Why does light and shadow have such influence on quality?
ORIGO means „origin”. We have consulted scientists, farmers and plantation owners in coffee-growing countries and have discovered the secret of delicious coffee that is found in ORIGO products. The results are clear. Utilizing the perfect combination of light and shadow, giving the coffee grains the perfect rest time, we have developed coffee of optimal quality. This is how ORIGO obtains the perfect and unique taste.
Finding harmony between nature and science, ORIGO coffee blends these in perfect proportions to produce the perfect cup of coffee. You will be convinced of ORIGO coffee’s superiority after the first sip.
ORIGO has a secret. Our unique method of producing the perfect cup involves the use of the optimal amount of sunlight. Our farmers pay special attention to the development of the coffee bean and constantly adjust the amount of sunlight the bean is exposed to in order to produce ORIGO coffee. Our roast masters take the time to source maximum flavor out of our coffee beans. As carefully as you treat your body, our roast masters treat our beans.
From the coffee bean fetus to the finished product, everyone involved in producing ORIGO coffee do their utmost to produce the superior tasting coffee found in every product.
From its inception, the raw product is roasted at low temperatures while being gradually warmed for 20 minutes. This process is carried out under close scrutiny to get the most out of the product. ORIGO has made this the key component in our coffee production.
ORIGO-KAFFEE Rösterei- und Vertriebs GmbH
- Hall 21 276
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Ihre Kaffeerösterei aus Berlin
Traditionelle Trommelröstung - Unsere Röstkunst für Sie aus Berlin
Für unseren Spitzenkaffee werden nur die besten Bohnen aus Asien, Mittel- und Südamerika ausgewählt. Mit größter Sorgfalt verwandelt sich edelster Rohkaffee in eine unverwechselbare Kaffeekreation. Durch die schonende Trommelröstung entfalten die Bohnen ihr volles Aroma und unerwünschte Säuren werden zuverlässig abgebaut. Alle Produkte von ORIGO sind im Traditionellen Trommelröstverfahren hergestellt.
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Andreas Schaefer
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Wir sind eine Gourmet-Kaffeerösterei und beliefern sowohl den LEH als auch die Gastronomie.
Origo-Kaffee Rosterei Vertriebs Gmbh
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Origo-Kaffee Rosterei Vertriebs Gmbh
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Origo-kaffee.de Origo Kaffee
About origo-kaffee.de
The domain name has registered. TLD (Top level domain) of the domain name is de and SLD (Second level domain) length equals to 12.. it's too long. A human-memoribility domain name length should be maximum chars of 9 as well as brand-friendly. Domain name choosing is important to maximize search engine-referred traffic.
We haven't dedected registrant information. For further raw whois information please take a look at the Whois section.
It has a alexarank of 9950076.
origo-kaffee.de's A record assigned to . if you want to see such as Name Server, CNAME, MX etc. please look at the DNS section. More origo-kaffee.de DNS information may be found in
Last Reload: 11 months ago
Server Location
Geo IP provides you such as latitude, longitude and ISP (Internet Service Provider) etc. informations. Our GeoIP service found where is host origo-kaffee.de . Currently, hosted in Germany and its service provider is Strato AG .
DNS Records
Basicly, DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that converts human-readable website names into computer-readable numeric IP addresses. Example, A record indicates you which ip address will resolve when you access to origo-kaffee.de on the browser.
Whois Information
Whois is a protocol that is access to registering information. You can reach when the website was registered, when it will be expire, what is contact details of the site with the following informations. In a nutshell, it includes these informations;
- The domain registered by Zonemaster STRATO AG Webhosting .
- Its name servers are; docks16.rzone.de. shades10.rzone.de.
HTTP Header Analysis
HTTP Header information is a part of HTTP protocol that a user's browser sends to called Apache/2.2.31 (Unix) containing the details of what the browser wants and will accept back from the web server.
Origo kaffee
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- Cafea
- Cafea boabe
- Origo Klassik Barista Espresso 1kg cafea boabe
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Pret normal: 120,00 Lei
Special Price 60,00 Lei
Pret normal: 19.393,00 Lei
Special Price 18.899,00 Lei
Pret normal: 90,00 Lei
Special Price 76,00 Lei
Pret normal: 89,00 Lei
Special Price 62,00 Lei
Hai sa ne imprietenim
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Kfea.ro este importator.
Beneficiezi de acest serviciu la orice comanda peste 150 de lei, dar si la minim 1kg de cafea Etolia*. Vezi detalii.
Produsele in stoc se livreaza in minim 16 ore, maxim 42 ore. Transport 15 lei la comenzile sub 150 lei. Vezi detalii.
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Origo kaffee
- Favorite Compara
- 0724 019 306031/425 49 87
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- Cafea
- Cafea boabe
- Origo Klassik Barista Espresso 1kg cafea boabe
Scrie propria ta recenzie
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Pret normal: 99,00 Lei
Special Price 89,10 Lei
Pret normal: 71,00 Lei
Special Price 68,90 Lei
Pret normal: 51,00 Lei
Special Price 48,00 Lei
Hai sa ne imprietenim
Te surprind preturile atat de mici?
Kfea.ro este importator.
Beneficiezi de acest serviciu la orice comanda peste 150 de lei, dar si la minim 1kg de cafea Etolia*. Vezi detalii.
Produsele in stoc se livreaza in minim 16 ore, maxim 42 ore. Transport 15 lei la comenzile sub 150 lei. Vezi detalii.
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Origo kaffee
- Favorite Compara
- 0724 019 306031/425 49 87
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- Origo Cafe Crema 1kg cafea boabe
Scrie propria ta recenzie
Numai utilizatorii inregistrati pot scrie recenzii. Va rugam sa va Logati sau sa va Inregistrati
Pret normal: 51,00 Lei
Special Price 48,00 Lei
Hai sa ne imprietenim
Te surprind preturile atat de mici?
Kfea.ro este importator.
Beneficiezi de acest serviciu la orice comanda peste 150 de lei, dar si la minim 1kg de cafea Etolia*. Vezi detalii.
Produsele in stoc se livreaza in minim 16 ore, maxim 42 ore. Transport 15 lei la comenzile sub 150 lei. Vezi detalii.
Descopera ofertele noastre !
Aboneaza-te la newsletter si fii primul care le primeste!
Cafe Crema Gourmetröstung 1000 g
Spitzenkaffee mit frischem, leicht mildem und fruchtigem Aroma.
12,90 € pro Kilogramm
Cafe Crema Gourmetröstung 500 g
Spitzenkaffee mit frischem, leicht mildem und fruchtigem Aroma.
14,40 € pro Kilogramm
Klassik Barista Espresso 1000 g
Beste Espresso-Qualität mit frischen, würzigen Kaffee-Aromen.
14,90 € pro Kilogramm
Klassik Barista Espresso 500 g
Beste Espresso-Qualität mit frischen, würzigen Kaffee-Aromen.
16,40 € pro Kilogramm
Klassik Barista Espresso 325 g
Qualitäts-Espresso mit milden und intensiven Geschmacksnoten.
21,23 € pro Kilogramm
Traditionale Italiano 1000 g
Kaffee-Genuss mit mildem, weichem und nussigem Geschmack.
16,90 € pro Kilogramm
Grande Barista Espresso 1000 g
Premium-Espresso mit weichem Körper und zartbitterem Aroma.
17,50 € pro Kilogramm
Grande Barista Espresso 500 g
Premium-Espresso mit weichem Körper und zartbitterem Aroma.
19,00 € pro Kilogramm
Grande Barista Espresso 325 g
Aromatischer Espresso aus 100% Arabica Hochlandbohnen.
24,31 € pro Kilogramm
Imperial Wiener Mischung 1000 g
Vollmundiger, würziger Kaffee-Genuss aus 100% Arabica-Bohnen.
15,50 € pro Kilogramm
Bio-Barista Espresso 1000 g
Bio-Kaffeemischung aus ausgesuchten Arabica-Bohnen asiatischer und südamerikanischer Herkunft.
19,90 € pro Kilogramm
Bio-Barista Espresso 325g
Bio-Kaffeemischung aus ausgesuchten Arabica-Bohnen asiatischer und südamerikanischer Herkunft.
24,31 € pro Kilogramm
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Beste Espresso-Qualität mit frischen, würzigen Kaffee-Aromen.
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Cafea Origo Kaffee Crema boabe 1 kg
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При приготовлении кофе образует воздушную пенку, украшающую напиток.
Аромат этого кофе – свежий, приятный, слегка фруктовый.
Готовый напиток обладает тонким мягким ореховым вкусом с лёгкой, бодрящей горчинкой, а также длительным приятным послевкусием.
Серия- Cafe Crema
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Тип упаковки- пакет
Материал упаковки- фольгир. полиэтилен
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