Carroux Caffee : Carroux Espresso Online-Shop #814,135 ( -45%)
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Worth & Traffic Estimate of
Example: A website with a $3 CPM and 10000 impressions/pageviews a day is making on average $30 dollars a day.
Daily Pageviews: 1,291
Daily Visitors: 586
Daily Ads Revenue: $3.74
Monthly Pageviews: 38,730
Monthly Visitors: 17,580
Monthly Ads Revenue: $112.20
Yearly Pageviews: 471,215
Yearly Visitors: 213,890
Yearly Ads Revenue: $1,365.10
Main Information of
Information of
PageRank also considers the importance of each page that casts a vote, as votes from some pages are considered to have greater value, thereby giving the linked page a greater value.
.COM is the most popular and it represents Commercial websites.
DNS Records of
Minimum TTL: 3600
Name Servers of
Header Info of is using nginx/1.6.2 as server.
Search Engine & Internet Presense of
If you are buying or it is your competitor checking how many pages indexed it has is vital.
If has no pages indexed it means it's too new, is banned or suffered a penalty.
- Internet Presense of
Statistical Graphics of
Social Network Activity of
IP Tracing of
- is hosted by Gerhard Klein EDV-Service in Hochwald, Nordrhein-Westfalen. Information
- Carroux
- Caffee
- Espresso
- Gourmet
- Kaffee
- Gastronomie
- Gewerbe
- Geschäftskunden
- Shop
- Onlineshop
Title Use : The title is a general description of your site between 10-80 characters
Meta Keywords : these are categories and topics which will help define your sites use.
Size : Shows the size of the HTML used on your site.
Compressed Size : This is the size of the HTML on your site once it has been compressed.
Text Size : This is the size of the pure text on your site, after HTML has been removed.
- css
Charset :ASCII was the first character encoding standard (also called character set). ASCII defined 127 different alphanumeric characters that could be used on the internet: numbers (0-9), English letters (A-Z), and some special characters like ! $ + - ( ) @ .ANSI (Windows-1252) was the original Windows character set, with support for 256 different character codes.
Code Type : This shows what type of coding was used in the design of your site.
HTML Version : This shows the version od coding you used in the design of your site.
Robots.txt : This is to let the robots.txt used by the search engines, know how to navigate your site. We advise that you use robots.txt.
Responsive : Shows whether or not your site which is compatible with desktop computers, is also compatible with tablet computers and mobile devices. Use: you can show this with the tag : .
- carroux espresso 5292 %
- ulrich carroux 2776 %
- carroux 1901 %
- gastronomieshop 31 %
Rank : Is your sites rank among the other sites in the world.
Country Rank : Is your sites rank among the other sites in your country.
Most Search Queries : This shows how your site was found on search engines, which words were used to find your website.
PageRank : Google ranks sites on a scale of 0-10. The higher the rank, the better and more beneficial this site is considered for Google.
Analytic : Google, along with being the worlds largest search engine also provides many other great services. One of these provided services is Analytic. With a tiny code added to your site, Analytic allows you to track all user data on your site. A few of its free services are:
- Real time user data
- User data in general
- User data by location
- Traffic sources
- Audience view
- A retrospective view of all user entries and data
- Desktop, Tablet and Mobile entries to your site
- User Acquisition
- User Behavior
Countable Data Brief is tracked by us since April, 2011. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 3 227 999 in the world. It was owned by several entities, from HostEurope GmbH to F. Oliver Bockelmann of fob marketing e.K., it was hosted by Hosteurope GmbH, OVH SAS and others. While was its first registrar, now it is moved to DENIC eG.
Carroux-caffee has a decent Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index. We found that is poorly ‘socialized’ in respect to any social network. According to Siteadvisor and Google safe browsing analytics, is quite a safe domain with no visitor reviews.
Worldwide Audience
It seems that traffic on this site is too low to be displayed, sorry.
Traffic Analysis
It seems that the number of visitors and pageviews on this site is too low to be displayed, sorry.
Subdomains Traffic Shares has no subdomains with considerable traffic. has Google PR 4 and its top keyword is "Carroux" with 95.00% of search traffic.
% of search traffic
Domain Registration Data domain is owned by F. Oliver Bockelmann fob marketing e.K. .
F. Oliver Bockelmann fob marketing e.K.
Owner since June 08, 2014
Changed at October 18, 2013
Registrar and Status
Social Engagement has 0% of its total traffic coming from social networks (in last 3 months) and the most active engagement is detected in Facebook (172 shares)
of total traffic in last 3 months is social
Hellmuth Carroux GmbH & Co. KG
Wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices (NACE code: 46.37.0)
Last modified: Sep 27, 2017
- Company Information
Seperate financial statement HGB available for the financial year 2015
Seperate financial statement HGB available for the financial year 2016
Seperate financial statement HGB available for the financial year 2014
For Hellmuth Carroux GmbH & Co. KG 11 total messages are available at FirmenWissen.
Get More Company Data
- Company Profile
The Company Profile contains:
- Detailed trade register data
- limited partnership contribution
- Number of employees
- Export quota
- Sales in the years 2013 to 2016
- Business activity (purpose of the business)
- Name, address, function of the manager
- Name, address, share of the 2 shareholders / owners
- VAT number
- Information on the principal bank
- Address of the company location
The Finance Profile contains the whole Company Profile, plus
- Balance sheet rating
- Summarized balance sheet 2014 to 2016
- Equity ratio
- Customer target
- Supplier target
- Turnover of assets
- Debt to equity ratio
- 1st degree liquidity extended
- Capital tied up
- Fixed to total assets ratio
- Cash ratio
- Return on assets
- Return on sales
- Gross earnings ratio
The Balance Profile of type corporate accounts contains the whole Finance Profile, plus
- Balance sheets 2016 – 2014 as PDF
- Balance sheets 2016 – 2006 as XLS
The Credit Report contains:
- Company identification
- Solvency of the company
- Structural data
- Management and power of representation
- Shareholdings
- Business activity
- Business figures
- Information on principal bank(s)
- Payment information and assessment of business connection
- Credit opinion and credit limit
- Payment behaviour
With FirmenWissen you get access to Germany''s largest database for company information. Always up-to-date and immediately available. Place your trust in verified data from the European market leader Creditreform.
Customers, who viewed Hellmuth Carroux GmbH & Co. KG, were also interested in:
© 2017 Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V., 41460 Neuss, Germany
All rights reserved. Reproduction or modification in whole or in part without expressed written permission is prohibited. Information
- Carroux
- Caffee
- Espresso
- Gourmet
- Kaffee
- Gastronomie
- Gewerbe
- Geschäftskunden
- Shop
- Onlineshop
Title Use : The title is a general description of your site between 10-80 characters
Meta Keywords : these are categories and topics which will help define your sites use.
Size : Shows the size of the HTML used on your site.
Compressed Size : This is the size of the HTML on your site once it has been compressed.
Text Size : This is the size of the pure text on your site, after HTML has been removed.
- css
Charset :ASCII was the first character encoding standard (also called character set). ASCII defined 127 different alphanumeric characters that could be used on the internet: numbers (0-9), English letters (A-Z), and some special characters like ! $ + - ( ) @ .ANSI (Windows-1252) was the original Windows character set, with support for 256 different character codes.
Code Type : This shows what type of coding was used in the design of your site.
HTML Version : This shows the version od coding you used in the design of your site.
Robots.txt : This is to let the robots.txt used by the search engines, know how to navigate your site. We advise that you use robots.txt.
Responsive : Shows whether or not your site which is compatible with desktop computers, is also compatible with tablet computers and mobile devices. Use: you can show this with the tag : .
- carroux espresso 5292 %
- ulrich carroux 2776 %
- carroux 1901 %
- gastronomieshop 31 %
Rank : Is your sites rank among the other sites in the world.
Country Rank : Is your sites rank among the other sites in your country.
Most Search Queries : This shows how your site was found on search engines, which words were used to find your website.
PageRank : Google ranks sites on a scale of 0-10. The higher the rank, the better and more beneficial this site is considered for Google.
Analytic : Google, along with being the worlds largest search engine also provides many other great services. One of these provided services is Analytic. With a tiny code added to your site, Analytic allows you to track all user data on your site. A few of its free services are:
- Real time user data
- User data in general
- User data by location
- Traffic sources
- Audience view
- A retrospective view of all user entries and data
- Desktop, Tablet and Mobile entries to your site
- User Acquisition
- User Behavior
Carroux Espresso
Unsere Carroux Kaffee Produkte
Eine kleine, feine Rösterei aus Hamburg sorgt für Furore. Ulrich Carroux widmet sich seit 1998 dem Rösten seines Gourmet Carroux Espresso Kaffees. Auf diese einzigartige Mischung konzentriert er sich voll und ganz. Sie ist das Kernprodukt seiner Rösterei. Auch wenn er noch zu den Jüngeren in der Kaffeebranche zählt, so hat er sich schon jetzt eine Spitzenposition erarbeitet. Die Sterne-Gastronomie liebt Carroux Kaffee. Als größter Online-Händler für Carroux Espresso können Sie sich bei uns auf stets frische Bohnen verlassen. Lesen Sie mehr über Carroux Kaffee »
Carroux Espresso Kaffee Bohnen 1kg
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager
Carroux Espresso Kaffee Bohnen 500g
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager
Carroux Kaffee entkoffeiniert Espresso Bohnen 500g
Verfügbarkeit: Nicht auf Lager
Carroux Kaffee Schmuckdose
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager
Carroux Filterkaffee Crema gemahlen
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager
Carroux Kaffee Espresso Tasse
Verfügbarkeit: Nicht auf Lager
Carroux Kaffee Cappuccino Tasse
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager
Carroux Milchkaffee Tasse
Verfügbarkeit: Nicht auf Lager
ab 30€ Warenwert
(innerhalb Deutschlands)
(inkl. Packstation)
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040 – 822 45 67 90

Wildwuchs Brauwerk
21129 Hamburg, HH Germany
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Spiced / Herbed Beer
Diesem tief-dunklen Ale aus dem Hause wildwuchs wurde in der Hauptgärung eine Espresso-Spezialröstung des Hamburger Kaffee-Rösters Carroux zugesetzt.… Read More
Diesem tief-dunklen Ale aus dem Hause wildwuchs wurde in der Hauptgärung eine Espresso-Spezialröstung des Hamburger Kaffee-Rösters Carroux zugesetzt.
Kleines Experiment – fantastisches Ergebnis: 24/7 Energie-Ale!
Stammwürze 19%, Bittereinheiten 12, Alkoholgehalt 8% vol. Wir empfehlen eine Lager- und Trinktemperatur von 10°C. Read Less
Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Pale Ale - International
Frischhopfenbier von Wildwuchs und Hopper Bräu mit Hopfen aus Finkenwerder!
Frischhopfenbier von Wildwuchs und Hopper Bräu mit Hopfen aus Finkenwerder! Read Less
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Carroux kaffee
+49 40 822 4567 90
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- Passalacqua Espresso Amabile 1000g beans
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Carroux kaffee
+49 40 822 4567 90
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- Mrs. Rose Espresso Coffee beans
Mrs. Rose Espresso Coffee, Tin of 250g, beans
Mrs. Rose is a Signorina from Verona, swearing by 100% Arabica.
The fact that she is already being revered despite her young age, however, is not solely thanks to her appearance, but especially due to her wonderful coffee: delicious crema, full, and round aroma, pleasant, mild taste.
The caffeine content of 1,34 % is extremely low, nonetheless the blend presents a round aroma and full taste.
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Landungsbrücken Kaffee- und Tee-Kontor GmbH
Wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices (NACE code: 46.37.0)
Last modified: Sep 20, 2017
- Company Information
Seperate financial statement HGB available for the financial year 2016
Seperate financial statement HGB available for the financial year 2015
Seperate financial statement HGB available for the financial year 2014
For Landungsbrücken Kaffee- und Tee-Kontor GmbH 11 total messages are available at FirmenWissen.
Get More Company Data
- Company Profile
The Company Profile contains:
- Detailed trade register data
- share capital
- Number of employees
- Business activity (purpose of the business)
- Name, address, function of the manager
- Name, address, share of the 2 shareholders / owners
- Information on the principal bank
- Address of the company location
The Finance Profile contains the whole Company Profile, plus
- Balance sheet rating
- Summarized balance sheet 2014 to 2016
- Equity ratio
- Turnover of assets
- Debt to equity ratio
- Fixed to total assets ratio
- Cash ratio
- Return on assets
The Balance Profile of type corporate accounts contains the whole Finance Profile, plus
- Balance sheets 2016 – 2014 as PDF
- Balance sheets 2016 – 2006 as XLS
The Credit Report contains:
- Company identification
- Solvency of the company
- Structural data
- Management and power of representation
- Shareholdings
- Business activity
- Business figures
- Information on principal bank(s)
- Payment information and assessment of business connection
- Credit opinion and credit limit
- Payment behaviour
With FirmenWissen you get access to Germany''s largest database for company information. Always up-to-date and immediately available. Place your trust in verified data from the European market leader Creditreform.
Customers, who viewed Landungsbrücken Kaffee- und Tee-Kontor GmbH, were also interested in:
© 2017 Verband der Vereine Creditreform e.V., 41460 Neuss, Germany
All rights reserved. Reproduction or modification in whole or in part without expressed written permission is prohibited.
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