Fritz kola kaffee
© 2016 Zoogency GmbH
Das Koks unter den Zuckerwassern!
- Client Fritz Kola / Category Advertising / Date 2013
Fritz Kola Kaffee
Wenn wir beim Zoo etwas gemeinsam haben, dann, dass wir alle im Säuglingsalter mit Kola versorgt wurden, anstatt mit Muttermilch. Seitdem liegt unser Ruhepuls bei 180! Grund genug, einen Werbespot für den Hulk Hogan unter den Kolas zu zeugen: Fritz-Kola Kaffee!
Erstmals auf den Markt geschmuggelt, schlugen alle Kokain-Kartelle Alarm und gingen größtenteils bankrott. Die arbeitslosen Drogenbarone sind nun in der US-amerikanischen Regierung zu finden, aber dazu mehr bei „House of Cards“.
Wollt Ihr Euch und Euren Lebensabschnittsgefährten eine Freude machen, dann schießt Euch das Zeug in die Birne, bevor Ihr zum monatlichen Liebesakt übergeht. Wie der Stoff Eure Sinne penetrieren wird, seht ihr hier!
kola-kaffee-limonade - fritz-kola - 0,33 l
Barcode: 4260107220039 (EAN / EAN-13)
Product characteristics
Common name: Koffeinhaltige Kola-Kaffee-Limonade
Labels, certifications, awards: Vegetarian, Vegan
Manufacturing or processing places: Hamburg, Deutschland
Link to the product page on the official site of the producer:
Countries where sold: Germany
→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).
Nutrition facts
Nutrient levels for 100 g
Comparison to average values of products in the same category:
→ Please note: for each nutriment, the average is computed for products for which the nutriment quantity is known, not on all products of the category.
Product added on January 3, 2016 at 11:11:54 PM CET by twoflower.
Last edit of product page on July 21, 2016 at 3:55:59 PM CEST by kakao.
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Fritz-kola: Wikis
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
fritz-kola is a cola soft drink from Hamburg, Germany. It is the brainchild of Lorenz Hampl and Mirco Wolf Wiegert. Distribution, marketing and sales are coordinated by them exclusively.
fritz-kola uses the highest possible concentration of caffeine for beverages (25mg / 100ml), allowed by German law. Just like Afri-Cola, this is a much higher contentration than that of the market leaders in the Cola segment. fritz-kola is bottled exclusively in glass bottles, and is usually sold through gastronomy.
fritz-kola, appeared 2003 on the market, following the retro trend, that helped Afri-Cola its revival. The beverage was sold in and around Hamburg, later it was available in major German cities. It is now available in most of Germany, as well as parts of western and central Europe. However, fritz-kola is usually not available in convenience stores.
Apart from the "classic" fritz-kola, two other versions have been introduced:
A lemon-lime of beverages has been released, named fritz-limo, available flavors are:
- Melonenbrause (melon flavored soda)
- Apfel-Kirsch-Holunder (apple-cherry-elder flavor)
- Zitronenlimonade (normal, lemon flavored lemonade)
- Orangenlimonade (normal, orange-flavored lemonade)
- Apfelschorle(apple juice spritzer)
All variants, except for the Orangenlimonade and the Apfelschorle, are sold in 0.33l (11 fl. oz.) bottles. All variants are also available in 0.2l (6.7 fl. oz.) bottles. Information
- fritz kola
- kola
- limo
- stevia
- holunder
- schorle
- kirsch
- melone
- orange
- zuckerfrei
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Fritz kola kaffee
fritz-kola uses the highest possible concentration of caffeine for beverages (25mg / 100ml), allowed by German law. Just like Afri-Cola, this is a much higher contentration than that of the market leaders in the Cola segment. fritz-kola is bottled exclusively in glass bottles and is usually found in German convenience stores such as REWE.
fritz-kola, appeared 2003 on the market, following the retro trend, that helped Afri-Cola its revival. The beverage was sold in and around Hamburg, later it was available in major German cities. It is now available in most of Germany, as well as parts of western and central Europe. However, fritz-kola is usually not available in convenience stores outside of Germany.
Apart from the "classic" fritz-kola, two other versions have been introduced:
* fritz-kola zuckerfrei (sugar free)
* Kola-Kaffee-Brause (Cola-Coffee soda)
A lemon-lime of beverages has been released, named fritz-limo, available flavors are:
* Melonenbrause (melon flavored soda)
* Apfel-Kirsch-Holunder (apple-cherry-elder flavor)
* Zitronenlimonade (normal, lemon flavored lemonade)
* Orangenlimonade (normal, orange-flavored lemonade)
* Apfelschorle (apple juice spritzer)
All variants, except for the Orangenlimonade and the Apfelschorle, are sold in 0.33l (11 fl. oz.) bottles. All variants are also available in 0.2l (6.7 fl. oz.) bottles.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
fritz-kola is a cola soft drink from Hamburg, Germany. It is the brainchild of Lorenz Hampl and Mirco Wolf Wiegert. Distribution, marketing and sales are coordinated by them exclusively.
fritz-kola uses the highest possible concentration of caffeine for beverages (25mg / 100ml), allowed by German law. Just like Afri-Cola, this is a much higher contentration than that of the market leaders in the Cola segment. fritz-kola is bottled exclusively in glass bottles, and is usually sold through gastronomy.
fritz-kola, appeared 2003 on the market, following the retro trend, that helped Afri-Cola its revival. The beverage was sold in and around Hamburg, later it was available in major German cities. It is now available in most of Germany, as well as parts of western and central Europe. However, fritz-kola is usually not available in convenience stores.
Apart from the "classic" fritz-kola, two other versions have been introduced:
A lemon-lime of beverages has been released, named fritz-limo, available flavors are:
- Melonenbrause (melon flavored soda)
- Apfel-Kirsch-Holunder (apple-cherry-elder flavor)
- Zitronenlimonade (normal, lemon flavored lemonade)
- Orangenlimonade (normal, orange-flavored lemonade)
- Apfelschorle(apple juice spritzer)
All variants, except for the Orangenlimonade and the Apfelschorle, are sold in 0.33l (11 fl. oz.) bottles. All variants are also available in 0.2l (6.7 fl. oz.) bottles.
External links
- (German) (English) (Spanish) (Official website)
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Kaffee Montag
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отправлено 5 месяцев назад автор Speckknoedel Deutschland
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[–]LittleLui Besorgter Rechtschreibbürger 6 очков 7 очков 8 очков 5 месяцев назад (8 дочерних комментарев)
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Fritz Kola serverer boblende og frisk sodavand til at slukke tørsten
Fritz Kola er en uafhængig sodavandsproducent fra Hamburg, som har specialiseret sig i at lave kvalitetssodavand. Fritz Kola udmærker sig desuden ved at være fremstillet helt uden tilsætnings- og farvestoffer, men i stedet med 100 % naturlige og veganske ingredienser.
Fritz Kola har været på markedet siden 2003 og spredt sig til det meste af Tyskland, som det smarte og hippe alternativ til Coca-Cola. Siden har Fritz Kola indtaget flere lande i Europa og startede i 2010 med at eksportere til Danmark.
Foruden den klassiske Fritz Kola, findes der flere andre varianter af Fritz:
• Fritz Kola Zuckerfrei
• Fritz Misch Masch
Til dagens arrangement vil det være muligt at købe alle Fritz varianterne, både til at nyde på festivalen og til at tage med hjem.
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Unser schwarzes Gold beziehen wir von der "Kaffeerösterei Dinzler". Seid über fünfzig Jahren wird dort Kaffee auf höchster Güte hergestellt. Zwei Mischungen stehen zur Auswahl.
Die klassische Espresso Mischung "Lazise". Das ausgewogene Verhältnis von getrennt gerösteter Arabica- und Robusta-Bohnen ergibt eine kräftige Espresso Mischung. Der perfekte Muntermacher und Kuchenbegleiter.
Für alle die ihren Kaffee lieber "lang" trinken haben wir eine spezielle Mischung aus mittelkräftigen Bohnen mit wenig Säure und semi hell geröstet. Die Mischung mit einem hohen Arabica-Bohnen ist ideal für unseren Verlängerten.
Kaffee Rösterei Dinzler
Handgemacht. Das trifft unsere Getränkeauswahl wohl am Besten. Egal ob Longdrinks und Cocktails oder Limonaden und Eistees, mit viel Liebe zum Detail mischen wir euch frische Drinks.
Auch bei unserer Flaschenware bevorzugen wir kleinere Marken, die zu uns passen. Von Tirola Kola über Frucade bis hin zu Fritz Kola gibt es verschiedenste Limonaden zur Auswahl.
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