суббота, 3 марта 2018 г.


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  • Automaten kaffee
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    Einzelheiten über die Systemvielfalt der Getränke- und Kaffeeautomaten, der Sortimente und der Serviceleistungen. [D-27283 Verden]

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    Office Coffee Machines, Vending

    Machines & Water Coolers - UK's

    Find your ideal

    HOW MANY EMPLOYEES are in your workplace

    We can help you find the best machines. For more info call 0808 115 3347 or contact us.

    • FREE Delivery, Training & Service* +
    • Perfect for all offices
    • Full range of drinks
    • OFFER - Pay Only for Drinks

    • FREE Delivery, Training & Service +
    • High quality brands
    • For all office sizes
    • Authentic espresso & café specialities

    • FREE Delivery, Training & Service* +
    • Authentic 15 bar espresso
    • Extremely reliable
    • OFFER - Pay Only for Drinks

    • FREE Delivery, Training & Service* +
    • For high volume
    • Quick, reliable drinks vending
    • OFFER - Pay Only for Drinks

    • FREE Delivery & Installation* +
    • 2 months FREE rental*
    • From just 50p a day
    • Finest bottled water

    • FREE Delivery & Installation +
    • Purified chilled water
    • Auto sanitisation
    • From just 60p a day
    • Easy to use

    • FREE Delivery, Installation & Training +
    • Flexible & secure
    • Reliable & easy to use

    • FREE Delivery, Installation & Training +
    • Configurable & robust
    • Reliable & easy to use

    Available on selected machines

    • NO Self Stocking Hassle
    • NO Separate Maintenance Bills
    • NO Separate Lease or Rental
    • NO Capital Outlay

    Tick off all these from your to do list and concentrate your time and money where it counts.

    You can rely on Eden Kafevend

    • As the UK's leading workplace & office drinks vending machine supplier, Kafevend consistently offers the best coffee, tea and hot beverages time after time.
    • Our range of vending machines deliver the highest quality drinks for staff and customers and are available for sale, lease or rental on a cost per drink agreement.
    • We can meet the needs of a busy workplace that demands effective, quality, efficient drinks vending facilities.

    Branch Locations:

    *Servicing up to 5 years on FLAVIA and KLIX machines. Free delivery on bottled water coolers applies to cooler only.

    Free Coffee Morning Pack

    For Charity Fundraisers

    Throwing a charity coffee morning?


    As the UK’s leading workplace & office drinks vending machine supplier, Kafevend consistently offers the best coffee, tea and hot beverages time after time.

    Our range of vending machines deliver the highest quality drinks for both staff and customers, and are available for sale, lease or rental on a cost per drink agreement.

    Kafevend also prides itself on fast and efficient delivery of your FLAVIA supplies, KLIX drinks and any ancillary products that you need to keep your staff happy and your drinks machine running smoothly. In addition we offer snack, can and food machines as well as water coolers, so all of your workplace needs can be satisfied.

    The workplace often relies on a regular flow of coffee and other hot drinks to keep the staff going. This is where office vending machines offer the perfect solution. At Kafevend, we are certain that we can provide you with the right drinks or snack vending machine to suit your needs.

    As well as FLAVIA and KLIX machines coffee vending machines, we also offer a range of bean to cup machines, including Melitta, Coffetek and JURA coffee machines.

    Our blog today covers arguably the mos.

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    • Top
    • © Kafevend Group Limited. 2017
    Registered Number 04063744 VAT Number 232 1604 11

    Scotland Office: Unit B, 3 Livingstone Boulevard, Hamilton International Technology Park, Blantyre, G72 0BP

    Crawley Office: Unit D, The Fleming Centre, Fleming Way, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9NN

    Epping Vending Office: Bachelor Wing, Warlies Park House, Upshire, Essex, EN9 3SL. Slough Office: 201 Bedford Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4RY, Solihull Office: Wellington House, Starley Way, Solihull, B37 7HB; Warrington Office: Unit 6 Easter Court, Europa Boulevard, Gemini Business Park, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 7ZB

    Klix kaffee



    We no longer offer our beverages on MyFlavia.com. But don't worry -- you can still get everything you need for delicious coffee, tea, hot chocolate, lattes and cappuccinos for your workplace.

    If your office has 10 or more employees, please click here.

    If your office has less than 10 employees, please click here.

    Need spare parts for your small brewer? Click here>

    Supply Chain Transparency

    ©2016 Mars, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

    ® / TM Mars Drinks, Trademark of Mars Incorporated and its affiliates.

    Workplace Designed Technology

    At MARS DRINKS, we think the workday can be so much more than the daily grind. That's why we're 100% dedicated to the workplace - creating new and inspiring ways to help people come together to achieve great results.

    Technology Designed for the Workplace

    Our reliable machines deliver the benefits you've come to expect - easy to fill, maintain and clean and built to last with over a year between service calls.

    Supply Chain Transparency

    ©2016 Mars, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

    ® / TM Mars Drinks, Trademark of Mars Incorporated and its affiliates.

    Is Coffee Always Gluten-Free?

    Learn when you should watch out for coffee on the gluten-free diet

    Question: Is coffee gluten-free? And if it's gluten-free, then why does it seem to bother me so much?

    Answer: This is a tricky question.

    Plain coffee should be gluten-free to very low levels, assuming it hasn't been cross-contaminated by gluten (we'll consider flavored coffees in a minute, since they can be riskier). However, lots of people who follow the gluten-free diet do report gastrointestinal symptoms from coffee.

    symptoms that can seem an awful lot like their symptoms from gluten.

    So what's actually going on?

    The truth is, coffee can be really hard on your digestive system. Regular coffee contains caffeine, which can lead fairly quickly to a bad case of the runs, especially if you're newly diagnosed with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity and your system is still irritated.

    In fact, some people with irritable bowel syndrome report that plain caffeinated coffee triggers IBS symptoms, and I've seen a few reports from some IBS sufferers who say even decaf coffee (which does contain a tiny amount of caffeine) causes problems. (Here's more on IBS, celiac disease, and gluten sensitivity: Is It Celiac Disease, Gluten Sensitivity or IBS?)

    If you're new to the gluten-free diet, you might not be able to tell the difference yet between your symptoms when you eat gluten and other digestive maladies (such as a bad reaction to caffeine).

    You might want to consider cutting back on your coffee consumption for a while to see if that helps with your symptoms.

    Yes, It Could Be Gluten in Your Coffee

    Of course, it's also possible that you are, in fact, reacting to gluten in your coffee. Even plain coffee beans can be cross-contaminated if they're processed in a shared facility or on equipment that also processes gluten-containing ingredients.

    When you add creamer products and sugar to the mix, your odds of a gluten can rise substantially (for example, powdered creamers can contain gluten, especially if they're flavored). I also know of one person who got glutened by a sugar bowl that, unbeknownst to her, had been contaminated with a flour-coated spoon during baking (this issue is more common than you might think).

    If you're getting symptoms from your plain coffee (and especially if you're pretty certain those symptoms stem from gluten ingestion and not just coffee drinking), rule out the creamer and cross-contamination from your sweeteners first.

    At that point, if things haven't improved, you may need to switch coffee brands. You also may want to consider buying plain coffee beans and grinding them yourself—ground coffee offers more of a chance for cross-contamination at the food manufacturing level, simply because it's more processed.

    What About Flavored Coffee - Is That Gluten-Free?

    Coffee beans or ground coffee that you buy pre-flavored (those yummy-sounding flavors like chocolate hazelnut and almond toffee crunch) are likely to be considered gluten-free, and may even be labeled "gluten-free."

    But that's (sadly) not the end of the story.

    Coffee flavorings generally are made with a proprietary blend of "natural flavors." Despite a well-justified fear of that term on labels (since it can hide gluten-containing ingredients, most commonly barley-based flavorings), it appears we don't need to worry about "natural flavors" in this context—those used in coffee are rarely, if ever, derived from gluten grains.

    However, many coffee flavorings have an alcohol base. and that alcohol typically is derived from grains, including gluten grains.

    The conventional wisdom among some (but not all) celiac disease and gluten sensitivity experts are that distillation removes the gluten protein from the alcohol, and so alcohol is considered gluten-free even if it's derived from gluten grains.

    (Read more on this: Is Alcohol Gluten-Free?) However, many people experience gluten reactions to distilled grains.

    The amount of grain-based alcohol in flavored coffee is minuscule—even if there was some residual gluten left in that alcohol, it would register way below the 20 parts per million which is generally considered "gluten-free." But a minuscule amount is all it takes for some people to react (see: How Much Gluten Can Make Me Sick? for more information).

    If you do fine with flavored coffees, that's great. But I'd exercise caution if you haven't tried them before, especially if you tend to react to gluten-based distilled alcoholic beverages or seem particularly sensitive to trace gluten. You also might consider making your own flavored coffees at home, using alcohol-free flavoring (I've done this myself with Singing Dog Alcohol-Free Vanilla Flavoring).

    There's no reason you can't enjoy a decent cup or two of java (even flavored) while following the gluten-free diet, providing you take a few precautions (you can even go to Starbucks if you follow my Starbucks Gluten-Free Guide). Just pay attention to your body, and be prepared to make some changes to your coffee habit if that java doesn't seem to be agreeing with you.

    Alle Orginal KLIX® InCup Getränke

    Alles auf einen Blick

    Genießen Sie Orginal KLIX® Genuss in ganzer Markenqualität!

    Orginal KLIX® Incup Markenqualität und Genuss pur! Die KLIX® InCup Getränkeauswahl für Ihren Getränkeautomaten bietet alles von Heißgetränken wie Kaffee sowie Tee bis zu erfrischenden Kaltgetränken. Informieren Sie sich jetzt über das KLIX® Incup Getränkeangebot für unsere Automaten

    InCup Auswahl vom Marktführer und Erfinder des InCup-Systems

    Vom heißen Kaffee über Kakao und Tee bis zur kühlen, fruchtigen Erfrischung und der herzhaften Suppe mit Nudeln und Croutons: Für jede Jahres- und Tageszeit und für jeden Geschmack finden Sie Ihr passendes KLIX® InCup Getränk. Beim KLIX® InCup Becher befindet sich jedes Produkt im aromaversiegelten Becher, daher der Name InCup. Erst durch den Wasserstrahl wird der Inhalt aufgewirbelt und gelöst zu einem wohltuenden Getränk. Die Menge jedes KLIX® Incup-Bechers ist vorportioniert und bietet Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeiter immer gleichbleibenden Geschmack durch die aromaversiegelten Produkte im Becher (InCup).

    Nur wo KLIX drauf steht ist auch KLIX drin!

    Durch jahrelange Zusammenarbeit mit den Markenherstellern und konstanter Weiter- und Neuentwicklung bieten wir Ihnen nur die Original KLIX®-InCup-Qualität, Becher für Becher. Damit treffen Sie nicht nur jeden Geschmack Ihrer Mitarbeiter und Kollegen sondern können mit jedem KLIX® Incup Becher ein immer gleichschmeckendes Markengetränk servieren. Stellen Sie zusammen mit unseren Kundenberatern Ihre KLIX® Incup Getränke zusammen und sorgen Sie für mehr Vielfalt in Ihrem Betrieb. Jetzt einfach anfragen.

    KLIX® die Erfinder der InCup Technologie

    Im Jahre 1973 erblickt der weltweit erste Getränkeautomat mit dem InCup-System - KLIX® das Licht der Welt und überzeugt durch Komfort, Vielfalt und Tempo.

    Seitdem wurde das Incup-System durch KLIX® ständig weiter entwickelt und verbessert. Darauf sind wir bei Mars Drinks® stolz, dass man sagen könnte KLIX® ist InCup oder InCup ist KLIX®.

    Riesige Markenauswahl für Ihren KLIX-Incup Automaten

    Die stetige, intensive und jahrelange Zusammenarbeit mit den Lieferanten der Handelmarken sowie unser hoher Qualitätsanspruch haben wirkliche InCup Longseller hervorgerufen. So das wir sagen können: mit unserem KLIX Incup Getränkesystem schmeckt der Incup-Kaffee nach Kaffee, das Incup-Fruchtgetränk nach Frucht, der Incup-Tee nach Tee und die Incup-Suppe nach Suppe. Genauso wie der InCup Jacobs Kaffee auch nach Jacobs Kaffee schmeckt. Gleichbleibende Qualität und Geschmack Becher für Becher bieten wir Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern durch die aromaversiegelten Produkte im Becher (Incup). Damit treffen Sie nicht nur jeden Geschmack Ihrer Mitarbeiter und Kollegen sondern können mit jedem KLIX® Incup Becher ein immer gleichschmeckendes Markengetränk servieren. Stellen Sie zusammen mit unseren Kundenberatern Ihre KLIX® Incup Getränke zusammen und sorgen Sie für mehr Vielfalt in Ihrem Betrieb. Jetzt einfach anfragen.


    KLIX® InCup-System

    KLIX® Getränkeautomaten arbeiten anders als andere Heißgetränkeautomaten.

    „InCup“ bedeutet, der Kaffee (oder die Suppe) befindet sich im aromaversiegelten Becher. Erst kurz vor dem Genuss fügt der Automat das Wasser hinzu. Der Wasserstrahl wirbelt den Inhalt des Bechers auf und löst ihn – für mehr Frische und Aroma.

    Unverbindliche Anfrage


    Wir sind für Sie erreichbar:

    Tel.: 04231 - 779 4115


    ® / ™ KLIX, MARS DRINKS, Trademark of Mars Incorporated and its affiliates.

    Top 5 Coffee Vending Machine Rental Companies

    Vending machine rentals can offer a range of different advantages, providing a service to staff and employees being one of the most significant. Not only do they provide a quick and dependable service to customers, staff, and visitors to your premises, they also have the benefit of being able to operate 24/7, and thus do away with needing to stock and run a canteen and/or tuck shop.

    If you're looking for the best coffee vending machine to rent, please fill out the form at the top of this page and Expert Market UK will contact you with more on the best suppliers offering the most competitive rates.

    Logic Vending

    Provides an ideal commercial solution for businesses looking for short term rentals, lease-to-own options, or straight purchase of coffee machines and related products across the UK.

    • Solutions to suit a range of different business needs (from offices or shops, to pubs or hair salons) and sizes
    • Comprehensive range of vending and dispensing machines available (e.g. free standing, coin operated, or sophisticated espresso machines)
    • No long-term contacts, and rentals can be cancelled with 1 month's notice
    • Free training; service and maintenance; as well as free ingredients for the first 300 drinks

    Sample Prices

    Mini Xpression Cappuccino Machine - £8.00 per week (+VAT): Makes cappuccino, latter, espresso, mocha, black coffee, white coffee, chocomilk, and hot chocolate at the push of a button in under 15 seconds. Rentals come with enough ingredients to make +/-300 drinks.

    Koro Espresso ES Auto Bean to Cup - £23.00 per week (+VAT): Can make up to 150 coffees per day, and offers a choice of 8 different drink selections.

    UK Vending

    A leading and well established supplier of vending and catering goods across the UK and Ireland.

    • Help desk to offer free advice and assistance
    • Fully trained technicians able to come on site for repairs
    • All products come with a 3 month guarantee

    Sample Models:

    Flavia Creation 400: User friendly touch controls, rapid start up time, and innovative tank systems that make selections and production quick and easy. Provides up to 15 different selections.

    Flavia Fusion Coffee Machine: A small but robust combination of coffee maker, espresso machine and teapot. Can brew more than 30 different luxury hot drink combinations, and has a typical brew time of 35 seconds.

    To Compare Prices from Various Coffee Machine Vending Compaies simply fill out the form at the top of this page.

    Express Vending

    4 times national winner for the 'UK's Best Service Provider' by Auto Vending from 2010 – 2013.

    • Free delivery and installation
    • Free maintenance and servicing
    • Low cost cleaning and filling services
    • Range of different solutions (e.g. table-top, or floor-standing) to meet a variety of different business needs
    • 'Vending Housing' and branding options available for businesses looking to personalise and modernise their vending machines, and create an attractive 'break area' for their staff.

    One of the fastest growing workplace vending machine suppliers in the UK. They supply hot drinks, coffee vending machines, and snack vending machines to over 11,000 companies across the UK, and pride themselves on providing unbeatable customer service.

    • Free delivery and installation
    • Coffee machines from £18.62 (+VAT) per week
    • Guaranteed service response times
    • No separate lease/rental charges
    • No separate maintenance bills

    Gem Vending

    A local company based in the East Midlands, with more than 40 years of industry experience. Clients include Speedo, Makro, Gedling Borough Council, and Nottingham City Council.

    • Large selection of different machines available, including Fair Trade & Rainforest Alliance Coffee Vending Machines
    • Tailored vending solutions include fully managed services; self operated service; and bespoke maintenance packages
    • Free vending machine trials – includes delivery and installation

    For assistance with finding the right supplier to lease a coffee vending machine from, please fill out the form at the top of this page, and Expert Market UK will contact you.

    • info@expertmarket.co.uk
    • 0203 595 3800
    • Monday - Friday 9.00 - 17.00

    MVF Global, Imperial Works, Unit C Perren Street, London, NW5 3ED, United Kingdom

    © Copyright 2007 - 2017. Marketing VF Limited trading as Expert Market

    Klix kaffee

    Unsere Leistungen für Sie :

    • Kaffee-, Kakao-, Tee-, Kaltgetränke-, Suppen-Produkte für Ihre KLIX-Automaten
    • Kleinstmengen im Mischkarton
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    • Neue und gebrauchte Automaten im Automaten-Shop
      • Ersatzteile nach telefonischer Rücksprache
    • aus unseren Versand- und Lieferbedingungen, Zahlungsinformationen
      • bitte haben Sie Verständnis, dass wir nur an Automaten-Eigentümer liefern können
      • Ihre Bestellung ist erst nach erfolgreicher Registrierung möglich
      • Lieferung innerhalb 1-2 Werktagen ins deutsche Festland
      • Versandkostenfrei ab 20 Stangen, darunter Versandpauschale von 5,80 € pro Versand
      • Zahlungsmöglichkeiten:
    • PayPal
    • Vorkasse (2% Skonto)
    • Lastschrift (1% Skonto)

    Automaten Shop

    Flexible Vertragsmodelle mit A.F.S.

    Bei uns können Sie zwischen vielfältigen Vertragstypen wählen: Ganz nach Ihrem Bedarf können Sie Getränkeautomaten neu oder gebraucht kaufen.

    Teilen Sie uns einfach telefonisch oder per Kontaktformular mit, für welches Getränkesystem Sie sich interessieren. Gerne informieren wir Sie dann über die möglichen Konditionen für Ihren Wunschautomaten.

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