среда, 21 февраля 2018 г.


The Average Profits for a Small Cafe

Food and drink quality are vital to any cafe owner's success.

Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

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Starting an independent neighborhood cafe is a popular business idea, but not one for the faint-hearted. Most cafe owners earn marginal profits, at best, during their opening phase. A cafe's survival ultimately hinges on its location, quality of merchandise and how well the owner budgeted his startup costs. If all those factors are working together, total profits at a successful cafe should equal at least 10 to 18 percent of its annual sales.

Base Profits

Impressions are everything in the cafe business, making it vital for owners to understand the hurdles involved in becoming profitable. Average startup costs for new coffeehouses range from $150,000 to $500,000, according to Matt Milletto, a consultant interviewed for a March 2009 "Seattle Times" article. Insufficiently budgeting for these costs can leave a cafe owner unable to respond adequately when things go wrong, With proper management, however, a successful cafe's base profits should equal roughly 10 to 18 percent of its sales, Milletto says.

Coffee Sales

Coffee sales play a big role in boosting a cafe's profits, since the markup on coffee is higher than most food items. An average cup costs from 55 to 69 cents, which most cafes sell for $2.50 to $3.50, according to consultant Tony Eldred's analysis for the Beanzaround website. If the price is $2.50, selling 100 more cups per day would generate an additional $66,000 per year in profits. Based on these figures, Eldred estimates profit margins for cafes and restaurants should equal 25 and 7 percent, respectively.

Location is essential to making a cafe profitable. However, unless the owner opens in an area with plenty of pedestrian traffic, most consumers will hardly know that his cafe exists. If the owner chooses a prime location, such as in a downtown business district, he can expect to gross $500,000 annually during his first and second years, espresso bar consultant Steve Fisenko states in a posting for the INeedacoffee.com website. By the third year, a well-run cafe should be earning $1 million, Fisenko says. (See Reference 2)

Related Issues

Although the odds against success are long, cafe owners can improve their chances by adapting creatively to their situation. Andre Helmstetter and his partners applied this lesson when they could not secure financing for their business, MezzaLuna Bakery and Bistro. Undeterred, the group put $20,000 in savings into a larger space that allowed them to serve more customers, according to "The Seattle Times." By operating on a lower margin, the trio avoided jeopardizing their business's future by taking on a long-term debt.

References (3)

Resources (4)

About the Author

Ralph Heibutzki's articles have appeared in the "All Music Guide," "Goldmine," "Guitar Player" and "Vintage Guitar." He is also the author of "Unfinished Business: The Life & Times Of Danny Gatton," and holds a journalism degree from Michigan State University.

Photo Credits

  • Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

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    Zucker im Kaffee (Sugar in the coffee)

    Zucker im Kaffee (Sugar in the coffee) Lyrics

    Here I go, lyrical

    I have no Idea what I'm doing but I'm spiritual

    On the microphone I tear you up in stereo

    I'm like the grand wizard, yes, I'm the imperial

    I have no fucking clue what the fuck I'm doing

    If you try to step to me your life's a jeopardy

    'Cause I will seek you out wit'

    Zucker im Kaffee

    Und Zitrone oder Sahne in den Tee

    Und dazu den ganzen Tag lang nur Amor

    Das ist wunderbar, Señor

    "Now it's your part again, it's your part again, it's your part again!"

    Yes, here we go – break it down

    I got the crown, I'm 'bout to take it now

    And when it comes to lyrics I go so far

    And I kick it so, so, fuckin' hard

    "And now it's my part again, here we go!"

    Zucker im Kaffee

    Und Zitrone oder Sahne in den Tee

    Und dazu den ganzen Tag lang nur Amor

    Das ist wunderbar, Señor

    Zucker, Zucker, Zucker, Zucker .

    Zucker im Kaffee

    Und Zitrone oder Sahne in den Tee, aha!

    Und dazu den ganzen Tag lang nur Amor

    Das ist wunderbar, Señor

    Give me some noise! Make some noise!

    About “Zucker im Kaffee (Sugar in the coffee)”

    This is a freestyle by Eminem on the german TV show “TV total” with Stefan Raab. It aired the week Relapse came out.

    The hook is borrowed by an old German Schlager from Erik Silvester (1969).


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    Record Exports for Coffee Year 2016/17

    120th Session of the International Coffee Council

    The 120th Session of the International Coffee Council and other ICO meetings took place in Yamoussoukro during the week of 25 to 29 September 2017. All presentations are now available.

    Trade Statistics - October 2017

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    What statistical information should the ICO provide?

    ICO Executive Director joins growers in Panama

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    Executive Director meeting with IHCafй

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    Welcome visit from the Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    1st World Coffee Producers Forum - Colombia

    Mr Josй Sette, Executive Director of the ICO, had a personal meeting with H.E. Mr Juan Manuel Santos, President of the Republic of Colombia, to discuss the current world coffee outlook and the challenges facing the world coffee sector. Mr Sette delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the 1st World Coffee Producers Forum in Medellin, Colombia. The Presidents of Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras and the Vice-President of El Salvador took part in the opening ceremony along with representatives of African, Asian and Latin American coffee-producing and consuming countries. Former US President William J. Clinton and Prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs participated in the panel on Economic Sustainability and Rural Development to Promote Global Stability and Democracy. The aim of the Forum was to discuss the challenges facing coffee-producing countries. Speech>> View photos on the blog>> Read the latest Coffee Market Report>> View photo on the blog>> • Exports in the first 8 months of coffee year 2016/17 (Oct/16 to May/17) have increased by 5% to 81.32 million bags compared to 77.44 million bags in the same period in the last coffee year. • In the 12 months ending May 2017, exports of Arabica totalled 74.49 million bags compared to 71.49 million bags last year; whereas Robusta exports amounted to 45.59 million bags compared to 43.92 million bags. Find more facts and figures about Coffee Trade Statistics>>

    World of Coffee - June 2017

    The Executive Director of the ICO meets high-level representatives

    Mr Josй Sette, Executive Director of the International Coffee Organization, took office on 1 May 2017. Since then, he has been paying courtesy visits to the following high-level representatives to discuss the challenges facing the coffee sector globally and specifically with reference to their countries. In these contacts, he has been taking the opportunity to discuss their suggestions for the work programme and strategic planning of the Organization. • Ambassador of Ecuador, H.E. Mr Carlos Abad Ortiz • Ambassador of Honduras, H.E. Mr Ivбn Romero-Martнnez • Ambassador of Colombia, H.E. Mr Nйstor Osorio • Ambassador of Bolivia, H.E. Mr Roberto Calzadilla Sarmiento • Ambassador of Indonesia, H.E. Dr Rizal Sukma • Ambassador of Mexico, H.E. Mr Juliбn Ventura • Ambassador of Ethiopia, H.E. Mr Hailemichael Afework Aberra • Ambassador of Vietnam, H.E. Mr Nguyen Van Thao • Ambassador of Switzerland, H.E. Mr Dominik Furgler • Permanent Representative to the ICO, Switzerland, Mr Conradin Rasi • Ambassador of Guatemala, H.E. Mr Acisclo Valladares Molina • Ambassador of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr Alexander Yakovenko • Permanent Representative to the ICO, Cфte d’Ivoire, Mr Aly Tourй • First Counsellor (Economic/Agricultural Affairs), Italy, Mr Dante Brandi • Overseas Representative, Papua New Guinea, Mr Michael Wheeler • Permanent Representative to the ICO, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mr Corneille Tabalo • Ambassador of El Salvador, H.E. Mrs Elisabeth Hayek-Weinmann • Ambassador of Panama, H.E. Mr Daniel Fбbrega • Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr Koji Tsuruoka • High Commissioner of Kenya, H.E. Mr Lazarus Amayo • Ambassador of Burundi, H.E. Mr Ernest Ndabashinze • Ambassador of Brazil, H.E. Mr Eduardo Santos • Ambassador of Tunisia, H.E. Mr Nabil Ammar • Ambassador of Peru, H.E. Mr Claudio De la Puente • High Commissioner of Tanzania, H.E. Dr Asha-Rose Migiro In addition to that, whilst attending the launch of the Global Adaptation Plan in Geneva, he visited the Director General of the World Trade Organization, Mr Roberto Azevкdo, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Dr Mukhisa Kituyi, to discuss possible opportunities for collaboration. Read more on the ICO blog>> Read the latest Coffee Market Report>> • Exports in the first 6 months of coffee year 2016/17 (Oct/16 to Mar/17) have increased by 4.8% to 60.08 million bags compared to 57.34 million bags in the same period in the last coffee year. • In the 12 months ending March 2017, exports of Arabica totalled 73.6 million bags compared to 71.87 million bags last year; whereas Robusta exports amounted to 45.27 million bags compared to 43.53 million bags. Find more facts and figures about Coffee Trade Statistics>>

    5th Edition of FESTICOFFEE

    New ICO Executive Director

    At its 119th Session in London, the International Coffee Council appointed Mr Josй Dauster Sette of Brazil as the new Executive Director of the ICO for a five-year term. Press Release>> DN-132/17/ICA 2007>> Click here for more information>> Read the latest Coffee Market Report>>

    Press Release

    1 October is #InternationalCoffeeDay.

    Thank you for celebrating International Coffee Day with us this year. Watch out for more details about plans for ICD 2018.

    7th Consultative Forum on Coffee Sector Finance

    The 7th Forum took place in Yamoussoukro on 27 September 2017. Learn more>>

    The ICO has a unique Library containing an international reference collection, built up over 40 years of more than 13,000 monographs (books, reports, theses, pamphlets) and over 200 periodical titles covering all aspects of coffee.

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    27 pages, Jan 2017

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    Increasing demand for convenience led to growth in fresh ground coffee pods. Despite working fewer hours than before, Danes lead an increasingly busy and mobile lifestyle; a 2015 survey by Danish newspaper Berlingske found that 42% of Danes felt that they “often do not have enough time”. Because of this the demand for products with a high convenience factor steadily increased and drove fresh ground coffee pods, which saw volume growth of 13% in 2016.


    Merrild Kaffe remained the clear leader with a 22% retail value share in 2016. Merrild Kaffe was available in Denmark since 1964 and enjoys a high level of brand recognition and consumer loyalty. The company is present in several categories including fresh coffee beans and instant coffee, but its main focus remains fresh ground coffee. Merrild Kaffe held a 27% value share of this category in 2016.

    Fresh ground coffee pods will remain the fastest growing category over the forecast period with a retail volume CAGR of 10% to reach 1,267 tonnes in 2021. The growing trend towards back to basic premium quality products is expected to lead to growth in fresh coffee beans, which will post a retail volume CAGR of 4% to reach 868 tonnes in 2021.

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    Gain competitive intelligence about market leaders. Track key industry trends, opportunities and threats. Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functions.

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    Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Coffee industry in Denmark with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.

    Find hidden opportunities in the most current research data available, understand competitive threats with our detailed market analysis, and plan your corporate strategy with our expert qualitative analysis and growth projections.

    If you're in the Coffee industry in Denmark, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.

    The Coffee in Denmark market research report includes:

    • Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends
    • Detailed segmentation of international and local products
    • Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares
    • Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth
    • Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country

    Our market research reports answer questions such as:

    • What is the market size of Coffee in Denmark?
    • What are the major brands in Denmark?
    • How significant is vending in coffee distribution?
    • How does the increasing number of speciality coffee shops impact retail sales of coffee?
    • How are coffee pods performing in Denmark?

    • Gain competitive intelligence about market leaders
    • Track key industry trends, opportunities and threats
    • Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functions

    This industry report originates from Passport, our Hot Drinks market research database.

    Want to find out more about this report?

    Table of Contents

    Coffee in Denmark - Category analysis




    Table 2 Retail Sales of Coffee by Category: Value 2011-2016

    Table 3 Retail Sales of Coffee by Category: % Volume Growth 2011-2016

    Table 4 Retail Sales of Coffee by Category: % Value Growth 2011-2016

    Table 5 Retail Sales of Fresh Coffee by Regular vs Decaffeinated: % Volume 2011-2016

    Table 6 Retail Sales of Fresh Ground Coffee by Standard vs Pods: % Volume 2011-2016

    Table 7 Retail Sales of Fresh Ground Coffee Pods by Hard vs Soft: % Volume 2011-2016

    Table 8 Retail Sales of Instant Coffee by Standard vs Pods: % Volume 2011-2016

    Table 9 Retail Sales of Instant Coffee Mixes by Type: % Volume 2011-2016

    Table 10 NBO Company Shares of Coffee: % Retail Value 2012-2016

    Table 11 LBN Brand Shares of Coffee: % Retail Value 2013-2016

    Table 12 Forecast Retail Sales of Coffee by Category: Volume 2016-2021

    Table 13 Forecast Retail Sales of Coffee by Category: Value 2016-2021

    Table 14 Forecast Retail Sales of Coffee by Category: % Volume Growth 2016-2021

    Table 15 Forecast Retail Sales of Coffee by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021

    Table 16 Forecast Retail Sales of Fresh Coffee by Regular vs Decaffeinated: % Volume 2016-2021

    Table 17 Forecast Retail Sales of Fresh Ground Coffee by Standard vs Pods: % Volume 2016-2021

    Table 18 Forecast Retail Sales of Instant Coffee by Standard vs Pods: % Volume 2016-2021

    Coffee in Denmark - Company Profiles

    BKI Foods A/S in Hot Drinks (Denmark)



    Peter Larsen Kaffe A/S in Hot Drinks (Denmark)



    Summary 2 BKI Foods A/S: Operational Indicators

    Summary 3 BKI Foods A/S: Competitive Position 2016

    Summary 4 Peter Larsen Kaffe A/S: Key Facts

    Summary 5 Peter Larsen Kaffe A/S: Operational Indicators

    Summary 6 Peter Larsen Kaffe: Competitive Position 2016

    Hot Drinks in Denmark - Industry Overview


    Standard fresh ground coffee declines as fresh ground coffee pods continues to thrive
    Health and wellness trend drives demand for tea
    Merrild Kaffe A/S remains the leading player in Danish hot drinks
    Quality and convenience drive new product development
    Hot drinks volume sales expected to decrease


    Standard fresh ground coffee loses ground
    Sales of tea boosted by health and wellness trend in Denmark
    Out-of-home trend shapes demand for coffee


    Table 20 Sales of Hot Drinks by Retail vs Foodservice: % Volume Growth 2011-2016

    Table 21 Retail Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: Volume 2011-2016

    Table 22 Retail Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: Value 2011-2016

    Table 23 Retail Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: % Volume Growth 2011-2016

    Table 24 Retail Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: % Value Growth 2011-2016

    Table 25 Foodservice Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: Volume 2011-2016

    Table 26 Foodservice Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: % Volume Growth 2011-2016

    Table 27 Total Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: Total Volume 2011-2016

    Table 28 Total Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: % Total Volume Growth 2011-2016

    Table 29 NBO Company Shares of Hot Drinks: % Retail Value 2012-2016

    Table 30 LBN Brand Shares of Hot Drinks: % Retail Value 2013-2016

    Table 31 Penetration of Private Label in Hot Drinks by Category: % Retail Value 2011-2016

    Table 32 Retail Distribution of Hot Drinks by Format: % Volume 2011-2016

    Table 33 Retail Distribution of Hot Drinks by Format and Category: % Volume 2016

    Table 34 Forecast Sales of Hot Drinks by Retail vs Foodservice: % Volume Breakdown 2016-2021

    Table 35 Forecast Sales of Hot Drinks by Retail vs Foodservice: % Volume Growth 2016-2021

    Table 36 Forecast Retail Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: Volume 2016-2021

    Table 37 Forecast Retail Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: Value 2016-2021

    Table 38 Forecast Retail Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: % Volume Growth 2016-2021

    Table 39 Forecast Retail Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: % Value Growth 2016-2021

    Table 40 Forecast Foodservice Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: Volume 2016-2021

    Table 41 Forecast Foodservice Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: % Volume Growth 2016-2021

    Table 42 Forecast Total Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: Total Volume 2016-2021

    Table 43 Forecast Total Sales of Hot Drinks by Category: % Total Volume Growth 2016-2021

    Why buy this report?

    Gain competitive intelligence about market leaders. Track key industry trends, opportunities and threats. Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functions.

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    Journal of Nutrition

    Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter (TRAP) and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) of alcoholic beverages, teas and coffees 1

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    Einer der Grьnde fьr die weltweite Verbreitung des Kaffeetrinkens ist vermutlich darin zu suchen, daЯ Kaffee sich auf so unterschiedliche Weise zubereiten lдЯt und so den verschiedensten Geschmackswьnschen entgegenkommt.Die beste Methode der Kaffeezubereitung ist die, die Ihnen persцnlich am meisten zusagt. Sie sollten dabei sowohl Ihre eigene Bequemlichkeit und Ihre Vorlieben als auch die erforderliche Zeit fьr die jeweilige Zubereitungsart berьcksichtigen. AuЯerdem ist da noch der rituelle Aspekt der Kaffeezubereitung. Wenn es mal wieder besonders hektisch zugeht oder nach einem stressigen Arbeitstag macht eine Kaffeepause SpaЯ und bringt die Lebensgeister wieder auf Trab. Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit!


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