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Plum´s Kaffee
Nachhaltig angebaut – Fair gehandelt – Traditionell geröstet
Regelmäßig ausgezeichnet von der bekannten Fachzeitschrift „Feinschmecker“ als eine der besten Röstereien Deutschlands, vertreten in der gehobenen Gastronomie, zählt Plum’s Kaffee zu den absoluten Premium-Röstereien.
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So finden Sie Plum’s Kaffee außer in privaten Haushalten von Genießern exquisiten Kaffeegeschmacks auch in der Aachener Gastronomie, in Autohäusern, Büros, Praxen und Firmen aller Art. Immer abgestimmt auf Ihre individuellen Ansprüche.
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Plum’s Kaffee
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Prima Auswahl an Espresso Eigenröstung aber auch LUCIA (Sparkarte beachten!) sowie grosse Variation an Kaffee. eigentlich alle empfehlenswert.
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Ehrlich, Kaffee ist nicht gleich Kaffee. Nach Saeco, Nespresso & Co. hatte ich dem deutschen Filterkaffee abgeschworen. Ein Besuch bei Plum hat mich im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes bekehrt, danke.
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- Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Die angebotenen Kaffeeröstungen sind okay. Nichts besonders, aber eben frischer als Massenware.
Bei der Beratung für meinen Halbautomaten ist mir jedoch die Inkompetenz und Unendlichkeit der Verkäufer ausgestoßen. Da suchte ich mir lieber Alternativen. Etwas teurer aber echt klasse: Privatrösterei MAQII am Pontdriesch 17.
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- Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Sehr leckerer Kaffee. Kann mich den vorherigen Bewertern anschließen!!
Meine Empfehlung an alle :)
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In dem Laden riecht es einfach wunderbar und der Kaffee ist ohne Frage gut!
Ich fand die Bedienung etwas naja sagen wir mal: aussergewöhnlich! Man könnte auch unfreundlich sagen. Aber der Kaffee ist diesen kurzen unfreundlichen Moment wohl wert. ;-)
Plums Kaffeerösterei
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- Qype User chris_…
- Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Der Kaffee ist einfach lecker. Man schmeckt die langsame Röstung. Freue mich wenn es Plum's Kaffee gibt in einer Gaststätte.
- Qype User Welten…
- Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Der Kaffee ist wirklich guttttt!
Die Öffnungszeiten der Rösterei und der Werkstatt sind: Mo. Fr. 8-16.30 Uhr
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Sehr guter Reperaturservice
- Qype User bomben…
- Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Der Laden liegt mitten in der Innenstadt . Das Personal ist nicht gerade das freundlichste in Aachen aber der Kaffee ist gut aber leider zu teuer.
Plums kaffee aachen
Friday, September 27, 2013
FFwD: Rice Pudding with caramelized Italian plums
Today´s recipe for the French Fridays with Dorie group is Rice Pudding or riz au lait.
Wow, what a fun dessert, I know your kids loved these and those jars are so cute!
Chris, thank you so much - rice pudding is considered comfort food around here - beloved by most people. Kids love it, adults do to and it is rather versatile too.
I love your Weck jars. This recipe was a favorite at my house. I am glad your family enjoyed it.
Geraldine, Weck jars are "a big thing" around here. I like serving desserts and appetizers in the different sized jars I have. Any excuse is good to use them - it seems that I own way too many.
At last I am returning to your Blog to catch up on all the great food recipes I have been "liking" on Facebook. In my book, "liking" does not count. Activities here have slowed, the conference is over and I now get to devote more time to the virtual world. I did not grow up with rice pudding, never had it. It was tapioca pudding at my house. Still, my favorite. Although I've enjoyed it many times, I've never made it and could not make it with my eyes closed. I don't think we have "pudding rice" in the States. Although I make my own vanilla, I still believe you get more flavor by using a whole bean in a recipe which is something you often do. The Italian plum sauce sounds and looks very tasty. The Weck jars, always a hit. By the way, I showed all the Doristas the angel you sent me which I wear everyday (hope you received my thank you e-mail). They all thought it was as pretty as I do. Again, thank you for it all.
Mary, thank you so much for all your wondefrul commnts - I truly do appreciate each and every one of them! I must admit that I have never made a tapioca pudding in my life, not very popular around here. But I have seen various sorts of tapioca at the health food store and I have always wanted to buy some to see how it tastes.
From all your pictures that you posted on FB, you all had a wonderful time in Seattle - whish I could have been there! I seriously think that we should hold a flood blogger conference in my lovely hometown Cologne next year!
And,yes, I got your mail about the angel - it made me quite proud (if I may say so) to think that you were wearing it in Seattle. Hugs for that.
Can you believe I have never made rice pudding at home before? What a shame! It isn't as popular here as it is over in your part of the world. I must change this and soon! I loved your post and especially that darling little spoon. Thank you for sharing Andrea!
Monet, personally, I see I lot of rice pudding in your future - if lovely Lucy get older and you serve her some of this creamy rice pudding, she might get as addicted ad my kids and just about every other kid I know. Hugs to you all!
Here's the presentation about the competition:
And here's their facebook page:
Ashiq, thank you for the nice comment - I will take a look at the cooking competition.
Oh, our kids love rice pudding as well! It is very traditional to eat it around the holidays here in Finland. The plums look lovely.
Laila, I just took a long look at your blog - very nice blog - how nice that you you live your dream in Finland. Isn´t it funny how all kids seem to enjoy rice pudding?! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave such a nice comment!
Rice pudding with plums is just a winner every time! No matter how cold it is, how tired I am, this cheers me up in secons! I love the way you served it! The jars with the vanilla bean look amazing!!
xox and a wonderful sunday dear!!
Amy, if ever we meet, we should make a point of enjoying some rice pudding together - I think most Europeans know this dish in one form or another - it is simple and pure comfort food at its best! Thanks for the lovely comment, dear friend!
I adore the details of your photos.
Everything spoon, cinnamon stick, plate, arrangement.
I want a bite of EVERYTHING! Xx
Kim, I would love to share my desserts with one one day!
Thank you for all your thoughful comments and kind support!
I love that you topped this with plums sounds amazing. Interesting that rice pudding is so popular is certain places. My family is Southern Italian and I never ate it all.
Diane, plums are nice with this creamy rice puddding. I like the fact that they do not need any more sweeting than a bit of honey and orange juice - we really enjoyed the caramelized Italian plums. Very harmonious with the creamy rice pudding.
It is humble, but one of my favorite dessert in the planet. With plums it sounds incredible Andrea! And I have the rice tart in my list of to do recipes. You probably have a great family recipe!
Paula, I do have a recipe that I will post very soon - but it is not a family recipe that a family member handed down to me - it is a bit on the "vintage" side though, just petfect the way it is - although it is a bit of work. But if you love rice pudding, you will love this tart - stay tuned for the recipe!
Hi Andrea! I've been remiss in catching up your blog recently. This might be a humble dessert, but, as always, you add an elegant twist. I love this short season when Italian plums are available. Your description of the caramelized plums sound wonderful! I particularly like your pudding spoons.
Betsy, my darling husband found these spoons the other day and ordered them for me "as a prop for your blog" he said! And I was pleased as punch - so, this rice pudding was the perfect opportunity to use these lovely spoons for - being white and all! Thank you for stopping by, dear Betsy!
Lovely post today. Aren't the plums wonderful right now? We have been gobbling them up by the kilo. My favorites are the little green Reine Claudes.
Rose, I am sure that you enjoy all those different plums that are available at this time of year, especailly the Reine Claude kind, a personal favorite of mine as well!
Love the little jars. Good idea to use the plums.
Margret, thank you very much - the plums are nice with the rice pudding, especially at this time of year when they are in season!
Stunning, my friend! I love the photo where you can see all the grains of rice. And your tweak on the topping sounds phenomenal!!
Thanks, Liz, the Rice Pudding with the caramelized Italian Plums was comfort food and Nigel Slater´s Carrot was bliss on a plate!
Rice pudding is one of my favorite treats - so comforting.
Your version with the plums is gorgeous.
My Joe will be in Germany (Berlin) this weekend - wish I could go with him & take a train ride out to Bonn/ Cologne :-)
Cher, too bad Berlin is pretty far away from Bonn. - I could have handed over a lovely local gift for Joe to bring back for you to the States - maybe next time. Thanks also for the nice comment - rice pudding is also extremely popular at our house!
Rice pudding with gorgeous fruit. what a wonderful dessert idea, Andrea!
Love that spoon. you have a bowl that it would match, if I remember correctly.
Hope your Monday is smooth. xo
Colette, rice pudding evokes childhood memories and soothes the soul - what a treat indeed (at least for us)!
You and Mardi seem to have very similar spoons! I feel like that harkens back to childhood! :) What a fantastic recipe to share with some forgiving recipe testers. LOL! Have a great week!
Alice, thanks for stopping by! Nope, these spoons have nothing to do with childhood memories - I never had spoons like this as a child but my kids do and my husband gave these ones to me only last week "as a prop" for my pictures.
I agree Andrea, rice is the perfect comfort food and it is one of my very favourite desserts. Great presentation in the jars with the vanilla beans - very pretty!
Enjoyed your post and love that plum topping of yours, and your presentation in those kawaii jars!
Emily, thank you very much - the presentation in those WECK jars always delights the kids - and it is kind of popular in Germany to serve food, be it savory or sweet, in these jars. They come in so many different sizes - it ís fun to use different ones once in a while.
I have a few Weck jars and wish I had thought of using them- yours looked amazing :) But then, yours always look outstanding because your photos are over the top beautiful. So fun to see that you used Italian plums. The color mesmerized me when I saw them and I could not figure out how you got apples to look like this (see, I do think you are a magician :). Also loved your memories of rice pudding and sharing how often it is enjoyed in Germany. I am very intrigued with that Tarte Au Riz Belge and will be doing some serious Googling. PS- you must know that we spoke of you and missed you at the IFBC. Everyone was commenting on how sweet you are, how gorgeous your photos, writing and recipe results are. You are fabulous.
I love rice pudding and never had it vowing up because my father didn't like it. I love that you added the caramelized fruit! I have only had raisins or dried currants in it before. Speaking of currants, I saw fresh ones he in the market and wanted to bake something but have no oven. so sad. I will make up for that by eating lots of pasta with fresh porcini!
Your little jars of pudding are so cute! And I love the look of the plums.
Thank you very much - the plums are seasonal and delicious and were perfect with the rice pudding.
I've never made rice pudding at home but tried it at few occasions. I eat rice all the time but it's so funny we never use our rice to make pudding. This is beautiful and your kids must enjoyed this. :) They always get the best desserts at your home!
Nami, this is somewhat amazing isn´t it - how differently peolpe use certain products. We also eat our share of savory rice dishes, of course, but we also enjoy rice as an ingredient for dessert and this rice pudding is pure comfort food for us.
I'm finally getting around to everyone's posts on this pudding, after making the dessert a year late. Your presentation is beautiful and I love the idea of plums with it. I'm also intrigued by the many other dishes that you mentioned using rice pudding.
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Plums kaffee aachen
After 2 and a half months, the Brazilian customs finally sent me the parcel. Too bad it was already ground coffee.
Never received anything. Sigh.
Hi! I’m Seba from Santiago, Chile. I’m the owner of the coffee trike “Cafe Triciclo” and i’m also currently working at “Café Lama” a local coffee micro roastery. I got this coffee from Victrola Coffee Roasters, Seattle. It’s a blend from Latin American (I think it’s Nicaragua) and Africa (Uganda). I prepared at home using V60, but i will try later on espresso. So far so good ;) Thanks Brian from Seattle!
I live near Stuttgart/Germany and finally got this wonderful coffee from Dave in Washington DC
It’s a Geisha from Panama, not tried it yet but i am very curious about it!
Hi there myko from Switzerland is calling - i received from Antje from Aachen (Germany) a very colorful nice coffee called Plums and comes from Germany oldest Coffee Roastery! Thanks Antje!
Here’s another post-Wichteln trade I conducted with a contact from Poland that I met on Third Wave Wichteln’s Facebook. He sent me Drop Coffee’s Costa Rica El Trapiche (from Stockholm) and Coffee Proficiency’s Ecuador La Papaya Microlot (from Warsaw). Two very different coffees that complement each other like a meal. The Coffee Proficiency La Papaya is like the main course, herbaceous and spicy with a strong backbone. The Drop Coffee El Trapiche is like the dessert, super sweet and luxurious. I brewed up both on a Bonmac dripper. The Drop Coffee was my favorite and will be tough to top this year.
I am located in Los Angeles and traded with someone in Freiburg, Germany after the official Wichteln had ended. We had both missed the deadline so we did a direct trade. I have since had two successful post-Wichteln trades. This bag is from Elephant Roasters, and it’s from Bayali Coop in Nepal. If not for this trade I would not have even known that Nepal was a coffee growing region. This one struck an elegant balance between earthy minerality and fruity acidity.
This was awesome! My name is Justin and I live in Providence, Rhode Island and I received a coffee from New Zealand roaster, Rocket Coffee. It was a Kenya Mukure AA and it was great. I made a few different pour over’s (kalita wave, hario v60, chemex) and really enjoyed the complexity of the cup. I was hoping to receive a coffee from Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, UK or Japan because I’ve heard these markets have really flourishing specialty coffee scenes and lo and behold I got a coffee from one of my hopeful possibilities. This was a radical experience and I can’t wait to participate next year!
I live in Berlin, Germany. I received Hacienda La Esmeralda from the Jacu coffee roastery in Norway. I am brewing it pour over style with a Kalita Wave dripper. It is a truly exquisite coffee, wonderfully roasted, bringing out the best in the beans - I detect pleasant citrus and almond-like aromas, it’s nicely sweet and smooth. #happy !!
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