Vytříbené mistrovské dílo kávové kompozice
Davidoff Café je nejvyšší požitek z kávy pro opravdové znalce. Pečlivě vybraná zrna Arabiky z nejlepších pěstitelských oblastí světa jsou pražená induviduálně. Vychutnejte si nezaměnitelné aroma s jemnými nuancemi a komplexní chuťovou kompozicí.
Davidoff Café Espresso
Jemné aroma pro harmonické Espresso s příjemnou plností. Vybrané kávy a sametový krém předurčují toto jemné espresso jako ideální základ kávových specialit s mlékem.
Všechny produkty Davidoff Café najdete v našem produktovém foldru.
Každá situace konzumace kávy vyžaduje speciální požadavky. Informujte se o naší nabídce a zvolte váš obor:
Zavolejte nám. Náš tým je Vám k dispozici s individuálním přístupem.
Davidoff Café
Името на Зино Давидофф (1906-1994), ценител и успешен предприемач, до ден днешен се свързва с луксозен продукт и безкомпромисно качество, подчинено на мотото „Да имаш вкус към качеството, е да имаш вкус към живота“. Една от неговите най-дълбоки страсти е кафето. Той започвал сутрините си с чаша или две еспресо – удоволствие, от което никога не се лишавал.
За ценител като него най-доброто не е достатъчно. И точно това навлиза дълбоко във философията на Davidoff Café – създадено с изключителна грижа и внимание, за да посрещне най-високите стандарти, поставени от Зино Давидофф. Освен качеството на зърната и съвършеното изпичане, уникалният вкус на всеки продукт от марката Davidoff Café се дължи в смесването на кафе от различни региони, които се допълват взаимно в специална симфония от вкусове, достойни да носят името на своя създател.
Davidoff Café е въплъщение на ценителството. Изкусните съчетания, създадени с умения и внимание от сомелиерите на Davidoff Café, се грижат да удовлетворят и най-високите стандарти.
Точно както отличните вина, смеските на Davidoff кафе са създадени по концепцията на the Grande Cuvée. Сомелиерът на Davidoff кафе съчетава зърна арабика, израсли в най-добрите райони по света, за да създаде уникални вкусови смеси. Дългите години опит, широките познания и любов към кафето правят нашите смеси несравними с друго кафе в света и гарантират най-добро качество. Ние познаваме произхода на всяко зрънце, неговия специфичен аромат, тайната на това как да извлечем този аромат, като го изпечем по правилния начин.
Затова и нашето Davidoff café се отличава с неизмеримо качество и високия стандарт на Супер Премиум кафе. Ето защо Davidoff café е идеалният избор на все повече нарастващия брой ценители на лукса и на чистата наслада.
Davidoff.coffee Site offline
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- Its name servers are; ns2.easyname.eu. ns1.easyname.eu.
HTTP Header Analysis
HTTP Header information is a part of HTTP protocol that a user's browser sends to called openresty containing the details of what the browser wants and will accept back from the web server.
Enjoy Better Coffee
We love all things coffee (and tea)!!
Tag: Davidoff
Earth Day at EnjoyBetterCoffee.com
This Wednesday is Earth Day , which is celebrated every April 22. The day was first celebrated over 40 years ago. At that time, Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment. The movement went global in 1990, with recycling efforts as a focus in more than 140 countries. This year, Earth Day’s 45th anniversary, more than 1 billion people in 192 countries will participate in activities and events, making it the largest civic observance in the world.
At EnjoyBetterCoffee.com, we have many brands that are dedicated to sustainability and to helping to make the world green. All of our UTZ-certified brands, coffee producers such as Douwe Egberts, Paulig, Lavazza, Tchibo, Senseo, Lor, Dallmayr and Arvid Norquist belong to this respected organization dedicated to supporting a sustainable, viable coffee market. UTZ Certified means good coffee on every level: the taste, the quality and the price while being actively environmentally responsible.
Enjoy supporting the environment while savoring our delicious coffees. Order now at EnjoyBetterCoffee.com and get $5 off of orders $40 or more! *
*Discount valid through 4/21/2015 on www.EnjoyBetterCoffee.com with a minimum order of $40 Not valid with other coupons or with special sale items.
Today’s Flash Sale: Drink It Up
The Gift Of Coffee
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014 is the last day to order for 12/25
delivery at regular shipping costs and times.
Please use coupon code GIFTSALE
*Discount valid through 12/10/2014 on www.EnjoyBetterCoffee.com with no minimum order. Not valid with any other coupons or discounts. Not valid for discounted, special sale or case sale items.
Choose One Of Our Gift Sets or Build Your Own
We have sets that are already built and you only need to choose the packing paper design. We have a new Dallmayr gift set featuring their UTZ Certified Organic coffee. We have a Douwe Egberts mug with instant Cappuccino sticks, Davidoff instant coffees, German Variety, Douwe Egberts Classic and Kimbo Espresso coffee all ready to ship.
Other gift sets allow you to choose the coffee. Try one of Segafredo’s best ground espressos: Intermezzo or Casa. Choose from the premium line of Douwe Egberts coffee, including the rare Douwe Egberts Black. Even better, you can order your favorite premium Douwe Egberts coffee gift set with either Speculaas cookies or Stroopwafel cookies, true Dutch treats.
You will find these on the Gift Items page under Coffee By Type on the left menu of our home page. Choose a coffee or a price point, and you’re almost done shopping. It’s that easy.
Cyber Monday Begins Today at EnjoyBetterCoffee.com
**You can combine your tea and coffee orders into one on http://www.EnjoyBetterCoffee.com.
It’s Party Time! With the upcoming holidays, many of us will be planning or hosting or attending events with the family, friends and neighbors. This week, we are sharing some tips and suggestions to help you get through the holiday party season without added stress!
This week, we are offering you $5 off any order of $40 or more, giving you ample time to stock up on coffee and cookies.*
Please use coupon code EBCPARTY
*Discount valid through 11/25/2014 on www.EnjoyBetterCoffee.com with orders of $40 or more. Not valid with any other coupons or discounts. Not valid for discounted, special sale or case sale items.
For The Host
First of all, if you’re hosting, you must have coffee available, regular and decaf, at any holiday gathering. There are always guests who like coffee (or tea), whether they are drinking adult beverages or not.
We love the idea of a “Coffee Bar”. (We hear they are all the rage at weddings these days!) Have at least 2 urns or carafes of coffee (Regular and Decaf; more options could include French Press, Espresso or flavored coffees). Then, stock the table with cups, spoons and a variety of stir-in options. Any or all of these are great complements to coffee:
If You’re a Guest, Try This
So many open houses, so little time. In the spirit of giving, it is always appropriate to bring something for the hostess. We recommend coffee – either beans or ground or just a special roast – as a gift that is always appreciated.
Today at EnjoyBetterCoffee.com
Can you believe it’s already time to start planning for the holidays? Thanksgiving is a mere two weeks from this week! Then it is just 27 days between Black Friday and Christmas. One week after that, it’s 2015.
As you’re planning for the holiday meals, be sure to include your favorite coffees from EnjoyBetterCoffee.com. Check out our “Order By” dates below to ensure you have everything you need in time!
To help with your holiday budget, we’ll take 10% off your order of $40 or more on EnjoyBetterCoffee.com.*
Please use coupon code HOLIDAYS
*Discount valid through 11/11/2014 at www.EnjoyBetterCoffee.com for orders totaling $40 (Shipping not included). Not valid with any other coupons or discounts. Not valid for discounted, special sale or case sale items.
Make A Difference!
This last weekend marked Make a Difference Day, an event celebrated on the fourth Saturday in October. For more than 20 years, this celebration has encouraged community service with the goal of improving the lives of others. Teams of volunteers can compete for grants, while other organizations work within the communities to address specific concerns.
You can make a difference in someone’s life just by asking them over for coffee. It’s that easy! In honor of making a difference, we will give you $5 off your order on EnjoyBetterCoffee.com when you spend $30 or more.*
Please use coupon code EBCOCT5
Davidoff Mille
Die Davidoff Mille-Serie definiert die zeitlose Eleganz der Classic Mischung mit einem leicht grösseren Ringmass neu. Sie bietet eine interessante Erfahrung mit Noten von Kaffee und holzigen, erdigen Komponenten sowie einem süssen, cremigen und leicht blumigen Abgang.
Ein reiner, abgerundeter Rauchgenuss für jeden Moment des Tages.
Davidoff Mille 1000
Davidoff Mille 2000
Davidoff Mille 3000
Davidoff Mille 6000
Basierend auf 168 Bewertungen
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Seit dem Jahre 2007 versenden und übergeben wir Zigarren sowie bestes Zubehör an unsere Schweizer Kundschaft. Dabei haben wir einen festen Platz unter den angesehenen Zigarren-Fachhändlern eingenommen.
In unserem Sortiment finden Sie über 1'400 Zigarren aus Kuba, der Dominikanischen Republik, Nicaragua und Honduras.
Darum wir
Auswahl von über 1'400 verschiedenen Zigarren
Lager und Showroom mit Beratung mitten in Zürich
Kundenservice per Mail, Telefon oder direkt bei uns vor Ort
Versand per PostPac Priority, täglich und sicher gegen Rechnung
Bars & Restaurants in Frankfurt
Regional & weltoffen: Genüsse, die verbinden!
Unsere Genusswelten reichen von regional bis international; vom duftenden Barista Kaffee bis zum perfekt gemixten Cocktail.
Kühle Drinks servieren wir Ihnen in der geselligen Davidoff Lounge und die Sports Bar verwöhnt Sie mit feinen Weinen und leckeren Snacks.
Die aromatische Welt unserer Frankfurt Flughafen Restaurants & Bars
Die besten Rezepte der Welt, vereint in unserem beliebten Frankfurt Flughafen Restaurant Flavors: In einer offenen Showküche bereiten die sympathischen Chefs duftende Currys, saftige Steaks, himmlische Pasta und knackige Gemüsekreationen zu – alles frisch und vor Ihren Augen, während Sie die von unserem Sommelier ausgewählten Weine genießen.
Auch den perfekten Start in den Tag serviert Ihnen die Flavors-Crew.
Samstag und Sonntag, 6:30 Uhr - 23:00 Uhr*
Perfekte Cocktails, feine Weine und Weltklasse Kaffees mit Lounge-Flair.
Wer am Flughafen Frankfurt landet, findet in unserer Sports Bar einen stilvollen Ort zum Ausruhen, Freunde treffen und Netzwerken. Dazu gibt es köstliches Barfood, gesellige Sportübertragungen und wechselnde Events.
Als einzige unter den Frankfurter Bars ist die Sports Bar Treffpunkt der Sheraton SkyNight.
Samstag, Sonntag, Feiertag: 15:00 - 01:00 Uhr*
Fleisch- und Wurstwaren stammen in der Taverne ausschließlich aus unserer eigenen Metzgerei und auch für Vegetarier stehen kreative Köstlichkeiten aus heimischer Produktion auf der Karte.
Montag bis Freitag: 18:00 - 23:30 Uhr*
Einmal im Monat feiern wir in der Sports Bar unsere beliebte After Work Party am Frankfurter Flughafen - lassen Sie mit Freunden und Kollegen den Tag bei uns ausklingen:
- Beginn: 17:00 Uhr
- Cocktails und Longdrinks für nur 6,00 €
- kostenfreies Fingerfood bis 20:00 Uhr für den Hunger zwischendurch
- DJ & Live Musik
Samstag, Sonntag, Feiertag: 17:00 Uhr - 1:00 Uhr*
Lobby Cafe The Glass House
Perfekter Barista-Kaffee, hausgemachte Kuchen und delikate Snacks. Nehmen Sie sich eine kulinarische Auszeit am Terminal 1 und entspannen Sie zwischen zwei Flügen in lockerer Atmosphäre.
Im The Glass House servieren wir stolz Premium Starbucks® Kaffee. Von der Farm bis in die Tasse, wird unser Kaffee mit größter Sorgfalt und Leidenschaft geröstet und zubereitet.
Samstag bis Sonntag: 0 8:00 Uhr - 15:00 Uhr*
Instant Coffee
With instant coffee, caffeine measurements are based on the amount of the instant coffee powder used to make the drink.
The caffeine content of coffee itself varies enormously. According to the USDA * , 1 rounded teaspoon of instant coffee (1.8 grams in weight) contains 57 mg of caffeine. No matter how much water, milk, or creamer you add to the coffee - the amount of caffeine will remain the same. Barone and Roberts * quote a value of 40-108 mg per 150 ml.
This shows that people vary the amount of coffee powder they use for their drink. The strength and flavor are greatly influenced by the amount of water mixed with the coffee powder.
Instant coffee is made by roasting and grinding the coffee bean and then extracting the flavor. This is done by placing the coffee in a solution of water and then dehydrating the solution (by freeze drying).
Some instant coffee brands are using micro-ground coffee to boost flavor and caffeine. This is the process Starbucks Via uses.
Where To Buy Instant Coffee
Ingredients in Coffee (Instant)
Freeze dried, arabica or robusta coffee beans
Sugar content: Contains no sugar.
Compare Sugar Content
Similar Items
How Does Coffee (Instant) Compare? ×
Total Caffeine (mg)
Caffeine Concentration
Coffee (Instant) contains 7.12 mgs of caffeine per fluid ounce (24.09mg/100 ml).
Caffeine (mg) per Ounce
Download our free caffeine addiction checklist.
Tchibo Privat Kaffee
С Privat Kaffee ще се насладите на богатството на вкусове на кафето, което расте в най-добрите региони в света. Privat Kaffee се състои от 100% Tchibo Arabica. Само тези узрели, безупречни и индивидуално изпечени зърна арабика могат да ви разкрият този присъщ, уникален вкус. Като колекционерско вино, Privat Kaffee е истинско изкушение за ценители – богата гама вкусове от там, където е родено кафето: от меките оттенъци на бразилското, до пикантните вкусове на гватемалското и многостранно наситеното африканско кафе.
African Blue
Цялата енергия на африканското екваториално слънце е събрана в изразителния вкус на Tchibo Privat Kaffee AFRICAN BLUE. Интензивното екваториално слънце и щедрите плодородни земи на източна Африка създават един от най-добрите видове кафе – African Blue, отличаващо се с наситен вкус на винена киселина и ароматен букет с дъх на горски ягоди и черен касис.
Наситен вкус в аромат на черен касис
Степен на изпичане: средна, умерена
Степен на смилане: средна, подходяща за всички
начини на приготвяне
Опаковка: вакуумна опаковка
Срок на съхранение: 17 месеца
На опаковката на Privat Kaffee е знакът на международната природозащитна организация Rainforest Alliance, който потвърждава високото качество на кафето, произведено с грижа към природата
Guatemala Grande
Обвитите в клисури горни региони на Гватемала предават своето обаяние в елегантния вкус на Tchibo Privat Kaffee GUATEMALA GRANDE.
Зърната, произведени в Гватемала, по правило се смятат за едни от най-добрите в Централна Америка. Там кафето расте на височина 1600-1200 и повече надморска височина. А плантациите са защитени от студа и преките слънчеви лъчи от кичести дървета. За Guatemala Grande е характерен фино-пикантния вкус, съчетан с аромат на тъмен шоколад, подправки и плодове.
Наситен вкус в аромат на черен касис
Степен на изпичане: средна, умерена
Степен на смилане: средна, подходяща за всички приспособления
Опаковка: вакумна опаковка
Срок на съхранение: 17 месеца
На опаковката на Privat Kaffee е знакът на международната природозащитна организация Rainforest Alliance, който потвърждава високото качество на кафето, произведено с грижа към природата
Brazil Mild
Слънчевите висини на Бразилия намериха своето отражение в Tchibo Privat Kaffee BRAZIL MILD.
Бразилското кафе се слави с една особена хармония и мекота на вкуса. Зърната от този сорт растат в балансирания климат на слънчевите високопланински плантации на Бразилия. Това, което отличава Brazil Mild, е лекият аромат и нежният орехов букет, почти без киселост, свойствена за сорта Арабика.
Мек кадифен вкус с оттенъци на горски орех
Степен на изпичане: средна, умерена
Степен на смилане: средна, подходяща за всякакви начини на приготвяне
Опаковка: вакумна опаковка
Срок на съхранение: 17 месеца
На опаковката на Privat Kaffee е знакът на международната природозащитна организация Rainforest Alliance, който потвърждава високото качество на кафето, произведено с грижа към природата
Enjoy Better Coffee
We love all things coffee (and tea)!!
Tag: capsules for Nespresso
German Court Defines Breakfast – And You’ll Be Surprised
If you have been to Germany, then you may already know that coffee and bread rolls are often served for breakfast. (Some hotels refer to this as a “continental breakfast.”) Well, you can be happy to know that a German court has just ruled that bread and coffee are not legally a breakfast unless there are meats, cheese, and, most importantly, butter for the bread.
Why such a ruling, you ask? Well, interestingly, the issue came up when the local tax office in Muenster determined that a technology company in town was providing free breakfast to its employees, customers and guests by offering coffee and bread. The tax office said the free meal was compensation to employees, so the tech company had to pay tax on it. In fact, the tax man was trying to collect the equivalent of $1.75 per employee (there were about 80 employees in total) per day over a 3+ year period. The company took it to court, and just this week the local court ruled in favor of the company. That’s because the court said vending machine coffee (which it was) and bread without any toppings did not constitute breakfast, so the company couldn’t be taxed on this compensation. The court went on to define a real breakfast as including cold cuts, cheese, spreads, and at the very least, butter.
So now you have the legal definition of breakfast in Germany. Get some of our best German coffees, and you too can scoff at the tax man!
We have a wide selection of specialty German coffees that are 15% off, through Tuesday, October 10th, and no minimum order is required at www.enjoybettercoffee.com.*
Please use coupon code: GERMAN15
*Discount valid from 10/8/17 through 11:59 p.m. EDT 10/10/17 with no minimum order on Dallmayr, Jacobs, Tchibo, Eduscho, Davidoff Cafe, Eilles and IDEE products only at www.enjoybettercoffee.com. Not valid with other coupons or discounts, special sale or case sale products.
From J.J. Darboven, we have Eilles Kaffee made with selected highland-grown coffee beans which give the coffee a naturally sweet flavor with many subtle flavor notes such as citrus, vanilla, chocolate and nuts. We carry Gourmet in ground, whole beans and instant. Try Eilles Kaffee Arabica ground coffee for a delicate coffee with an irresistible aroma.
J.J. Darboven also supplies IDEE Kaffee, a classic mild coffee, made extra-flavorful by the special pre-roasting process that removes bitterness, and leaves all the caffeine, and then some. The taste is balanced, and smells wonderful. We have IDEE Kaffee in ground and Gold Express Instant coffee. Both are balanced and aromatic coffees, with all the caffeine and, even better, both are easy on your stomach.
Dallmayr is smooth, flavorful and aromatic. Our range includes ground coffee in multiple varieties and whole beans, including two blends from the d’Oro line: Crema d’Oro and Espresso d’Oro. We also have our best-selling Capsa capsules that are Nespresso-compatible, in nine different roasts. And, did we mention this coffee is smooth? Trying is believing!
Jacobs’ leading premium coffee is Krõnung, which means coronation in German. It is known for its aromatic qualities, mellow flavor and reasonable price. Like all Jacobs coffees, the blends are a perfect combination of beans roasted to enhance their flavors resulting in a unique taste. We carry Kronung in ground and whole beans. We also carry a range of Jacobs instant coffees, including Krõnung, all very popular in Germany and beyond.
Tchibo prides itself on innovation, and has been on the cutting edge of coffee marketing. First offering coffee via mail order, the company would grow into publishing a monthly magazine and opening a tasting café right next door to the roasting plant. Try Tchibo Exclusive Ground coffee, great for stovetop Moka makers and espresso, and in Instant. Tchibo Beste Bohne, literally ‘best bean’, is available in ground and whole bean.
Edushco also sold coffee through the mail, but really excelled by selling its coffee in bakeries, which really strengthened the brand and its popularity. Eduscho Gala Nr. 1 Der Klassiker and Gala Mild ground coffees are top sellers. These coffees are great examples of the premium coffee Europe offers, with their balanced flavors, gentle aroma and smooth finish.
Davidoff Café makes coffee with the same care and devotion as is done with fine wine. Dedicated to the idea that “Having a taste for quality is having a taste of life,” the company produces coffee masterpieces to be enjoyed and savored. Try Nespresso-compatible capsules in Davidoff Café Elegance, a mild roast espresso or Davidoff Cafe Style, medium blend or Prestige, a strong espresso. Try one of Davidoff’s signature coffees. Espresso 57 is intense with a soft finish, Fine Aroma is mild with a delicate aroma and a soft texture or go bold with Rich Aroma, for an intense, full-bodied experience. All are available in ground coffee and instant.
Coffee In The News
We started with a technology company in Muenster, Germany. Let’s end this newsletter with news of another tech business on the west coast of the USA. As part of International Coffee Day, employees of Cisco, an international company that manages IT networks, blogged about their love of coffee and their love of their company. From an employee from Costa Rica, who did not like coffee until college, to a manager in Poland who chooses her coffee based on her mood to another manager in Germany who says coffee makes her creative, all agree that coffee and Cisco are just “awesome.” One employee even mentioned the Virtual Coffee Meetings held within the company as a way to enjoy coffee in good company. We say enjoy coffee any way you like it!
As always, enjoy better coffee and thanks from the EnjoyBetterCoffee Team!
Phone: 800 582 6617
Tchibo, Eduscho, Davidoff and…surprise: Nespresso at EnjoyBetterCoffee.com
Tchibo has always been on the leading edge of coffee production, marketing and delivery. In the early days, see-through containers stored the roasted beans and were stocked in bakeries. Later, mobile bakeries delivered coffee and pastries to the outlying areas. Eventually cafes were opened and within 50 years of its start, Tchibo was the second most-popular coffee in Germany. During this time, Tchibo acquired Eduscho.
Eduscho is also a leader in the coffee market, gaining fame and fortune by delivering coffee through postal mail. Eventually the business had stores in all major German cities and in bakeries, and the brand catapulted into a national presence. In 1980, Gala coffee renamed their most popular blend as Number 1 (Nr. 1) to reflect its status on the market and its flavor and quality. We have a full range of Eduscho coffee at unbelievable prices.
Tchibo also bought Davidoff, retaining the rights to the coffee business for the last 10 years. Davidoff coffee continues to live by the motto of Zino Davidoff: Having a taste for quality is having a taste for life. This very zeal for quality has lead Davidoff to create a range of 3 premium Nespresso-compatible espresso capsules which we are delighted to include in this week’s sale.
Because we can’t bring ourselves to single out just one brand in our fantastic selection of Nespresso-compatible capsules, we have included all in the discount this week! Read below the coupon code to learn more about our Nespresso-compatible capsules below (freshly restocked!) and you just might find a new favorite coffee.
Go with your favorite coffee or mix and match a selection. Either way, you get 10% off Tchibo, Eduscho and Davidoff Café coffees plus all our Nespresso-compatible capsules at www.EnjoyBetterCoffee.com.*
Please use coupon code TASTE10
*Discount valid through 8/23/2016 EDT at www.EnjoyBetterCoffee.com for Tchibo, Eduscho, Davidoff Cafe and and all Nespresso-compatible capsules for 10% off with no minimum purchase. Not valid with other coupons or discounts, special sale or case sale products.
We are so excited to let you know that we have some of our best Nespresso-compatible capsules back in stock plus a new range of capsules that we think you’ll love too! And, the discount above applies to all of these, so order today before we are sold out again. We are fully restocked with:
Carte Noire no 9 capsules: Dark, intense, rich espresso.
Caffe Vergnano capsules: A range of 5 coffees, all with sweet and balanced flavors, from spicy Lungo to chocolatey Intenso to Cremoso’s vanilla notes.
Port Moka capsules: Six coffees including organic and decaffeinated coffees, plus pure Arabica blends (Arabica, mild Colombia) and blends of Arabica and Robusta (Forte, Intense).
Dallmayr Capsa capsules, our team favorite, come in a range of 7 coffees, from light and lively Belluno (intensity 5) to chocolatey Barista and Azzuro (both 8) to spicy Artigiano (7) to single-origin Indian Sundara (7) and intense Ristretto (10). And the range has one more….
Dallmayr Capsa Dark Roast capsules, the last in the range described above, is intense (intensity 11) and full-bodied. It’s definitely worth a try if you like a stronger flavor.
And introducing… Davidoff Café capsules. We have a range of 3 espresso capsules. Elegance capsules have a medium flavor and body with hints of nut and cocoa. Style lungo capsules have earthy notes with just a suggestion of cereal. Prestige capsules blend Arabica and Robusta beans for a strong, smooth and velvety taste.
Navigation Tip: On our site, the easiest way to find our capsules is to hover over or click on Coffee By Type at the top of the page. From there, move to Capsules, click and all the capsules we offer will be displayed. Select Nespresso on the left menu to see only the Nespresso-compatible capsules, including all the ones described above, and a few more.
Davidoff kaffee
Die Scepter Chubby hat einen sehr geringen Zugwiderstand, liefert aber eine Menge dicken, cremigen Rauch. Nussaromen, Kaffee und Kakao bestimmen die Aromatik, die mit einer angenehmen Süsse verbindet. Im Verlauf des Genusses treten schöne erdige und ledrige Noten hervor.
Die Scepter Chubby ist weder aggressiv noch kräftig, hat aber eine eigenständige Persönlichkeit.
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