суббота, 16 декабря 2017 г.



Cortado (from the Spanish cortar, known as "Tallat" in Catalan, "Pingo" or "Garoto" in Portugal and "noisette" in France) is an espresso "cut" with a small amount of warm milk to reduce the acidity. The ratio of coffee to milk is between 1:1 - 1:2, and the milk is added after the espresso. The steamed milk hasn't much foam, but many baristas make some micro foam to make latte art. It is popular in Spain and Portugal, as well as throughout Latin America, where it is drunk in the afternoon. In Cuba, it is known as a cortadito. It's usually served in a special glass, often with a metal ring base and a metal wire handle. There are several variations, including cortado condensada or bombon (espresso with condensed milk) and leche y leche (with condensed milk and cream on top).


It is sometimes important to distinguish the cortado from the Italian caffe macchiato, which is traditionally an espresso with a small amount of foam/steamed milk added (less than 1:1), though in modern American usage a macchiato often uses 1:1 proportions and differs from a cortado primarily in having more foam, being a small latte. The cortado should always be served in a 150–200 ml (5–7 fl oz) glass and the milk should only be steamed; maybe a little foam settles to the top but the essence of the drink must be steamed milk. Cortado is more similar to a less-foamy cappuccino than an espresso macchiato. Distinguished from American variation of cafe au lait, which is a regular coffee base and warm milk, cortado is made with espresso and steamed milk.

A similar drink in Australia is known as a Piccolo Cafe Latte, or simply a Piccolo for short. This is a single espresso shot in a machiatto glass, which is then filled with steamed milk in the same fashion as a cafe latte. This results in a 90mL drink, with a 1:2 ratio of coffee to steamed milk, and about 5mm of foam on the top. A longer drink, popular in Portugal, is the galão, which uses 1:3 proportions but is otherwise similar to a cortado.


A cortado is a Spanish-origin general term for a beverage consisting of either coffee or espresso mixed with a roughly equal amount of warm milk to reduce the acidity. [1] [2] On American specialty coffee menus, the milk in a cortado is usually dense rather than frothy or foamy. [3]

The word cortado is the past participle of the Spanish verb cortar (to cut), in the sense of "dilute", and can refer variously to either coffee or espresso drinks throughout Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

Similar drinks

In Spain a café solo corto or a 'café cortado generally both refer to single espresso shots with foam, while the term cortado is itself broadly associated with various coffee or espresso beverages having been cut with milk; The café solo corto may in fact be interchangeable with the Italian macchiato or similar to the French noisette.

The cortadito in Cuba specifically implies a small beverage similar to the café solo corto consisting of a standard 1oz eespresso shot; however, unlike the solo corto, the Cuban cortadito is generally cut with heated sweetened condensed milk, being a more available preserved form of milk, whereas fresh milk was historically often unavailable. A cortadito is usually served in a special glass, often with a metal ring base and a metal wire handle. There are several nominal variations, including cortado condensada, café con leche condensada or bombón (espresso with condensed milk); leche y leche is a similar variation, but with both condensed milk integrated throughout and a dollop of cream resting on top. Brought to the Little Havana neighborhood of Miami, Florida, by Cuban-Americans in the 1960s, the cortadito drink is now found throughout the city, and is an important part of everyday culture, particularly among Cubans. However, the cortadito is a drink distinct from Cuban-style coffee, which includes sugar in addition to milk, and has its own brewing method as espresso.

In non Spanish-speaking countries where it appears on a specialty coffee menu, however, the cortado should generally be distinguished from the Italian caffè macchiato, cappuccino, or a flat white. [3] A macchiato has only a small amount (a 'mark' or spot) of milk foam added, while a cappuccino has a head from both foam and milk. [2] A flat white is generally made with a similar equivalent ratio of espresso to milk, but uses steamed and textured (e.g. microfoam) milk, resulting in a hotter and lighter drink, more closely related to a latte. [3]

A similar drink in Australia is known as a piccolo latte, or simply a piccolo. [4] This is a single ristretto shot in a macchiato glass that is filled with steamed milk in the same fashion as a cafe latte. A larger drink, popular in Portugal, is the galão, which uses 1:3 proportions but is otherwise similar to both cortados and manchados.

Other names and variations

In Catalan, tallat takes the role of describing being cut, with the closest word in Basque being ebaki, and pingado or garoto in Portuguese. In the United States the meaning of the name can vary by region but on the East Coast it is generally known as a cortado. In the Czech Republic, Costa Coffee sells cortado under the marketing name corto classic. [5]

The name gibraltar originated in San Francisco, California, where roasters – first Blue Bottle Coffee Company, later Ritual Coffee Roasters and others – started the cortado trend by serving the drink in Libbey Glass Company glassware by the same name. [2] [6]

Whereas a cortado is a broader term for many a cut beverage, a gibraltar is specifically defined in its proportions by the constraints of its cup size: a Libbey 'Gibraltar' glass contains 4.5 oz, 2 oz of which are filled by a standard double espresso shot and the remainder filled by well-integrated microfoam. It was developed as a readily available profiling beverage for immediate consumption, and is typically identifiable from cortados as having a richer, more velvety texture and a cooler, lukewarm temperature. Because of its temperature, emulsified milk integration, immediate consumption and lowered acidity, the gibraltar is especially good for profiling naturals with their hints of strawberry or blueberry.

From Coffee With Love

Passionate about the bean

Tagged with Cortado

Cortado, Cortado…

Since I was served this Spanish version of an espresso milk based drink at Espresso Lab (Cape Town) in October 2009, it has become my favourite morning brew. In summary, it is half espresso and half milk/froth, almost like a smaller brother of a cappuccino but packs more punch because there’s more espresso in it, which means you get to taste the coffee more. So, to get a little technical, you’re looking at a 50-60ml double espresso extraction (depending on how many grammes you use) topped with about the same amount of liquid (frothed and steamed milk). It’s much easier if you have a 100-120 ml cup of course, but just play around with it, so that the coffee punches well through the milk. You should also be able to detect some different taste notes coming out such as milk chocolate and hazelnut, which appear to reveal themselves more distinctly when milk is added to the coffee/espresso equation. I’d strongly recommend it for espresso lovers, who don’t want as much milk and froth as you find in a cappuccino nor in a Flat White, but who nevertheless want to taste their espresso blended nicely with hot milk.

The other reason why I like a Cortado, is that I find it much easier to do latte art in a smaller cup – Well ! how else would I be able to share these nice pics with you because if I just talked and didn’t share these tasty pics to inspire you to try it at home, you’d skip my blog. Coffee is about art and science – a wonderful blend of the subjects of our age – OK ! enough of this philosophical dribble, just try this at home. Ciao ! or perhaps on this occasion I should say Adios (for those who don’t know, this is the Spanish way of saying bye bye). Adios Cortado ! until tomorrow morning.

I’m Drinking a Grand Reserve Coffee

Yes ! A Grand Reserve coffee – a speciality from top coffee grower, Aida Battle, supposed to be a special blend of coffees from her farm in El Salvador. Fruity and intense, yet complex and medium balanced on the acidity. Have I lost you ? If you’re an expert, then you probably want more, but I’ll just keep it simple for now. This particular batch was roasted by top roasters, Square Mile Coffee Roasters (SMCR) no less and if you have been an avid reader of my blog, you’ll know that I used to be a regular customer of SMCR -that is until I moved to Cape Town. So, how did I get my hands on this special coffee ? Only God could have made this possible but here’s the story behind it. I walk into one of my favourite cafes in Cape Town, Espresso Lab in Woodstock, get chatting to owner/roaster, Renato and spot the famous label bag on the shelf and asked how he managed to get a bag down here in Cape Town – “ordered through the internet of course”. But having read about the coffee on SMCR website a few weeks bag, I knew that it was really special with a real special price too, at about £22 (or $33 or 242 Rands) per 350g bag. Probably spotting the delight in my eye, Renato offered me a precious 40g free of charge, enough to make one French Press and one double espresso portions – thank you God.

You can’t imagine the excitement when I got home – I read about this coffee, grown by one of the top coffee growers in the World, roasted by one of the best coffee roasters in the World, unable to order it all the way from London because of the costs and here it was in my kitchen, ready to be prepared the way I love coffee, French Press and double espresso. OK ! Let’s get to work but be warned, as this is so special, I was inspired to focus on trying to capture the coffee as best as I could on photo, so that I could share the experience with you. I’ve already described the taste profile at the top of this blog, so don’t expect too much emphasis on taste profile, just enjoy the pics and dream.

First up, Le French Press. OK ! with this type of preparation, the fruity elements tend to dominate – very balanced as an afternoon cup after a light lunch, going down smoothly.

I was tempted to just drink the coffee as a double espresso to really experience it as a concentrate but there was a part of me saying “what would it be like with milk?” So, I went for a Cortado – a what ? It’s currently my favourite milk based drink, a Spanish version of a cappuccino, but with less milk, so you use about the same portions of milk as espresso, using a 150ml cup – so strictly speaking, a double shot espresso at about 50-55ml with 50ml frothed milk, which would have a foam of about 20%.

Doesn’t it look yummy and inspirational ? with this type of extraction and preparation, I found the Grand Reserve not too acidic with a soft touch of milk chocolate coming through the milk. I wish I had done this blog sooner when the coffee was readily available and then I could have said buy it now from Square Mile Coffee Roasters but I just googled it and I think Sweet Maria’s in the USA roast it too, so if you are reading this in the US, try and get it before it runs out. Until then, dream and if it’s out again, I’ll try and let you know somehow.

Bean There… Espresso Lab, Cape Town

I had the opportunity last week to spend time with, David Donde, formerly of Origins Coffee Roasting and he showed me a new cafe, Espresso Lab Microroasters, located in “becoming trendy” Woodstock. Espresso Lab is located at the Old Biscuit Mill, 375 Albert Road, which seems quiet during the weekday but on Saturday mornings becomes a bustling market place, with Cape Town’s middle class jostling to buy organic fare, art and delicious food. OK ! back to the coffee. Espresso Labs has a really unique concept, living to its name by appearing like a lab, with coffee signs displayed like ES for espresso and AM for Americano, but the bags have longer names like ESP for espresso

Espresso Lab is run by Portuguese origin Capetonian, Renato. They’ve got a La Marzocco GB5 and their coffee roaster is located at the back in a clean looking space. On my second visit, yes ! I went twice, I decided to try what seems like their signature drink, a CO or a Cortado, made using a double espresso with about equal portions of frothed milk – check out the beautifully poured rosetta heart.

So it is really for those who want to taste their coffee with just a topping of frothed milk, as is a bit obvious from the pic below, where you can see the clear separation/layers from coffee, through milk and froth at the top.

Translations for „cortado“ in the Spanish » German Dictionary (Go to German » Spanish)

cortado 1 [korˈtaðo] NOUN m

1. cortado (café) :

2. cortado (en la danza) :

cortado 2 (-a) [korˈtaðo, -a] ADJ

2. cortado (estilo) :

I . cortar [korˈtar] VERB trans

2. cortar DEP (la pelota) :

3. cortar (una bebida) :

4. cortar (una película) :

5. cortar (naipes) :

7. cortar (una carretera) :

8. cortar (el contacto, la comunicación) :

9. cortar (phrase ) :

II . cortar [korˈtar] VERB intr

1. cortar (tajar) :

2. cortar (romper) :

3. cortar (acortar un camino) :

4. cortar (phrase ) :

III . cortar [korˈtar] VERB refl cortarse

1. cortar t. MAT :

2. cortar fam (turbarse) :

4. cortar (piel) :

5. cortar (luz) :

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Подробные сведения о 80 x NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato, 80 капсул - без перевода

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Cortado kaffee

1 Find cheap deals on Nescafé Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 5er Pack, 5 x 16 Kapseln.for cheap deals with ought to buy Nescafé Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 5er Pack, 5 x 16 Kapseln. You will observe more data, compare price and in addition read evaluation customer opinions prior to buy Nescafé Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 5er Pack, 5 x 16 Kapseln.

*Detail shop Nescafé Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 5er Pack, 5 x 16 Kapseln.

Read Review : Nescafé Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 5er Pack, 5 x 16 Kapseln

Nescafé Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 16 Kapseln:

Macht auch mit Milch richtig munter: Kräftiger Espresso und ein Hauch Milchschaum – vereint in einer Kapsel. Der etwas andere Espresso-Genuss. So schnell, so praktisch, so lecker.

Nescafé Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 16 Kapseln:

Vollmilchpulver (61,8%), löslicher Kaffee (36,5%), Stabilisatoren (Dikaliumphosphat, Trinatriumcitrat), Emulgator (Sojalecithine)

5 x 1 Packung Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato mit 16 Kapseln für 16 Portionen

Nettogewicht: 100,8g / Packung, 6,3g / Kapsel

Visit product Nescafé Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 5er Pack, 5 x 16 Kapseln. and read data.

This is Nescafé Dolce Gusto Cortado Espresso Macchiato, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 5er Pack, 5 x 16 Kapseln für Ihre Lieblings-. Hier finden Sie vernünftige Produktdetails zu finden. Eine weitere Option für Ihre Online- Sie zu kaufen an alle, die uns besuchen , um unsere Produkte zu sehen war.


A cortado is a Spanish-origin general term for a beverage consisting of either coffee or espresso mixed with a roughly equal amount of warm milk to reduce the acidity. [1] [2] On American specialty coffee menus, the milk in a cortado is usually dense rather than frothy or foamy. [3]

The word cortado is the past participle of the Spanish verb cortar (to cut), in the sense of "dilute", and can refer variously to either coffee or espresso drinks throughout Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

Similar drinks

In Spain a café solo corto or a café cortado generally both refer to single espresso shots with foam, while the term cortado is itself broadly associated with various coffee or espresso beverages having been "cut" with milk. The café solo corto may in fact be interchangeable with the Italian macchiato or similar to the French noisette.

The cortadito in Cuba specifically implies a small beverage similar to the café solo corto consisting of a standard 1oz eespresso shot; however, unlike the solo corto, the Cuban cortadito is generally cut with heated sweetened condensed milk, being a more available preserved form of milk, whereas fresh milk was historically often unavailable. A cortadito is usually served in a special glass, often with a metal ring base and a metal wire handle. There are several nominal variations, including cortado condensada, café con leche condensada or bombón (espresso with condensed milk); leche y leche is a similar variation, but with both condensed milk integrated throughout and a dollop of cream resting on top. Brought to the Little Havana neighborhood of Miami, Florida, by Cuban-Americans in the 1960s, the cortadito drink is now found throughout the city, and is an important part of everyday culture, particularly among Cubans. However, the cortadito is a drink distinct from Cuban-style coffee, which includes sugar in addition to milk, and has its own brewing method as espresso.

In non Spanish-speaking countries where it appears on a specialty coffee menu, however, the cortado should generally be distinguished from the Italian caffè macchiato, cappuccino, or a flat white. [3] A macchiato has only a small amount (a 'mark' or spot) of milk foam added, while a cappuccino has a head from both foam and milk. [2] A flat white is generally made with a similar equivalent ratio of espresso to milk, but uses steamed and textured (e.g. microfoam) milk, resulting in a hotter and lighter drink, more closely related to a latte. [3]

A similar drink in Australia is known as a piccolo latte, or simply a piccolo. [4] This is a single ristretto shot in a macchiato glass that is filled with steamed milk in the same fashion as a cafe latte. A larger drink, popular in Portugal, is the galão, which uses 1:3 proportions but is otherwise similar to both cortados and manchados.

Other names and variations

In Catalan, tallat takes the role of describing being cut, with the closest word in Basque being ebaki, and pingado or garoto in Portuguese. In the United States the meaning of the name can vary by region but on the East Coast it is generally known as a cortado. In the Czech Republic, Costa Coffee sells cortado under the marketing name corto classic. [5]

The name gibraltar originated in San Francisco, California, where roasters – first Blue Bottle Coffee Company, later Ritual Coffee Roasters and others – started the cortado trend by serving the drink in Libbey Glass Company glassware by the same name. [2] [6]

Whereas a cortado is a broader term for many a cut beverage, a gibraltar is specifically defined in its proportions by the constraints of its cup size: a Libbey 'Gibraltar' glass contains 4.5 oz, 2 oz of which are filled by a standard double espresso shot and the remainder filled by well-integrated microfoam. It was developed as a readily available profiling beverage for immediate consumption, and is typically identifiable from cortados as having a richer, more velvety texture and a cooler, lukewarm temperature. Because of its temperature, emulsified milk integration, immediate consumption and lowered acidity, the gibraltar is especially good for profiling naturals with their hints of strawberry or blueberry.

Cortado kaffee

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A cortado is an espresso cut with a small amount of warm milk. [1] The word cortado is the past participle of the Spanish verb cortar (to cut). In Spanish-speaking countries, a cortado is similar to the Italian caffè macchiato (Italian pronunciation: [kafˈfɛ makˈkjaːto] ), where a small amount of warm milk is added to "cut" (literally "stain") the espresso. In the United States, the ratio of milk to coffee is between 1:1 and 1:2, and the milk is added after the espresso.

A cortado is also known as "Tallat" in Catalan, "Ebaki" in Basque, "Pingo" or "Garoto" in Portuguese and "noisette" in French. In the United States its name varies largely by region. On the East Coast, it is generally known as a cortado, and on the West Coast, it is called a "Gibraltar." The name Gibraltar originated in San Francisco, California, where roasters – first Blue Bottle Coffee Company, later Ritual Coffee Roasters and others – started the cortado trend by serving the drink in Libbey Glass Company glassware by the same name. [2] [3]

In Cuba, it is known as a cortadito. It's usually served in a special glass, often with a metal ring base and a metal wire handle. There are several variations, including cortado condensada, cafe con leche condensada or bombon (espresso with condensed milk,) and leche y leche (with condensed milk and cream on top). Brought to the Little Havana neighborhood of Miami, Florida, by Cuban-Americans in the 1960s, the drink is now found throughout the city, and is an important part of everyday culture, particularly among Cubans. However, the cortadito is a drink distinct from Cuban-style coffee, which includes sugar in addition to milk, and has its own brewing method as espresso.

However a cortado is made in non Spanish-speaking countries, it should be distinguished from the Italian caffè macchiato or cappuccino. A macchiato has only a small amount (a spot) of milk foam added, while a cappuccino has both foam and milk. [2] A similar drink in Australia is known as a piccolo latte, or simply a piccolo. [4] This is a single ristretto shot in a macchiato glass that is filled with steamed milk in the same fashion as a cafe latte. A larger drink, popular in Portugal, is the galão, which uses 1:3 proportions but is otherwise similar to a cortado.

Cortado kaffee

1 Find cheap deals on Nescafé Dolce Gusto Espresso Cortado Decafeinato, Entkoffeiniert, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 16 Kapseln.for cheap deals with must buy Nescafé Dolce Gusto Espresso Cortado Decafeinato, Entkoffeiniert, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 16 Kapseln. You will see more details, compare price and additionally read assessment customer opinions just before buy Nescafé Dolce Gusto Espresso Cortado Decafeinato, Entkoffeiniert, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 16 Kapseln.

*Detail shop Nescafé Dolce Gusto Espresso Cortado Decafeinato, Entkoffeiniert, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 16 Kapseln.

Read Review : Nescafé Dolce Gusto Espresso Cortado Decafeinato, Entkoffeiniert, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 16 Kapseln

Espresso Cortado Decaffeinato - mit einem Hauch Milchschaum. Der etwas andere Genuss. So schnell, so praktisch, so lecker. Volles Aroma auch ohne Koffein.

Vollmilchpulver (62,7%), entkoffeinierter löslicher Kaffee (35,5%), Stabilisatoren (Dikaliumphosphat, Trinatriumcitrat, Emulgator (Sojalecithine)

1 Packung Nescafé Dolce Gusto Espresso Cortado Decaffeinato mit 16 Kapseln für 16 Portionen

Nettogewicht: 99.2g / Packung, 6.2g / Kapsel

Visit product Nescafé Dolce Gusto Espresso Cortado Decafeinato, Entkoffeiniert, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 16 Kapseln. and read data.

This is Nescafé Dolce Gusto Espresso Cortado Decafeinato, Entkoffeiniert, Kaffee, Kaffeekapsel, 16 Kapseln für Ihre Lieblings-. Hier finden Sie vernünftige Produktdetails zu finden. Eine weitere Option für Ihre Online- Sie zu kaufen an alle, die uns besuchen , um unsere Produkte zu sehen war.

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