the most complicated series of all the Coffee Hag albums. The Swiss albums were actually the first to be issued, as early as 1910 and were reprinted many times until the mid 1960s. This has resulted in a series of at least 76 different albums and more than 2500 variations in images. In total the number of stamps issued for the Swiss series is more than for all other series combined !
The series were started in 1911 with the first album with Kantons und Stadtwappen (arms of Cantons and cities), numbered 1-80. This album was printed at three different locations (München, Laupen and an unmarked issue) with the same images, but the stamps differed slightly in design. The 2nd album with arms of towns and villages (Stadt-und Dorfgemeinden, numbered 81-144) was also issued at the same time and same locations. The third album (images 145-288) was issued only at two locations in 1922. In 1923 the fourth album, named Stadt-und Dorfgemeinden (Serie C) was issued, and the numbering was started again with 1-48.
The series was then discontinued in the same style and redesigned. In 1926 the new series were started, in which not only town arms, but also personal and other arms were planned. The series started again with album 4, which has the same towns as the old series number 4, but now in a different design of album and images. Later albums 5-18 were issued in more or less the same style. Albums 4 and 5 were later combined to album 4/5, which, in a later issue, was again renamed album 5. In the 1950s the lay-out was changed again, and all albums (5-18) were issued with the new design, and an album 19 was added. Before WWII also two albums with arms of monasteries, dioceses and othe religious arms were issued as numbers 1 and 2. An album 3 was never issued in the new series.
To complicate matters, the albums were also continously revised. Arms were changed and updated due to recent grants, and the number of inhabitants was adjusted. In a few cases towns were replaced by other towns. This all has resulted in the (at least) 76 different albums.
The arms were also often restyled and the towns and cantons of the old albums 1-3 were re-issued in the new series. Some arms thus have been published in more than 5 variations ! An example is shown below for Altstätten (the upper row shows the arms from the old series, the lower row from the new series in different design. In the last image the bear no longer has red claws):
Some differences in style of the back of the images (later issues have no longer any information on the back)are shown below. More than 5 styles are known, but not for each town all styles have been issued. Some examples are shown below:
Overview of albums issued
The albums were issued with the following front types :
Type 1 and 2 were only used for the old series, albums 1-4. Types 3 and 4 were used for the second series.
The table below shows the different albums that have been issued. The albums can be distinguished in most cases by the advertisement on the back, with the exception of the old series, and in the new series with type 4 fronts. Sometimes different editions had the same back, these albums can only be distinguished based on the texts.
For the old series 10 different albums have been issued, for the new series at leat 66 different albums are known.
The albums are numbered with an extra letter (A-F). These letters are based on the time the album was approximately issued. Hence of the early albums most letters exist, but form album 19 only the letters E and F exist.
Besides the albums listed below, there have been albums issued with misprints and in hardcover. These are not listed here.
The albums of the old series :
The albums of the old series :
Klosterwappen 1 B/C front
Klosterwappen 1 B back
Klosterwappen 1 C back
Klosterwappen 1 F front
Klosterwappen 1 F back
Klosterwappen 2 C/D front
Klosterwappen 2 C back
Klosterwappen 2 D back
Klosterwappen 2 F front
Klosterwappen 2 F back
Album 4 A-C front
Album 5 A-C front
Album 4 and 5 combined front D
Album 4 and 5 combined D back
Album 4 and 5 combined front E/F
Album 4 and 5 combined F back
Album 6 A-D front
Album 6 C/D back
Album 6 E-F front
Album 7 A-D front
Album 7 B/C back
Album 8 A-C front
Album 9 B,C,D front
Album 7 A,B,D front
Album 10 B back
Album 10 D back
Album 11 B,C front
Album 11 B back
Album 11 C back
Album 11F front
Album 11 F back
Album 12 B,C,D front
Album 12 B/C back
Album 12 D back
Album 12 F front
Album 12 F back
Album 13 B,E front
Album 13 B back
Album 13 E back
Album 13 F front
Album 13 F back
Album 14 B,C front
Album 14 B back
Album 14 C back
Album 14 D,E front
Album 14 D back
Album 14 E back
Album 16 B,C front
Album 16 B back
Album 16 C back
Album 16 F front
Album 17 B front
Album 17 B back
Album 17 E front
Album 13 E back
Album 18 C front
Album 18 C back
Album 18 F front
Album 18 F back
Album 19 E,F front
Album 19 E back
Album 19 F back
An overview of all albums can be found here as an excel file.
All images and the texts on the back can be found here
Other material
During the years many promotion leaflets and notifications were issued. A few can be downloaded here:
Ordering the images was through an ordering form:
Letters to customers:
Postcard issued with arms of the cantons:
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- This page was last modified on 24 June 2017, at 23:30.
- This page has been accessed 6,028 times.
- . © since 1996, Heraldry of the World, Ralf Hartemink
(Herbarz Świata, विश्व की हेरलड्री, Huy hiệu của thế giới, أعلام النبلاء من العالم, বিশ্ব এর ঘোষকতা, Хералдиката на света, 世界的纹章, Heraldik af verden, Heraldik der Welt, Héraldique du monde, Εραλδική του κόσμου, Skjaldarmerki heimsins, Araldica del mondo, 世界の紋章, 세상의 문장, Heraldika pasaulē, Pasaulio heraldika, Heraldikk av verden, ایین و تشریفات نشانهای از جهان, Heráldica do mundo, Геральдика мира, Heraldika sveta, Heráldica del mundo, ప్రపంచ యొక్క వంశావళి,ตราประจำตระกูลของโลก, Dünyanın merheri, Heraldik av världen)
Kaffee haag
В корзину ничего не добавлено.

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2.3. Для того, чтобы воспользоваться данным предложением, необходимо оформить заказ в Интернет-бутике по адресу www.nespresso.com/ru/ru, клубе Nespresso по телефону 8 800 200 00 04 или в Бутиках Nespresso по следующим адресам:
- Москва, Новинский б-р, д. 31;
- Москва, ул. Большая Дмитровка, д. 13;
- Москва, ул. Земляной Вал, д.33;
- Москва, пр-т Вернадского, д.6;
- Москва, Ленинградское шоссе, 16А;
- Москва, Пресненская набережная, д.2;
- Москва, Кутузовский проспект, д. 48, Галерея «Времена Года»;
- Москва, Красная площадь, д.3, ТД «ГУМ»;
- Московская область, г. Химки, микрорайон «ИКЕА», корпус 2;
- Московская область, г. Котельники, 1-й Покровский пр-д, д.5, «Мега Белая Дача»
- Санкт-Петербург, Невский пр-т, д. 15;
- Санкт-Петербург, Большой пр-т., П.С, д. 59, литера А;
- Екатеринбург, ул. Радищева, д. 25
3. Количество подарков ограничено наличием товара в точках продаж, указанных в п. 2.3 настоящих Правил.
4. Настоящая Акция проводится для ограниченного круга лиц при заказе по телефону или в Интернет-бутике. Участником акции могут стать физические лица, достигшие совершеннолетия и проживающие в России, за исключением сотрудников компании ООО «Нестле Россия», являющиеся зарегистрированными участниками клуба «Неспрессо», получившие уведомления от Организатора. Участником акции в бутиках Nespresso могут стать физические лица, достигшие совершеннолетия и проживающие в России, за исключением сотрудников компании ООО «Нестле Россия», являющиеся зарегистрированными участниками клуба «Неспрессо».
5. Срок проведения Акции с 20.11.2017 г. по 10.12.2017 г.
6. Территория проведения Акции: Российская Федерация;
7. В Акции участвуют только кофе-капсулы, приобретенные на территории РФ.
8. Предложение будет рассматриваться как недействительное в случае, если кофе-капсулы приобретены до или после срока проведения этой акции.
9. Предложение по Акции не суммируется с другими скидками, акциями и специальными предложениями Nespresso.
10. Оператором персональных данных в рамках проведения Акции является Организатор Акции. Факт выполнения действий, установленных настоящими Правилами, является согласием Участника на обработку предоставленных им персональных данных, самим Оператором или привлечёнными им лицами в строгом соответствии с настоящими Правилами. Цель обработки персональных данных — проведение Акции в соответствии с настоящими Правилами и действующим законодательством. Перечень данных, которые предоставляются Участниками: имя, фамилия, отчество, возраст, паспортные данные, номер контактного телефона. Перечень действий с предоставляемыми Участниками персональными данными: сбор, запись, систематизация, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), извлечение, использование, передача (распространение, предоставление, доступ), трансграничная передача в страны, обеспечивающие адекватную защиту персональных данных, обезличивание, блокирование, удаление, уничтожение персональных данных. Оператором и привлечённые им лица осуществляют обработку персональных данных Участников в строгом соответствии с принципами и правилами, установленными Федеральным законом от 27.07.2006 № 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных», включая соблюдение конфиденциальности и обеспечения безопасности персональных данных при их обработке. Участник Акции вправе в любое время отозвать разрешение на обработку персональных данных путем направления заявления Организатору на его электронный адрес, что влечёт автоматическое прекращение участия в Акции лица, отозвавшего свои персональные данные в период ее проведения.
11. Подробности акции можно уточнить на сайте https://www.nespresso.com/ru/ru или по телефону клуба Nespresso 8 800 200 00 04.
12. Во всем, что не предусмотрено настоящими правилами, Организатор и Участники Акции руководствуются действующим законодательством Российской Федерации. Организатор оставляет за собой право приостановить или отказать в предоставлении подарка в случае:
- если участник предоставил недостоверную и (или) неполную информацию о себе и (или) о покупке;
- при подозрении на злоупотребление и недобросовестные действия со стороны участника;
- если участник нарушил иные положения настоящих Правил;
- в иных случаях, предусмотренных действующим законодательством Российской Федерации.
Организатор акции: ООО «Нестле Россия», 115054, г. Москва, Павелецкая пл., д.2, стр.1. Телефон 8-800-200-00-39. ИНН 7705739450, ОГРН 1061067746759662.
Организатор имеет право изменять условия акции, публиковать дополнительную информацию об акции путем размещения ее на сайте https://www.nespresso.com/ru/ru.
Информация о Правилах акции будет распространяться в сети Интернет на сайте https://www.nespresso.com/ru/ru.
Настоящие правила вступают в силу с момента их опубликования на сайте https://www.nespresso.com/ru/ru
Правила акции «Новогоднее настроение от Неспрессо: специальное предложение на покупку кофе капсул»
1. В период с 20.11.2017 г. по 10.12.2017 г. участники клуба Неспрессо имеют возможность воспользоваться интересными предложениями на покупку кофе-капсул и аксессуаров Nespresso.
2. Участники клуба Nespresso, указанные в п.4:
- Оформляя единовременную покупку в течение срока действия акции от 120 до 179 капсул классической линии Nespresso в бутиках Nespresso, покупатель становится участником акции и имеет возможность получить дополнительную выгоду в виде 1 упаковки кофе Nespresso постоянной коллекции на выбор. Выгода в виде 1 упаковки кофе Nespresso постоянной коллекции (из всей постоянной коллекции на выбор в бутиках Nespresso и Клубе Nespresso и из коллекции Pure Origin в Интернет-бутике Nespresso) предоставляется путем ее дополнительного вложения в размещенный заказ от 120 до 179 кофе-капсул.
- Оформляя единовременную покупку в течение срока действия акции от 180 до 269 капсул классической линии Nespresso в бутиках, в Интернет-бутике или в Клубе Nespresso, покупатель становится участником акции и имеет возможность получить дополнительную выгоду displaв виде двух упаковок кофе Nespresso на выбор. Выгода в виде двух упаковок кофе Nespresso постоянной коллекции (из всей постоянной коллекции на выбор в бутиках Nespresso и Клубе Nespresso и из коллекции Pure Origin в Интернет-бутике Nespresso) предоставляется путем их вложения в размещенный заказ от 180 до 269 кофе-капсул.
- Оформляя единовременную покупку в течение срока действия акции от 270 и более капсул классической линии Nespresso в бутиках, в Интернет-бутике или в Клубе Nespresso, покупатель становится участником акции и имеет возможность получить дополнительную выгоду в виде трех упаковок кофе Nespresso на выбор. Выгода в виде трех упаковок кофе Nespresso постоянной коллекции (из всей постоянной коллекции на выбор в бутиках Nespresso и Клубе Nespresso и из коллекции Pure Origin в Интернет-бутике Nespresso) предоставляется путем их дополнительного вложения в размещенный заказ от 270 и более кофе-капсул.
2.1. В рамках одного заказа можно получить только один из вариантов выгоды, указанных в п.2.
2.2. Один участник может получить не более 1 одного вариант выгоды в день в течение срока действия настоящей Акции и не более 3-х вариантов выгоды за весь период участия в Акции.
2.3. Для того, чтобы воспользоваться данным предложением, необходимо оформить заказ в Интернет-бутике по адресу www.nespresso.com/ru/ru, клубе Nespresso по телефону 8 800 200 00 04 или в Бутиках Nespresso по следующим адресам:
- Москва, Новинский б-р, д. 31;
- Москва, ул. Большая Дмитровка, д. 13;
- Москва, ул. Земляной Вал, д.33;
- Москва, пр-т Вернадского, д.6;
- Москва, Ленинградское шоссе, 16А;
- Москва, Пресненская набережная, д.2;
- Москва, Кутузовский проспект, д. 48, Галерея «Времена Года»;
- Москва, Красная площадь, д.3, ТД «ГУМ»;
- Московская область, г. Химки, микрорайон «ИКЕА», корпус 2;
- Московская область, г. Котельники, 1-й Покровский пр-д, д.5, «Мега Белая Дача»
- Санкт-Петербург, Невский пр-т, д. 15;
- Санкт-Петербург, Большой пр-т., П.С, д. 59, литера А;
- Екатеринбург, ул. Радищева, д. 25
3. Количество подарков ограничено наличием товара в точках продаж, указанных в п. 2.3 настоящих Правил.
4. Настоящая Акция проводится для ограниченного круга лиц при заказе по телефону или в Интернет-бутике. Участником акции могут стать физические лица, достигшие совершеннолетия и проживающие в России, за исключением сотрудников компании ООО «Нестле Россия», являющиеся зарегистрированными участниками клуба «Неспрессо», получившие уведомления от Организатора. Участником акции в бутиках Nespresso могут стать физические лица, достигшие совершеннолетия и проживающие в России, за исключением сотрудников компании ООО «Нестле Россия», являющиеся зарегистрированными участниками клуба «Неспрессо».
5. Срок проведения Акции с 20.11.2017 г. по 10.12.2017 г.
6. Территория проведения Акции: Российская Федерация;
7. В Акции участвуют только кофе-капсулы, приобретенные на территории РФ.
8. Предложение будет рассматриваться как недействительное в случае, если кофе-капсулы приобретены до или после срока проведения этой акции.
9. Предложение по Акции не суммируется с другими скидками, акциями и специальными предложениями Nespresso.
10. Оператором персональных данных в рамках проведения Акции является Организатор Акции. Факт выполнения действий, установленных настоящими Правилами, является согласием Участника на обработку предоставленных им персональных данных, самим Оператором или привлечёнными им лицами в строгом соответствии с настоящими Правилами. Цель обработки персональных данных — проведение Акции в соответствии с настоящими Правилами и действующим законодательством. Перечень данных, которые предоставляются Участниками: имя, фамилия, отчество, возраст, паспортные данные, номер контактного телефона. Перечень действий с предоставляемыми Участниками персональными данными: сбор, запись, систематизация, накопление, хранение, уточнение (обновление, изменение), извлечение, использование, передача (распространение, предоставление, доступ), трансграничная передача в страны, обеспечивающие адекватную защиту персональных данных, обезличивание, блокирование, удаление, уничтожение персональных данных. Оператором и привлечённые им лица осуществляют обработку персональных данных Участников в строгом соответствии с принципами и правилами, установленными Федеральным законом от 27.07.2006 № 152-ФЗ «О персональных данных», включая соблюдение конфиденциальности и обеспечения безопасности персональных данных при их обработке. Участник Акции вправе в любое время отозвать разрешение на обработку персональных данных путем направления заявления Организатору на его электронный адрес, что влечёт автоматическое прекращение участия в Акции лица, отозвавшего свои персональные данные в период ее проведения.
11. Подробности акции можно уточнить на сайте https://www.nespresso.com/ru/ru или по телефону клуба Nespresso 8 800 200 00 04.
12. Во всем, что не предусмотрено настоящими правилами, Организатор и Участники Акции руководствуются действующим законодательством Российской Федерации. Организатор оставляет за собой право приостановить или отказать в предоставлении подарка в случае:
- если участник предоставил недостоверную и (или) неполную информацию о себе и (или) о покупке;
- при подозрении на злоупотребление и недобросовестные действия со стороны участника;
- если участник нарушил иные положения настоящих Правил;
- в иных случаях, предусмотренных действующим законодательством Российской Федерации.
Организатор акции: ООО «Нестле Россия», 115054, г. Москва, Павелецкая пл., д.2, стр.1. Телефон 8-800-200-00-39. ИНН 7705739450, ОГРН 1061067746759662.
21st CENTURY ART, C.E. - B. C.
. the geometry is the light.
Kaffe Fasset
He lives blissfully in the realms of color, pattern and design, completely seduced by the glorious riot of yarns, threads, fabrics, textures, the prospect of combining them, the joy of trying EVERYTHING. Anyone interested in knitting or quilting or needlepointing or any other use of fabric would do well to dip into his, by now, enormous collection of books. Always one to encourage the improvisations of others, his advice is delightfully open-ended in regard to both design and the purchasing of supplies. "Run out of a color, give the work a chance to sing" -- might be a good paraphrase of his advice.
Even though a needlepointer, I tend to admire his knitting philosophy the most, "--when in doubt, try it!" Visit his Website -- not nearly as glorious as his work. But go there, read his books, take his advice, enchance your work and your life with the advice from one of the most joyous geniuses of the grid arts, the great arts of textiles and fabrics.
". a sense of colour," he says," is not something you automatically know about; you discover and rediscover its secrets by playing with it and, above all, by constantly looking. So as well as giving you some of my patterns in great detail, I particularly want to show you how these designs evolved -- the experimenting with sourcs of inspiration for colorurs and shapes that is a never-ending process." from Glorious Knitting.
Fassett, starting out as a painter, leaped over the stringent taboo in the '60s againt serious artists dabbling in crafts. Strongly attracted to the beauty of colored yarns, he began knitting -- in, as he puts it, ignorant bliss, and quickly discovered, as most stitchers do, that complexity is an illusion. If the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, one might say, a lifetime of intricate joy begins with a single stitch, and then another and another and another.
Fassett's work has been exhibited in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, as well as in Europe, Japan, Australia and North America. He has created interiors, as well as ballet sets and costumes. He gives innumberable workshops.
"My mother" he has said, "knitted a full length coat in the last two weeks of her life. That's the way I want to go." Be sure to visit Kaffee Fasset's own Website
Kerstin Haag @kaffee.haag
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Record Exports for Coffee Year 2016/17
120th Session of the International Coffee Council
The 120th Session of the International Coffee Council and other ICO meetings took place in Yamoussoukro during the week of 25 to 29 September 2017. All presentations are now available.
Trade Statistics - October 2017
• World coffee exports amounted to 8.8 million bags in October 2017, a fall of 11.4% compared with 9.93 million bags in October 2016. • In the twelve months ending October 2017, exports of Arabica totalled 76.23 million bags compared to 72.35 million bags last year; whereas Robusta exports amounted to 44.12 million bags compared to 45.14 million bags. Find more facts and figures about Coffee Trade Statistics>>
What statistical information should the ICO provide?
ICO Executive Director joins growers in Panama
On 28 October 2017, ICO Executive Director, Mr Josй Sette, had the pleasure to visit coffee farms in the Boquete and Volcбn regions of Panama. Mr Sette also had the pleasure to talk to growers about trends in the coffee market, sustainability and the important role of the ICO.
Executive Director meeting with IHCafй
On 26 October 2017, the third day of the ICO Executive Director's visit to Honduras was dedicated to meetings at IHCafй (Honduran Coffee Institute). In the morning, Mr Sette met with the Governing Board to discuss the challenges facing the world coffee sector and Honduras in particular, and in the afternoon he made a presentation on the sustainability of the world coffee sector and the role of the ICO.
ICO Executive Director meets President of Honduras
Coffee prices climb to a 4-month high but subsequently fall in view of a well-supplied market
Welcome visit from the Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Executive Director, Mr Josй Sette, was honoured to welcome Her Excellency Ms Marie-Marguerite Ndjeka Opombo to the ICO this week. Accompanied by Mr Corneille Tabalo, the Congo Embassy’s official representative to the ICO, this visit provided a valuable opportunity to discuss the country’s coffee sector development strategy for which the ICO will lend its support. Her Excellency also congratulated Mr Sette on his appointment as ICO Executive Director and extended an invitation for him to visit the Democratic Republic of Congo next year. Members are always welcome to visit the ICO offices. Contact eldred@ico.org for more information. Read more on the ICO blog>> Read the latest Coffee Market Report>> > • Exports in the first 9 months of coffee year 2016/17 (Oct/16 to Jun/17) have increased by 5.6% to 92.29 million bags compared to 87.37 million bags in the same period in the last coffee year. • In the twelve months ending June 2017, exports of Arabica totalled 75.76 million bags compared to 71.21 million bags last year; whereas Robusta exports amounted to 45.45 million bags compared to 43.91 million bags. Find more facts and figures about Coffee Trade Statistics>>
1st World Coffee Producers Forum - Colombia
Mr Josй Sette, Executive Director of the ICO, had a personal meeting with H.E. Mr Juan Manuel Santos, President of the Republic of Colombia, to discuss the current world coffee outlook and the challenges facing the world coffee sector. Mr Sette delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the 1st World Coffee Producers Forum in Medellin, Colombia. The Presidents of Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras and the Vice-President of El Salvador took part in the opening ceremony along with representatives of African, Asian and Latin American coffee-producing and consuming countries. Former US President William J. Clinton and Prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs participated in the panel on Economic Sustainability and Rural Development to Promote Global Stability and Democracy. The aim of the Forum was to discuss the challenges facing coffee-producing countries. Speech>> View photos on the blog>> Read the latest Coffee Market Report>> View photo on the blog>> • Exports in the first 8 months of coffee year 2016/17 (Oct/16 to May/17) have increased by 5% to 81.32 million bags compared to 77.44 million bags in the same period in the last coffee year. • In the 12 months ending May 2017, exports of Arabica totalled 74.49 million bags compared to 71.49 million bags last year; whereas Robusta exports amounted to 45.59 million bags compared to 43.92 million bags. Find more facts and figures about Coffee Trade Statistics>>
World of Coffee - June 2017
The Executive Director of the ICO meets high-level representatives
Mr Josй Sette, Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, took office on 1 May 2017. Since then, he has been paying courtesy visits to the following high-level representatives to discuss the challenges facing the coffee sector globally and specifically with reference to their countries. In these contacts, he has been taking the opportunity to discuss their suggestions for the work programme and strategic planning of the Organization. • Ambassador of Ecuador, H.E. Mr Carlos Abad Ortiz • Ambassador of Honduras, H.E. Mr Ivбn Romero-Martнnez • Ambassador of Colombia, H.E. Mr Nйstor Osorio • Ambassador of Bolivia, H.E. Mr Roberto Calzadilla Sarmiento • Ambassador of Indonesia, H.E. Dr Rizal Sukma • Ambassador of Mexico, H.E. Mr Juliбn Ventura • Ambassador of Ethiopia, H.E. Mr Hailemichael Afework Aberra • Ambassador of Vietnam, H.E. Mr Nguyen Van Thao • Ambassador of Switzerland, H.E. Mr Dominik Furgler • Permanent Representative to the ICO, Switzerland, Mr Conradin Rasi • Ambassador of Guatemala, H.E. Mr Acisclo Valladares Molina • Ambassador of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr Alexander Yakovenko • Permanent Representative to the ICO, Cфte d’Ivoire, Mr Aly Tourй • First Counsellor (Economic/Agricultural Affairs), Italy, Mr Dante Brandi • Overseas Representative, Papua New Guinea, Mr Michael Wheeler • Permanent Representative to the ICO, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mr Corneille Tabalo • Ambassador of El Salvador, H.E. Mrs Elisabeth Hayek-Weinmann • Ambassador of Panama, H.E. Mr Daniel Fбbrega • Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr Koji Tsuruoka • High Commissioner of Kenya, H.E. Mr Lazarus Amayo • Ambassador of Burundi, H.E. Mr Ernest Ndabashinze • Ambassador of Brazil, H.E. Mr Eduardo Santos • Ambassador of Tunisia, H.E. Mr Nabil Ammar • Ambassador of Peru, H.E. Mr Claudio De la Puente • High Commissioner of Tanzania, H.E. Dr Asha-Rose Migiro In addition to that, whilst attending the launch of the Global Adaptation Plan in Geneva, he visited the Director General of the World Trade Organization, Mr Roberto Azevкdo, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Dr Mukhisa Kituyi, to discuss possible opportunities for collaboration. Read more on the ICO blog>> Read the latest Coffee Market Report>> • Exports in the first 6 months of coffee year 2016/17 (Oct/16 to Mar/17) have increased by 4.8% to 60.08 million bags compared to 57.34 million bags in the same period in the last coffee year. • In the 12 months ending March 2017, exports of Arabica totalled 73.6 million bags compared to 71.87 million bags last year; whereas Robusta exports amounted to 45.27 million bags compared to 43.53 million bags. Find more facts and figures about Coffee Trade Statistics>>
5th Edition of FESTICOFFEE
New ICO Executive Director
At its 119th Session in London, the International Coffee Council appointed Mr Josй Dauster Sette of Brazil as the new Executive Director of the ICO for a five-year term. Press Release>> DN-132/17/ICA 2007>> Click here for more information>> Read the latest Coffee Market Report>>
Press Release
1 October is #InternationalCoffeeDay.
Thank you for celebrating International Coffee Day with us this year. Watch out for more details about plans for ICD 2018.
7th Consultative Forum on Coffee Sector Finance
The 7th Forum took place in Yamoussoukro on 27 September 2017. Learn more>>
The ICO has a unique Library containing an international reference collection, built up over 40 years of more than 13,000 monographs (books, reports, theses, pamphlets) and over 200 periodical titles covering all aspects of coffee.
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NH Den Haag
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Die Unterkunft NH Den Haag bietet Preise ab RUB 5.030.
Geben Sie Reisedaten an und sichern Sie sich diesen tollen Preis.
Kostenfreies WLAN 7,6
Kostenfreies WLAN 7,9
Kostenfreies WLAN 7,8
Kostenfreies WLAN 9,2
Kostenfreies WLAN 7,1
Kostenfreies WLAN 7
Das NH Den Haag erwartet Sie weniger als 15 Gehminuten vom Hauptbahnhof Den Haag entfernt und bietet elegante Zimmer, eine 24-Stunden-Rezeption und eine Café-Bar mit einem TV. Kostenfreies WLAN steht ebenfalls zur Verfügung.
Speisen & Getränke
Frühstück im Zimmer
Fahrradverleih (zusätzliche Gebühren)
Konferenz- und Veranstaltungsräume
Fax- u. Fotokopiereinrichtungen
Nichtraucherunterkunft (Alle öffentlichen und privaten Bereiche sind Nichtraucherzonen)
Gesprochene Sprachen
Heute schon 15-mal gebucht
Diese Unterkunft teilen
Standard Doppel- oder Zweibettzimmer mit Aussicht
Superior Doppel- oder Zweibettzimmer
Echte Bewertungen von echten Gästen
Mehr als 137 Mio. Bewertungen von Gästen nach ihrem Aufenthalt
Stornierung / Vorauszahlung
Die Stornierungs- und Vorauszahlungsbedingungen ändern sich je nach Zimmerkategorie. Bitte fügen Sie Ihre Reisedaten ein und überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen Ihrer gewählten Zimmerkategorie.
Folgende Kreditkarten werden akzeptiert
Visa, Euro/Mastercard, Diners Club, Bankkarte
Kinder und Zustellbetten
Kinder- bzw. Zustellbetten sind nur auf Anfrage erhältlich und müssen in jedem Fall von der Unterkunft bestätigt werden.
Zusätzliche Kosten sind nicht im Gesamtpreis enthalten und müssen separat während Ihres Aufenthaltes bezahlt werden.
Wenn die Zimmergröße dies zulässt, kann maximal 1 Kind (bis zum Alter von 12 Jahren) kostenfrei im Zimmer der Eltern übernachten.
Unterkunft kontaktieren
Sie können besondere Anfragen stellen, nachdem Sie Ihren Preis ausgewählt haben.
Sobald Sie gebucht haben, erhalten Sie die Kontaktinformationen, so dass Sie sich direkt mit der Unterkunft in Verbindung setzen können.
Rund um die Unterkunft
- Supermarkt Albert Heijn (0,1 km)
Informationen zu Transportmöglichkeiten
- 400 m Bahnhof
Orientierungspunkte in der Nähe
- Nächste Orientierungspunkte
Verfeinern Sie Ihre Unterkunftssuche
Dem Wunschzettel hinzufügen
Kostenfreies WLAN 7,6
Kostenfreies WLAN 7,9
Kostenfreies WLAN 7,8
Kostenfreies WLAN 9,2
Kostenfreies WLAN 7,1
Kostenfreies WLAN 7
Die Gästebewertungen drücken die persönliche Meinung der Kunden von Booking.com aus, die nach ihrem Aufenthalt einen Fragebogen ausgefüllt haben. Diese Aussagen müssen nicht mit der Meinung von Booking.com übereinstimmen.
Reisende, die an dieser Unterkunft interessiert sind, haben sich auch folgende angeschaut:
Holiday Inn Express The Hague - Parliament
Hampshire Hotel - Babylon Den Haag
Ibis Den Haag City Centre
Novotel Suites Den Haag City
KOSTENLOSE Stornierung für die meisten Zimmer
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