пятница, 15 декабря 2017 г.


Camping kaffee

Blue Cornflower Pattern

Range Top Coffee Percolators

Corning Ware P-109 ?? 9 Cup Coffee Percolator

9 Cup Capacity / Weight: 2 pounds, 13.2 ounces including internals.

Dimensions: 5ѕ" Round at base - 9Ѕ" Tall (Ѕ" shorter than the 8 cup version)

This is an older model, with the pouring lip still made from Pyroceram, not stainless steel.

I am not sure of this model number, as this model is not listed in any of the collector books.

Not sure when this was made, probably the same time frame as the P-106 and P-108 models.

Corning Ware P-108 8 Cup Coffee Percolator

8 Cup Capacity / Weight: 2 pounds, 6 ounces including internals.

Dimensions: 5" Round at base - 10" Tall

This is an older version, with the pouring lip still made from Pyroceram, not stainless steel.

Hard to find without damage to pouring lip. This is NOT on the recall list.

Only made in 1959 and 1960.

This model number was re-used in the 1970's for a 8 cup teapot.

Corning Ware P-106 6 Cup Coffee Percolator

6 Cup Capacity / Weight: 2 pounds, 6.4 ounces including internals.

Dimensions: 5" Round at base - 8Ѕ" Tall

This is an older version, with the pouring lip still made from Pyroceram, not stainless steel.

Hard to find without damage to pouring lip. This is NOT on the recall list.

Only made in 1959 and 1960.

Corning Ware P-124 4 Cup Coffee Percolator

4 Cup Capacity / Weight: 2 pounds, 5.2 ounces including internals.

Dimensions: 5" Round at base - 7" Tall - This is NOT on the recall list.

Corning Ware 9 - 8 - 6 - 4 Cup Coffee Percolators

Corning Ware P-116 6 Cup Coffee Percolator

6 Cup Capacity / Weight: 2 pounds, 7 ounces including internals.

Dimensions: 5" Round at base - 8Ѕ" Tall

Corning Ware P-116 6 Cup Coffee Percolator Alternate Handle Attachment

This version attaches the handle to the stainless band with external screws.

All dimensions the same as the one shown above.

The P-116 percolator has been recalled! Shown here for information and display use only.

Read the voluntary corrective action (recall) here:

Corning Ware P-119 9 Cup Coffee Percolator

9 Cup Capacity / W eight: 3 pounds including internals.

Dimensions: 5Ѕ" Round at base - 10" Tall

Note: In the "Floral Bouquet" pattern, the model number is P-219-B.

Corning Ware P-119 9 Cup Coffee Percolator Alternate Handle Attachment

This version attaches the handle to the stainless band with external screws.

All dimensions the same as the one shown above.

The P-119 percolator has been recalled! Shown here for information and display use only.

Read the voluntary corrective action (recall) here:

Corning Ware P-146 6 Cup Coffee Percolator

6 Cup Capacity / W eight: 2 pounds, 11.2 ounces including internals.

Dimensions: 5Ѕ" Round at base - 8ј" Tall

This model does not use a strainer basket lid. The percolator lid screws ј turn into the strainer basket, and then

the whole assembly screws ј turn into the top of the percolator.

The P-146 percolator has been recalled! Shown here for information and display use only.

Read the voluntary corrective action (recall) here:

Corning Ware P-149 9 Cup Coffee Percolator

9 Cup Capacity / W eight: 3 pounds, 2.8 ounces including internals.

Dimensions: 5ѕ" Round at base - 10ј" Tall

This model does not use a strainer basket lid. The percolator lid screws ј turn in to the strainer basket, and then

the whole assembly screws ј turn into the top of the percolator.

The P-149 percolator has been recalled! Shown here for information and display use only.

Read the voluntary corrective action (recall) here:

Corning Ware P-149 10 Cup Coffee Percolator

10 Cup Capacity / W eight: 2 pounds, 14.4 ounces including internals.

Dimensions: 5ѕ" Round at base - 10ј" Tall

This model does not use a strainer basket lid. The percolator lid screws ј turn in to the strainer basket, and then

the whole assembly screws ј turn into the top of the percolator.

The P-149 percolator has been recalled! Shown here for information and display use only.

Read the voluntary corrective action (recall) here:

Corning Ware P-149 9/10 Cup Coffee Percolators

What's the difference?

Both are 10ј" tall with a 5ѕ" diameter base. The 9 cup version weighs 4.4 ounces more than the 10 cup version.

The 9 cup model is not as rounded at the base as the 10 cup model.

I filled the 9 cup model to the dot at the 9 cup mark, I then poured it into the 10 cup model.

The 9 cups now filled to the 10 cup mark. So, either Corning Glass Works figured out how to create matter,

or they just changed the cup size.

All my P-149 Coffee Pots.

Front Row marked 9 Cup: Avocado Medallion, Blue Cornflower, Floral Bouquet and Renaissance.

Back Row marked 10 cup: Blue Cornflower, Spice 'O Life and Country Festival.

Corning Ware P-166 6 Cup Coffee Percolator

6 Cup Capacity / W eight: 2 pounds 0.8 ounces including internals.

Dimensions: 5Ѕ" Round at base - 7ј" Tall

These were made from 1982 to 1985 and are NOT part the 1970's recall.

Welcome to Camping Sunrise

The Campground

Our campsite is located in Struga exatly in Kalishta village,Struga is a town and popular tourist destination situated in the south-western region of the Republic of Macedonia, Struga is located in an open valley on Lake Ohrid. The Black Drin river starts at the lake and divides the city.

Camping Sunrise is 2 km away from Struga, the capacity of our campsite is 40 vans that can be contected to the electricity, we have 2 toilet for men and womens and 2 showers, the wifi is free for the all camping area.The campground is located in a very quiet, clean and safe place.

Lake Ohrid

Lake Ohrid, straddles the mountainous border between southwestern Macedonia and eastern Albania. It is one of Europe's deepest and oldest lakes, preserving a unique aquatic ecosystem that is of worldwide importance, with more than 200 endemic species. The importance of the lake was further emphasized when it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979 and when, in 2010, NASA decided to name one of Titan's lakes after Lake Ohrid. In 2014, the Ohrid-Prespa Transboundary Reserve between Albania and Macedonia was added to UNESCO's World Network of Biosphere Reserves. The towns situated at the lakeside are Pogradec in Albania, along with Ohrid and Struga in Macedonia. The lake is otherwise densely surrounded by settlements in the form of villages and resorts in both basin countries.

Camping Sunrise lying on the shore of Lake Ohrid and we have a beach with good conditions so the campers will have the opportunity to swim, sail or fishing in lake.

The Restaurant

In Sunrise restaurant the campers will taste some of our best tranitional food as fish of our lake, will have the opportunity to taste the traditional pizzas and meet cooked in grill.

Our Guests

Thanx to friendly atmosphere and hearttaking hospitality of the camp host we felt so welcome . Thank you again and see you next time!

Camping Sunrise ist einer schöner kleiner Campingplatz direkt am See. Gute Sanitärausstattung, das Restaurant ist sehr lecker - vor allem der gegrillte Fisch direkt aus dem See. Das wahre Highlight ist der Besitzer - super nett, immer zu einem Spass aufgelegt und kümmert sich um alles, wenn man Fragen hat oder etwas braucht - Kaffee-Service direkt ans Wohnmobil inklusive. Erste Wahl in der Region! Stayed August 2015, traveled as a couple.

We were here from 3-8 till 7-8.. We had a lovely time with 3 nights party.. and the 17th anniversary of our daughter Rochelle.. He get a big Birthday cake from the Boss.

Ingrid Van Zutphen- Rijsdijk

The Location

Camping Sunrise is located in south-western region of Macedonia, 2 km away from Struga city exatly in Kalishta village.

GPS Coordinates :41°09'37.3"N 20°39'00.5"E & 41.160357, 20.650148.

Shibang Machinerys

microgrind coffee

NWHikers.net - View topic - DIY Micro Grind Coffee?

Food & Grub . "Is this possible yet? The VIA that Starbucks sells is great, but pricey. Wondered if . " · "Interesting idea. You might try experimenting with a .

How to Turn Ground Coffee Beans Into Instant Coffee Powder | eHow

Instant coffee makes it very easy to enjoy a quick cup without the need for equipment to brew a whole pot. Most companies make instant coffee by freeze-drying it or .

Instant Coffee KONA|FRESH USA Hawaii| Instant Kona coffee…

Compare with Nescafe в„ў instant coffee and Starbucks Via в„ў instant coffee ready brew microground micro grind. Visit our One Stop Online Shop in Paradise

INSTANT KONA COFFEE *** Fresh from Hawaii • * Lowest …

- Compare with Starbucks Via™ instant coffee microgrind. Contact Information. Web . www.INSTANTCOFFEE.MOBI. Map View. View in Google Maps. Social & Messaging. …

Coffee preparation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Coffee preparation is the process of turning coffee beans into a beverage. While the particular steps vary with the type of coffee and with the raw materials, the .

VIA® Ready Brew Coffee | Starbucks Coffee Company Australia

We microgrind the coffee in a way that preserves all of their essential oils and flavour. No other coffee company takes this step, and it makes all the difference.

Tiny Urban Kitchen: Starbucks VIA Brew (Instant Microground Coffee)

Have you tried the VIA brew challenge? Apparently Starbucks spent almost 20 years developing a form of instant coffee that is supposed to taste indistinguishable from .

Micro Grind Machine For Starbucks Via, process crusher, mining .

Micro Grind Machine For Starbucks Via 79 Views. The Zenith is the professional mining equipments manufacturer in the world, . Starbucks Coffee Coffee, Instant, .

Starbucks Newsroom: Product

Weve found a way to microgrind them in a way that preserves all their . coffee drinkers won’t have to compromise on taste or miss a valuable coffee moment .

Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew Instant Coffee | Starbucks® Store

Shop for Starbucks VIA® online and brew up a full-bodied, flavorful cup of Starbucks® instant coffee at home.

Starbucks VIA: Instant Coffee & Ready Coffee Brew | Starbucks …

We microgrind the coffee in a way that preserves all of their essential oils and flavor. No other coffee company takes this step, and it makes all the difference.

How to Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder: 6 Steps

How to Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder. Nothing smells quite as good as the aroma of fresh-ground coffee. Even people who don't like coffee, love that scent.

Starbucks' new high-tech coffee - Fortune Tech

Oct 02, 2009 · Think of the new Via product as "instant 2.0" It's been decades since coffee has received an upgrade. Sure, there has been a steady beat of packaging .

Starbucks VIA Ready Brew – A Better Cup Of Instant Coffee .

We microgrind the coffee in a way that preserves all of their essential oils and flavor. No other coffee company takes this step, and it makes all the difference.

Baratza Vario Coffee Grinder - Zaccardi's: Coffee Makers, …

The VARIO is Baratza’s new entry in the mezzo class of coffee / espresso grinders. . rapidly repeatable micro grind adjustment and quick grinding speed, .

Sturm Foods Private Label Single Cup Instant Coffee | Single …

It's filled with micro-grind instant coffee. As we've been following in the news, Green Mountain Coffee and Keurig have sued Sturm Foods for patent infringement.

Review: Starbucks VIA Caramel and Mocha Instant Coffee | Single .

Each flavor mix contains microgrind coffee, flavoring powder and generous amounts of cane sugar.

Baratza Vario Coffee Grinder - Commercial Espresso Machines. …

Baratza Vario Coffee Grinder - Burrs: The Vario’s 54 mm professional ceramic flat burrs produce accurate grinding, high throughput and remain sharp for twice as .

Plop Plop, Brew Brew - Starbucks Corporation …

Mar 03, 2010 · We microgrind the coffee in a way that preserves all of their essential oils and flavor. . The coffee powder is extremely …

Starbucks VIA Ready Brew Colombia Coffee nutrition facts and .

We microgrind the coffee in a way that preserves all of their essential oils and flavor. No other coffee company takes this step, and it makes all the difference.

Starbucks Newsroom: Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew

Starbucks VIAв„ў is made with a proprietary, U.S. patent-pending microgrind technology to preserve the coffee's taste, quality and freshness. Sep 18, 2009 Fact .

Techmoan - Techmoan - Nescafé Alegria Review

@Dave I agree that the micro grind coffee definitely tastes better than plain old instant. I'm not a coffee snob, but I really can't stomach normal instant.

Vario Coffee Grinder by Baratza

The Vario is a commercial grinder with 54mm ceramic flat burrs with a throughput of 1.9 grams per second and an innovative, macro/micro grind adjustment with 230 .

Baratza Vario Ceramic Burr Coffee Grinder with Portaholder /New .

Baratza "Vario" Digital, Ceramic Burr Coffee Grinder. . macro/micro grind adjustment with 230 settings. .

Coffee and beverage & food related ingredients - Products at .

Sucafina Ingredients specializes in the global procurement and final delivery of coffee, as well as a wide variety of beverage and food related ingredients in bulk .

Espresso makers, cappuccino makers, espresso brewers and …

Perfect for coffee bars. Features:Micro "Grind Control" Adjustment - An exclusive adjustment system that gives the operator infinite control over grind settings.

Have you taken the Starbucks Via challenge? - Chains - Chowhound

Oct 02, 2009 · Sadly, the Via microgrind (not instant according to Starbucks) . I swirl the coffee in my cup every so often to get the sludge integrated .

Travel Coffee Maker

Travel Coffee Maker Blog specializes in information and product reviews of coffee makers . The instant brew is actually a proprietary microgrind of Starbucks very .

Via Italian Roast 3PK: : Grocery & Gourmet Food

(And I have coffee everyday, . If I'm in a hurry and there's no time to make coffee I like Starbuck's VIA Instant Micro Grind coffee in hot water. Read more.


INSTANT COFFEE KONA - USA COFFEE . Kaffee Hag, Yuban, Starbucks Via™ microground - micro grind. DRINK USA GROWN Coffee and help to fix the …

Coffee Shops Articles - Slashfood

The coffee giant is so convinced that consumers will embrace . They use arabica beans, but the real trick is the microgrind that transforms the beans into an .

starbucks via colombia | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion .

Starbucks COLOMBIA VIA “Ready Brew” Microgrind Instant Coffee Gift Box, 24ct. Time left: $14.99. Buy It Now. Free shipping. SALE. Misc. Must-Have Items.

Baratza 885 Vario Coffee Grinder - The Source for Products that .

Baratza 885 Vario Coffee Grinder is a commercial coffee bean grinder with 54mm ceramic flat burrs and 230 settings. . macro/micro grind adjustment.

Starbucks Set to Launch VIA - Restaurant News - QSR magazine

Starbucks VIA is made with a proprietary, U.S. patent-pending microgrind technology to preserve the coffee’s taste, quality, and freshness.

Grindmaster Venezia II HC-600 Espresso Grinder

Grindmaster Venezia II HC-600 Espresso Grinder - The Grindmaster Venezia II HC-600 Espresso Grinder features a Micro Grind Control" adjustment - An exclusive .

Want great coffee for less? Take matters into your own hands .

May 24, 2012 · The coffee is made by placing the filter and grounds in the neck of the flask, . I like the Starbucks Via as a decent cup of coffee, which is a microgrind.

Baratza Vario 2013 Grinder at Creative Coffee - Bringing you the .

. macro/micro grind adjustment with 230 settings.The sleek contemporary design, . and adjustability for any style of coffee also make it perfect as a home grinder.

Starbucks instant coffee unveiled - Via - Sep. 29, 2009

Sep 29, 2009 · "With a $21 billion global instant coffee business, . U.S. patent-pending microgrind technology" that preserves the taste of fresh coffee. .

Nescafé Alegria Home

A simple way to show you care 5 delicious coffee varieties Intense micro-grind blends for a rich, full-bodied aroma Quick, easy, delightful

Brands that you prefer

If I''m in a hurry for work and there''s no time to make coffee I like Starbuck''s VIA Instant MicroGrind coffee in a hot water (I use the espresso roast kind) .

Starbucks VIA Ready Brew Iced Coffee 30 Packs | eBay

Find best value and selection for your Starbucks VIA Ready Brew Iced Coffee 30 Packs search on eBay . Starbucks COLOMBIA VIA “Ready Brew” Microgrind Instant .

Little Known Fact About Starbucks VIA Veranda Blend™ | …

This difference in length is due to the lighter roast of the coffee, which leads to a fluffier microgrind. . of "VIA- Vanilla Arabica Instant coffee" packets.

Starbucks VIA® Taste Promise Launches in the U.S. and …

. U.S. patent-pending microgrind technology that preserves the coffee's taste and quality. . Innovating to meet the needs of coffee drinkers everywhere, .

iDrinkCoffee.com Roasters and Merchants

Coffee aficionados who are anxious about limited kitchen space won't have to worry anymore. . macro/micro grind adjustment with 230 settings.

Baratza - Baratza Vario Coffee Grinder - CoffeeMakersEtc

Baratza Vario Coffee Grinder. Digital ceramic burr grinder. . macro/micro grind adjustment with 230 settings. The sleek contemporary design, small foot print, .

Baratza Vario Semi Pro Grinder | Roastmasters.com

It has a small footprint, full grind range, rapidly repeatable micro grind adjustment and quick grinding speed. . ensuring cooler coffee. Portafilter:

Grinders - Chris' Coffee Service, Inc.

. macro/micro grind adjustment with 230 settings. . weighing the ground coffee to within +/- 0.2 g while grinding, and stopping automatically.

iDrinkCoffee.com Roasters and Merchants

The coffee is in high demand for its amazing taste as the plant itself, . macro/micro grind adjustment with 230 settings. The sleek contemporary design, .

Starbucks Newsroom: Product

Weve found a way to microgrind them in a way that preserves all their . coffee drinkers won’t have to compromise on taste or miss a valuable coffee moment .

Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew Instant Coffee | Starbucks® Store

Shop for Starbucks VIA® online and brew up a full-bodied, flavorful cup of Starbucks® instant coffee at home.

Starbucks VIA: Instant Coffee & Ready Coffee Brew | Starbucks …

We microgrind the coffee in a way that preserves all of their essential oils and flavor. No other coffee company takes this step, and it makes all the difference.

How to Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder: 6 Steps

How to Grind Coffee Beans Without a Grinder. Nothing smells quite as good as the aroma of fresh-ground coffee. Even people who don't like coffee, love that scent.

Starbucks' new high-tech coffee - Fortune Tech

Oct 02, 2009 · Think of the new Via product as "instant 2.0" It's been decades since coffee has received an upgrade. Sure, there has been a steady beat of packaging .

Starbucks VIA Ready Brew – A Better Cup Of Instant Coffee .

We microgrind the coffee in a way that preserves all of their essential oils and flavor. No other coffee company takes this step, and it makes all the difference.

Baratza Vario Coffee Grinder - Zaccardi's: Coffee Makers, …

The VARIO is Baratza’s new entry in the mezzo class of coffee / espresso grinders. . rapidly repeatable micro grind adjustment and quick grinding speed, .

Sturm Foods Private Label Single Cup Instant Coffee | Single …

It's filled with micro-grind instant coffee. As we've been following in the news, Green Mountain Coffee and Keurig have sued Sturm Foods for patent infringement.

Review: Starbucks VIA Caramel and Mocha Instant Coffee | Single .

Each flavor mix contains microgrind coffee, flavoring powder and generous amounts of cane sugar.

Baratza Vario Coffee Grinder - Commercial Espresso Machines. …

Baratza Vario Coffee Grinder - Burrs: The Vario’s 54 mm professional ceramic flat burrs produce accurate grinding, high throughput and remain sharp for twice as .

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Everything you need for warm meals, bright flavors and lasting memories of the outdoors, from solo adventures to large groups.

For kitchens with truly open floor plans.

Dining is the fruition of your efforts throughout the day; a time to savor the smiles and the experiences dished and plated in generous portions. Bon appétit.

Let's raise a glass to adventure. Let's drink in the intoxication of the outdoors. Let's share a shatter-resistant glass of wine and a trusty, warm flask. It's party time.

The GSI Outdoors Blog

Get the latest Camp Cookery Recipe from Ambassador Chris Battaglia: BACON-CARAMELIZED ONION AND SWEET PEPPER GRITS

Camping kaffee

The AeroPress by Aerobie, Inc. brings out the best in every bean. Its unique brewing method gives the richest coffee flavor, with less bitterness and acidity, and no grounds left in your cup!

The AeroPress® gets rave reviews. For example, BonAppetit Magazine says it makes “fantastic coffee”. The Globe & Mail calls it “amazing”.

We offer volume discounts on all our products when you purchase two or more of the same item. It’s calculated automatically!

Taste the Revival of

The Coffee That Won the West.

Taste the Revival of

The Coffee That Won the West.

Featured Products

Sale Price : $ 16.95

Sale Price : $ 12.95

Featured Collection

The finest black, white and green teas blended and flavored to perfection. Loose leaf teas as well as Numi's legendary organic individual tea bag varietals.

Air roasted and cooled by the desert breeze. Arbuckle Coffee is handcrafted to the highest standards that captures the quality and flavor the Arbuckle brothers started over 150 years ago.

Experience the flavor of healthy yet luxurious herbal offerings handcrafted from Arbuckle. Choose from premium loose leaf herbals as well as Numi organic Teasans.

Coffee Tea Bags (Coffee On the Go!)

Coffee Tea Bags

Hey everyone! Erin here again to share with you about another tea-related idea. Coffee Tea Bags. Have you ever heard of these? They are just like tea bags, but with coffee instead. You can buy them at the store. But who does that anymore? Instead, why not make them at home?

I used a reusable tea bag that I posted about a few months ago. Then I poured about a tablespoon or more of coffee grounds (I used my coffee grinder) into the bag and steeped it in boiled water for about 3-5 minutes or so. & Enjoy!

These are great to used when you only want to make one cup of coffee and don’t want to dirty the coffee pot or French press. So easy. So simple. So delicious! These would also be a great way to take your favorite coffee drink on vacation or camping without having to pack your whole coffee pot! You could also use these to take to work if your office doesn’t offer a coffee pot.

But of course I like to drink my coffee with cream. Yum yum! How do you drink your coffee? You could even make your own basic coffee creamer to go with your Coffee Tea Bags or you regular daily cup with this simple recipe:

Homemade Coffee Creamer

  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 4 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Mix the first 3 ingredients together on the stove top with a whisk until they steam. Remove from heat and add in vanilla extract. Stir well and pour into a jar to store in the fridge. This will last just over a week. Shake jar before use.

These would be fun to give as gifts to your coffee-lover friends. You could always make Coffee Tea Bags and fill them up and toss a few in a jar or gift bag. I know I would love love love receiving that as a gift. (hint hint).

Try this Simple Coffee Cake recipe with your morning coffee.

Make sure to go here first to learn how to make your own tea bags.

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They are such a pain to clean, though…. How does one keep grounds from going down the sink?

I will just rinse the bag in a small bowl or cup of water (turn bag inside out) and add the water/grounds to my compost! Thanks for this wonderful idea

Coffee grounds down the sink won’t hurt if it’s not to much and will help with any grease in the pipes also.

LOVE THIS!! Can’t wait to try it out! 🙂

That is one seriously clever idea. I love it!

Great idea. I will have to look up how to make that bag

I love to add powdered milk to my coffee. It’s fat free so no guilt if I add a lot.

I also prefer powdered creamer and had thought about mixing powdered milk and a small amount of brown sugar together for a “homemade” version.. I will have to give it a try!

I will have to check in to this ! I typically buy a box at the store. They last me forever due to the fact the only time I use them is when my dh is out of town and I don’t want to use the coffee pot for just one cup 🙂

I do this when I camp and make them for a whole quart…..Take a regular coffee filter and add enough coffee for a full pot. Then fold the filter together and staple it. I make up enough for my trip and just throw into a pot of water and boil until it is nuclear grade! Flavor with some hot chocolate mix and its done. After the coffee is gone I just throw the filter into the fire.

Wonderful idea.. We used something like this, but they were round filters for a whole pot of coffee. You could take and cut to fit the bottom of the filter cup, and with several made up, you could take make foe several whole pots, and have read at any time. You could even add the filters in for fast disposal.

Why doesn’t the coffee need to be brewed? Tea is just an infusion but ground coffee is percolated/brewed to make coffee with it. So instant coffee is made for ppl who don’t want to brew it. Coffee doesn’t infuse as I understand it.

I so enjoyed the articles looking forward to reading your website.

Oh, dear. This sounds awful. Go buy you some organic whole coffee beans and a grinder. It makes me sad you are making coffee from used coffee grounds.

I can’t be sure, but when she said, “Then I poured about a tablespoon or more of coffee grounds (I used my coffee grinder),” I think she probably meant ground coffee, not coffee grounds.

Camping Rino

Feel Like Home!



Now camping have more space (5000m2 ) and we have capacity for 50 to 60 campers or tents, more space for Familys with childrens, good space for groups with Tents in shadow and also place for Caravan clubs Group.

We accept reservations groups with Caravan clubs, Hikers, Scout Groups.

Camping Rino, we, pride ourselves on welcoming guests to our camp and treating them like family. We provide a warm, relaxing atmosphere, and friendly service to create the memorable stay you deserve. Camping Rino offers guests at the arrival day free coffee, tea, or raki, also each morning free coffee. Rino is open all year round. Our 14 years experience working with tourist make our staff more profesional, explaning them more about turistic areas, Macedonian culture, tradition and history.

We make tour around the Lake Ohrid by car, visiting Ohrid ancient city, old Roman churches, castle and ancient theatre, also Water Museum and St. Naum churches and spring water. Enjoying the view from National Park Galicica amazing and relaxing place, passing Albanian border around the Lake Ohrid. Exploring the beauty of nature.

Rino Caravan and Camping Site is a sheltered, small and nice site directly on water which makes one of the best places and amazing view around the Ohrid Lake. Our family-owned campsite is situated in the village of Kalista, city of Struga, near to the border Albania and Macedonia.

Explore and enjoy a range of water and land based activities or relax in this truly idyllic location which is recognised as a place of outstanding natural beauty.

Our camping provides a range of activities suitable for all ages and abilities, try something new on your holiday in the Camping Rino and give kayaking, fishing, hiking or cycling a try.

We also offer road trip around Lake Ohrid. There are plenty of beautiful places around Lake Ohrid, such as Mountain Galicica National Park, Museum on Water, Black Drim River, Ancient city of Ohrid, etc.

You can walk to the closest church St. Bogorodica, which was build in 14th century. It is just 1 km far from campsite and has amazing view to the lake.

You can rent a boat to go to next towns like Ohrid, Struga, Pestani.

The camping is located in quiet natural surroundings by Lake Ohrid and about 3 kilometers from Struga and 16 kilometers from Ohrid city. It’s a family run campsite, expanded space and safe for children. We have place for about 50 to 60 tents or caravans. With a field directly next to the lake ensuring a quieter, peaceful stay. Around the campsite you can walk, visit one of the cities, go for a swim or fishing with our rowing boat. Observe in your own way the Macedonian and also Albanian life.


Camping Rino is campsite that lies at the shore of Lake Ohrid, a beautiful location surrounded by water and nature in the village of Kalista. Our campsite may be a simple little place, but the view is astonishing, thanks to its position.

The first thing that meets you on arrival is very warm welcome with warm coffee, tea or raki from house. From the small tents to the big camper vans, all camping-styles are admitted at Camping Rino.

The campsite enjoys a pleasant temperature all summer round, and tranquility reigns during the day and the night. A perfect place for resting.

It has a attractive offer of activities thanks to its privileged location: hiking, kayaking, biking, fishing or practicing adventure sports. You can enjoy your time in the nature like nowhere else. A perfect place for active travelers.

Struga’s location on the Lake Ohrid is high 700 m above sea level and makes it a slighty, peaceful place. When you visit this beautiful town there are a many other places that show the beauty and culture, the century of old churches, the mosques and old bazar. During the day you can enjoy Struga beaches located close to River Drim in its own flow and between to the two previous beaches. Every middle of August “Struga Poetry Night” is held at the “Poetry Bridge” and is attended by Poets, Writers and Artist across the world.

The village of Vevcani is located 14 km North-West of the town of Struga. The famous Vevcani springs are some of most famous springs to be found in Macedonia. The springs are located on the eastern slope of Jablanica mountain range. The largest spring is located at the opening of one of the many caves in the region. Below the largest spring are ten minor springs which all converge together. The most famous spring is “Jankov Kamen” which is situated at 1200 metres above sea level. Another spring is “Mala Livada” from which the water has a unique flavour and colour. It is situated at over 1600 metres above sea level. The highest spring is “Golina” situated at over 2000 metres above sea level. The rate of water flow from the springs is estimated to exceed the rate of 1500 litres per second, most notably in Spring. Within the vicinity of the village of Vevčani there are many glacial lakes. The highest and mot prominent glacial lake is “Lokva” which is situated at over 2000 metres above sea level on Mount Jablanica. It is the main provider of water to the “Golina” spring.

Ohrid City is the largest city on Lake Ohrid and the eighth-largest city in the country. Ohrid is notable for once having had 365 churches, one for each day of the year, and has been referred to as a “Jerusalem of the Balkans”. Ohrid and Lake Ohrid were accepted as Cultural and Natural World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. In fact, Ohrid is one of only 28 sites that are part of UNESCO’s World Heritage that are both Cultural and Natural sites. The earliest inhabitants of the widest Lake Ohrid region were the Dassaretae, an ancient Greek tribe and the Enchelei, an Illyrian tribe. According to recent excavations by Macedonian archaeologists it was a town way back at the time of king Phillip II of Macedon. They conclude that Samuil’s Fortress was built on the place of an earlier fortification, dated to 4th century B.C. Near centre of Ohrid in top of hill is Samuil’s Fortress, the view is amazing and you can see Lake Ohrid around, next to castle is also an ancient theatre which was built in 200 BC and is the only Hellenistic-type theatre. Also in Ohrid passess the Ancient Roman Road “VIA EGNATIA”.


The National Park Galicica is situated on Mount Galicica, that is a part of the mountain range of Sara-Pind. Due to its exceptional natural beauty and extremely opulent and endemic flora and fauna, in 1958 the Macedonian section of the mountain was proclaimed a National Park. The Park covers an area of 227 km2 between the Lakes of Ohrid and Prespa, and it stretches in a meridian direction.

The two stunning Ohrid and Prespa lake sit high in this mountain range, with Prespa Lake at 850 meters and Ohrid Lake at 693 meters, and both are visible from the top of Galicica Mountain.

Containing more than 130 different species of trees and bushes Galicica is one of the Europe’s richest national parks in terms of flora. Well marked mountaineering and hiking trails, rich cultural inheritance of Galicica National Park and its surroundings, and it proximity to Ohrid, attract nature and culture lovers as well.

Beautiful views across the lakes and neighbouring mountains can be seen from the Galičica peaks. The highest is peak Magaro (2,254 m). From top of Galicica you can see both sites Lake, Ohrid Lake and Prespa Lake.

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This camp was amazing, i suggest you should visit this area, i had very good time near the lake. Also people was so friendly so kind, it’s very quite place and lovely. For me camp Rino was the best one around Ohrid Lake. Thankyou with pleasure David.

Thank you David . we will !

Cazare Ieftina Venetia

What’s up, I would like to subscribe for this website to take

hottest updates, so where can i do it please help out.

For a onee day you may become a floater of one of tthe

Colombian rivers, orr you can choose for example paragliding,

if you would like to fly up to the skies and to look on the country from the above.

I was hopjng to run into Shakira (which didn’t happen). t come cheap, but the cost

does vary depending on geographic location.

A very small camping next to the lake. A very friendly owner, who serves very good coffee in the morning and speaks German and English. You might meet people from all over the world, who are on a trip by car or bike and tent or camper.

Perhaps not many people know this blog, but I just found from the search engine and I loved it. I subscribe.

This is a wonderful Camp for Travellers, Bikers, Campers whatever directly an the Ohrid Lake next to the City of Struga in Macedonia not far from the Albanien Border. The owner Family is very friendly and do every wish for you, perhaps when you want to make a Travel around the beautiful Lake Ohrid or when you interrested in History they help and show you. The Coffee and the Meals are very good. And when you like Fish, they catch it directly fresh for you in the

Lake. When you make a Balkan Travel, is Camping Rino definitely the best Camping Place in Macedonia, Albania and Grecce.

We will come back next Summer

Greetz from Germany Akim & Leta

Been twice at Rino. First in 2013 during an alone motorcycle trip around the Balcans, last time 2014 with 3 more friends during another motorcycle trip that took us ’till Ukraine.

We all agree that after so many days driving Rino was a superb place to rest, enjoy the lake (With its snakes!), sun, food, and Skopjsko beer!

If I ever return to Macedonia I’ll pass by Rino for sure.

Been twice at Rino. First in 2013 during an alone motorcycle trip around the Balcans, last time 2014 with 3 more friends during another motorcycle trip that took us ’till Ukraine.

We all agree that after so many days driving Rino was a superb place to rest, enjoy the lake (With its snakes!), sun, food, and Skopjsko beer!

If I ever return to Macedonia I’ll pass by Rino for sure.

That was the best camping I have ever been to. And I’ve been to quite a lot of them. The campsite is small and full of familiar atmosphere, the people unbelievably nice and ready to help, the lake right there, warm, beautiful and full of fish. Talking of fish, I highly recommend trying some of them prepared right there on the campsite. Cheap and very tasty!

we loved your hospitality and beautiful camping site. You all are brilliant.

Superbe petit camping familial, un vrai coin de paradis pour qui veut se reposer… …la famille est vraiment sympathique et serviable, vous êtes reçu en ami et non en clients… Merci pour tout et j’espère avoir l’occasion de revenir un jour chez vous 😉 Fab from Belgium

Besides excellent coffee Rino camping is also very good address for a nice and very tasteful lunch served by utmost friendly people,

Auf der Durchreise von Griechenland nach Kroatien waren wir mit 3 Fahrzeugen für 2 Nächte auf dem Rino-Camping.

Ein kleiner, sauberer und sehr gut geführter Platz. Besonders war der morgendliche Kaffee mit einem herrlichen Blick über den See. Die ganze Familie ist sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit und auch das Essen im kleinen Campingrestaurant ist sehr zu empfehlen.

Eine wirklich sehr gute Adresse.

Ralf und Hanne aus Ungarn

Do you have any availabilities for tomorrow night?

We are 2 persons with one tent.

The camping looks really nice and amazing coments..

See you tomorrow?

Yes we have a place for you 🙂 wellcome

Nous vous avons envoyé un mail pour réserver du 06 au 11 août, j’espère qu’il y aura de la place !

Hi. Hoping to visit with a very small one man tent around Saturday 8th August. Will it be okay just to arrive.

I am in fact happy to read this blog posts which contains tons of valuable information,

thanks for providing such statistics.

Good place to camp. I like its scene, those surroundings will have a perfect fun.

Hallo Rino, schöne Website. Wir denken gerne an unseren Besuch zurück. Hier zur Erinnerung:

Beste Grüße, Petra und Martin von Lebensdomizile weltweit

The campsite we had in the itinerary as alternative accommodation in the journey to Albania. We are glad that we finally stopped, ate dinner, bathe and sleep. Nice place, nice people, -).

Abbiamo passato dei giorni magnifici al campeggio Rino! Il ragazzo è simpaticissimo e socievole, il cibo è fantastico e il campeggio, anche se piccolino, ha tutto il necessario e una vista fantastica sul lago! Ogni mattina la sveglia è accompagnata da un ottimo caffè espresso e da un grande sorriso che ti migliora la giornata, e la sera non manca un buon bicchiere di rakji che allieta il sonno 🙂

Grazie Rino per i bellissimi giorni passati con te!

We visited Rino Camping in August 2016 during Our 8 month Tour-de-Europe.

A wonderful Place With wonderful staff.

We really enjoyed Our stay here !

Pimi the perfect host, superb food and coffee, beautiful setting of the campsite. Nothing more to say then go and see yourself!

We’ve just arrived to a great welcome, raki and coffee as the sun sets. Stunning location, small and friendly site with a bar / restaurant.

The place is beautiful with great view on the lake and mountains ! The whole staff is very kind and friendly !! Lot’s of little gifts and advices … You must stop here . It’s open all year long ! PS: try the trout !

Camping amazing in an ideal place. Kind reception. We do recommend visiting them

Ich habe gelesen mehrere good Sachen hier. Definitiv Sicherlich lohnt bookmarking Änderungsvorschlägen. I eine Menge Versuch Sie Set bis diese Art der ausgezeichnete Website.

Hi, after reading this amazing piece of writing i am too cheerful to share my know-how here with colleagues.

Highly recommend staying at campig Rino. We stayed with 14 young adults and were very pleasantly surprised. The hospitality was amazing!

Unlike other tourist based places it is a very honest and correct camping place for both tents and campers. Some trees are still growing and the beach was still being constructed. A very cosy and quiet camp site with direct access to the lake.

Camping kaffee

A strong tent ready to withstand any storms

A warm bonfire

And the real winner. elevated queen-sized beds

One beautiful napping child

"I help daddy"

Good friends

Hot dogs roasted on an open fire

And another great view


Where did you guys camp at? It looks like a great place to stay, and it looks like you all had a good time. I'll bet you're happy to be home tho. There's nothing like crawling into your own bed after a nice hot shower after being gone for so long. Even tho the trip was fun. Take care and let me know where you were camping at. It looks really nice.

We camped in Jim's hometown of Mesick, Michigan at Northern Exposure Campground. It's where Jim's grandma took him to swim when he was a little boy at Hodenpyl Dam Pond, aka "the Backwaters." The Manistee

River runs past the campground.

Oh, wow. I took one look at the picture of your bonfire and could smell it. I love camping! It really is fun, and it looks like you had an ideal spot. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.

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