Kaffee schümli
1 Find great deals on KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g.for great deals with have to buy KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g. You can view more info, compare cost and in addition read review customer opinions prior to buy KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g.
*Detail shop KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g.
Read Review : KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g
fair und nachhaltig angebaut Ein Kaffee-Klassiker, der durch sein voluminöses Aroma und seine volle Crema bekannt und beliebt wurde! Unser Schümli Kaffee ist für Kaffeefreunde, die es gerne kräftig und charakterstark mögen. Durch die erwähnte Langzeitröstung ist unser Schümli sehr bekömmlich und säurearm. Produkt-Info: 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun) 500g - gemahlen traditionelle Langzeitröstung per Hand im Aromabeutel abgefüllt Über unseren Kaffee: Aus persönlicher Leidenschaft am Kaffeegenuss, sind unsere ganz besonderen Kaffeespezialitäten entstanden! In einer kleinen Kaffeerösterei wurde jede unserer Sorten nach traditioneller Langzeitröstung 14-25 Minuten schonend geröstet, denn nur so kann die Kaffeebohne ihren wirklichen/intensiven Charakter entfalten. Bei industriell hergestelltem Kaffe werden die Bohnen ca. 90 Sekunden bei 400-500 Grad einer Schockröstung unterzogen. Nur durch die Langzeitröstung entledigen sich die Bohnen vom Großteil der negativen Bitter- und Röstreizstoffe. Das Ergebnis ist ein säurearmer, bekömmlicher, vollmundiger, "ehrlicher" Kaffee! Bei der Schockröstung können sich die Bohnen dieser negativen Stoffe nicht ausreichend entledigen, und die Bitter, Röstzeizstoffe werden vom Kaffeetrinker mit verzehrt. Folge ist ein bitterer, saurer Geschmack, relativ wenig Aroma und im schlimmsten Fall unangenehmes Sodbrennen. Die Bohnen für unsere Kaffeespezialitäten kommen aus dem afrikanischen Kamerun, wo der Kaffee nachhaltig angebaut und fair gehandelt wird - kurz gesagt. für Mensch und Natur! Von jeder verkauften Packung Kaffee fließen zusätzlich 10 Cent in unsere Genuss-Offensive, zugunsten der Menschenrechtsorganisation "Target e. V. Rüdiger Nehberg"
Visit product KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g. and read data. 
This is KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g für Ihre Lieblings-. Hier finden Sie vernünftige Produktdetails zu finden. Eine weitere Option für Ihre Online- Sie zu kaufen an alle, die uns besuchen , um unsere Produkte zu sehen war.
Visit kaffee-shop.de
Countable Data Brief
Kaffee-shop.de is tracked by us since April, 2011. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 2 938 199 in the world. All this time it was owned by Sven Becker of connectiv! eSolutions GmbH, it was hosted by connectiv! eSolutions GmbH and ipCONN GmbH.
Kaffee-shop has a mediocre Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index. We found that Kaffee-shop.de is poorly ‘socialized’ in respect to any social network. According to Siteadvisor and Google safe browsing analytics, Kaffee-shop.de is quite a safe domain with no visitor reviews.
Worldwide Audience
It seems that traffic on this site is too low to be displayed, sorry.
Traffic Analysis
It seems that the number of visitors and pageviews on this site is too low to be displayed, sorry.
Subdomains Traffic Shares
Kaffee-shop.de has no subdomains with considerable traffic.
Kaffee-shop.de has Google PR 1 and its top keyword is "Kaffeeshop" with 30.13% of search traffic.
% of search traffic
Domain Registration Data
Kaffee-shop.de domain is owned by Sven Becker connectiv! eSolutions GmbH .
Sven Becker connectiv! eSolutions GmbH
Owner since April 09, 2011
Changed at December 04, 2006
Registrar and Status
Social Engagement
Kaffee-shop.de has 0% of its total traffic coming from social networks (in last 3 months) and the most active engagement is detected in Facebook (7 shares)
of total traffic in last 3 months is social
kaffee-shop.de — Startseite - Kaffee Shop - Kaffee, Schümli und Co. günstig im Kaffee Shop kaufen.
Der Kaffee Shop bietet » Kaffee » Espresso » Topping & Co. zu günstigen Preisen. Schon ab 100,00 € »versandkostenfrei«!
- Summary
- Rating: 68/100
- Successful tests: 7
- Failed tests: 1
Page load speed analysis
Click here to check amazing Kaffee Shop content. Otherwise, check out these important facts you probably never knew about kaffee-shop.de
We analyzed Kaffee-shop.de page load time and found that the first response time was 756 ms and then it took 3.5 sec to load all DOM resources and completely render a web page. This is a poor result, as 55% of websites can load faster.
Total page load time
Network requests diagram
Our browser made a total of 52 requests to load all elements on the main page. We found that 83% of them (43 requests) were addressed to the original Kaffee-shop.de, 8% (4 requests) were made to Google-analytics.com and 6% (3 requests) were made to Stats.g.doubleclick.net. The less responsive or slowest element that took the longest time to load (1.1 sec) belongs to the original domain Kaffee-shop.de.
In fact, the total size of Kaffee-shop.de main page is 1.2 MB. This result falls beyond the top 1M of websites and identifies a large and not optimized web page that may take ages to load. 25% of websites need less resources to load. Images take 807.4 kB which makes up the majority of the site volume.
Total page size 1.2 MB
HTML content can be minified and compressed by a website’s server. The most efficient way is to compress content using GZIP which reduces data amount travelling through the network between server and browser. This page needs HTML code to be minified as it can gain 9.6 kB, which is 36% of the original size. It is highly recommended that content of this web page should be compressed using GZIP, as it can save up to 21.0 kB or 80% of the original size.
Image size optimization can help to speed up a website loading time. The chart above shows the difference between the size before and after optimization. Kaffee Shop images are well optimized though.
It’s better to minify JavaScript in order to improve website performance. The diagram shows the current total size of all JavaScript files against the prospective JavaScript size after its minification and compression. It is highly recommended that all JavaScript files should be compressed and minified as it can save up to 231.5 kB or 75% of the original size.
CSS files minification is very important to reduce a web page rendering time. The faster CSS files can load, the earlier a page can be rendered. Kaffee-shop.de needs all CSS files to be minified and compressed as it can save up to 71.6 kB or 83% of the original size.
Size after compression 880.3 kB (28% less)
The browser has sent 51 CSS, Javascripts, AJAX and image requests in order to completely render the main page of Kaffee Shop. We recommend that multiple CSS and JavaScript files should be merged into one by each type, as it can help reduce assets requests from 13 to 1 for JavaScripts and from 6 to 1 for CSS and as a result speed up the page load time.
Possible request optimization
Kaffee-shop.de has no SSL certificate. Web browsing can be safer with HTTPS connection, so we suggest that it should be obtained for this site.
This IP address is dedicated to Kaffee-shop.de. This is the best domain hosting practice .
Visitor World Map
The server of Kaffee-shop.de is located in Germany, but, unfortunately, we cannot identify the countries where the visitors come from and thus it’s impossible to define if the distance can potentially affect the page load time.
Language and encoding
Language claimed in HTML meta tag should match the language actually used on the web page. Otherwise Kaffee-shop.de can be misinterpreted by Google and other search engines. Our service has detected that German is used on the page, and neither this language nor any other was claimed in <html> or <meta> tags. Our system also found out that Kaffee-shop.de main page’s claimed encoding is utf-8. Use of this encoding format is the best practice as the main page visitors from all over the world won’t have any issues with symbol transcription.
Social Sharing Optimization
Open Graph description is not detected on the main page of Kaffee Shop. Lack of Open Graph description can be counter-productive for their social media presence, as such a description allows converting a website homepage (or other pages) into good-looking, rich and well-structured posts, when it is being shared on Facebook and other social media. For example, adding the following code snippet into HTML <head> tag will help to represent this web page correctly in social networks:
Kaffee schümli
1 Find great deals on KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g.for great deals with have to buy KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g. You can view more info, compare cost and in addition read review customer opinions prior to buy KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g.
*Detail shop KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g.
Read Review : KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g
fair und nachhaltig angebaut Ein Kaffee-Klassiker, der durch sein voluminöses Aroma und seine volle Crema bekannt und beliebt wurde! Unser Schümli Kaffee ist für Kaffeefreunde, die es gerne kräftig und charakterstark mögen. Durch die erwähnte Langzeitröstung ist unser Schümli sehr bekömmlich und säurearm. Produkt-Info: 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun) 500g - gemahlen traditionelle Langzeitröstung per Hand im Aromabeutel abgefüllt Über unseren Kaffee: Aus persönlicher Leidenschaft am Kaffeegenuss, sind unsere ganz besonderen Kaffeespezialitäten entstanden! In einer kleinen Kaffeerösterei wurde jede unserer Sorten nach traditioneller Langzeitröstung 14-25 Minuten schonend geröstet, denn nur so kann die Kaffeebohne ihren wirklichen/intensiven Charakter entfalten. Bei industriell hergestelltem Kaffe werden die Bohnen ca. 90 Sekunden bei 400-500 Grad einer Schockröstung unterzogen. Nur durch die Langzeitröstung entledigen sich die Bohnen vom Großteil der negativen Bitter- und Röstreizstoffe. Das Ergebnis ist ein säurearmer, bekömmlicher, vollmundiger, "ehrlicher" Kaffee! Bei der Schockröstung können sich die Bohnen dieser negativen Stoffe nicht ausreichend entledigen, und die Bitter, Röstzeizstoffe werden vom Kaffeetrinker mit verzehrt. Folge ist ein bitterer, saurer Geschmack, relativ wenig Aroma und im schlimmsten Fall unangenehmes Sodbrennen. Die Bohnen für unsere Kaffeespezialitäten kommen aus dem afrikanischen Kamerun, wo der Kaffee nachhaltig angebaut und fair gehandelt wird - kurz gesagt. für Mensch und Natur! Von jeder verkauften Packung Kaffee fließen zusätzlich 10 Cent in unsere Genuss-Offensive, zugunsten der Menschenrechtsorganisation "Target e. V. Rüdiger Nehberg"
Visit product KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g. and read data. 
This is KÖNIGs Genussoffensive Fairtrade Kaffee, Schümli Kaffee gemahlen, 70% Momia/Hausmischung - 30% Espresso (Kamerun), 500g für Ihre Lieblings-. Hier finden Sie vernünftige Produktdetails zu finden. Eine weitere Option für Ihre Online- Sie zu kaufen an alle, die uns besuchen , um unsere Produkte zu sehen war.
Ihr Kaffee-Shop Coffeerista.com
The Coffee Shop
- 30 day right of withdrawal
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- Private customersRegisterLogin
- Home >
- 1kg Cafeclub Supercreme Schweizer Schümli coffeebeans
Quick Overview
Schümli is roasted a little lighter than traditional espresso blends and stands out mostly because of its mild, smooth and aromatic flavour.
Cafeclub Schümli is roasted a little lighter than traditional espresso blends and stands out mostly because of its mild, smooth and aromatic flavour – the perfect blend for all coffee machines. Acidity is well balanced, the crema is light-coloured and thick which is why Schümli is in much demand for big cups.
kaffee-shop.de Information
- kaffee
- espresso
- korbfilter
- filterkaffee
- kaffeebohnen
- schümli
- ganze bohne
Title Use : The title is a general description of your site between 10-80 characters
Meta Keywords : these are categories and topics which will help define your sites use.
Charset :ASCII was the first character encoding standard (also called character set). ASCII defined 127 different alphanumeric characters that could be used on the internet: numbers (0-9), English letters (A-Z), and some special characters like ! $ + - ( ) @ .ANSI (Windows-1252) was the original Windows character set, with support for 256 different character codes.
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- kaffee shop 4249 %
- kaffee kaufen 3338 %
- kaffeeshop 1644 %
- coffee shop 350 %
- kaffee 95 %
Rank : Is your sites rank among the other sites in the world.
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Most Search Queries : This shows how your site was found on search engines, which words were used to find your website.
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Analytic : Google, along with being the worlds largest search engine also provides many other great services. One of these provided services is Analytic. With a tiny code added to your site, Analytic allows you to track all user data on your site. A few of its free services are:
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Kaffee | Espresso | Cappuccino | Kakao | Kaffee Harry | Kaffee-Maschine | Kaffee-Maschinen | Kaffee-Angebote | Sch�mli-Kaffee| #10,777,788 ( +26%)
Webmaster and SEO Tools
SEO Tools > Keyword Density Check
Worth & Traffic Estimate of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
Example: A website with a $3 CPM and 10000 impressions/pageviews a day is making on average $30 dollars a day.
Daily Pageviews: 97
Daily Visitors: 44
Daily Ads Revenue: $0.28
Monthly Pageviews: 2,910
Monthly Visitors: 1,320
Monthly Ads Revenue: $8.40
Yearly Pageviews: 35,405
Yearly Visitors: 16,060
Yearly Ads Revenue: $102.20
Main Information of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
Information of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
PageRank also considers the importance of each page that casts a vote, as votes from some pages are considered to have greater value, thereby giving the linked page a greater value.
.COM is the most popular and it represents Commercial websites.
DNS Records of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
Minimum TTL: 600
Name Servers of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
Header Info of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de is using Apache as server.
Search Engine & Internet Presense of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
If you are buying kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de or it is your competitor checking how many pages indexed it has is vital.
If kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de has no pages indexed it means it's too new, is banned or suffered a penalty.
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Statistical Graphics of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
Social Network Activity of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
IP Tracing of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de is hosted by 1&1 Internet AG
Similar Domain Names of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
Whois Record of kaffee-crema-mondo-shop.de
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Kaffee schümli
Coffee is our passion. If you also share this enthusiasm, then join us in our wonderful world of coffee and discover our brands and products, the traditional long-term barrel roasting method, our company and our special coffee. We have always been driven by our passion for coffee… With 80 years of experience it is more than just a drink for us.
At Minges we use the traditional long-term barrel roasting method to transform and bring out the best in carefully selected raw coffee beans. True, this traditional process means we take much longer than industrial-scale roasters, but only slow and gentle roasting allows the harmonious bouquet of flavors to unfold. We have always been driven by our passion for coffee… 80 years of experience, our traditional long-term barrel roasting method, and our love of coffee culture all come together to create the unique composition which is our coffee.
Fritz Minges opens a grocery store in Bamberg operating a small-scale roastery.
Rolf Minges takes over the business from his father and specializes in coffee.
Ulli Minges joins the business and completes an apprenticeship in his parents’ company.
First wholesale activities with Bamberg specialty coffees – annual revenues of approximately EUR 0.5 million.
Construction of a specialty coffee roastery on a floor space of 340 square metres in Breitengüßbach near Bamberg.
Production and administration facilities are expanded several times; a logistics centre is opened in Baunach with 1,500 pallet spaces. Minges Kaffee GmbH & Co. KG is founded and generates annual sales revenues of EUR 14 million.
Minges Schümli 2 wins ITQI Award for excellent quality. Ulli Minges becomes sole managing director of the family business in the third generation.
75th anniversary of Minges Kaffee. Minges licenses the Feinkost Käfer München brand.
Largest investment in the company’s history - Minges awards contract for a highly modern roasting plant. Minges production and administration facilities have grown to cover an area of more than 6,000 square metres.
Commissioning of the new roasting plant - capacity increased by up to 50%. Minges’ Käfer brand coffees receive a DLG award.
Shares acquired in the business by a group of investors with a commitment to the Minges heritage and philosophy.
Addition of another 1,000 square metres of storage and logistics space. Purchase of a fully automatic vacuum packaging machine.
ITQI Award 2015 – 3 stars award for premium quality of MINGES Caffe Creme Schümli 2!
Extensive product design relaunch and market positioning of new specialties from Minges. Once again Minges Products are awarded with the renowned ITQI Award.
A team of experienced coffee connoisseurs is busy traveling the world to select only the finest raw coffee beans for our products right on location. Long-term contracts with a number of growers guarantee the consistently high quality of our products.
For more than 80 years, we have steadfastly believed in tong-term drum roasting: a traditional artisan method guaranteed to refine our coffee blends to absolute perfection. That is why a single coffee roasting procedure at Minges, conducted under the expert supervision of our experienced coffee roasting specialists, will take up to 18 minutes. Plenty of time to bring all the aromas and flavors to full perfection. The result: a flavorful and full-bodied coffee that is gentle on the stomach.
Attractive product packaging plays a central role in today‘s food retail business. We are aware of this requirement. And we address it by state-of the-art technology in combination with innovative packaging solutions.
We use specifically developed control procedures based on the IFS Food Standard requirements to ensure the rigorous quality inspection of our products every step of the way. Our proprietary products undergo numerous inspections and analyses conducted at our laboratory: from the receipt of the goods to post roasting to post packaging all the way prior to shipment. Only after having passed all the checks will our products embark on their travel to arrive in our customers’ hands in freshly-roasted condition.
Down to the present day our »Stammhaus« can be found at the Bamberger Maximilian Square, just across from the new town hall. It was right here that Fritz Minges established the company and successfully laid the foundations for the nowadays nationwide known coffee brand named »Minges coffee«. In addition to exquisite coffee specialties you will also find a wide range of teas, confectionery, spirits and accessories. In addition to that the Minges Stammhaus offers a premium full-gift-service. The highly qualified and skilled team is always at your disposal at any time during the year as well as specifically for christmas. We offer individual consultations and will handle your europe-wide gift shipments with utmost reliability.
Minges Stammhaus
Grüner Markt 31
Telefon +49 (0) 9 51 - 2 23 19
Fax +49 (0) 9 51 - 2 77 80
We are there for you
Monday - Friday 9.30 am - 18.00 pm
Saturday 9.30 am - 14.00 pm
Any Questions?
Please contact our Headquarters!
Tel. +49 (0) 0 95 44 / 98 46-0
Learn about the art of coffee roasting in our open mini show roastery at our production site in Breitengüßbach. All of our Fritz Minges coffee rarities are hand-roasted here as well. We impart basic knowledge about coffee in general, its history, cultivation, harvest, processing, and roasting. Afterwards this newly acquired knowledge is being put to use and deepened when you get to do your own coffee roasting and tasting.
Dates and Registration
Duration 3 to 3.5 hours. 12 People max Including personal »Röstdiplom«, the minges roasting diploma, and a rich selection of various coffees.
Dallmayr Coffee
Our three premium products have been specially created for use with fully automatic coffee machines and espresso machines.
A carefully balanced combination of superb beans and a gentle roasting process produce a smooth, velvety taste and a balanced aroma in this light crema. A real delight as caffè crema, café crème or Schümli coffee.
A fine blend from the best growing areas in the world – with the typical Italian espresso taste and a golden brown crema. The beans are specially chosen for use with espresso machines and carefully roasted. Espresso d´Oro with its full aroma and fine crema is also a delight as a cappuccino and latte macchiato.
Dallmayr Crema d’Oro intensa
This new premium blend is characterised by its intense taste with a fine crema and an Italian espresso fragrance. Its tangy aroma is unmistakeable, whether enjoyed on its own as a café crema or in cappuccino and latte macchiato.
Malabar.coffee Schümli Kaffee Blog | Schümli Kaffee aus der Schweiz
Schweizer Schümli Kaffee geniessen
About malabar.coffee
Good news, the domain name hasn't registered yet. TLD (Top level domain) of the domain name is coffee and SLD (Second level domain) length equals to 7.. It's seems appropriate for SEO and human-memorability. Domain name choosing is important to maximize search engine-referred traffic.
We haven't dedected registrant information. For further raw whois information please take a look at the Whois section.
malabar.coffee's A record assigned to . if you want to see such as Name Server, CNAME, MX etc. please look at the DNS section. More malabar.coffee DNS information may be found in
Last Reload: 10 months ago
Server Location
Geo IP provides you such as latitude, longitude and ISP (Internet Service Provider) etc. informations. Our GeoIP service found where is host malabar.coffee . Currently, hosted in Germany and its service provider is Host Europe GmbH .
DNS Records
Basicly, DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that converts human-readable website names into computer-readable numeric IP addresses. Example, A record indicates you which ip address will resolve when you access to malabar.coffee on the browser.
Heading Analysis
Whois Information
Whois is a protocol that is access to registering information. You can reach when the website was registered, when it will be expire, what is contact details of the site with the following informations. In a nutshell, it includes these informations;
- Its name servers are; ns2.namespace4you.de. ns.namespace4you.de.
HTTP Header Analysis
HTTP Header information is a part of HTTP protocol that a user's browser sends to called Apache/2.4.20 containing the details of what the browser wants and will accept back from the web server.
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