Danesi kaffee
Caffe Motta - Classico - Espresso Whole Beans - 2.2 lb Bag
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Good coffee 
Posted by Unknown on 4th Dec 2016
Good for espresso or latte. Surprising amount of crema.
We love Motta 
Posted by Unknown on 24th May 2016
We recently switched to Motta espresso beans and we think it is an excellent choice within its price range. We like the "moka" aftertaste. We buy from Cerini because of the personal attention they give to our orders as well as to the servicing of
our espresso machine.
Plenty of local shops but I order from Cerini 
Posted by Pam on 23rd Apr 2016
I have been ordering from Cerini for over 10 years ever since I had my espresso machine serviced there. The people are great, the service is excellent, and the coffee is outstanding.
Love Caffe Motta. 
Posted by Unknown on 21st Feb 2016
Great service ! Excellent shop & lovely people. Have been going and ordering from Cerini for several years now Always trying to find your special taste to please. Have tried several other top brand espresso beans and have always come back to Caffe Motta brand. Coffe is delicious , creamy & smooth ! If you haven't tried it I would Definitely recommend it.
great espresso, great customer service 
Posted by Kathy Rosenberg on 22nd Dec 2015
I love Caffe Motta. Cerini's has good service--I call, they send. Can't beat it. So glad I found Cerini's.
The absolute best coffee in USA 
Posted by monique on 16th Apr 2015
i tried this coffee as a cafe late in a coffee shop in Venice. I almost died ,it was so good. I have tried many coffees even from the best roasters and this has got to be the best that I have tasted. I have not tasted coffee like this since I traveled in Europe. It was Not burnt tasting and it did not have a bitter after taste . As a matter of fact, when I can drink espresso without buttering it up with all kinds of adornments like cream, then I know it's a great cup of coffee!
Good Coffee 
Posted by Samm on 25th Mar 2015
Tasty coffee. Stands up to milk in lattes, flavor carries through.
Danesi kaffee
+49 40 822 4567 90
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Original Danesi Cappuccinotasse mit Unterteller
Dickwandiges Porzellan, aussergewöhnliche, kugelige Espressotassen-Form, weiß mit Logo
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V sekci zahradní technika si můžete vybrat z mnoha užitečných zahradních pomocníků, kteří Vám ušetří čas i námahu.
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Technika do dílny i na zahradu by Vám měla sloužit dlouhé roky. Naším hlavním záměrem je nabízet vždy zboží té nejvyšší kvality a splnit Vaše přání, ať jste amatér či profesionál! Za velmi zajímavé ceny u nás najdete především elektrické nářadí, ale i všechen další sortiment chceme udržet za ceny dostupné široké veřejnosti. Naší specialitou je světově unikátní bronzové nářadí, které Vám přinese nový pohled na obdělávání půdy. Myslíme i na Váš odpočinek po práci. Relaxovat můžete společně s celou rodinou se zahradním nábytkem.
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Manual is coffee
Coffeemaker Nº3 is our most flexible design for enjoying slow coffee
The beauty of hand brewing coffee is all in the experience—the smells, the sounds, the movements—the ritual is essential.
Coffeemaker Nº3 is a flexible coffee system based that allows you to brew slow coffee 3 ways—pour-over, French press, and cold brew. Once you're done brewing, the pitcher can be closed with the cork lid to bring to the table—the double-walled design keeps the coffee hot for up to an hour.
After coffee, the pitcher can be used for other beverages—keeping them cold for long periods of time.
Pour-over, French press, cold brew—what are you in the mood for today?
Don’t just brew for you—make hand-crafted coffee 40 ounces at a time
Fresh-brewed coffee stays hot for up to an hour in the double-walled insulated pitcher
Uses inexpensive auto-drip filters, available at most grocery stores
Use the pitcher for cool drinks too—the insulated glass will never form condensation
Hand blown borosilicate glass, slip cast porcelain, with stainless steel and cork components
Brewing with Coffeemaker Nº3
Pour over is our favorite brewing method because of the full control of the brewing variables, the clarity of flavor, and the ritual of the process. We designed Nº3 to be an extremely forgiving pour-over method that's easy to learn.
The ceramic dripper is nested into the pitcher, which holds a standard Melitta auto-drip filter. Flat bottom filters provide a more consistent extraction than cone-shaped filters, and are much more forgiving when brewing.
Hot water is simply poured over top of the grinds until the desired coffee volume is reached inside the pitcher. If you like to be accurate, you can place the pitcher on a kitchen scale, or if you prefer to be more intuitive, you can gauge volume of coffee by where it hits on the handle.
French press is a classic brewing method that is known for its simplicity, consistency, and full bodied flavor. We designed Nº3 to work like a standard French press, but with the double-walled glass, your coffee brews at a more consistent temperature.
To reduce the "silt" that happens with French press, we recommend a little bit of a longer steep time to allow the grinds to settle. Additionally, by not pushing the press all the way to the bottom, you can avoid disturbing the grinds—and will yield a much "cleaner" cup.
Cold brew is a summer crush and a crowd pleaser—it seems everybody loves an iced coffee these days.
Cold brew can be made easily with the Nº3 system: store the water and coffee in the corked pitcher overnight in your fridge. The next day, use the French press to filter the grinds. For more clarity, place the ceramic dripper on a mason jar and pour the coffee through a paper filter. The coffee can be transferred back into a clean pitcher for storage, or can be taken on-the-go in the mason jar.
We love kitchen tools that can be used in a variety of ways. After your morning coffee, you can put your Nº3 to use as an all purpose pitcher.
The double walled glass keeps cold drinks cool as well, and the spout can filter ice, citrus, or other aromatics.
At Manual—we create products for food that encourage you to slow down and appreciate the moment. Coffeemaker Nº3 allows you to celebrate the ritual while sharing the experience with others.
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+49 40 822 4567 90
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- Mrs. Rose Espresso Coffee beans
Mrs. Rose Espresso Coffee, Tin of 250g, beans
Mrs. Rose is a Signorina from Verona, swearing by 100% Arabica.
The fact that she is already being revered despite her young age, however, is not solely thanks to her appearance, but especially due to her wonderful coffee: delicious crema, full, and round aroma, pleasant, mild taste.
The caffeine content of 1,34 % is extremely low, nonetheless the blend presents a round aroma and full taste.
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In the market for organic coffee? Try Bio whole beans from Bristot & Bio ground coffee from Pellini. For convenience go for Mount Hagan Instant in Medium Roast or Decaff or try Nespresso-compatible capsules from Miscela D'Oro, Pellini & Port Moka. Round out your morning cup with whole cane sugar or settle in with a cozy cup of cocoa. Find it all here.
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DANESI- Kaffee und Espresso aus ROM
Danesi Caffè ist ein römisches Unternehmen, gegründet im Jahre 1905 von Alfredo Danesi, Experte Kenner und Kurator der Edelrösterei,
einer der ersten, die die Kultur und den Konsum von traditionellen Espresso, zu Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts in Rom verbreitete.
Spezialisierung im öffentlichen Bereich (Ho.re.Ca)
Er fing an, die Produkte zu exportieren, was dazu führte, dass Danesi bereits in mehr als 60 Ländern erhältlich ist.
Sie achten mit Sorgfalt darauf, dass die Tradition erhalten bleibt und gaben dem Unternehmen trotz allem einen modernen Touch.
Die vierte Generation, trägt nun mit weiblicher Kraft zur Entwicklung des Unternehmens bei und sorgt für neue Impulse für Trends und meistert somit die zukünftigen Herausforderungen.
Seit jeher haben Qualität und Exzellenz das Unternehmen ausgezeichnet, beginnend mit einem stengen Produktionsprozess,
bei dem die perfekte Balance zwischen Geschmack, Aroma und Struktur erfolgreich erreicht wird.
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Danesi Caffe
Danesi Kaffee
Um selbst gerösteten Espresso anzubieten, wurde schon 1905 von Alfredo Danesi das Café „Nencini e Danesi“ in Rom eröffnet. Daraus entstand nach über 100 Jahren die Kultmarke Danesi Caffe S.p.A., eine der führenden Röstereien Italiens. Die Spitzenkaffees Caffe Doppio und Caffe Espresso Oro zählen bei Gourmets und der Kaffee Gastronomie zu den beliebtesten Espressi. Danesi - ein Espressokaffee vom Feinsten. Lesen Sie mehr über Danesi Kaffee »
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Danesi kaffee
ESSSE CAFFE - Speciale - Espresso Whole Beans - 2.2 lb Bag
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Product Description
Coffee beans blend with a good proportion between price and quality, it allows the extraction of an Italian Espresso with good appearance in the cup, a full body and a good balance of taste where we can appreciate a pleasant aftertaste.
• DESCRIPTION: Blend of bean-roasted Arabica and Robusta coffee
• ROASTING: The product was pre-blended and cycle roasted semi-automatically in order for the taste and smell characteristics of each component to amalgamate better and give the final product quality consistency. The level of roasting is that used for obtaining typical Italian espresso.
• TASTE:Coffee beans blend with a good proportion between price and quality, it allows the extraction of an Italian Espresso with good appearance in the cup, a full body and a good balance of taste where we can appreciate a pleasant aftertaste. Try Esse Caffe Today!
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Product Reviews
Showing reviews 1-10 of 23 | Next
Satisfactory replacement for Moka D'Oro 
Posted by Saul & Maria on 19th Oct 2017
We drink it first thing in the morning, occasionally during the day, and always after dinner. It is sufficiently strong and not bitter. Crema is nice and lasts. Very good value as well.
Bets way to start your day 
Posted by Lucille on 1st Sep 2017
Full bodied coffee and smooth coffee.
Good quality coffee 
Posted by Unknown on 17th Aug 2017
The coffee tastes good out of my Espresso machine. However, I was expecting a single source 100% Arabica, but this coffee is a blend.
Essse Caffe 
Posted by Unknown on 12th Aug 2017
What a great experience!
Essse espresso 
Posted by David Mendez on 30th Jun 2017
It is my favorite espresso, love it. ☕️☕️
good, strong, aromatic. 
Posted by ivo on 31st May 2017
I'm always looking for a good Arabica Robusta blend for my espresso. After going through 6 or 7 Lavazza varieties I settled down for the Super Crema. This ESSSE Speciale is on par with the Supercrema and definitely better than regular Segafredo or Kimbo.
I will try the other ESSSE varieties to see how good they are.
I tested it as regular espresso and as cappuccino, on entry level espresso machines (Gaggia Classic, delonghi). No need to use the double filter basket, nor naked portafilter, since it has plenty of flavour on its own.
The roast date was reasonably recent for an industrially packed coffee, being less than 2 months old.
esse caffe speciale 
Posted by Espo on 23rd May 2017
Posted by Unknown on 3rd Mar 2017
Great Tasting Coffee and Great Value for the Price.
I used to buy a different brand that cost $26.00 and was honestly no better that this ESSSE coffee
Best coffee - great value 
Posted by Phil on 31st Dec 2016
This is a coffee is a great Italian. Aroma, flavor and very smooth - the best.
Posted by Stefano on 29th Dec 2016
I can't disagree with any of the other great reviews about this product. And your grinder will love them too . . . these beans are not dark and oily so your grinder will not get gummed up. They grind and tamp beautifully.
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