Coffee marketer Organo Gold brews up controversy
Organo Gold, a multi-level marketer of coffee and personal care products that has been dogged for years by consumer complaints, erroneously claimed on its website that it was a pending member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), a trade group that seeks to burnish the reputation of the $31.6 billion industry.
Members of the DSA include a "who's who" of direct-sales companies, such as Amway, Mary Kay Cosmetics and Herbalife (HLF). Companies are given pending status in the DSA while the organization vets them to make sure that they operate their businesses in an ethical matter, a process that takes about a year. Organo Gold's membership lapsed around August 2013, according to the DSA.
"Less than 50 percent of the companies that make application for membership actually become members," said Amy Robinson, a DSA spokeswoman, in an email. "Many drop out when they realize they are unable or unwilling to meet the membership requirements."
After being contacted by CBS MoneyWatch, the DSA asked Organo Gold to remove any mention of the company being a pending member of its organization. The company on Monday deleted the DSA reference. (For a cached version of the webpage, click here.)
"Organo Gold is in the process of applying to numerous DSAs" in other parts of the world, the company said in a statement. "Organo Gold adheres to the code of conduct set out by the DSA, as well as the rules, laws and regulations of all areas in which we conduct business."
Founded in 2008, Organo Gold has generated a fair amount of controversy in its brief existence. Federal Trade Commission records show that the agency has received at least 55 complaints about Organo Gold, according to a Freedom of Information Act request. The complaints allege that the company makes inflated claims about the potential income people can earn as independent distributors of the British Columbia-based company's wares and that it misrepresents the effectiveness of its products.
Organo Gold is a so-called multi-level marketer, in which independent representatives can earn income both by selling the company's products, which they must purchase, and recruiting others to work as distributors. Although that business model has long been used by other network marketing firms, some critics have described Organo as a "pyramid scheme," a charge the company denies. Unlike legitimate multi-level players, operators of pyramid schemes make most of their profits by recruiting other sellers.
"It seems to be a pyramid scheme that presents the possibility of earning thousands of dollars with an initial outlay of $149, " according to an FTC complaint filed last year in Pennsylvania (names of the complainants were redacted by the agency).
Other complaints allege that consumers were charged for products they didn't purchase or experienced difficulties in getting refunds from Organo Gold. The Better Business Bureau lists 39 complaints against Organo Gold over the past three years. The BBB gives Organo Gold a C+ rating, which is based on how many disputes it has and how quickly they are resolved. (Grades are given on a scale of a high of A+ to a low of F.)
"BBB has received a pattern of complaints from consumers regarding customer service issues," the organization says. "Consumers allege the business is difficult to contact, and there is a delay in response times to e-mails and phone calls, specifically when canceling products or memberships."
Frank Dorman, a spokesman with the FTC, said in an interview that it is against agency policy to comment on potential investigations.
For its part, Organo Gold denies any wrongdoing and says it is unaware of the FTC complaints. "We act quickly and thoroughly to any complaints which are brought to our attention by either a consumer, BBB or regulatory agency," the company said in a statement.
Starting with three employees, Organo Gold became what it says is one of the fastest-growing network marketing companies in the world, with operations in 32 countries and sales that trade publication Direct Selling News estimates at $170 million per year. The company's products are infused with Ganoderma lucidum, which is derived from the reishi mushroom, grown in Asia and known as the "supernatural mushroom," according to Organo's website.
In addition to selling coffee, tea and hot chocolate, the company also sells an assortment of personal care items, such as soap, along with "nutraceuticals" derived from Ganoderma.
According to NYU's Langone Medical Center in New York City, some herbalists classify reishi as an "adaptogen," a substance believed to help the body resist different kinds of stress. But "there is no meaningful evidence" that proves these benefits are real, according to the medical center.
Organo Gold appears to choose its words carefully in describing Ganoderma's purported health benefits, noting on its website that it has been "consumed for millennia in Asia because of its perceived value." The FDA issued a warning letter to Organo Gold cofounder Bernardo Chua for making misleading claims about Ganoderma when he ran another company.
Some Organo Gold dealers, though, aren't so reticent.
"Ganoderma has been known for centuries for alkalizing and oxygenating the body to establish the foundation for a lifetime of good health, removing the basis for osteoporosis, arthritis, adult-onset diabetes, heart disease and many other degenerative conditions including cancer," writes Alexandra McCallister, a Montreal-based dealer, in a post last year on her website. "No disease can survive in a super-oxygenated environment. When your body has sufficient oxygen, it thrives."
McCallister goes on to claim that Ganodemera is able to help with a litany of issues ranging from sexual dysfunction to digestive problems. She didn't respond to an email requesting comment for this story. Organo Gold distanced itself from the claims she made.
"Yes, we are concerned and have strict policies about these matters," the company said. "We also have a compliance department that diligently monitors health claims and when these issues are discovered, we take swift action to ensure the violation is resolved quickly."
Jonathan Berr is an award-winning journalist and podcaster based in New Jersey whose main focus is on business and economic issues.
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Kaffee gold
Sustainability Award | This award acknowledges individuals, businesses, and organizations that have created innovative projects or business models to expand and promote sustainability within the coffee world while inspiring others to initiate similar endeavors. Please contact with any questions. Apply for the 2017 Sustainability Award.
Best New Product Competition | Held at the SCAA Annual Exposition, this competition recognizes new products judged on their quality and value to the specialty coffee and tea industry.
United States Barista Championship | This event highlights the professional barista, awarding the winner the title of the United States Barista Champion. The winner is guaranteed a spot in the World Barista Championship to compete against national champions from around the world.
World Barista Championship | This event brings together the world’s national barista champions to compete for the title of World Barista Champion. Every four years this event is held at the SCAA Annual Exposition.
United States Cup Tasters Championship | Held at the SCAA Annual Exposition, this competition highlights the skills of coffee cuppers from around the country. The USCTC was created to educate and motivate cuppers, recognize their credibility and status as on par with wine tasters, and to promote the concept of quality coffee.
Roasters Guild Coffees of the Year Competition | Held at the SCAA Annual Exposition, this competition is open to origin countries that are in a cooperative relationship with SCAA as well as roaster and importer members. This event utilizes Q Graders, SCAA Cupping Judges, and other industry-cupping experts to evaluate and rank exceptional coffees.
Roasters Choice Tasting Competition | This event, also at the SCAA Annual Exposition, highlights the craft of roasting, bringing recognition to the roaster who carefully selected and roasted the coffee of their choice. This competition provides the opportunity for event attendees to taste exceptional coffees in a relaxed environment and vote for the roast of their choice.
USBC Brewers Cup Championship | This event highlights the art of professional brewing techniques, awarding the winner the title of the United States Brewers Cup Champion. The winner is guaranteed a spot in the World Brewers Cup Championship to compete against champions from around the world.
The 'steaming cup' design is a registered trademark of the SCAA
coffee with gold leaf - Dubai Forum
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Is the Royal Palace the only place to get coffee with gold or is it available in Dubai?
Not sure if you mean Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi or The Palace in Dubai for the gold coffee but unbelievably there are other places where you can imbibe metal-laced hot drinks:
And there is the Gold Café at the Mall of Emirates. It seems to serve cakes covered in sheets of gold but hot sure about their use of gold in their drinks menu:
One destination mentioned in this post
Thanks heaps LonTF - I was thinking of the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi but now I dont know if we will go - suppose it depends how keen my hu by is o going to Ferrari World
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Kaffee gold
Sustainability Award | This award acknowledges individuals, businesses, and organizations that have created innovative projects or business models to expand and promote sustainability within the coffee world while inspiring others to initiate similar endeavors. Please contact with any questions. Apply for the 2017 Sustainability Award.
Best New Product Competition | Held at the SCAA Annual Exposition, this competition recognizes new products judged on their quality and value to the specialty coffee and tea industry.
United States Barista Championship | This event highlights the professional barista, awarding the winner the title of the United States Barista Champion. The winner is guaranteed a spot in the World Barista Championship to compete against national champions from around the world.
World Barista Championship | This event brings together the world’s national barista champions to compete for the title of World Barista Champion. Every four years this event is held at the SCAA Annual Exposition.
United States Cup Tasters Championship | Held at the SCAA Annual Exposition, this competition highlights the skills of coffee cuppers from around the country. The USCTC was created to educate and motivate cuppers, recognize their credibility and status as on par with wine tasters, and to promote the concept of quality coffee.
Roasters Guild Coffees of the Year Competition | Held at the SCAA Annual Exposition, this competition is open to origin countries that are in a cooperative relationship with SCAA as well as roaster and importer members. This event utilizes Q Graders, SCAA Cupping Judges, and other industry-cupping experts to evaluate and rank exceptional coffees.
Roasters Choice Tasting Competition | This event, also at the SCAA Annual Exposition, highlights the craft of roasting, bringing recognition to the roaster who carefully selected and roasted the coffee of their choice. This competition provides the opportunity for event attendees to taste exceptional coffees in a relaxed environment and vote for the roast of their choice.
USBC Brewers Cup Championship | This event highlights the art of professional brewing techniques, awarding the winner the title of the United States Brewers Cup Champion. The winner is guaranteed a spot in the World Brewers Cup Championship to compete against champions from around the world.
The 'steaming cup' design is a registered trademark of the SCAA
IDEE Kaffee Classic
Kawa w padsach do ekspresu kolbowego
Integer ut iaculis felis
Curabitur eget molestie mi
Idee Kaffee Gold Express
Kawa rozpuszczalna. Nowa niЕјsza cena!
Idee Kaffee Classic
Idee Kaffee Gold Expres
Rozpuszczalna kawa bezkofeinowa
Integer ut iaculis felis
Curabitur eget molestie mi
Idee Kaffee Gold Express
Rozpuszczalna kawa porcjowana
Idee Kaffee Classic
Kawa ziarnista. Nowa niЕјsza cena!
Idee Kaffee Gold Express
Rozpuszczalna kawa porcjowana
Idee Kaffee kubek TO GO
PojemnoЕ›Д‡ 400 ml
ul. StoczniowcГіw 2A
ul. StoczniowcГіw 2A
Tel. 58 671 21 71
Idee Kaffee Challenge to czwarrta edycja Konkursu kierowanego do wsystkich miЕ‚oЕ›nikГіw aktywoЕ›ci ruchowej, ktГіrzy marzД… o realizacji swojego SPORTOWEGO WYZWANIA Е»YCIA! Celem Konkursu jest promocja aktywnoЕ›c sportowej i zdrowego trybu Ејycia. Konkurs jest elementem kampanii Idee Kaddee Zdrowa Engergia skupiajД…cej sie wokГіЕ‚ amatorskiego urawiania sportu i zdrowgo stylu Ејycia. WiД™cej szegГіЕ‚Гіw w zakЕ‚adce.
BД…dЕє w formie. Dbaj o siebie.
Idee Kaffee wie, Ејe w zdrowym ciele, zdrowy duch. To kawa z pomysЕ‚em! Naturalnie pobudza i nie draЕјni ЕјoЕ‚Д…dka! Tak wiД™c- na zdrowie!
BД…dЕє w formie. Dbaj o siebie.
Nasze codzienne wybory wpЕ‚ywajД… na nasze zdrowie i samopoczucie. Postaw na siebie. BД…dЕє aktywny. Wybieraj tylko najlepsze. Idee Kaffee wie, Ејe w zdrowym ciele, zdrowy duch. To kawa z pomysЕ‚em! Naturalnie pobudza i nie draЕјni ЕјoЕ‚Д…dka! Tak wiД™c- na zdrowie!
Co czyni Idee Kaffee kawД… wellness?
Termin Wellness to nic innego jak dobrostan ciaЕ‚a i ducha. Przekonaj siД™ jak waЕјna jest rГіwnowaga miД™dzy Twoim ciaЕ‚em, a umysЕ‚em. PozwГіl sobie na radoЕ›Д‡ z picia wyЕ›mienitej kawy, ktГіra dodaje energii i troszczy siД™ o Twoje zdrowie. Czy wiesz, Ејe surowe ziarno kawy przed paleniem zawiera szereg substancji draЕјniД…cych kwas chlorogenowy? Idee Kaffee posiada od 1927 roku patent umoЕјliwajД…cy pozbycie siД™ tych skЕ‚adnikГіw. Proces, ktГіremu poddawane jest kaЕјde ziarno kawy trafiajД…ce do paczki Zdrowej Energii polega na wypЕ‚ukiwaniu substancji draЕјniД…cych pod wpЕ‚ywem wysokiej temperatury, pary wodnej i ciЕ›nienia. Е»adnej chemii, sama woda. Zdrowa Energia w czystej, naturalnej postaci. I co waЕјne, proces ten w Ејaden sposГіb nie wpЕ‚ywa na aromat oraz poziom kofeiny.
Idee Kaffee posiada od 1927 roku patent umoЕјliwajД…cy pozbycie siД™ draЕјniД…cych skЕ‚adnikГіw z kawy. Proces, ktГіremu poddawane jest kaЕјde ziarno kawy trafiajД…ce do paczki Zdrowej Energii polega na wypЕ‚ukiwaniu substancji draЕјniД…cych pod wpЕ‚ywem wysokiej temperatury, pary wodnej i ciЕ›nienia. Е»adnej chemii, sama woda. Zdrowa Energia w czystej, naturalnej postaci. I co waЕјne, proces ten w Ејaden sposГіb nie wpЕ‚ywa na aromat oraz poziom kofeiny.
to rok narodzin Idee Kaffee. Kawa przyjazna dla ЕјoЕ‚Д…dka powstaЕ‚a w wyniku innowacyjnego pomysЕ‚u opracowanego przez profesora Karla Lendricha na zlecenie Arthura Darbovena. Efekt "Е‚agodnoЕ›ci dla ЕјoЕ‚Д…dka" zostaЕ‚ skrupulatnie przebadany przez farmaceutД™ Prof. Dr. Petera Wolfganga Luecker'a oraz dietetyka Dr. Hans'a- Wilhelma Meyer'a w pracy "in vivo". Badanie, oparte na grupie pacjentГіw, byЕ‚o dowodem na to, iЕј Idee Kaffee cieszy siД™ nie tylko lepszД… tolerancjД… wЕ›rГіd konsumentГіw, ale rГіwnieЕј ma dziaЕ‚ania zdecydowanie mniej draЕјniД…ce od innych kaw.
to rok narodzin Idee Kaffee. Kawa przyjazna dla ЕјoЕ‚Д…dka powstaЕ‚a w wyniku innowacyjnego pomysЕ‚u opracowanego przez profesora Karla Lendricha na zlecenie Arthura Darbovena.
Efekt "Е‚agodnoЕ›ci dla ЕјoЕ‚Д…dka" zostaЕ‚ skrupulatnie przebadany przez farmaceutД™ Prof. Dr. Petera Wolfganga Luecker'a oraz dietetyka Dr. Hans'a- Wilhelma Meyer'a w pracy "in vivo".
Badanie, oparte na grupie pacjentГіw, byЕ‚o dowodem na to, iЕј Idee Kaffee cieszy siД™ nie tylko lepszД… tolerancjД… wЕ›rГіd konsumentГіw, ale rГіwnieЕј ma dziaЕ‚ania zdecydowanie mniej draЕјniД…ce od innych kaw.
A w nagrodД™ za TwojД… aktywnoЕ›Д‡ kubek kawy naleЕјy Ci siД™ jak nic. Wybierz ulubionД… - mielonД…, rozpuszczalnД… lub w ziarnie
Co to jest?
Ultranowoczesny , prawdziwy coffee shop na kГіЕ‚kach serwujД…cy GRATIS energiД™ w duЕјych iloЕ›ciach podczas duЕјych, plenerowych, imprez sportowych.
ZupeЕ‚nie niezaleЕјny od wodyВ - ma jД… na pokЕ‚adzie.
Wystarczy podłączyć go do prądu według wytycznych:
1. Gniazdo elektryczne 400V, 3x16 A z zabezpieczeniem przeciwporaЕјeniowym. PobГіr mocy 6 kW. Gniazdo w odlegЕ‚oЕ›ci do 20 m od przyczepy.
2. Dwa gniazda elektryczne 230 V z zabezpieczeniami przeciwporaЕјeniowymi. PobГіr mocy do 3 kW z gniazda.
Gniazda w odległości do 20 m od przyczepy. Gniazda te muszą być na dwóch oddzielnych liniach. Na liniach tych nie mogą być włączone żadne inne urządzenia.
Pogotowie serwuje Idee Kaffee w postaci mrożonej – tam, gdzie trzeba ostudzić rozpalone rywalizacją emocje i na gorąco – tam, gdzie potrzeba energii na rozgrzewkę o chłodnym poranku.
Pamiętaj – niczego nie oczekujemy w zamian! Będziemy wdzięczni jedynie za przesłanei fotek po imprezie.
Przyjedziemy na miejsce i zaserwujemy kilkaset porcji Zdrowej Energii Idee Kaffee zupeЕ‚nie gratisowo.
Pogotowie jest atrakcyjne wizualnie, obsЕ‚ugiwane przez specjalistГіw.
Robi swoje – ładuje nowoczesną energią z naturalnej kawy w bogatym menu każdego, kto ma ochotę podładować akumulatory. Pakuje się i odjeżdża pozostawiając po sobie porządek.
Pytania i odpowiedzi
Pyt: Czy jeśli organizuję imprezę dla 50 osób mogę zamówić Pogotowie?
Odp: Mamy dla Ciebie inną propozycję – polecamy Kapsułę
Pyt: Coraz wiД™cej ludzi pije kawД™ z mlekiem. Czy Pogotowie zaspokoi takЕјe ich oczekiwania?
Odp: Jasne! KaЕјdy dostanie to co lubi. Z mlekiem i bez, na ciepЕ‚o i na zimno, sЕ‚odkie i nie. Jak w prawdziwym coffee shopie.
Jeśli jesteś organizatorem imprezy w terenie – niezależnie od tego, czy odbędzie się ona wiosną, latem, jesienią, czy zimą, w której udział weźmie kilkuset potrzebujących ENERGII zapaleńców, to masz możliwość bezpłatnego zamówienia naszego Pogotowia.
Przyjedziemy na miejsce i zaczniemy ładowanie akumulatorów uczestników imprezy – będą mieli jeszcze więcej energii i zapału do rywalizacji. Ważne jest tylko to, żeby uczestnikami zawodów, rajdu, imprezy plenerowej czy integracyjnej, organizowanej przez Ciebie byli autentyczni fascynaci dyscypliny sportowej, którą sam kochasz.
Co to jest?
Atrakcyjny prezenter ze ZDROWД„ ENERGIД„ Idee Kaffee dla kaЕјdego!
W Pace umieściliśmy 50 paczek kawy mieloneh, (każda na 10 porcji kawy). Teraz chętni, aktywni, gotowi na wyzwania zapaleńcy mogą zabrać "suchy prowiant" ze sobą i przygotować z niego kubek kofeinowego ładunku tam, gdzie potrzebny im będzie stawiający na nogi, pobudzający, motywujący do działania zastrzyk energii.
Na nasz koszt dostarczymy Ci PakД™ tam, gdzie sobie tego Ејyczysz.
W dowolne miejsce, w ktГіrym prowadzisz swГіj sklep sportowy czy np. klub fitness.
Paka, a w niej 50 paczek Е‚adujД…cej akumulatory Idee Kaffee dostarczymy gratis.
W zamian prosimy o jedno – zdjęcia i krótką informację pokazującą jak aktywni klienci cieszą się z otrzymanej ZDROWEJ ENERGII.
JeЕ›li zarzД…dzasz sklepem sportowym, studiem fitness, salonem odnowy lub Spa, masz teraz moЕјliwoЕ›Д‡ podziД™kowania swoim aktywnym klientom za ich lojalnoЕ›Д‡ darowujД…c im paczkД™ ZDROWEJ ENERGII Idee Kaffee.
Co to jest?
Skonstruowany i wykonany wg nowatorskiego pomysЕ‚u mobilny bar kawowy, ktГіry dowiezie do wskazanego przez Ciebie miejsca dziaЕ‚ajД…cy na nasze zlecenie kurier.
KapsuЕ‚a jest tak zbudowana, Ејe nie uszkodzi siД™ podczas transportu, ochroni zawartoЕ›Д‡, masz wiД™c pewnoЕ›Д‡, Ејe naЕ‚adujesz ZDROWД„ ENERGIД„ wszystkich uczestnikГіw swojej imprezy.
W środku znajdziesz wszystko co potrzebne, aby móc w szalenie atrakcyjny sposób, szybko zaserwować 100 porcji ZDROWEJ ENERGII Idee Kaffee – ekspres, kawę, kubki to-go, cukier, śmietankę i mieszadełka.
Z zegarkiem w ręku potrwa to zaledwie 3 minuty – tyle czasu potrzebujesz do uruchomienia baru. Dziecko sobie z tym poradzi Kapsuła wyposażona jest w opatentowany ekspres, który parzy kawę zapakowaną w gotowe filtry – bajecznie proste rozwiązanie gwarantujące naturalną, świeżą, doskonałą kawę i zero problemu z odpadkami. Musisz pamiętać tylko o wodzie i prądzie.
Planuj postawienie KapsuЕ‚y tam, gdzie nie bД™dzie z niД… kЕ‚opotu.
Jasna instrukcja pomoЕјe Ci w montaЕјu i demontaЕјu KapsuЕ‚y - krok po kroku tak, Ејe kaЕјdy da sobie radД™.
Kapsuła dotrze wszędzie tam, gdzie dojedzie kurier – nad morze, jezioro, w góry i na szlaki, tam, gdzie śmiga się na rowerze, lata na paraglidzie, skacze po falach na desce i upala na quadzie.
Pamiętaj, że bar potrzebuje wody i prądu – to i tylko to zorganizujesz sam, bo reszta jest w środku.
KapsuЕ‚a, a w niej 100 porcji Е‚adujД…cej akumulatory uczestnikГіw Twojej imprezy Idee Kaffee dostarczymy gratis.
Pytania i odpowiedzi
Pyt: Czy kawę z Kapsuły mogę sprzedawać?
Odp: Nie, kawД™ dostarczamy gratis i jest to wyraЕєnie napisane na kapsule.
Pyt: Jak mam zwrócić Kapsułę po imprezie?
Odp: W odpowiedzi na wysłany przez Ciebie formularz przekażemy Ci proste wytyczne jak zamówić kuriera na nasz koszt.
Pyt: Czy muszę zapłacić jeśli coś się uszkodzi?
Odp: Tak. W ewidentnych przypadkach, które nie pozostawiają wątpliwości, zwrócimy się do Ciebie z propozycją rekompensaty. Ale nie obawiaj się – Kapsuła jest tak skonstruowana, żeby wytrzymała baaaardzo wiele :).
Pyt: Co mam zrobić, jeśli nie zużyję całej kawy, bo na imprezie będzie tylko 50 gości?
Odp: Zwrócić kapsułę (a w niej kompletny ekspres z 2 dzbankami) i tyle. Możesz zatrzymać kawę, cukier, mleczko, kubki i mieszadełka, które zostaną.
Pyt: A co jeЕ›li planujД™ imprezkД™ na 150 osГіb?
Odp: ЕљmiaЕ‚o zamГіw 2 KapsuЕ‚y albo po prostu zapytaj o wiД™kszoszД… iloЕ›Д‡ produktГіw.
JeЕ›li jesteЕ› organizatorem imprezy dla maksymalnie setki aktywnych, kochajД…cych ruch zapaleЕ„cГіw, skorzystaj z moЕјliwoЕ›ci zamГіwienia caЕ‚kiem gratis unikalnej KapsuЕ‚y ZDROWEJ ENERGII.
Wyślemy ją do Ciebie, a Ty już po 3 minutach od jej odebrania będziesz mógł zaprosić gości do ładowania akumulatorów naturalną kofeiną.
GorД…cД… EnergiД… z kapsuЕ‚y poczД™stujesz uczestnikГіw w trakcie ich rejestracji, podczas odprawy przed startem imprezy, przy pit-stopie na trasie, podczas wieczoru integracyjnego, ogЕ‚aszania wynikГіw czy skЕ‚adania gratulacji zwyciД™zcom.
Odezwiemy siД™ tak szybko jak bД™dziemy mogli.
Pozdrawiamy - Ekipa Idee Kaffee
Odezwiemy siД™ tak szybko jak bД™dziemy mogli.
Brief overiew of Ganoderma, or "The King of Herbs"
Ganoderma, also called the reishi mushroom or in Chinese ling zhi, is one of the most popular medicinal mushrooms in China, Japan, and the United States. Ganoderma has over 2000 years of documented history validating that Ganoderma Lucidum is the "Miraculous King of Herbs" There are some 400,000 web pages and third party documentation indicating extensive interest in Ganoderma Lucidum today. Our products are flavored to perfection, and are priced extremely competitive.
* Refreshing deep sleep
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* It may help maintain healthy skin, lungs and urinary tract
* Its been said that it supports healthy blood, and cholesterol levels
* Healthy liver function for body cleansing, and that
* It maintains the brain oxygen level for a feeling of well being.
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Q&A: Is a gold-tone coffee filter better than a paper one?
In addition to your Cuisinart DCC-1200, many coffeemakers that use cone-type filters (as opposed to those that are shaped like a cupcake), come with gold/gold-tone/metal permanent filters. Cuisinart claims such filters provide “full-flavored coffee.” And using one may help get more from the beans, says Bob Karpel, who oversees Consumer Reports’ coffeemaker tests.
“Although untested by Consumer Reports, it's likely that this is true depending on the porosity of the paper filter, which affects the size of particles that can filter through, the coffee itself and the brewing temperature,” says Karpel. “I enjoy my morning cup of coffee enough to blend five different kinds to make just one breakfast pot. And I can easily taste differences when I use my gold filter.”
Karpel gives metal filters two more plus marks: “Using less paper is better for the environment and the metal filter, around $10, pays for itself in short order. I've used my same metal filter for almost 10 years now.”
If you’re a coffee lover, take a look at our Ratings (for subscribers) of Colombian and coffee blends. Come August 3, we’ll have Ratings of Sumatran and Kenyan coffees. And remember that a good coffeemaker can make a difference. The top pots from our recent tests reached the 195 F to 205 F necessary to get the best from the beans and avoid a weak or bitter brew.
Gold Instant Coffee 200g
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Idee Kaffee Gold Express - J.J. Darboven - 1,8 g
Barcode: 4006581011523 (EAN / EAN-13)
Product characteristics
Common name: Löslicher Kaffee, gefriergetrocknet
Countries where sold: Germany
→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).
Nutrition facts
Nutrition facts are not specified on the product.
Comparison to average values of products in the same category:
→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.
Product added on May 17, 2017 at 12:32:42 PM CEST by kakao.
Last edit of product page on May 26, 2017 at 8:15:40 AM CEST by kakao.
Open Food Facts
A collaborative, free and open database of food products from around the world.
100% KONA COFFEE from the Original online Kona Coffee Store. Est. 1995 is Hawaiian kama'aina owned and operated
Kona Coffee is gourmet coffee grown in the North and South districts of Kona, on the Island of Hawaii. Located on the golden Kona Coast, only a small number of Kona coffee farms exist.
Kama'aina (local) families own most of the local coffee farms and have for generations. There is a difference in quality of beans between the coffee farms. At we expend great effort to taste test and source the best crops from local growers to ensure you get the best cup of coffee possible. is your source for the sought-after Extra Fancy , the top grade (largest and best beans), and the very rare Peaberry beans . Critics agree that peaberry coffee has a smoother, more chocolaty flavor. Peaberry beans are rare representing approximately 3% to 7% of the total crop yield.
All our coffees are 100% pure Kona beans. We do not sell the thinner Kona blends (which may be as little as 10% Kona beans). Blended coffee comes in disguise, so be careful! gives you 100% pure Kona, 100% of the time.
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We source our coffee directly from local farms, roast it fresh and ship fast and directly to you. is the most trusted seller of gourmet quality coffee in Kona Hawaii. As a local family owned and operated business, you can trust you're getting real Kona.
If you have any questions about purchasing 100% Kona Coffee email us or call for more information.
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