Rudesheimer Coffee with Asbach – The Best German Brandy
In 1892 Hugo Asbach, merchant and distiller, founded the company Asbach & Co. in Rüdesheim at the romantic Rhine. He did not know at that time that he was setting a mile stone in Germany for a name that it still popular as in 1892. A marketing slogan that is still valid today was created in 1937: "The spirit of wine is in Asbach".
1957 Rudesheimer Coffee was created, a popular coffee drink with Asbach (see recipe). Enjoy these coffees as if you would be in Germany. You can find Rudesheimer Coffee in every good Cafe and it is the perfect hot drink for the holidays and winter months. If you cannot find the special cups use tall cups. Happy Cooking!
The famous Rüdesheimer coffee cups can be found on Ebay and Etsy.
Ingredients Rudesheimer Coffee
4cl Asbach Uralt
3 cubes of sugar
Hot coffee (regular or decaf)
Whipped cream sweetened with vanilla sugar
Grated milk chocolate
Cooking Instructions Rudesheimer Coffee
- Put 3 cubes of sugar in an original Rüdesheimer Coffee cup, pour over 4cl well-heated Asbach and light it by using a long match.
- Stir with a long-handled spoon to dissolve the sugar.
- Let it burn for about 1 minute, then pour in hot coffee to about 2 cm below the rim.
- Top off with a scoop of whipped cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate.
Important Product Information
In Germany you can purchase the brandy Asbach Uralt everywhere. Not in the USA.
Find Asbach Uralt at and in the stores. Online purchasing is limited and varies from state to state. For online shopping visit the website below to find a list of Asbach uralt suppliers
2 More Asbach Uralt Recipes
Rüdesheimer Espresso
2 cl Asbach Uralt
2 cubes of sugar
Whipped cream sweetened with vanilla sugar
Grated dark chocolate
- Place 2 cubes of sugar in the original Rüdesheim Espresso cup together with 2cl of Asbach and ignite using a long match.
- Stir with a long-handled spoon to dissolve the sugar, then fill with hot espresso up to approx. 3/4 under the lip of the cup. Top with whipped cream and spread grated chocolate over the
Rudesheimer Coffee, Iced
4cl Asbach Uralt
3 scoops of vanilla ice
Cold coffee (sweetened to taste)
Whipped cream sweetened with vanilla sugar
Grated dark chocolate
Put 3 scoops of vanilla ice in an original Rüdesheimer Coffee cup and pour over 4cl of Asbach. Pour in
ice-cold coffee and fill up to just below the rim. Top with a scoop of whipped cream and sprinkle with
How they make the Rudesheimer Coffee in a German Cafe - Notice the wonderful Cafe!
FaceBook Comments
2 Responses to “Rudesheimer Coffee with Asbach – The Best German Brandy”
On our last visit to germnay we went too ruedesheim, and tried this coffee how can we by 2 ruedesheimer coffee cups and the brandy
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Monday, December 27, 2010
Rüdesheimer Kaffee
That waiter was so funny! I really enjoyed him.
Hi! Our family loves Rudesheimer Kaffee. I recently borrowed my mother-in-laws set to share with friends. I would love to have my own set, but they are difficult to find.
I would like to order the set if you are willing to ship to Newberg
I am so sorry I unfortunately do not live in Germany any longer. I would have mailed you one if I did.
Rüdesheimer Kaffee
Geschätzte Lesezeit: 1 Minuten, 10 Sekunden
Der Rüdesheimer Kaffee ist eine Erfindung von dem Weinbrandhersteller Asbach Uralt.
In einer Tasse tränkt man Würfelzucker in warmen Weinbrand, vorzugsweise Asbach Uralt. Danach wird der Alkohol angezündet. Damit ihr euch nicht verbrennt solltet ihr ein langes Streichholz verwenden. Nach ca. einer Minute mit einen langen Barlöffel das Ganze verrühren.
Der flambierte Zucker wird dann och mit Kaffee gelöscht und bekommt eine leckere Haube Schlagsahne, die mit Vanillezucker steif geschlagen wurde. Ein kleiner Tipp, Rama Cremefine gibt es direkt Supermarkt Kühlregal auch als Vanillesahne. 😉
Zum Schluss kommen noch ein paar Schokostreusel drauf und der Rüdesheimer Kaffee ist fertig. Na dann Prost!
Rezept Zutaten für einen Rüdesheimer Kaffee:
- 1/8 l schwarzer, heißer Kaffee
- 3 Stück Würfelzucker
- 2 cl Weinbrand
- Schlagsahne mit Vanillezucker
- Schokoladenstreusel zum Bestreuen
Video von einem Rüdesheimer Kaffee
Auf YouTube gibt es ein Video, das zeigt wie Rüdesheimer Kaffee zubereitet wird. Schaut euch mal das Video an, dann bekommt ihr eine bessere Vorstellung davon, die man ihn genau zubereitet.
Wissenswertes über Rüdesheim und Asbach
Rüdesheim am Rhein ist eine Stadt im Rheingau, di efür ihren Weinanbau bekannt ist. Sie liegt mit am südlichen Tor zum Mittelrheintal gegenüber von Bingen. Die Stadt gehört zum UNESCO-Welterbe Oberes Mittelrheintal. Viele Touristen aus aller Welt, so wie hier oben im Video, besuchen die Stadt. Früher wurde der im Rüdesheimer Kaffee verwendete Weinbrand Asbach Uralt, gebrannt. Die Brennerei wurde am 11. Mai 1892 gegründet, im März 2002 wurde die
Asbach GmbH zu 100 % durch die Semper idem Underberg AG übernommen. Weitere Alkohol Marken der Semper idem Underberg AG sind Pitú, XUXU, Grasovka und Riemerschmid.
Starbucks Sumatra Lake Toba Extra Bold
Müller Typ Kaffee Latte Vanilla
Sammy Zimmermanns
Hallo, mein Name ist Sammy Zimmermanns ich betreibe mit meiner Frau zusammen den Kaffee Freunde Blog. Ich bin Freiberuflicher Journalist. Kaffee ist meine Leidenschaft. Gerne könnt Ihr mich auch auf Google+ oder Facebook kontaktieren, falls ihr Fragen zu Kaffee und Kaffeemaschinen habt.
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Letzte Kommentare
Die coffeincentrale in Friedrichshain ist ebenfalls sehr zu empfehlen!
Hey, fehlen noch: Weber Kaffee, Rathausplatz 22, 87435 Kempten. Samocca Quedlinburg, Lange Gasse 30, 06484 Quedlinburg. Eine Idee: Man könnte noch unterscheiden in den Listen/der Karte in mit/ohne Ausschank. Grüße
Neue Kaffeerösterei Rostocker Kaffee-und Kakaorösterei Schmarl-Dorf 13 a 18106 Rostock Mfg U. Deprie
Schon nicht ganz günstig, aber eine Sonderedition kostet für den Feinschmecker nun mal etwas mehr. Ich bin jedenfalls gespannt auf eine Geschmacksprobe demnächst.
Moin Moin, Es fehlt noch Cross Coffee in Bremen Viele Grüße Oliver
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Rüdesheimer Kaffee
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Rezept Rüdesheimer Kaffee
Dieser heiß geliebte Klassiker hat das volle Aroma von Weinbrand. Aber weniger Alkohol als man vermutet, denn der hat sich beim Flambieren weitgehend in Luft aufgelöst.
unter 30 min Dauer
Die Sahne mit dem Vanillezucker steif schlagen und kalt stellen. Je 3 Stück Würfelzucker auf zwei Becher für Rüdesheimer Kaffee oder andere hohe Becher verteilen.
Den Weinbrand in einem kleinen Topf erhitzen (nicht aufkochen), über den Zucker gießen und mit einem Streichholz anzünden. Wenn die Flamme erloschen ist, vorsichtig den Kaffee darauf gießen.
Die Sahne auf dem Kaffee verteilen und mit den Schokospänen bestreuen. Sofort servieren.
Ruedesheimer Coffee
** If you would like to purchase a set of the Rüdesheimer coffee cups and saucers as shown in the picture, please visit the web site and click on the Asbach link.
** If you would like to purchase a set of the Rüdesheimer coffee cups and saucers as shown in the picture, please visit the web site and click on the Asbach link.
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Get the latest recipes, news and special offers. CMA Global Partners – German Foods, is an independent importer, retailer and trade promotion agency based in Washington, DC. I heard once about special coffee in Rudesheim. Could not find now what it is and where it is. Can any one help? It's not a coffee IN Rüdesheim, but a coffee Rüdesheim style: black coffee with brandy, whipped cream and chocolate flakes. Dear Altamiro, thank you so much for you unbelievably usefull answers. So one more: ))) this Rudesheim-style coffee we can buy in any restaurant of cafe in Rudesheim or you reccommend one. Or they sell it in shops? I'd love to take it with me back to Russia ) Dear Altamiro, thank you so much for you unbelievably usefull answers. So one more: ))) this Rudesheim-style coffee we can buy in any restaurant or cafe in Rudesheim or will you reccommend the one in particular? Or they sell it in shops? I'd love to take it with me back to Russia ) >Or they sell it in shops? I'd love to take it with me back to Russia You cannot take a coffee to Russia that is already brewed :-) Buy a bottle of Asbach Uralt brandy and a bag of chocolate flakes and make Rüdesheimer Kaffee when you are in Russia. Then it won't be Rüdesheimer Kaffee it will be Moscau Kaffee.)) -:- Message from TripAdvisor staff -:- This topic has been closed to new posts due to inactivity. We hope you'll join the conversation by posting to an open topic or starting a new one. To review the TripAdvisor Forums Posting Guidelines, please follow this link: We remove posts that do not follow our posting guidelines, and we reserve the right to remove any post for any reason. One of the faults of European tours, for the under- thirty set I believe, is the numerous and seemingly endless yet all alike churches, cathedrals and castles. So many, too many. Frescoes and stained glass and columns and gothic architecture, spires and statues, friezes etc. It’s a little much. But the Germans seem to have a cure for those days when another castles or cross-shaped building is just one too many, and you need a little something to pump you up for the next three-hundred year old building. And those come often on a ten-day strike down the Rhine. Not to sound ungrateful or bored, of course. But I found, even if you’re just a little hungry, tired, weary, whatever. Not only will some schnitzel or Dutch fries help out, but they’re enough motivation to move on. Deep fried veal and potatoes can do that sometimes. It’s all about the inspirational grease. Another great thing the Germans do, in the Rhine town of Rudesheim, is make a great cup of coffee. Of course, the heavy whipped cream, bittersweet chocolate shavings, and, oh yeah, the brandy, might have something to do with it’s superb and caffeinated deliciousness. Just maybe. It’s so good—hey, anything involving a flame to make is epic—that we brought a special cup back. Now, you don’t need a special cup to have a little brandy and fire party in your morning coffee, but it’s just that much more fun. Perhaps have a cup of plain coffee before making a Rudesheim coffee, unless you’re totally confident in your ability to handle fire. For two servings. Two cups of hot brewed coffee Two ounces Brandy or Cognac Two teaspoons sugar ½ cup heavy whipping cream, whipped to soft peaks ¼ cup bittersweet chocolate shavings 1. To make chocolate shaving, heat a bar of bittersweet chocolate, about four ounce, in the microwave until just warm to touch but not melted, about five seconds twice. This will ensure large shavings. Using a vegetable peeler, shave chocolate. Sprinkle onto of the whipped cream, which has been divided into two portions. 2. Microwave the brandy or Cognac with the sugar in the microwave for about ten seconds, stirring before and after heating. Divided between two cups. With a large serving spoon for the whipped cream and the coffee ready, dip a spoon into the heated sugar and brandy solution. Light the vapors and residue on the spoon with a lighter or match and then slowly dip the light spoon into the cup, lighting the brandy on fire. Allow the blue flame to burn off some of the alcohol for about three seconds. (Or less, if you wish.) Pour in the hot coffee to put out the flame and then scoop the whipped cream and chocolate shavings onto the coffee. The cream will dissolve and create delicious and chocolaty foam. Just wanted to stop by and say congrats for being featured on Finest Foodie Fridays. I was featured, too, and wanted to meet my fellow honorees. I love coffee in all it’s different forms. Your kitchenware is beautiful. 🙂 Rudesheim Coffee in Rudesheim is a lifetime memory … if you are anywhere near their be sure to by the Asbach Brandy and the special mugs … there is nothing like it Place three sugar cubes in the original Rüdesheim coffee cup, add 4 cl of well- warmed Asbach Uralt and set alight with a long match. Stir using the long Rüdesheim coffee spoon to dissolve the sugar and allow to burn for about 1 minute. Fill the cup with hot coffee to about 2 cm under the rim. Top with whipped cream sweetened with vanilla sugar and sprinkle with dark chocolate flakes. where can i get the coffee mugs used for this coffee please I got mine in Rudesheim, Germany. Sorry, that’s probably not that helpful. I would suggest extensive Googling…. 🙂 We were just over in Germany and had the pleasure of tasting this great coffee. It was very refreshing after the touring in the morning. Absolutely delicious, we had the real thing in Germany the whole process was done table side & poured into their beautiful Rudeshimer coffee cups where can I buy the irish coffee mugs? Sadly, I got that cup in Germany…but I’m sure you’ll be able to find one online. Try searching for a “Rudesheim Coffee Cup.” Small Town on the Rhine Gets Over Three Million Visitors Each Year Rudesheim, Germany is one of the liveliest villages on the Rhine River. Its millions of visitors often arrive either on a river ship or on a driving tour of the German wine regions. Filled with shops, cafes, restaurants, and taverns, Rudesheim is often a stopover for Rhine River cruises. Guests on the river ships ride a small choo-choo train into town, where they first have a 45-minute tour of Siegfried's Mechanical Music Musuem. Siegfried Wendel loved to collect and repair old musical instruments, and his collection of over 350 instruments is in a restored 14th century mansion. After listening to a selection of these amazing instruments, river cruise guests next get to enjoy a traditional Rudesheim coffee, followed by free time in the town. If time allows, visitors might also want to ride the cable car to the Niederwald Germania Monument, which sits in a park high on a hill overlooking Rudesheim and the Rhine River. If . MORE your ship is in Rudesheim overnight, you might want to stroll the town's busiest lane, the Drosselgasse, which is lined with taverns and filled with guaranteed German fun. Other things to do in Rudesheim include a visit to the Rheingauer wine museum, tastings at some of the wine cellars, or hiking the trails surrounding the Niederwald park. The "choo-choo" train transports river cruise passengers from the river port to downtown Rudesheim, which is just a 10-minute walk away. The Niederwald Monument Cable Car connects the town of Rudesheim, Germany to the top of the hill where the monument is located. One of the many narrow streets in Rudesheim, most of which are lined with cafes, taverns, restaurants, and tourist shops. This main square statue of a man toasting with a wine glass is very appropriate for Rudesheim, which is located in the German wine region. The Drosselgasse is the small town's busiest street, lined with bars, shops, and restaurants. It is quiet in the early morning, but very busy at night. Rudesheim coffee is made with coffee and Asbach Uralt, a famous German brandy. It is topped with whipped cream. Allgäuer Kaffee – $6.75 Schladerer Williams, Christ Birne, Pear Brandy, and Hazelnut Likör. Can you see Schloss Neushwanstein in the distance? Berentzen Apfelkorn and Goldschläger create the flavor of Grandma’s apple pie. Rumpleminze’s Peppermint combined with our chocolate likör let’s you see the Alps glow. Rüdesheimer Kaffee – $5.75 Close your eyes and see the white ships going past the Loreley. Asbach Uralt Kaffee and whipped cream topped with chocolate shavings. Bad Reichenhaller Kaffee – $6.00 Echte Kroatzberre Blackberry Brandy and Bärenjäger Honey Likor brings you the forests of Upper Bavaria. Schwarzwälder Kirsch Kaffee – $6.50 Schladerer Kirschwasser, Schokoladen Likör and Kahlua topped with whipped cream. Our Black Forest cake in a cup. Highest rated German restaurant in Texas by the ZAGAT Survey® 2006, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 2017 One of the best 100 voted by D Magazine. Voted #1 Best Ethnic Food Plano Star Courier's Readers' Choice Award D Magazine's Best Restaurants for: 2006, 2011, 2013 and 2014 City of Plano Texas Health Department Food Service Inspection Report Set 24 piece Rüdesheimer cup Heinrich porcelain with Untertasse Pharisa coffee mug Asbach Uralt. Rüdesheimer cup and saucer set 2 parts 60s Heinrich Porcelain Villeroy and Boch German Country Ruedesheim Rüdesheimer Large Porcelain Coffee or Tee jug Heinrich Porcelain Coffee Jug Pitcher Asbach Uralt Made in Germany Rüdesheim Water Carafe SALE | Vintage Asbach Uralt Porcelain Ashtray, Gilt Rim | Heinrich porcelain - advertising collectible for a German brandy | Made in Germany Vintage Liquor Advertising Ashtray - Asbach Uralt Brandy c1960s Famous German Brandy Creamy Ivory Dish with Gold Lettering Four Rests. Rüdesheimer cup with saucer 2 parts set Heinrich porcelain coffee mug Asbach Uralt Made in Germany Rüdesheim Villeroy and Boch Vintage Rüdesheimer Früchtetopf milk glass jar - vintage storage jar - Made in Germany - Rudesheimer Asbach Uralt Jam Jelly Preserve Jar 33,24 US$ 39,10 US$ (15% off) Vintage Ashtray Asbach Uralt German Brandy Advertisement Ash Receiver Rüdesheimer Set Sugar Bowl Serving Bowl Cup Saucer Heinrich Porcelain Coffee Cup Asbach Uralt Made in Germany Rüdesheim 6 Vintage brandy glasses set VERY RARE WMF Rüdesheimer spoon set 6 pieces High quality stainless steel coffee spoon Coffee with shot Asbach Uralt Germany Rüdesheimer coffee pot Heinrich porcelain Villeroy and Boch coffee mug Asbach Uralt Made in Germany Rüdesheim am Rhein Vintage Set 24 piece Rüdesheimer cup Heinrich porcelain with Untertasse Pharisa coffee mug Asbach Uralt. Rüdesheimer cup and saucer set 2 parts 60s Heinrich Porcelain Villeroy and Boch German Country Ruedesheim Rüdesheimer Large Porcelain Coffee or Tee jug Heinrich Porcelain Coffee Jug Pitcher Asbach Uralt Made in Germany Rüdesheim Water Carafe SALE | Vintage Asbach Uralt Porcelain Ashtray, Gilt Rim | Heinrich porcelain - advertising collectible for a German brandy | Made in Germany Vintage Liquor Advertising Ashtray - Asbach Uralt Brandy c1960s Famous German Brandy Creamy Ivory Dish with Gold Lettering Four Rests. Rüdesheimer cup with saucer 2 parts set Heinrich porcelain coffee mug Asbach Uralt Made in Germany Rüdesheim Villeroy and Boch Vintage Rüdesheimer Früchtetopf milk glass jar - vintage storage jar - Made in Germany - Rudesheimer Asbach Uralt Jam Jelly Preserve Jar 33,24 US$ 39,10 US$ (15% off) Vintage Ashtray Asbach Uralt German Brandy Advertisement Ash Receiver Rüdesheimer Set Sugar Bowl Serving Bowl Cup Saucer Heinrich Porcelain Coffee Cup Asbach Uralt Made in Germany Rüdesheim 6 Vintage brandy glasses set VERY RARE WMF Rüdesheimer spoon set 6 pieces High quality stainless steel coffee spoon Coffee with shot Asbach Uralt Germany Rüdesheimer coffee pot Heinrich porcelain Villeroy and Boch coffee mug Asbach Uralt Made in Germany Rüdesheim am Rhein Vintage Нужна помощь? Обратитесь в центр помощи Россия Русский $ (USD) Start typing the name of a page. Hit ESC to close, Enter to select the first result. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about asbach uralt ? Well you're in luck, because here they come. There are 18 asbach uralt for sale on Etsy, and they cost 42,55 US$ on average. The most common asbach uralt material is glass . The most popular color? You guessed it: white .You have Successfully Subscribed!
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8 thoughts on “ Rudesheim Coffee. ”
Rudesheim on the Rhine River
Rudesheim Choo-Choo Train
View of Rudesheim from Cable Car Connecting Town to the Niederwald Monument
Rudesheim and the Rhine River
Niederwald Monument Cable Car
Rudesheim Vineyards
Trail from Rudesheim to the Niederwald Recreational Area
Niederwald-Denkmal - Germania Monument Overlooks Rudesheim, Germany
Niederwald Monument near Rudesheim, Germany
Rudesheim Street Scene
Rudesheim - Statue on the Main Square
Rudesheim - Siegfried's Mechanical Music Museum
Siegfried's Mechanical Music Museum Instrument in Rudesheim, Germany
Rudesheim - Siegfried's Mechanical Music Museum
Rudesheim - Siegfried's Mechanical Music Museum
Rudesheim - Siegfried's Mechanical Music Museum
Church on Rudesheim Main Square
Rudesheim - Drosselgasse
Drinking Hot Rudesheim Coffee
Inspection Score
asbach uralt
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