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No matter how you say it, life is too short to drink bad coffee!
Caffé Olé is a Gourmet Espresso and Coffee trailer serving the Town of Hillsborough and greater Orange County areas of North Carolina. Our mission is to provide the best gourmet coffee and espresso drinks, both hot and cold, wherever they are needed, in order to satisfy even the biggest caffeine cravings. We’re here to prove that the best tasting coffee drinks can come from a trailer. Be sure to browse our Menu and check out our current Schedule to see where we are going to be.
We are also available for your events, fundraisers and private parties. If you’d like to book the trailer for your next shindig, please Request the Trailer, and we’ll be in touch!
Meet the Caffé Olé Team:
Heather Rael – Owner & CEO – Heather was an Early Education Teacher for many years before moving on to other ventures, including being a stay at home mom and most recently, real estate.
Gabriel Rael – Owner & CCE (Chief Caffeine Engineer) – Gabriel has several years of Barista experience that he picked up while earning his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science at the University of New Mexico in order to become a software engineer.
La Gomera
Die kleine Kanaren-Insel im Atlantik
Die Teestube Café Olé
In La Puntilla gibt eine neue Teestube mit dem leicht verwirrenden Namen Café Olé. Wenn man der Straße folgt, die gleich neben dem Supermercado Charco del Conde abzweigt gelangt man direkt dort hin. Vom Supermercardo bis ins Café sind es ca. 3 Minuten Fußweg. Von weitem zu erkennen ist das Café gleich an den beiden großen bordeauxroten Sonnenschirmen. Innen erwartet einen eine gemütliche Atmosphäre, Sofas laden zum längeren verweilen ein. In dem familienären Ambiente servieren Chris und Tina eine große Auswahl an Teesorten, frischen Säften und natürlich auch Kaffee. Das Frühstück ist hier ausgezeichnet - es gibt eine große Auswahl und jedes Frühstück wird mit selbstgebackenen Brötchen und Brot angeboten. Für den kleinen Hunger zwischendurch steht eine Auswahl an Tapas auf der Karte, u. a. Pfannkuchen gefüllt mit Schafskäse und Spinat oder der sehr leckere Veggi-Döner mit Seitan-Tofu. Die Auswahl an selbstgebackenen Kuchen kann sich ebenfalls sehen lassen - besonders der Käsekuchen hat es mir hier angetan.
Das Café Olé verfügt auch über einen kleinen Internet-Corner, so kann man ganz bequem nebenbei noch seine emails checken oder ein wenig im Internet surfen. Wlan für das eigene Notebook ist auch vorhanden. Für Gäste die einen Café Olé trinken und währenddessen im Internet surfen gibt es Sondertarife.
Mmm, das sieht so lecker aus. Und der Teller ist so schön arrangiert.
Bei dem Bericht bekommt man ja glatt Hunger. Zudem sehen die Pfannkuchen zum reinbeißen aus. Ich glaube die schmecken genauso gut wie sie aussehen.
Kaffee ole
Kreative Ideen mit Stampin'up
Dienstag, 18. Juli 2017
Mittwochsbasteleien | Kaffee olè
Grußkarte mit dem neuen Kaffee-Set
Heute zeige ich euch eine Karte, mich etwas an Patchwork erinnert, ja, Nähen ist auch eines meiner Hobbys
Als Kartenbasis hab eich mal wieder das gute alte Savanne gewählt.
Die kleinen Papiere findet Ihr im Designerpapier "Kaffebecher", diese habe ich Patchwork-Artig auf der Kartenfront arrangiert und mit kleinen Embellishments geschmückt.
Die Kaffeeserie bietet tolle Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, die sich wunderbar für "männliche" Karten anbieten oder man nimmt sie aber einfach für eine Einladung zu einem leckeren Kaffee.
Caffè Misto
A one-to-one mix of fresh brewed coffee and steamed milk add up to one distinctly delicious coffee drink.
Brewed Coffee, Milk.
See ingredient and allergen information below.
Nutrition information is calculated based on our standardized recipes. Because our beverages are handcrafted and may be customized, exact information may vary.
Nutrition information is rounded in accordance with U.S. FDA regulatory requirements. Caffeine values are approximate and are based on limited analytical data using standard brewing methods. Caffeine values can vary greatly based on the variety of the coffee and brewing equipment used.
Brewed Coffee, Milk.
We cannot guarantee that any of our products are free from allergens (including dairy, eggs, soy, tree nuts, wheat and others) as we use shared equipment to store, prepare and serve them.
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Food & Drink
The truth about decaf coffee
Published August 25, 2014
Green coffee beans before (L) and after (R) the decaffeination process. (2014 Alastair Bird, SWISS WATER®)
An operators dumping the beans into the decaffeination process machine. (SWISS WATER® )
A cup of coffee surrounded by roasted beans. (iStock)
Millions of Americans drink decaf coffee to get that perfectly bitter taste without all the jitters.
But does decaf really have no caffeine? What’s the difference between "decaffeinated" and "naturally decaffeinated”? And are the chemicals used to strip the caffeine from coffee safe?
To understand what’s in your cup of decaf, you first need to understand what’s not in it.
FDA regulations specify that for coffee to bear a decaffeinated label, 97 percent of the original caffeine must be removed from the beans. So, yes, there’s caffeine in decaf coffee. But it’s not very much, right?
Not so fast. Caffeine content varies from bean to bean.
Coffee in America generally contains one or a blend of two bean types – the hardy Robusta bean and the sweeter, delicate Arabica bean. Robusta beans generally contain twice the caffeine of Arabica beans, but their harsh taste is often considered inferior. Instant coffee brands like Folgers and Maxwell House tend to be Robusta blends, while coffee houses like Caribou and Starbucks pride themselves on their pure Arabica beans.
While 97 percent of the caffeine must be removed, the Robusta bean will have more caffeine left over than the Arabica bean after the decaffeination process is completed, which can lead to a lot of variance among brands.
The FDA does not require the amount of caffeine to be labeled on decaffeinated coffee products, but the upshot is that if you’re looking for less caffeine in your cup, you should pay attention to the type of bean that goes into it.
The average 12-ounce cup of decaf coffee – a Starbucks tall – usually contains between 3 and 18 milligrams of caffeine. (By comparison, an 8.4-ounce can of Red Bull contains 80 milligrams of caffeine) The average of amount of caffeine in regular coffee can vary significantly, usually between 140 and 300 mg.
In 2007, Consumer Reports studied cups of decaffeinated coffee from popular chains. While most cups had fewer than 5 milligrams of caffeine, one cup from Dunkin Donuts contained a whopping 32 milligrams, and another from Seattle’s Best came in at 29 milligrams – certainly not a caffeine-free choice . In their sample, decaf cups from McDonald’s consistently had the fewest milligrams of caffeine.
Maria Bella, a nutritionist who founded Top Balance Nutrition, a weight management and healthful eating consulting center, in New York City, says caffeine sensitivity will affect how jittery you feel, and it may be influenced by other factors like diet and daily schedule.
She stresses that there is no such thing as coffee with zero caffeine in it.
“Beverages should only be considered ‘caffeine-free’ if there was never any caffeine in the ingredients to begin with,” she says. “Coffee and non-herbal teas should not be labeled caffeine-free.”
So how do you get (almost) all that caffeine out of the coffee, anyway?
The caffeine is removed from green coffee beans, before they are roasted, and there are a number of different processes, all of which affect the roasting process and how long the coffee stays fresh. (Decaf coffee goes stale almost twice as fast as regular coffee.)
The first decaffeination method, developed in the early 1900s, used a repetitive rinsing process aided by the chemical benzene, which is no longer used because it is a known cancer-causing agent.
Today, like seasoned vintners, coffee processors favor different decaffeination methods for optimum taste and quality.
Many brands use the Direct Process, which involves the chemical methyl chloride.
Two other methods are the Natural Process, which removes the caffeine using the plant hormone ethyl acetate or carbon dioxide, and the Water Process, which uses no chemical agents, just pure H2O.
Processes utilizing CO2 and the Water Process, pioneered by SWISS WATER®, are both considered Natural Processes and are the only methods that can be certified organic. And while organic coffee is gaining popularity, it is still hard to find in many supermarkets.
Methyl chloride, used in the Direct Process, is listed as a possible carcinogen by the National Cancer Institute, but FDA regulations consider up to 10 parts per million (ppm) to be safe for consumption. Trace amounts of the chemical have been found in decaf coffee brews, but most blends have a concentration at or below 1 ppm.
Lorenzo Perkins of Cuvee Coffee in Austin, Texas, who has been brewing coffee for 13 years, says that small trace is not a cause for concern. As a SCAA—Specialty Coffee Association of American-- certified level 2 barista and vice chair of the Barista Guild of America, he’s seen it all when it comes to coffee production.
“Methyl chloride has the least affect on taste because of the way the chemical bonds with the alkaloids in caffeine,” Perkins said. “It leaves the other organic material alone, resulting in a superior tasting coffee.”
Nonetheless, coffee producers are increasingly sensitive to consumer concerns about additives. Starbucks, which uses methyl chloride to decaffeinate most of its blends, now offers a “naturally processed” decaf Sumatra brew. Caribou Coffee uses a non-chemical water process in all its decaf blends. And the Coffee Bean says it tests its decaffeinated blends to ensure that there are no chemical residues from the process it uses.
One final note about decaf: Studies have linked excessive regular coffee drinking to hypertension, decreased bone density and high levels of gastric acidity. And while switching to decaf might help with insomnia, those looking to avoid other unwanted health problems associated with coffee should not assume that eliminating their caffeine intake is the answer.
“Many health conditions that are affected by coffee are also aggravated by drinking decaf, due to the phytochemicals that remain after the decaffeination process,” Bella said.
These conditions include increased gastric acidity (heartburn or GERD), interfering with mineral absorption (particularly iron) and increased incidence of rheumatoid arthritis.
Bella says that up to 400 milligrams of caffeine is considered fine for most adults in good health.
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Kaffee ole
*unabhängige Stampin´Up! Demonstratorin in Gau-Algesheim, Ingelheim,Bingen, Mainz und Umgebung* Stempelpartys* Stempel und Papier* Kreativ-Workshops* Bastelzubehör *Fertigung von Grußkarten und Geschenkverpackungen in liebevoller Handarbeit*Auftragsarbeiten*
Donnerstag, 15. Juni 2017
MtS 181, Kaffee olé!
Endlich konnte ich auch mal eine ziemlich verwaiste Farbe zum Einsatz bringen "wildleder" - damit habe ich bisher noch nie etwas gemacht. warum eigentlich nich .
Sodele, dies war mein Beitrag zur aktuellen Sketchvorlage Nr. 181- jetzt ran an den Basteltisch. Zeig und Deine Idee zum aktuellen Sketch.
Dies ist der Sketch, nachdem meine Karte entstanden ist
[sulist]129722 110755 [/sulist]
★ Lust auf Deine eigene Stempelparty ? Dann ruf mich an oder schick mir eine E-Mail
★ Einkaufen nonstop- Onlineshop geöffnet von 0 - 24 Uhr *nur mit Kreditkarte*
1 Kommentar:
Definitiv! Ohne Kaffee geht hier nichts!
Das bin ich !
. und ich würde mich über einen Kommentar von Dir sehr freuen
Kaffee ole
*unabhängige Stampin´Up! Demonstratorin in Gau-Algesheim, Ingelheim,Bingen, Mainz und Umgebung* Stempelpartys* Stempel und Papier* Kreativ-Workshops* Bastelzubehör *Fertigung von Grußkarten und Geschenkverpackungen in liebevoller Handarbeit*Auftragsarbeiten*
Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013
Kaffee olé
An den Basteltisch hats mich ausnahmsweise mal nicht gezogen. Aber ich hab ja ab und zu mal Bilder auf der Festplatte von DIngen, die ich Euch noch nicht gezeigt ha´be.
1 Kommentar:
oh je, das ist sehr unangenehm. Mein Mann plagt dieses Wochenende mit dem gleichen Problem herum. Aber eine schöne Karte hast du noch in deinem Fundus. Die Schälchen habe ich auch noch. Die Karte könnte man aber auch verschicken, wenn man ein Päckchen schickt.
Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung, liebe Sabine. Komm´schnell wieder auf die Beine, damit deine Bastellust wieder zurück kommt.
Liebe Grüße Heidi
Das bin ich !
. und ich würde mich über einen Kommentar von Dir sehr freuen
A Coffee in Berlin (2014)
Critics Consensus: Amiably slight, A Coffee in Berlin compensates for its lack of narrative drive with a sure-handed screenplay and echoes of early Woody Allen.
Critics Consensus: Amiably slight, A Coffee in Berlin compensates for its lack of narrative drive with a sure-handed screenplay and echoes of early Woody Allen.
Critic Consensus: Amiably slight, A Coffee in Berlin compensates for its lack of narrative drive with a sure-handed screenplay and echoes of early Woody Allen.
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Critic Reviews for A Coffee in Berlin
In spite of its insufferably whimsical tendencies - exemplified by its original title, "Oh Boy" - the film may have turned out to be a deeply profound modern postscript about fascism.
Niko's problem is not just that he's spoiled and lazy, but that he's a wimp about it. He only maintains viewer sympathy because everyone else in the film is so obnoxious.
It manages to make an entertaining story out of nothing in particular. And just when you get comfortable passively observing a passive observer, the minutest of twists becomes its own call to action.
The cheerful Dixieland soundtrack implies "A Coffee in Berlin" is a comedy, but the story line smears the screen with melancholy.
As sure of itself visually in its black-and-white evocations of Berlin as its protagonist is unsure of himself and his future.
In Gerster's view, Berlin's unresolved past taints its bustling charm and glossy serenity, as well as every familiar course of practical action-yet his movie veers toward the historical kitsch that he satirizes.
Calm, cool and collected, [it's] a black and white German indie thats as much French New Wave as it is early Richard Linklater.
A charming slacker promenades about Berlin streets.
A slight slacker comedy derivative of American indies but made by a youth-friendly German director of talent.
The film probes deep into the soul of Berlin, asking questions more befitting an old master than a rookie filmmaker.
Lightly likable German indie-flavored romp.
Its low-key, easy pace and refusal to put extra emphasis on anything gives the real emotions more power when they do arrive.
Audience Reviews for A Coffee in Berlin
Visibly influenced by Woody Allen, not only in its black and white but also in the downbeat mood, the jazz score and mainly the deliciously wry humor, Gerster's impressive debut as a filmmaker tells a very thoughtful story about a young man who feels like he doesn't belong anymore.
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Coffee in Berlin, A
About the Film
Jan Ole Gerster's wry and vibrant feature debut A Coffee in Berlin, which swept the 2013 German Oscar Awards, paints a day in the life of Niko, a twenty-something college dropout going nowhere fast. Niko lives for the moment as he drifts through the streets of Berlin, curiously observing everyone around him and oblivious to his growing status as an outsider. Then on one fateful day, through a series of absurdly amusing encounters, everything changes: his girlfriend rebuffs him, his father cuts off his allowance, and a strange psychiatrist dubiously confirms his 'emotional imbalance'. Meanwhile, a former classmate insists she bears no hard feelings toward him for his grade-school taunts when she was “Roly Poly Julia,” but it becomes increasingly apparent that she has unfinished business with him. Unable to ignore the consequences of his passivity any longer, Niko finally concludes that he has to engage with life. Shot in timeless black and white and enriched with a snappy jazz soundtrack, this slacker dramedy is a love letter to Berlin and the Generation Y experience.
"Delightful. There’s wisdom lurking in its light, witty approach. Contains echoes of Baumbach’s "Frances Ha" and Scorsese’s "After Hours." A rich blend of humor and sadness.” - Eric Kohn, Indiewire
"A crowd-pleaser. Poignant and funny. A love-letter to the city of Berlin." - Ard Vijn, Twitch Film
- The absurd, touching and melancholy wanderings of a young German through a Berlin would make Jim Jarmusch proud." - Fred Pieters, Screen Comment
- Highly recommended. An engaging and enjoyable German slacker comedy that marks out writer-director Jan-Ole Gerster as a future talent to watch." - Matthew Turner, ViewLondon
Awards & Festivals
- Winner of 6 German Film Academy Awards, including Outstanding Feature Film, Best Director and Best Actor
- Winner! European Film Awards 2013 - Discovery Award
Cast & Crew
Niko Fischer: Tom Schilling
Julika Hoffmann: Friederike Kempter
Karl Speckenbach: Justus von Dohnányi
Phillip Rauch: Arnd Klawitter
Walter Fischer: Ulrich Noethen
Friedrich: Michael Gwisdek
Screenplay: Jan Ole Gerster
Producers: Marcos Kantis, Alexander Wadouh
Cinematography: Philipp Kirsamer
Costume Designer: Juliane Maier, Ildiko Okolicsanyi
Production Designer: Juliane Friedrich
Music: The Major Minors, Cherilyn Macneil
Technical Info
Countries of Production: Germany
Coffee in Berlin, A - Press Page
Awards & Festivals
- Winner of 6 German Film Academy Awards, including Outstanding Feature Film, Best Director and Best Actor
- Winner! European Film Awards 2013 - Discovery Award
"Delightful. There’s wisdom lurking in its light, witty approach. Contains echoes of Baumbach’s "Frances Ha" and Scorsese’s "After Hours." A rich blend of humor and sadness.” - Eric Kohn, Indiewire
"A crowd-pleaser. Poignant and funny. A love-letter to the city of Berlin." - Ard Vijn, Twitch Film
- The absurd, touching and melancholy wanderings of a young German through a Berlin would make Jim Jarmusch proud." - Fred Pieters, Screen Comment
- Highly recommended. An engaging and enjoyable German slacker comedy that marks out writer-director Jan-Ole Gerster as a future talent to watch." - Matthew Turner, ViewLondon
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