понедельник, 22 января 2018 г.


COFFEE CIRCLE: Der richtig + gute Kaffee

Wir lieben ihn. Eigentlich zu jeder Uhrzeit. Der Deutschen liebstes Getränk: Kaffee. Wenn man uns allerdings mit jeder Tasse zeigen würde, wie der herkömmliche Kaffeeanbau so von statten geht und die Kaffeebauern ausgebeutet werden, würde euch das schwarze Gold nicht mehr so wohlschmeckend die Kehle runterfließen. Coffee Circle hat die Lösung dafür, dass euch der Kaffee auch zukünftig schmeckt. Coffee Circle macht nämlich richtig guten Kaffee. Die schwarzen Bio-Bohnen kommen aus Äthiopien, Kenia und Kolumbien. Beim Einkauf folgt Coffee Circle sieben festen Kriterien: sie wissen zu 100% woher ihr Kaffee kommt, sie pflegen persönliche, direkte Kontakte zu den Produzenten, der Kaffee bedient höchste Qualitätsstandards, es wird ein fairer Preis für den Kaffee, unabhängig vom Weltmarkt bezahlt, die Anbaumethoden sind nachhaltig, der Handel wird kontinuierlich verbessert und diverse eigene Sozialprojekte unterstützen die Menschen vor Ort. Die Bohnen werden seit 2016 in der eigenen Rösterei in Berlin weiterverarbeitet. Natürlich besonders schonend und nach traditionellem Handwerk.

Wer auch unterwegs zukünftig nicht mehr auf seinen Coffee-Circle-Liebling verzichten will findet hier Orte, die ihren Gästen diesen Premium-Kaffee kredenzen.

1 Euro fließt pro verkauftem Kilogramm Kaffee zu 100% direkt in die erfolgreich vorangetriebenen Sozialprojekte. Wenn das so ist, kann der nächste Koffeinrausch gerne kommen!

COFFEE CIRCLE: Der richtig + gute Kaffee

Wir lieben ihn. Eigentlich zu jeder Uhrzeit. Der Deutschen liebstes Getränk: Kaffee. Wenn man uns allerdings mit jeder Tasse zeigen würde, wie der herkömmliche Kaffeeanbau so von statten geht und die Kaffeebauern ausgebeutet werden, würde euch das schwarze Gold nicht mehr so wohlschmeckend die Kehle runterfließen. Coffee Circle hat die Lösung dafür, dass euch der Kaffee auch zukünftig schmeckt. Coffee Circle macht nämlich richtig guten Kaffee. Die schwarzen Bio-Bohnen kommen aus Äthiopien, Kenia und Kolumbien. Beim Einkauf folgt Coffee Circle sieben festen Kriterien: sie wissen zu 100% woher ihr Kaffee kommt, sie pflegen persönliche, direkte Kontakte zu den Produzenten, der Kaffee bedient höchste Qualitätsstandards, es wird ein fairer Preis für den Kaffee, unabhängig vom Weltmarkt bezahlt, die Anbaumethoden sind nachhaltig, der Handel wird kontinuierlich verbessert und diverse eigene Sozialprojekte unterstützen die Menschen vor Ort. Die Bohnen werden seit 2016 in der eigenen Rösterei in Berlin weiterverarbeitet. Natürlich besonders schonend und nach traditionellem Handwerk.

Wer auch unterwegs zukünftig nicht mehr auf seinen Coffee-Circle-Liebling verzichten will findet hier Orte, die ihren Gästen diesen Premium-Kaffee kredenzen.

1 Euro fließt pro verkauftem Kilogramm Kaffee zu 100% direkt in die erfolgreich vorangetriebenen Sozialprojekte. Wenn das so ist, kann der nächste Koffeinrausch gerne kommen!


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Yerba Mate vs Coffee

Perhaps you’re thinking about replacing coffee with yerba mate. So you’re now wondering, what’s the difference between yerba mate caffeine and coffee caffeine? Good question. And it may surprise you that caffeine apparently has different effects, depending on the plant it’s contained within. Today, we’ll shed some light on the “Yerba Mate vs Coffee” debate.

Though mate has been around for hundreds of years, it has never reached the same level of popularity as traditional tea and coffee, simply because, outside of South America, is has remained a novelty herb.

Today, we’ll bring you up to speed on yerba mate, leveling the playing ground, and allow you to decide which is the superior caffeinated drink.

What is Yerba Mate?

Yerba Mate (yer-BAH MAH-tay) is a holly shrub native to Paraguay, Argentina, Southern Brazil and Uruguay.The Guaraní Tribe of Paraná have used it for millennia, relying on its restorative, uplifting, and medicinal properties.

With more healing compounds than green tea and equal amounts of caffeine as coffee, mate uniquely stimulates the mind and body without crashing or jittery effects.

Yerba Mate Benefits

  • Stimulates the mind and body—induces a sense of wellbeing.
  • Reduces: high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, colon cancer, type II diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis; natural laxative; anti-inflammatory; anti-bacterial; etc.
  • Extraordinarily high antioxidant (neutralize disease causing molecules) and mineral levels.
  • Promotes longevity.
  • Appears to be adaptogenic, with high saponin (restorative compounds) and chlorogenic acid content.

Yerba Mate Negatives

  • May agitate some people with hypersensitivity to caffeine.
  • Drinking very hot mate (boiled water) and smoking shows possible association with throat cancer (as with any boiled liquid, e.g. coffee, tea).

What is Coffee?

Coffee, discovered around the sixth century by Abyssinian/Ethiopian shepherds, is perhaps the most ubiquitous stimulating drink throughout the Americans and Europe.

With its ability to temporarily increase brain and muscle function, it has become wildly popular as the “go to” drink, fueling the global corporate system.

Coffee Benefits

  • Temporarily enhances brain and muscle function.
  • Chlorogenic and caffeic acid may prevent bad cholesterol (LDL) from narrowing arteries (atherosclerosis) — acting as strong antioxidants.
  • May decrease chances of developing type II diabetes and regulate glucose levels.
  • May aid digestion / laxative properties.

Coffee Negatives

  • Highly acidic: may cause or irritate ulcers, IBS, gastritis, Crohn’s disease, acid reflux, heartburn, etc. (study the effects of acidic foods for more info.)
  • Some heavy drinkers experience “jitters,” “crashing,” and “burnt-out” effects of daily consumption.
  • May interfere with the absorption of minerals: calcium, zinc, magnesium etc.
  • Promotes cortisol, the stress hormone, which compromises the immune system.

Yerba Mate Caffeine vs Coffee Caffeine

Yerba mate and coffee both contain approximately 75–80 mg of caffeine per cup. However, the caffeine in mate seems to work differently. While several cups of coffee easily cause jitters and crashing effects, mate has the unique dual action of stimulating and soothing, even after several servings.

This may be due to mate’s adaptogenic properties, helping to regulate all body systems. Relaxing compounds such as theophylline and theobromine may also be responsible.

Results of Yerba Mate versus Coffee

Coffee and yerba mate both contain antioxidants and beneficial compounds. Neither drink is perfect and both have flaws. However, we must intelligently consider the overall safety of each, given that most people regularly consume substantial amounts of their preferred stimulating beverage.

Mate’s restorative ability on the mind and body are not easily matched by any caffeine containing drink. Coffee’s ability to stimulate brain and muscle function is noteworthy, but its acidic nature and well established anecdotal evidence of causing “crashing” and “jitters” has become clear beyond conjecture.

We hope this presentation has helped you better understand the differences between coffee and yerba mate. If you’re also interested in comparing yerba mate to green tea, here’s a link to our research.

  • Elvira de Mejia, “Yerba Mate (ilex paraguariensis): A Comprehensive Review on Chemistry, Health Implications, and Technological Considerations.”
  • Andreas S. Conforti, “Yerba Mate (ilex paraguariensis) Consumption is Associated with Higher Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women.”

  • Charles W. Trigg, “Pharmacology of the Coffee Drink.”


  • Melodie Anne Coffman, “Effects of Coffee on Digestion.”


  • Neil Osterweil, “Coffee and Your Health.”


  • Niels P. Riksen, Editorial to “Caffeinated Coffee Blunts the Myocardial Protective Effects of Statins Against Ischemia–reperfusion Injury in the Rat.”(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2493530/)
  • Jose Ángel, “In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Coffee Compounds and Their Metabolites.”
  • Disclaimer

    Coffee pharmacology is significantly more established than yerba mate pharmacology, as mate is a relatively unknown herb in the United States, Europe, and countries familiar with traditional tea and coffee. We’ve tried to present the most recent information available on each plant.

    The content in this presentation has not been approved by the FDA and is not meant to replace medical advice from your primary care physician. It is offered as information only, for the use and promotion of good health in cooperation with your licensed doctor.

    About David Askaripour

    Get More Mate Information

    Click link below and register to our weekly newsletter with more yerba mate information, sales, videos, and discounts. Join Now

    Related Posts:

    Thank you for writing out this side-by-side comparison as it was great to see (in one single article) the differences between Yerba Mate and coffee. I have been relying on coffee in the mornings but I can’t quite kick the creamer habit! I like the taste of Yerba Mate tea so I might pick some up again at my local Trader Joe’s and see if I can harness some of the powers of “mate” (which I require no extra creamer for)!

    I also suffer from a couple of the “cons” in the coffee section so I might actually see some digestive relief too if I can kick the coffee habit.

    Very clearly written. Thank you! I love both coffee and mate. With coffee it is easily to drink too much, util irritation. Mate can interfier with the sleep, if I drink it late in the afternoon.

    I had to give up coffee after developing gastritis. The condition wasn’t related to my coffee consumption but was caused by an allergic reaction to food. Anyway, I have never had coffee jitters but after months of drinking mostly green tea for caffeine, I do get them from yerba mate. I can occasionally handle a little bit of coffee now but coffee still doesn’t give me jitters, just yerba. But I do like yerba and it does a lot more for waking me up and making me feel alert than green tea. I think the jitters part just has to do with individuals and coffee is consumed by a greater number of individuals so more people have had a problem with it than the less frequently consumed counterpart. When I was able to drink coffee and my habit than was perhaps excessive, drinking yerba never bothered me either.

    I LOVVVE mate, but there is something that most of us do not know about coffee. 95% of the roasted coffee in the world is stale. This is because the beans start to lose many beneficial compounds and start to oxidize after just 1 week from the roasting date. Most studies on coffee are done with stale coffee. Roasting your own green coffee beans on the stove is a completely different experience -a whole new world- when brewed within about 3 days from the roasting date. In my experience, one cup of this is equivalent to about 3 cups of store-bought. And without jitters. Coffee is actually not as bad as the research shows- we just strayed away from preparing it properly. =)

    Thanks for sharing this information. I’ve always been intrigued by green coffee.

    Kaffee circle

    Planetary Orbits:

    Not a Perfect Circle

    Background Information

    Pictures of the Solar System tend to show all the orbits of the planets as circles centered on the Sun (see image at left). The big object in the center of the circle represents the Sun. The smaller object on the circle represents a planet. Notice that the Sun is exactly in the center of the orbit. No orbit in the solar system is perfectly round.

    In reality, the planets orbit the Sun travelling along an oval path (see image at right). The mathematical term for this shape is an ellipse. This ellipse is a little more stretched out than real planetary orbits but it has been exaggerated on purpose to demonstrate the shape more clearly. Notice that the Sun in this picture is not right in the center. The Sun is at one of the two ‘centers’ of the ellipse. These are called foci (plural for focus). The closer these foci are together, the more circular the orbit. The orbit of Venus is the closest to a circle of any planet in the Solar System. Scientists have a name to describe just how much like an ellipse an orbit is. This is called eccentricity and is a measure that uses numbers between 0 and 1. If an orbit has an eccentricity close to 1 then the ellipse is so long as to be more cigar-shaped than round. Comets tend to have very elongated, high-eccentricity orbits. The closer the eccentricity is to zero, the more circular the orbit.

    In the image at right you can see some of the vocabulary words you need in order to understand ellipses. The ellipse itself is the big oval shape. It has two axes: a major axis (the longer axis) and a minor axis (the shorter one). It has two foci: in the case of planetary orbits one focus is the Sun. All the points in an ellipse are defined in relation to the foci. The sum of the distances from each point on the ellipse to both foci is constant for all points on the ellipse. The point on an orbit nearest the Sun is called perihelion. The point farthest from the Sun is called aphelion.

    Eccentricity is a measure of how round or elongated an ellipse is. It is calculated by dividing the distance between the foci by the length of the major axis.

    One other unrelated thing you should know is that the planets are not all on the same plane. Imagine the Solar System as a giant disk defined by the Earth’s orbit. All of the planets’ orbits are sometimes above this disk and sometimes below it. Astronomers say that the orbits of the planets have different inclinations relative to Earth’s orbit. The ecliptic is the astronomer’s word for this giant disk. In our sky we see the disk as a line that circles the Earth. It can also be understood as the apparent path of the Sun through the sky as the Earth orbits it. Because the planets are usually above or below this disk we call the ecliptic they appear above and below the line of the ecliptic in the sky.

    Drawing Ellipses

    This experiment will demonstrate the relationship between the distance between the foci of an ellipse, the length of the major axis, and the eccentricity of the ellipse. You will learn how planets really move in their orbits. You will speculate on what life would be like on a planet with a very elliptical orbit and on whether life would even be possible there.

    • One piece of cardboard
    • Two pins or thumbtacks
    • Colored pencils
    • A piece of paper
    • Several lengths of string
    • Scissors
    • A ruler
    • A calculator
    1. Place a piece of paper on top of the cardboard so the long dimension runs from left to right. From the top left corner, measure down half of the width of the paper, then measure to the right 10 cm. Mark this point with a dot, push a pin through the dot into the cardboard, and label it “Sun.” Do not move this pin during the rest of the experiment.
    2. Refer to the data table on the next page. Position the second pin the correct distance to the right of the Sun to represent the second focus for that planet. Note: The pins do not represent the planets—they are only the second focus of the ellipse. You will use it to help you draw that planet’s orbit. You will do this for each planet in turn.
    3. In the data table you will see that each planet, in addition to the distance between its pins, also has a value for the length of the loop of sting you will use to help you draw its orbit. Measure out a length of string that is 4 cm longer than the distance given. This gives you 2 cm at each end to make a knot in the string. Make a knot in the string to make a loop with a circumference equal to the distance given in the table.
    4. Place the string loop around both pins. Put a colored pencil inside the loop. Use a different color for each planet. Move the pencil so that the string forms a triangle around the pins and the pencil point as shown in the diagrams. To draw an orbit, keep the pencil on the paper inside the string loop. Keep the string tight with the pencil and move the pencil around the pins.
    5. Label each loop with the name of the planet given.
    6. Right after you finish drawing each loop, measure the major axis of the ellipse and enter it in the data table. The major axis is the line that runs from one end of the ellipse to the other right through the two pins at the foci.
    7. Calculate the value of the eccentricity of the orbits you

    Ellipses Questions

    In the table above you will find data about the planets in our Solar System. They are in order by their eccentricities. Compare the values you found for the experimental eccentricites to the values of the planets in our Solar System. Use this data and the data you collected to create a graph. Graph paper has been provided. Along the bottom write the names of the planets, including the made-up planets. Space them equally on the long axis of the graph paper. Along the left side make a scale for the eccentricity. It should range from 0 to 1. You will make a simple bar graph that helps you to see the differences in the value of the eccentricity for different planets. Use the graph of the data you collected to help you answer the following questions.

    1. What is the shape of the most eccentric orbits? What is the shape of the least eccentric orbits?
    2. Which of the real planets are the most eccentric? (name three)
    3. Which of the made-up planets are the most eccentric? (name three)
    4. If you were to add another orbit to your diagram and you wanted to draw a planet with an eccentricity value of 0.90, how far apart would the foci be if the major axis measures 27.0 cm?

    Use your imagination to answer these questions. Imagine that the Earth had a much higher eccentricity (say around 0.40). At some times of the year we would be very close to the Sun and at other time we would be very far away. Perihelion and aphelion would be at very different distances from the Sun. An important fact is that the farther from the Sun a planet is, the slower it moves. This means that we would be in the cold far-from-the-Sun part of the orbit longer than in the hot close-to-the-Sun part of the orbit.

    1. Describe what it would be like to live on a planet with such a high eccentricity. Draw an ellipse with the right eccentricity and use it to imagine how the amount of sunlight would change from perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) to aphelion (farthest point from the Sun). This drawing is required in order to receive full credit for this question. Suggestion: use a major axis of 15 cm, a foci spacing of 3 cm and a loop of length 21 cm.
    2. Imagine that this world has no tilt to its axis relative to its orbit. Would there be seasons on this planet? Explain your answer.
    3. Earth’s orbit is very nearly circular with its eccentricity of 0.0167. Life is abundant on Earth. Form an opinion about life on a planet with high eccentricity. If you think life would be possible then explain why. If not, explain why not.

    Comets have orbits with very high eccentricities. They originate in a zone far beyond the orbit of Pluto know as the Kuiper Belt. It is very like the Asteroid Belt found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Kuiper Belt object are typically made of water ice, ammonia, methane and a little rock and metal. They are essentially dirty snowballs. Occasionally a passing star or other disturbance causes some of these objects to be accelerated toward the Sun. Since they originate from so far away their orbits are very elongated. Halley’s Comet (due to return to view on Earth in 2061) has an orbital eccentricity of 0.9673. Its orbit is inclined 163° to the ecliptic. The orbital period is 76 years.

    1. The major axis of the orbit of Halley’s Comet is 35.88 AU. Given its eccentricity of 0.9673 how far from the Sun is the second focus of the orbit of Halley’s Comet? (Give your calculation in units of AU. An AU (Astronomical Unit) is the standard distance of the Earth from the Sun, about 93,000,000 miles.

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    Kaffee circle

    Originally published in 1995, the Coffee Taster's Flavor Wheel—one of the most iconic resources in the coffee industry—has been the industry standard for over two decades. In 2016, this valuable resource was updated in collaboration with World Coffee Research (WCR). The foundation of this work, the World Coffee Research Sensory Lexicon, is the product of dozens of professional sensory panelists, scientists, coffee buyers, and roasting companies collaborating via WCR and SCAA. This is the largest and most collaborative piece of research on coffee flavor ever completed, inspiring a new set of vocabulary for industry professionals.

    The Coffee Taster's Flavor Wheel can be purchased in the SCAA Store. Click here to get your poster today!

    Digital files of the Coffee Taster’s Flavor Wheel are now available in Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish languages at the new and improved SCAA Store! Posters will debut at the SCAA Expo in Atlanta, GA and will be available online after the event.

    To get your digital version of the Coffee Taster's Flavor Wheel, please click here.

    The original version of the poster, what will certainly be a collector's piece, is still available to purchase for a limited time. Purchase Flavor Wheel (1995):

    The Coffee Taster's Flavor Wheel is licensed for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The only exception to the non-commercial use term is that the Flavor Wheel may be used within a book, with attribution per the terms of the License, so long as the book isn't primarily about the Flavor Wheel. For more information pertaining to book publishing, please contact Tara Smith at tsmith@scaa.org. For more information about the Creative Commons License pertaining to the Flavor Wheel, please click here.

    It is SCAA's goal to provide translated versions of the Flavor Wheel to our major areas of membership around the world. Currently, we offer the Flavor Wheel poster in the following languages:

    Italian and French versions are currently being developed. All translation development work must be led by the SCAA, and goes through a review process to ensure accurate translations. If you would like to request that a language be considered for a future poster please contact tsmith@scaa.org. Trade restrictions between the U.S. and Iran prohibits SCAA from developing a Farsi language poster at this time for distribution in Iran, and also from authorizing any licensing options for Iranian distribution. Per the Creative Commons license carried by the Flavor Wheel, unauthorized translations of the poster may not be distributed.

    The 'steaming cup' design is a registered trademark of the SCAA

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    Network requests diagram

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    Social Sharing Optimization

    Open Graph data is detected on the main page of Coffee Circle. This is the best way to make the web page social media friendly. Here is how it looks like on Facebook:

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    Network requests diagram

    Html meta information

    SSL certificate info

    Common Name (CN): www.coffeecircle.com

    Organization (O): Circle Products GmbH

    Organizational Unit (OU): IT

    Serial Number: 91814997515950601979175372980482373182

    Common Name (CN): GeoTrust Extended Validation SHA256 SSL CA

    Organization (O): GeoTrust Inc.

    Organizational Unit (OU): <Not Part Of Certificate>

    Issued On: Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 12:00:00 AM

    Expires On: Saturday, May 12, 2018 at 12:59:59 AM

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