Kaffee fredo
Kaffee fredo has been originally developed by myKPN.com and it is related to the Lifestyle category. Over 10 users set up the tool and its most recent update was launched on March 6, 2017. The overall user rating of this application is 5.
Download the free setup package of Kaffee fredo 5.464 and have a look at users' reviews on Droid Informer. The app runs on Android devices 4.1 and above. The app is totally safe for downloading.
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Auf unserer Internetseite möchten wir Ihnen Einblicke in unsere Rösterei mit Werksverkauf und unser gemütliches Café in Müllheim geben.
Bestellen Sie hier online frischen Kaffee und erfahren Sie mehr über die Kunst des Röstens und die Philosophie von Kaffee fredo.
Wir freuen uns besonders über einen persönlichen Besuch in der Müllheimer Kaffee-Manufaktur , in der Sie live den Weg des Kaffees von der Bohne bis zur Tasse erleben können. Genießen Sie ein leckeres Frühstück direkt bei unserer Rösterei und nehmen Sie Ihren Lieblingskaffee gleich mit!
Kaffee Seminar im Kaffee fredo
Am 00.00 um 18 Uhr findet ein Seminar rund um den Kaffee statt. Gerhard Maier wird begleitend zu einem 5-Gänge Kaffee-Menü über die Kaffee Welt erzählen. Erleben Sie LIVE das rösten und das anschließende verkosten der frisch gerösteten Bohnen.
Anmeldungen im Café oder telefonisch unter 07631 17 49 449
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Telefax :( 0 76 31) 17 49 44 7
Montag bis Freitag: 08:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
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Kaffee Fredo
Kaffee Fredo
Kaffee Fredo
Sulzburg, Baden-Württemberg, 79295, Germany
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Kaffee fredo
The perfect choice to enjoy the excellence of Segafredo Zanetti Coffee System exclusive blends
Espresso 1
The perfect choice to enjoy the excellence of Segafredo Zanetti Coffee System exclusive blends
Espresso 1
The perfect choice to enjoy the excellence of Segafredo Zanetti Coffee System exclusive blends
Espresso 1
The perfect choice to enjoy the excellence of Segafredo Zanetti Coffee System exclusive blends
Design, style e colour
A synthesis of high technology in 4 different colors and an ideal size, always on the spotlight in any environment, with manual and dosing functions.

The machine automatically switches to energy saving mode after fifteen minutes of inactivity.

Consistent temperature
and a perfect creaminess at each coffee.

Transparent and removable water tank
for an immediate control of water level and an easier refi lling.

Capsule drawer
and drip tray are separate and removable for an easy cleaning.

Adjustable nozzle
for different cup heights.
Design, Style & Colour
The perfection of technology, the Espresso's excellence
The perfect choice for enjoying exclusive Segafredo Zanetti Coffee System blends.
The latest marvel is a synthesis of hi-tech and design in four colours and the ideal size, making it a main player in any setting.
Manual adjustment
Automatic adjustment
Water tank capacity: 750 ml
Coffee capsule holder capacity: 12 capsule
Espresso Capsules: The taste of a true espresso
Espresso Capsules: The Peruvian origins
Espresso Capsules: Costa Rican Origins
Espresso Capsules: The Brazilian Origins
Decaffeinated Capsules
OrzoSì Capsules
Ginseng Capsules
Tea Capsules
Follow Us on :
Segafredo Zanetti Coffee System © 2014 P. IVA 03365280274
E-Shop Service Calicant.us © 2014 P. IVA 03757590272
Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.
Kaffee-fredo.de HOME - Kaffe-Fredo
About kaffee-fredo.de
The domain name has registered. TLD (Top level domain) of the domain name is de and SLD (Second level domain) length equals to 12.. it's too long. A human-memoribility domain name length should be maximum chars of 9 as well as brand-friendly. Domain name choosing is important to maximize search engine-referred traffic.
We haven't dedected registrant information. For further raw whois information please take a look at the Whois section.
It has a alexarank of 18157128.
kaffee-fredo.de's A record assigned to . if you want to see such as Name Server, CNAME, MX etc. please look at the DNS section. More kaffee-fredo.de DNS information may be found in
Last Reload: 4 months ago
Server Location
Geo IP provides you such as latitude, longitude and ISP (Internet Service Provider) etc. informations. Our GeoIP service found where is host kaffee-fredo.de . Currently, hosted in Germany and its service provider is Neue Medien Muennich GmbH .
DNS Records
Basicly, DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that converts human-readable website names into computer-readable numeric IP addresses. Example, A record indicates you which ip address will resolve when you access to kaffee-fredo.de on the browser.
Heading Analysis
Whois Information
Whois is a protocol that is access to registering information. You can reach when the website was registered, when it will be expire, what is contact details of the site with the following informations. In a nutshell, it includes these informations;
- The domain registered by Roland Striegel .
- Its name servers are; ns6.kasserver.com. ns5.kasserver.com.
HTTP Header Analysis
HTTP Header information is a part of HTTP protocol that a user's browser sends to called Apache containing the details of what the browser wants and will accept back from the web server.
Cafe-fredo.de HOME - Kaffe-Fredo
About cafe-fredo.de
Good news, the domain name hasn't registered yet. TLD (Top level domain) of the domain name is de and SLD (Second level domain) length equals to 10.. it's too long. A human-memoribility domain name length should be maximum chars of 9 as well as brand-friendly. Domain name choosing is important to maximize search engine-referred traffic.
We haven't dedected registrant information. For further raw whois information please take a look at the Whois section.
cafe-fredo.de's A record assigned to . if you want to see such as Name Server, CNAME, MX etc. please look at the DNS section. More cafe-fredo.de DNS information may be found in
Last Reload: 4 months ago
Server Location
Geo IP provides you such as latitude, longitude and ISP (Internet Service Provider) etc. informations. Our GeoIP service found where is host cafe-fredo.de . Currently, hosted in Germany and its service provider is Neue Medien Muennich GmbH .
DNS Records
Basicly, DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that converts human-readable website names into computer-readable numeric IP addresses. Example, A record indicates you which ip address will resolve when you access to cafe-fredo.de on the browser.
Heading Analysis
Whois Information
Whois is a protocol that is access to registering information. You can reach when the website was registered, when it will be expire, what is contact details of the site with the following informations. In a nutshell, it includes these informations;
- Its name servers are; ns5.kasserver.com. ns6.kasserver.com.
HTTP Header Analysis
HTTP Header information is a part of HTTP protocol that a user's browser sends to called Apache containing the details of what the browser wants and will accept back from the web server.
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Willkommen im Kaffee fredo Onlineshop
Wir sind eine Kaffeerцsterei in Sьdbaden im schцnen Dreilдndereck zwischen der Schweiz und Frankreich. Wir verarbeiten fьr Sie nur erlesenen Rohkaffee aus den besten Anbaugebieten der Welt !
Sie erhalten frischen Kaffee der jeden Tag frisch gerцstet, vacuumverpackt, und am gleichen Tag zur Post gebracht wird. So kцnnen Sie hцchsten Kaffeegenuss genieЯen.
Ihr Team von Kaffee fredo
Unsere Webseite
Telefon: (0 76 31) 17 49 44 9
Telefax :(0 76 31) 17 49 44 7
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Abmeldung jederzeit mцglich
* Alle Preise inkl. gesetzlicher USt., zzgl. Versand
El Fredo Pizza
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Sioux City , IA 51103
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